I want to encrypt/encode a string at compile time so that the original string does not appear in the compiled executable.
I've seen several examples but they can't take a string literal as argument. See the following example:
template<char c> struct add_three {
enum { value = c+3 };
template <char... Chars> struct EncryptCharsA {
static const char value[sizeof...(Chars) + 1];
template<char... Chars>
char const EncryptCharsA<Chars...>::value[sizeof...(Chars) + 1] = {
int main() {
std::cout << EncryptCharsA<'A','B','C'>::value << std::endl;
// prints "DEF"
I don't want to provide each character separately like it does. My goal is to pass a string literal like follows:
EncryptString<"String to encrypt">::value
There's also some examples like this one:
#define CRYPT8(str) { CRYPT8_(str "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0") }
#define CRYPT8_(str) (str)[0] + 1, (str)[1] + 2, (str)[2] + 3, (str)[3] + 4, (str)[4] + 5, (str)[5] + 6, (str)[6] + 7, (str)[7] + 8, '\0'
// calling it
const char str[] = CRYPT8("ntdll");
But it limits the size of the string.
Is there any way to achieve what I want?
I think this question deserves an updated answer.
When I asked this question several years ago, I didn't consider the difference between obfuscation and encryption. Had I known this difference then, I'd have included the term Obfuscation in the title before.
C++11 and C++14 have features that make it possible to implement compile-time string obfuscation (and possibly encryption, although I haven't tried that yet) in an effective and reasonably simple way, and it's already been done.
ADVobfuscator is an obfuscation library created by Sebastien Andrivet that uses C++11/14 to generate compile-time obfuscated code without using any external tool, just C++ code. There's no need to create extra build steps, just include it and use it. I don't know a better compile-time string encryption/obfuscation implementation that doesn't use external tools or build steps. If you do, please share.
It not only obuscates strings, but it has other useful things like a compile-time FSM (Finite State Machine) that can randomly obfuscate function calls, and a compile-time pseudo-random number generator, but these are out of the scope of this answer.
Here's a simple string obfuscation example using ADVobfuscator:
#include "MetaString.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace andrivet::ADVobfuscator;
void Example()
/* Example 1 */
// here, the string is compiled in an obfuscated form, and
// it's only deobfuscated at runtime, at the very moment of its use
cout << OBFUSCATED("Now you see me") << endl;
/* Example 2 */
// here, we store the obfuscated string into an object to
// deobfuscate whenever we need to
auto narrator = DEF_OBFUSCATED("Tyler Durden");
// note: although the function is named `decrypt()`, it's still deobfuscation
cout << narrator.decrypt() << endl;
You can replace the macros DEF_OBFUSCATED and OBFUSCATED with your own macros. Eg.:
#define _OBF(s) OBFUSCATED(s)
cout << _OBF("klapaucius");
How does it work?
If you take a look at the definition of these two macros in MetaString.h, you will see:
#define DEF_OBFUSCATED(str) MetaString<andrivet::ADVobfuscator::MetaRandom<__COUNTER__, 3>::value, andrivet::ADVobfuscator::MetaRandomChar<__COUNTER__>::value, Make_Indexes<sizeof(str) - 1>::type>(str)
#define OBFUSCATED(str) (DEF_OBFUSCATED(str).decrypt())
Basically, there are three different variants of the MetaString class (the core of the string obfuscation). Each has its own obfuscation algorithm. One of these three variants is chosen randomly at compile-time, using the library's pseudo-random number generator (MetaRandom), along with a random char that is used by the chosen algorithm to xor the string characters.
"Hey, but if we do the math, 3 algorithms * 255 possible char keys (0 is not used) = 765 variants of the obfuscated string"
You're right. The same string can only be obfuscated in 765 different ways. If you have a reason to need something safer (you're paranoid / your application demands increased security) you can extend the library and implement your own algorithms, using stronger obfuscation or even encryption (White-Box cryptography is in the lib's roadmap).
Where / how does it store the obfuscated strings?
One thing I find interesting about this implementation is that it doesn't store the obfuscated string in the data section of the executable.
Instead, it is statically stored into the MetaString object itself (on the stack) and the algorithm decodes it in place at runtime. This approach makes it much harder to find the obfuscated strings, statically or at runtime.
You can dive deeper into the implementation by yourself. That's a very good basic obfuscation solution and can be a starting point to a more complex one.
Save yourself a heap of trouble down the line with template metaprogramming and just write a stand alone program that encrypts the string and produces a cpp source file which is then compiled in. This program would run before you compile and would produce a cpp and/or header file that would contain the encrypted string for you to use.
So here is what you start with:
encrypted_string.cpp and encrypted_string.h (which are blank)
A script or standalone app that takes a text file as an input and over writes encrypted_string.cpp and encrypted_string.h
If the script fails, your compiling will fail because there will be references in your code to a variable that does not exist. You could get smarter, but that's enough to get you started.
The reason why the examples you found can't take string literals as template argument is because it's not allowed by the ISO C++ standard. That's because, even though c++ has a string class, a string literal is still a const char *. So, you can't, or shouldn't, alter it (leads to undefined behaviour), even if you can access the characters of such an compile-time string literal.
The only way I see is using defines, as they are handled by the preprocessor before the compiler. Maybe boost will give you a helping hand in that case.
A macro based solution would be to take a variadic argument and pass in each part of the string as a single token. Then stringify the token and encrypt it and concatenate all tokens. The end result would look something like this
CRYPT(m y _ s t r i n g)
Where _ is some placeholder for a whitespace character literal. Horribly messy and I would prefer every other solution over this.
Something like this could do it although the Boost.PP Sequence isn't making it any prettier.
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/preprocessor/stringize.hpp>
#include <boost/preprocessor/seq/for_each.hpp>
#define GARBLE(x) GARBLE_ ## x
#define GARBLE_a x
#define GARBLE_b y
#define GARBLE_c z
#define SEQ (a)(b)(c)
#define MACRO(r, data, elem) BOOST_PP_STRINGIZE(GARBLE(elem))
int main() {
const char* foo = BOOST_PP_SEQ_FOR_EACH(MACRO, _, SEQ);
std::cout << foo << std::endl;
I have a big read-only string that I scan for syntax and based on that simple syntax I extract a bunch of smaller strings that I use later for further processing. Based on testing, creating and copying most of the big string into the small strings is kind of a performance bottleneck (there are thousands of them per each big string).
I figured that I don't actually need to allocate for-, and copy the data though. What I really need is a sort of string snippet type instead that would only store a pointer to the start of the relevant data and the length but at the same time, it should be a drop-in replacement for std::string and all the standard library interactions it has.
That would be the easiest to implement anyways, I could roll my own class for that and implement the functions I need but if there is already something like it in the standard library then why bother.
So basically, is there a substring sort of class in STL?
Yes, since C++17 you have std::string_view.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
int main() {
std::string foo = "Hello world";
std::string_view a(foo.c_str(), 5);
std::string_view b(foo.c_str() + 6, 5);
std::cout << a << '\n' // prints Hello
<< b << '\n'; // prints world
This is where using std::string_view instead of std::string is very beneficial in reducing copies of those original strings and being able to use std::string_view::substr.
Instead of copying the strings you are operating on, a string view provides a view to the underlying string - pretty much just the pointer to the start of the string and the size of it.
How can I concatenate const char* with std::string, neatly and
elegantly, without multiple function calls. Ideally in one function
call and have the output be a const char*. Is this impossible, what
is an optimum solution?
Initial Problem
The biggest barrier I have experienced with C++ so far is how it handles strings. In my opinion, of all the widely used languages, it handles strings the most poorly. I've seen other questions similar to this that either have an answer saying "use std::string" or simply point out that one of the options is going to be best for your situation.
However this is useless advice when trying to use strings dynamically like how they are used in other languages. I cannot guaranty to always be able to use std::string and for the times when I have to use const char* I hit the obvious wall of "it's constant, you can't concatenate it".
Every solution to any string manipulation problem I've seen in C++ requires repetitive multiple lines of code that only work well for that format of string.
I want to be able to concatenate any set of characters with the + symbol or make use of a simple format() function just how I can in C# or Python. Why is there no easy option?
Current Situation
Standard Output
I'm writing a DLL and so far I've been output text to cout via the << operator. Everything has been going fine so far using simple char arrays in the form:
cout << "Hello world!"
Runtime Strings
Now it comes to the point where I want to construct a string at runtime and store it with a class, this class will hold a string that reports on some errors so that they can be picked up by other classes and maybe sent to cout later, the string will be set by the function SetReport(const char* report). So I really don't want to use more than one line for this so I go ahead and write something like:
SetReport("Failure in " + __FUNCTION__ + ": foobar was " + foobar + "\n"); // __FUNCTION__ gets the name of the current function, foobar is some variable
Immediately of course I get:
expression must have integral or unscoped enum type and...
'+': cannot add two pointers
Ugly Strings
Right. So I'm trying to add two or more const char*s together and this just isn't an option. So I find that the main suggestion here is to use std::string, sort of weird that typing "Hello world!" doesn't just give you one of those in the first place but let's give it a go:
SetReport(std::string("Failure in ") + std::string(__FUNCTION__) + std::string(": foobar was ") + std::to_string(foobar) + std::string("\n"));
Brilliant! It works! But look how ugly that is!! That's some of the ugliest code I've every seen. We can simplify to this:
SetReport(std::string("Failure in ") + __FUNCTION__ + ": foobar was " + std::to_string(foobar) + "\n");
Still possibly the worst way I've every encounter of getting to a simple one line string concatenation but everything should be fine now right?
Convert Back To Constant
Well no, if you're working on a DLL, something that I tend to do a lot because I like to unit test so I need my C++ code to be imported by the unit test library, you will find that when you try to set that report string to a member variable of a class as a std::string the compiler throws a warning saying:
warning C4251: class 'std::basic_string<_Elem,_Traits,_Alloc>' needs to have dll-interface to be used by clients of class'
The only real solution to this problem that I've found other than "ignore the warning"(bad practice!) is to use const char* for the member variable rather than std::string but this is not really a solution, because now you have to convert your ugly concatenated (but dynamic) string back to the const char array you need. But you can't just tag .c_str() on the end (even though why would you want to because this concatenation is becoming more ridiculous by the second?) you have to make sure that std::string doesn't clean up your newly constructed string and leave you with garbage. So you have to do this inside the function that receives the string:
const std::string constString = (input);
m_constChar = constString.c_str();
Which is insane. Because now I traipsed across several different types of string, made my code ugly, added more lines than should need and all just to stick some characters together. Why is this so hard?
So what's the solution? I feel that I should be able to make a function that concatenates const char*s together but also handle other object types such as std::string, int or double, I feel strongly that this should be capable in one line, and yet I'm unable to find any examples of it being achieved. Should I be working with char* rather than the constant variant, even though I've read that you should never change the value of char* so how would this help?
Are there any experienced C++ programmers who have resolved this issue and are now comfortable with C++ strings, what is your solution? Is there no solution? Is it impossible?
The standard way to build a string, formatting non-string types as strings, is a string stream
#include <sstream>
std::ostringstream ss;
ss << "Failure in " << __FUNCTION__ << ": foobar was " << foobar << "\n";
If you do this often, you could write a variadic template to do that:
template <typename... Ts> std::string str(Ts&&...);
SetReport(str("Failure in ", __FUNCTION__, ": foobar was ", foobar, '\n'));
The implementation is left as an exercise for the reader.
In this particular case, string literals (including __FUNCTION__) can be concatenated by simply writing one after the other; and, assuming foobar is a std::string, that can be concatenated with string literals using +:
SetReport("Failure in " __FUNCTION__ ": foobar was " + foobar + "\n");
If foobar is a numeric type, you could use std::to_string(foobar) to convert it.
Plain string literals (e.g. "abc" and __FUNCTION__) and char const* do not support concatenation. These are just plain C-style char const[] and char const*.
Solutions are to use some string formatting facilities or libraries, such as:
std::string and concatenation using +. May involve too many unnecessary allocations, unless operator+ employs expression templates.
std::snprintf. This one does not allocate buffers for you and not type safe, so people end up creating wrappers for it.
std::stringstream. Ubiquitous and standard but its syntax is at best awkward.
boost::format. Type safe but reportedly slow.
cppformat. Reportedly modern and fast.
One of the simplest solution is to use an C++ empty string. Here I declare empty string variable named _ and used it in front of string concatenation. Make sure you always put it in the front.
#include <cstdio>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
string _ = "";
int main() {
char s[] = "chararray";
string result =
_ + "function name = [" + __FUNCTION__ + "] "
"and s is [" + s + "]\n";
printf( "%s", result.c_str() );
return 0;
function name = [main] and s is [chararray]
Regarding __FUNCTION__, I found that in Visual C++ it is a macro while in GCC it is a variable, so SetReport("Failure in " __FUNCTION__ "; foobar was " + foobar + "\n"); will only work on Visual C++. See: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/b0084kay.aspx and https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Function-Names.html
The solution using empty string variable above should work on both Visual C++ and GCC.
My Solution
I've continued to experiment with different things and I've got a solution which combines tivn's answer that involves making an empty string to help concatenate long std::string and character arrays together and a function of my own which allows single line copying of that std::string to a const char* which is safe to use when the string object leaves scope.
I would have used Mike Seymour's variadic templates but they don't seem to be supported by the Visual Studio 2012 I'm running and I need this solution to be very general so I can't rely on them.
Here is my solution:
#ifndef _STRINGS_H_
#define _STRINGS_H_
#include <string>
// tivn's empty string in the header file
extern const std::string _;
// My own version of .c_str() which produces a copy of the contents of the string input
const char* ToCString(std::string input);
#include "Strings.h"
const std::string str = "";
const char* ToCString(std::string input)
char* result = new char[input.length()+1];
strcpy_s(result, input.length()+1, input.c_str());
return result;
m_someMemberConstChar = ToCString(_ + "Hello, world! " + someDynamicValue);
I think this is pretty neat and works in most cases. Thank you everyone for helping me with this.
As of C++20, fmtlib has made its way into the ISO standard but, even on older iterations, you can still download and use it.
It gives similar capabilities as Python's str.format()(a), and your "ugly strings" example then becomes a relatively simple:
#include <fmt/format.h>
// Later on, where code is allowed (inside a function for example) ...
SetReport(fmt::format("Failure in {}: foobar was {}\n", __FUNCTION__, foobar));
It's much like the printf() family but with extensibility and type safety built in.
(a) But, unfortunately, not its string interpolation feature (use of f-strings), which has the added advantage of putting the expressions in the string at the place where they're output, something like:
set_report(f"Failure in {__FUNCTION__}: foobar was {foobar}\n");
If fmtlib ever got that capability, I'd probably wet my pants in excitement :-)
I'm working on an old network engine and the type of package sent over the network is made up of 2 bytes.
This is more or less human readable form, for example "LO" stands for Login.
In the part that reads the data there is an enormous switch, like this:
short sh=(((int)ad.cData[p])<<8)+((int)ad.cData[p+1]);
case CMD('M','D'):
..some code here
where CMD is a define:
#define CMD(a,b) ((a<<8)+b)
I know there are better ways but just to clean up a bit and also to be able to search for the tag (say "LO") more easily (and not search for different types of "'L','O'" or "'L' , 'O'" or the occasional "'L', 'O'" <- spaces make it hard to search) I tried to make a MACRO for the switch so I could use "LO" instead of the define but I just can't get it to compile.
So here is the question: how do you change the #define to a macro that I can use like this instead:
case CMD("MD"):
..some code here
It started out as a little subtask to make life a little bit easier but now I can't get it out of my head, thanks for any help!
[edit] The code works, it the world that's wrong! ie. Visual Studio 2010 has a bug concerning this. No wonder I cut my teeth on it.
Macro-based solution
A string-literal is really an instance of char const[N] where N is the length of the string, including the terminating null-byte. With this in mind you can easily access any character within the string-literal by using string-literal[idx] to specify that you'd like to read the character stored at offset idx.
#define CMD(str) ((str[0]<<8)+str[1])
CMD("LO") => (("LO"[0]<<8)+"LO"[1]) => (('L'<<8)+'0')
You should however keep in mind that there's nothing preventing your from using the above macro with a string which is shorter than that of length 2, meaning that you can run into undefined-behavior if you try to read an offset which is not actually valid.
RECOMMENDED: C++11, use a constexpr function
You could create a function usable in constant-expressions (and with that, in case-labels), with a parameter of reference to const char[3], which is the "real" type of your string-literal "FO".
constexpr short cmd (char const(&ref)[3]) {
return (ref[0]<<8) + ref[1];
int main () {
short data = ...;
switch (data) {
case cmd("LO"):
C++11 and user-defined literals
In C++11 we were granted the possibility to define user-defined literals. This will make your code far easier to maintain and interpret, as well as having it be safer to use:
#include <stdexcept>
constexpr short operator"" _cmd (char const * s, unsigned long len) {
return len != 2 ? throw std::invalid_argument ("") : ((s[0]<<8)+s[1]);
int main () {
short data = ...;
switch (data) {
case "LO"_cmd:
The value associated with a case-label must be yield through a constant-expression. It might look like the above might throw an exception during runtime, but since a case-label is constant-expression the compiler must be able to evaluate "LO"_cmd during translation.
If this is not possible, as in "FOO"_cmd, the compiler will issue a diagnostic saying that the code is ill-formed.
My understanding is that string is a member of the std namespace, so why does the following occur?
#include <iostream>
int main()
using namespace std;
string myString = "Press ENTER to quit program!";
cout << "Come up and C++ me some time." << endl;
printf("Follow this command: %s", myString);
return 0;
Each time the program runs, myString prints a seemingly random string of 3 characters, such as in the output above.
C++23 Update
We now finally have std::print as a way to use std::format for output directly:
#include <print>
#include <string>
int main() {
// ...
std::print("Follow this command: {}", myString);
// ...
This combines the best of both approaches.
Original Answer
It's compiling because printf isn't type safe, since it uses variable arguments in the C sense1. printf has no option for std::string, only a C-style string. Using something else in place of what it expects definitely won't give you the results you want. It's actually undefined behaviour, so anything at all could happen.
The easiest way to fix this, since you're using C++, is printing it normally with std::cout, since std::string supports that through operator overloading:
std::cout << "Follow this command: " << myString;
If, for some reason, you need to extract the C-style string, you can use the c_str() method of std::string to get a const char * that is null-terminated. Using your example:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
using namespace std;
string myString = "Press ENTER to quit program!";
cout << "Come up and C++ me some time." << endl;
printf("Follow this command: %s", myString.c_str()); //note the use of c_str
return 0;
If you want a function that is like printf, but type safe, look into variadic templates (C++11, supported on all major compilers as of MSVC12). You can find an example of one here. There's nothing I know of implemented like that in the standard library, but there might be in Boost, specifically boost::format.
[1]: This means that you can pass any number of arguments, but the function relies on you to tell it the number and types of those arguments. In the case of printf, that means a string with encoded type information like %d meaning int. If you lie about the type or number, the function has no standard way of knowing, although some compilers have the ability to check and give warnings when you lie.
Please don't use printf("%s", your_string.c_str());
Use cout << your_string; instead. Short, simple and typesafe. In fact, when you're writing C++, you generally want to avoid printf entirely -- it's a leftover from C that's rarely needed or useful in C++.
As to why you should use cout instead of printf, the reasons are numerous. Here's a sampling of a few of the most obvious:
As the question shows, printf isn't type-safe. If the type you pass differs from that given in the conversion specifier, printf will try to use whatever it finds on the stack as if it were the specified type, giving undefined behavior. Some compilers can warn about this under some circumstances, but some compilers can't/won't at all, and none can under all circumstances.
printf isn't extensible. You can only pass primitive types to it. The set of conversion specifiers it understands is hard-coded in its implementation, and there's no way for you to add more/others. Most well-written C++ should use these types primarily to implement types oriented toward the problem being solved.
It makes decent formatting much more difficult. For an obvious example, when you're printing numbers for people to read, you typically want to insert thousands separators every few digits. The exact number of digits and the characters used as separators varies, but cout has that covered as well. For example:
std::locale loc("");
std::cout << 123456.78;
The nameless locale (the "") picks a locale based on the user's configuration. Therefore, on my machine (configured for US English) this prints out as 123,456.78. For somebody who has their computer configured for (say) Germany, it would print out something like 123.456,78. For somebody with it configured for India, it would print out as 1,23,456.78 (and of course there are many others). With printf I get exactly one result: 123456.78. It is consistent, but it's consistently wrong for everybody everywhere. Essentially the only way to work around it is to do the formatting separately, then pass the result as a string to printf, because printf itself simply will not do the job correctly.
Although they're quite compact, printf format strings can be quite unreadable. Even among C programmers who use printf virtually every day, I'd guess at least 99% would need to look things up to be sure what the # in %#x means, and how that differs from what the # in %#f means (and yes, they mean entirely different things).
use myString.c_str() if you want a c-like string (const char*) to use with printf
Use std::printf and c_str()
std::printf("Follow this command: %s", myString.c_str());
You can use snprinft to determine the number of characters needed and allocate a buffer of the right size.
int length = std::snprintf(nullptr, 0, "There can only be %i\n", 1 );
char* str = new char[length+1]; // one more character for null terminator
std::snprintf( str, length + 1, "There can only be %i\n", 1 );
std::string cppstr( str );
delete[] str;
This is a minor adaption of an example on cppreference.com
printf accepts a variable number of arguments. Those can only have Plain Old Data (POD) types. Code that passes anything other than POD to printf only compiles because the compiler assumes you got your format right. %s means that the respective argument is supposed to be a pointer to a char. In your case it is an std::string not const char*. printf does not know it because the argument type goes lost and is supposed to be restored from the format parameter. When turning that std::string argument into const char* the resulting pointer will point to some irrelevant region of memory instead of your desired C string. For that reason your code prints out gibberish.
While printf is an excellent choice for printing out formatted text, (especially if you intend to have padding), it can be dangerous if you haven't enabled compiler warnings. Always enable warnings because then mistakes like this are easily avoidable. There is no reason to use the clumsy std::cout mechanism if the printf family can do the same task in a much faster and prettier way. Just make sure you have enabled all warnings (-Wall -Wextra) and you will be good. In case you use your own custom printf implementation you should declare it with the __attribute__ mechanism that enables the compiler to check the format string against the parameters provided.
The main reason is probably that a C++ string is a struct that includes a current-length value, not just the address of a sequence of chars terminated by a 0 byte. Printf and its relatives expect to find such a sequence, not a struct, and therefore get confused by C++ strings.
Speaking for myself, I believe that printf has a place that can't easily be filled by C++ syntactic features, just as table structures in html have a place that can't easily be filled by divs. As Dykstra wrote later about the goto, he didn't intend to start a religion and was really only arguing against using it as a kludge to make up for poorly-designed code.
It would be quite nice if the GNU project would add the printf family to their g++ extensions.
Printf is actually pretty good to use if size matters. Meaning if you are running a program where memory is an issue, then printf is actually a very good and under rater solution. Cout essentially shifts bits over to make room for the string, while printf just takes in some sort of parameters and prints it to the screen. If you were to compile a simple hello world program, printf would be able to compile it in less than 60, 000 bits as opposed to cout, it would take over 1 million bits to compile.
For your situation, id suggest using cout simply because it is much more convenient to use. Although, I would argue that printf is something good to know.
Here’s a generic way of doing it.
#include <string>
#include <stdio.h>
auto print_helper(auto const & t){
return t;
auto print_helper(std::string const & s){
return s.c_str();
std::string four(){
return "four";
template<class ... Args>
void print(char const * fmt, Args&& ...args){
printf(fmt, print_helper(args) ...);
int main(){
std::string one {"one"};
char const * three = "three";
print("%c %d %s %s, %s five", 'c', 3+4, one + " two", three, four());
Below code is used to get a std::string representation from ASCII code.
string Helpers::GetStringFromASCII(const int asciiCode) const
return string(1,char(asciiCode));
It works well. But in my application, I know the ASCII codes at compile time. So I will be calling it like
string str = GetStringFromASCII(175) // I know 175 at compile time
Is there any way to make the GetStringFromASCII method a template so that the processing happens at compile time and I can avoid calling the function each time at runtime.
Any thoughts?
This kind of template meta programming works well when you're dealing with primitive data types like ints and floats. If you necessarily need a string object, you can't avoid calling the std::string constructor and there's no way that call can happen at compile time. Also, I don't think you can drag the cast to char to compile time either, which, in all, means that templates cannot help you here.
Instead of feeding an int constant to a string conversion function, use a string constant directly:
string str("\xAF"); // 0xAF = 175
By the way, except for heavy performance needs in a loop, trading code readability for some CPU cycles is rarely money effective overall.
Why are you even bothering with a helper function?
string s( 1, char(175) );
That's all you need and it's the quickest you're going to get.
How about something like this:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
template <int asciiCode>
inline string const &getStringFromASCII()
static string s(1,char(asciiCode));
return s;
int main(int, char const**) {
cout << getStringFromASCII<65>() << endl;
EDIT: returns a ref now