Introduction to use of GCC / make for Visual Studio users - c++

I've developed a tool in C++, using Visual Studio 2010, which I'd like to deploy on Linux systems as well. The code itself is programmed entirely platform-independent, using only the STL and the standard library.
Now my problem is: I don't have experience with Linux.
I have, however, tried to get some other programs I wrote to compile using GCC, and the results were a truckload of errors being thrown at me, which took me 3 hours to resolve - the horrors!
Noting from this experience I think that the same is about to happen, just a lot worse, if I try to port my current project to GCC.
My questions are:
What does a Visual Studio user need to know to successfully get their program running on Linux?
(do I need to learn make?)
Do you know of a good source which covers not the topic of GCC / Linux programming as a whole, but specifically the problem of switching from a Visual Studio environment?

I recommend skipping make altogether, its a rather old technology and you may face portability issues while using it. Instead, learn another build system like CMake or SCons
I use CMake myself and find it to be excellent. You write very simple build scripts (you can easily get started in an hour or two) and it generates the makefiles for you. The biggest advantage is that it can generate makefiles for almost any compiler or build system you could want. It can generate standard unix makefiles, Microsoft Visual C++ Projects, XCode Projects, Code::Blocks projects, even KDevelop and Eclipse CDT4 projects.
I haven't used SCons myself, but I do know that it actually builds your program for you and runs on python.
Getting started in Linux/Unix can really mean anything you want. Going from Visual Studio can mean going to Eclipse or another IDE, which is as simple as learning the new IDE, or it can mean going straight to the shell and forgetting you ever knew what an IDE looked like. My personal recommendation is to stick with the IDE- Eclipse is great as an industry standard and its very cross-platform (just get the CDT plugin).
On the topic of the GCC, you probably won't really be invoking it yourself very much if you're writing CMake scripts since CMake will generate the makefiles. The simplest command line arguments are:
g++ <source-files> -o <output-name> -I <another include directory> -l <library to link to>
as an example:
g++ helloworld.cpp -o world.out -I /usr/include -l mylib
To run an executable from the shell, navigate to the directory its in and type:
Note that the default output when invoking g++ (i.e. g++ helloworld.cpp) is a.out.
And that's all you really need to know! The rest comes easily. You'll learn to love Unix, and I really recommend learning the shell even if you do go the path of the IDE. It can make your life alot easier.
EDIT: So to port your program to Linux and the GCC with CMake, here's what you would do:
Get CMake
Write the CMakeLists.txt file in your source directory (its the Makefile format CMake uses)
Invoke CMake on the directory. CMake will parse the CMakeLists.txt file automatically and generate build scripts of your choice
Build with whatever build system you used. If you're using standard Unix Makefiles, it'll mean just navigating to the build directory and typing make into the shell
Your project will be built and youre done!
P.S: I never learned normal make, although it definitely has its uses. CMake found an eager user in me.

i was going to say "man g++" but that manual is very long in lines.
just type
g++ main.cpp utility.cpp
g++ will automatically compile and link main.cpp, utility.cpp into a file named a.out
type ./a.out into command line to run the compiled code.
you won't need to learn make, but if you do, simple make scripts only take 4-5 lines of code. It's pretty easy to type in, but it's actually pretty different for a visual studio user, so it's completely non-friendly if you put bad code your Makefile.
about learning linux, there's a lot to learn. I can't even tell you where to start, but there's no secrets. Not like Microsoft products where you have to learn the workaround to make your code run.
oh and here's g++ info:


How to compile WindRiver/Eclipse C++ projects from the command line?

I'm currently running a variant of Eclipse known as WindRiver, which is designed for embedded systems programming using C++ (specifically, I'm part of my high school's FIRST Robotics team).
I'm able to successfully compile and build the project from within Eclipse (Project > Build Project) but I'm looking for ways to automate this process by compiling by using the command line.
The project already contains a makefile and everything, so ideally I want to be able to just run that without making any manual changes. I pastebin'd the makefile in case its relevant.
Does anybody know where I can find more information on compiling C++ programs from the command line for either Eclipse or WindRiver or on running makefiles on Windows? I tried looking at "How to run a makefile in Windows?" but following the first answer didn't work (it gave a syntax error for the makefile).
I'm currently using a Windows 8 laptop. As best as I can tell, the current varient of WindRiver I'm using is based on Eclipse version 3.3.1.
You will need a make utility, I believe your WindRiver / Eclipse setup would come with "gnumake" (probably called either make or gmake). You'd nee dto set up the command line path to lead to the compiler and the make executable. Unfortunately, this is not a great answer, as I can't give you exact links to the make and compiler locations (it would of course also depend on where you installed things). I just thought I'd lead you somewhat on the right path, since the question has been up for a little while and no one jumped at it.
Thanks to Mat Petersson's answer, I was able to identify everything I needed and create a batch file that could compile the file for me:
#echo off
set PATH=%PATH%;C:\WindRiver\gnu\3.4.4-vxworks-6.3\x86-win32\bin;C:\WindRiver\utilities-1.0\x86-win32\bin;C:\WindRiver\setup\x86-win32\bin
set WIND_BASE=C:\WindRiver\vxworks-6.3
cd My_Project\PPC603gnu
make --no-print-directory BUILD_SPEC=PPC603gnu DEBUG_MODE=1 TRACE=1

What is MakeFile in Eclipse?

What is MakeFile in Eclipse? From the documentation:
A makefile is a text file that is referenced by the make command that
describes the building of targets, and contains information such as
source-level dependencies and build-order dependencies. The CDT can
generate a makefile for you, such projects are called Managed Make
projects. Some projects, known as Standard Make projects, allow you to
define your own makefile.
But the explanation does not help me understand what a MakeFile is. I am moving from VisualStudio/C# to Eclipse/C++. Is MakeFile analogous to Visual Studio's Metadata? When do I need to write a MakeFile, and why do I need it besides the C++ code?
I used to develop on Windows with VS and C#. And now trying Eclipse/C++ on a Mac. I have never build anyone on Linux. So the answer I have read so far does not help explain anything at all.
A makefile in the simplest terms is a file that builds a program. These are normally used from the command line. If you have ever built something on linux you may have run ./configure ; make ; make install. You are using a makefile there.
More info...
In simple terms: Make helps you create cross-platform configuration settings in one file, and it will work on surprisingly many platforms, including Windows or Mac OS-es.
Mentioning Windows, you should have Make installed on the computer you're installing on (on Windows, Cygwin and MinGW include Make). It's required only if the user will actually build the code from the source.
But of course, you should include Make code for each different platform (e.g. one for Unix-like, one for Windows, etc.)

how to compile a VC project using g++?

i have source code of vc++ project. Now I am using linux.
i know how compile a single file .cpp not a whole project. So how to compile a VC project using g++ ?
A slight advantage of Makefiles would be possible integration with autotools (cough - It might prove handy to get the starting point for feature macros).[2]
There is a tool as part of winemaker that is EXCEEDINGLY helpful with fixing up a source tree that was assuming case insensitive names to work on a case-sensitive filesystem. (_it was intended mainly in order to build against winelib but that is not required)
If you want to keep using windows API's for some parts of the code, you can consider compiling with winelib (and use winegcc, producing WIN32 executables; I'm not sure whether this is what you want)
[2]: SCons is a very nice tool though
First step would be to generate Makefile out of vcproj file.
There are (obviously) some tools for that:
There is no easy way to do it. As others have suggested you can figure out how the build process works for this project (maybe by reading the build output in VS) and recreate that using your favorite linux build tool (scons, cmake, autotools etc.). The alternative is to use a converter tool. Aside from the below mentioned sln2mak, there is also winemaker. The docs for winemaker have a lot of old info like most linux tools docs but it can convert a .sln to a makefile. I am not sure about newer vs .sln files.

How do I set GNU G++ compiler in Visual studio 2008

How do I set my Visual studio 2008 compiler to GNU GCC. Can I also make it specific to projects? I didn't find any conclusive answer.
Thank you.
You can't use the compiler directly.
You can, however, invoke a makefile instead of using the built-in build system.
Example of configuration:
Install MinGW (I guess this step is already done), including mingw32-make
Create a makefile for mingw32-make called MinGWMakefile , with 3 targets: clean, build, and rebuild. This can be very tedious if you've never done that before.
Create a new configuration for your project
Go to configuration properties->general->configuration type, and select "makefile"
Go to configuration properties->NMake, and use these command lines:
Build Command Line: mingw32-make -f MinGWMakefile build
ReBuild Command Line: mingw32-make -f MinGWMakefile rebuild
Clean Command Line: mingw32-make -f MinGWMakefile clean
Enable "go to line" functionality on compiler messages:
You need to transform the output of gcc, from this:
To this:
I was using a custom C++ program to do that, but any regular expression tool will do the trick.
For best results, use GNU make, a Visual Studio makefile project, and a tool that you write yourself. Your makefile is a skeleton, that compiles files (use a variable for the files list), and your tool parses the .sln and .vcproj files to generate this file list. The makefile includes the result. Just needs a bit of glue and elbow grease -- you'll spend a day cursing make's unwillingness to do what you want, then you'll get it working. Once up and running this approach doesn't require too much maintenance.
You can keep your tool and makefile simple, just throwing all files in all projects into the mix and linking the result, using file patterns to decide what happens to each file, and putting all compiler options in the makefile. Or you can get more clever, pull #defines and include paths from the project, and maybe add in a Win32 project configuration that the makefile generator uses to properly handle custom build steps, excluded files, compiler options, and so on.
The easy approach should satisfy most, because it lets anybody add new files to the project just as they normally do, without having to concern themselves with the makefile, whilst making it hard for people to accidentally change settings that don't want changing.
I have previously described this approach (with a tiny bit more detail):
Good techniques to use Makefiles in VisualStudio?
(Once you have it set up, it works well, and in many respects it's actually more convenient than the usual VS approach, even before taking into account the fact you can now use other compilers.)
You may be able to make a custom makefile project to solve this for you.
Visual Studio's mainstream scenario is to be an IDE for MS developer tools. The more common ways to compile using GNU tools under Windows is MinGW or Cygwin.
Use external build system. (Makefile project).
As far as I know, there's no way to accomplish this. cl is more or less integrated with Visual Studio.
I guess if you were really desperate, you could try creating a pre-build step that invokes gcc and then doing something to stop the Visual Studio build from occurring.

C++ development on linux - where do I start?

I decided to leave my windows install behind and am now running Debian as my default OS. I have always coded in Windows and specifically with Visual Studio. I am currently trying to get used to compiling my code under linux.
Although I still have a lot of documentation to read, and don't expect you guys to make it too easy for me, it'd still be nice to get some pointers on where to start. I have some specific questions, but feel free to suggest/recommend anything else regarding the subject.
What are recommended guides on creating a make file, how do I compile from this makefile (do I call g++ myself, do I use 'make'?)
Looking at other linux software, they almost always seem to have a 'configure' file. What exactly does it do? Does it only check if the required libraries are installed or does it more than just checking requirements?
How do I link libraries, and how does this relate to my makefile or g++ parameters? In windows I would compile the library, include some header files, tell my linker what additional lib file to link, and copy a dll file. How exactly does this process work in linux?
Recommendations for code editors? I am currently using nano and I've heard of vim and emacs, but don't know what the benefits of them are over eachother. Are there any others, and why would I consider them over any of the previous three? Note: I am not looking for an IDE.
Any help, links to guides & documentation (preferably those that are aimed at beginners) are very much appreciated!
What are recommended guides on creating a make file, how do I compile from this makefile (do I call g++ myself, do I use 'make'?)
You build from the makefile by invoking "make". And inside your makefile, you compile and link using g++ and ld.
Looking at other linux software, they almost always seem to have a 'configure' file. What exactly does it do? Does it only check if the required libraries are installed or does it more than just checking requirements?
It's a script usually used to set up various things based on the environment being used for building. Sometimes it's just a basic shell script, other times it invokes tools like Autoconf to discover what is available when building. The "configure" script is usually also a place for the user to specify various optional things to be built or excluded, like support for experimental features.
How do I link libraries, and how does this relate to my makefile or g++ parameters? In windows I would compile the library, include some header files, tell my linker what additional lib file to link, and copy a dll file. How exactly does this process work in linux?
ld is the GNU linker. You can invoke it separately (which is what most makefiles will end up doing), or you can have g++ delegate to it. The options you pass to g++ and ld determine where to look for included headers, libraries to link, and how to output the result.
Recommendations for code editors? I am currently using nano and I've heard of vim and emacs, but don't know what the benefits of them are over eachother. Are there any others, and why would I consider them over any of the previous three? Note: I am not looking for an IDE.
Vim and Emacs are very flexible editors that support a whole bunch of different usages. Use whatever feels best to you, though I'd suggest you might want a few minimal things like syntax highlighting.
Just a note to go with MandyK's answers.
Creating make files by hand is usually a very unportable way of building across linux distro's/unix variants. There are many build systems for auto generating make files, building without make files. GNU Autotools, Cmake, Scons, jam, etc.
Also to go more in depth about configure.
Checks available compilers, libraries, system architecture.
Makes sure your system matches the appropriate compatible package list.
Lets you specify command line arguments to specialize your build, install path, option packages etc.
Configure then generates an appropriate Makefile specific to your system.
What are recommended guides on
creating a make file, how do I compile
from this makefile (do I call g++
myself, do I use 'make'?)
I learned how to write makefiles by reading the GNU Make manual.
Looking at other linux software, they
almost always seem to have a
'configure' file. What exactly does it
do? Does it only check if the required
libraries are installed or does it
more than just checking requirements?
The configure file is usually associated with autotools. As the name of the script suggests, it allows you to configure the software. From the perspective of the developer this mostly means setting macros, which determine variables, which libraries are available, and such. It also tests for the availability of libraries. In the end the script generates a GNU Makefile, which you can then use to actually build and install the software.
The GNU build system is only one of many. I don't particularly like the GNU build system as it tends to be slower than others, and generates an ugly Makefile. Some of the more popular ones are CMake, Jam (Boost Jam might be of interest for C++) and waf. Some build systems simply generate Makefiles, while others provide a completely new build system. For simple projects writing a Makefile by hand would be easy, but "dependency checking" (for libraries, etc) would also have to be done manually.
Edit: Brian Gianforcaro also pointed this out.
Your question is a bit too general, but here is what I would recomment:
Editor: vim and emacs are popular. What matters the most, as with most tools, is to master one. I like using vim because vi (its descendant) is available everywhere, but that may not be very relevant, specially if you stay on Linux. Any programming editor is fine.
configure: unless you do big projects, don't bother with it. It is a nightmare to use and debug. It only makes sense if you intend to distribute your project - in that case, read the autobook: As other said, there are alternatives (cmake, scons, etc...). I am quite familiar with both scons and autotools, but I still use make for small (couple of files) projects.
Concerning shared library: it is almost as windows, except that you link against the shared library directly - there is no .lib vs .dll distinction in Linux. For example. for one library foo with a function foo:
int foo(void)
return 1;
You would build it as follows:
gcc -fPIC -c foo.c -o foo.o
gcc -shared foo.o -o
A main (of course in real life you put the API in a header file):
int foo(void);
int main(void)
return 0;
And then, you link it as:
gcc -c main.c -o main.o
gcc main.o -o main -L. -lfoo
The -L. is here to say that you want the linker to look in the current directory (contrary to windows, this is never done by default in Linux), the -lfoo says to link against the library foo.
So to get you started I will first point you to this guide for makefiles, it also covers some linking stuff too.
It's just a little something my university Computer Science prof gave us I found it to be very clear and concise, very helpful.
And as for an IDE, I use eclipse usually because it handles the makefile as well. Not to mention compile and standard output are right at your fingertips in the program.
It was mainly intended for Java developing, but there is a C/C++ plugin too!
Recommendations for code editors? I am
currently using nano and I've heard of
vim and emacs, but don't know what the
benefits of them are over eachother.
Are there any others, and why would I
consider them over any of the previous
three? Note: I am not looking for an
Vi and Emacs are the two quintessential Unix editors; if you are set on using a text editor rather than an IDE, one of them or their derivatives (vim, xemacs, etc) is the way to go. Both support syntax highlighting and all sorts of features, either by default or via extensions. The best part about these editors is the extensibility they offer; emacs via a variety of lisp, and vim via its own scripting language.
I personally use Emacs, so I can't say much about Vim, but you should be able to find lots of information about both online. Emacs has several good tutorials and references, including this one.
EDIT [Dec 2014]: There seems to be a trend of cross-platform and highly extendable editors recently. This could be a good choice if you'd like something less than an IDE, but more graphical than vi/emacs and native-feeling across multiple platforms. I recommend looking at Sublime or Atom; both of these work across Windows/Linux/Mac and have great communities of plugins and themes.
I recommend the book The Art of Unix Programming by ESR. It covers choice of editor, programming language, etc. It also gives a good sense for the mindset behind programming on Unix or Linux.
For editors, you probably want either Vim or Emacs. They are both different and which one is better is more about personal taste than anything else. I use Vim. It is great for quickly moving around the code and making changes. I didn't like Emacs as much but many people do. Emacs is extremely extensible and can be used for everything from a news reader to an ide. Try both and see what you like.
Recommendations for code editors? I am currently using nano and I've heard of vim and emacs, but don't know what the benefits of them are over eachother. Are there any others, and why would I consider them over any of the previous three? Note: I am not looking for an IDE.
If you're using Linux with a window manager (KDE, Gnome, etc.) you could also consider using the standard text editor for your window manager. The main benefit it would have over vim/emacs/nano is that it would seem more familiar to one coming from a Windows environment - an editor written to run on the window manager has a menu bar, file open/save dialogs, undo/redo, and plenty of other neat features that console editors probably can't match. (Though emacs and vim are pretty sophisticated these days, so who knows ;-P)
On KDE (which is what I use) I can recommend KWrite, which is a well-featured but fairly basic text editor with syntax highlighting; or Kate, which is a fancier text editor with some extra features: session management, a builtin terminal panel, automatic invocation of make, and several plugins including a C/C++ symbol viewer. I usually use Kate for my C++ work when I don't want to bother with setting up a full IDE project. (FYI the IDE for KDE is KDevelop)
the space between invoking g++ directly and using an autotools build chain is pretty narrow. Get good at autotools, which is really the closest thing to a 'project' available in the Linux/Open Source world.
For someone coming from Visual Studio, all this commandline stuff might seem arcane and messy.
Before you turn into a bash shell/vim/emacs junkie, try a few GUI based tools first so you have some transition time...
QT 4.5 with its QT Creator mini-IDE. This is the best framework, lightyears ahead of the competition.
Eclipse (C++) - From my experience with this on Windows, I find it's astounding ( This is probably the best Java application ever written )
If you use Delphi, Lazarus/FreePascal is a good alternative.
I'm sure the longhairs will scoff and claim that vim or emacs gives them the best and fastest development environment, but different strokes for different folks. Someone accustomed to an IDE will take some time to switch or may not wish to switch at all.
For all their editing prowess, creating GUI apps is certainly not a job for 80x25 tools.
It takes years to become an expert with the command line side of things, its more of a transformation of worldview than anything else.
As a side note amongst the proper answers here.. In case you wanna hit the ground running as a Windows guy, I'd suggest the fresh new Qt SDK. It will feel like home :-)
I advise using SCons in place of Make, it does the same job but it's easier to use and handle out of the box how to make dynamic libraries, dependencies, etc. Here it is a real life example for a simple prog
env = Environment()
env.Append(CPPPATH = ['./include/'])
env.ParseConfig("sdl-config --cflags --libs")
env.ParseConfig("curl-config --cflags --libs")
env.ParseConfig("pkg-config cairo --cflags --libs")
env.Program('rovio-pilot', Glob('./src/*.cpp'))
As a text editor, I'm happy with JEdit for coding, but it's a matter of taste.