I'm trying to use jq to automate changing i18n string files from the format taken by one library to another.
I have a json file which has looks like this:
"some_label": {
"message": "a string in English with a $VARIABLE$",
"description": "directions to translators",
"placeholders": {
"content": "{variable}"
// more of the same...
And I need that to turn in to "some-label": "a string in English with a {variable}"
I am pretty close to getting it. Currently, I'm using
jq '[.
| to_entries
| .[]
| .key |= (gsub("_";"-"))
| .value.placeholders as $p
| .value.message |= (sub("\\$KEY_NAME\\$";$p.KEY_NAME.content))
| .value = .value.message
] | from_entries'
The next step is to use a capture group in the sub call so I can programmatically get variables with different names, but I'm not sure how to use the capture group to index into $p.
I've tried sub("\\$(?<id>VARIABLE)\\$";$p.(.id).content) which gave a compiler error, and I'm pretty much stuck on what to try next.
Here is one way of achieving the desired result. It could be simplified further too. At the top level it removes the usage of to_entries/from_entries by enclosing the whole filter under with_entries() and modifying the .value field as required
.key |= ( gsub("_";"-") ) |
.value.placeholders as $p |
.value.message as $m |
( $m | match(".*\\$(.*)\\$") | .captures[0].string ) as $c |
( $p | .[$c].content ) as $v |
( "\\$" + $c + "\\$" ) as $t |
.value = ( $m | sub($t; $v) )
My view of the key parts of the expression are
The part $m | match(".*\\$(.*)\\$") | .captures[0].string makes a regex match to extract the part within the $..$ in the .message
The part $p | .[$c].content does a generic object index fetch using the dynamic value of $c
Since the first argument of sub()/gsub() functions are a regex, the value captured $c needs to be created as \\$VARIABLE\\$
jqplay - Demo
Here's a basic JQ. Haven't tried with complex inputs, and haven't accommodated for $. I guess you can build on top of this -
to_entries | map(. as $kv | { "\($kv.key)": $kv.value.placeholders | to_entries | map(. as $p | $kv.value.message | sub("\\$\($p.key)\\$"; $p.value.content))[0]}) | add
output -
"some_label": "a string in English with a {variable}"
I would like to trim() a column and to replace any multiple white spaces and Unicode space separators to single space. The idea behind is to sanitize usernames, preventing 2 users having deceptive names foo bar (SPACE u+20) vs foo bar(NO-BREAK SPACE u+A0).
Until now I've used SELECT regexp_replace(TRIM('some string'), '[\s\v]+', ' ', 'g'); it removes spaces, tab and carriage return, but it lack support for Unicode space separators.
I would have added to the regexp \h, but PostgreSQL doesn't support it (neither \p{Zs}):
SELECT regexp_replace(TRIM('some string'), '[\s\v\h]+', ' ', 'g');
Error in query (7): ERROR: invalid regular expression: invalid escape \ sequence
We are running PostgreSQL 12 (12.2-2.pgdg100+1) in a Debian 10 docker container, using UTF-8 encoding, and support emojis in usernames.
I there a way to achieve something similar?
Based on the Posix "space" character-class (class shorthand \s in Postgres regular expressions), UNICODE "Spaces", some space-like "Format characters", and some additional non-printing characters (finally added two more from Wiktor's post), I condensed this custom character class:
So use:
SELECT trim(regexp_replace('some string', '[\s\u00a0\u180e\u2007\u200b-\u200f\u202f\u2060\ufeff]+', ' ', 'g'));
Note: trim() comes after regexp_replace(), so it covers converted spaces.
It's important to include the basic space class \s (short for [[:space:]] to cover all current (and future) basic space characters.
We might include more characters. Or start by stripping all characters encoded with 4 bytes. Because UNICODE is dark and full of terrors.
Consider this demo:
SELECT d AS decimal, to_hex(d) AS hex, chr(d) AS glyph
, '\u' || lpad(to_hex(d), 4, '0') AS unicode
, chr(d) ~ '\s' AS in_posix_space_class
, chr(d) ~ '[\s\u00a0\u180e\u2007\u200b-\u200f\u202f\u2060\ufeff]' AS in_custom_class
SELECT unnest('{9,32,160,5760,6158,8239,8287,8288,12288,65279}'::int[])
SELECT generate_series (8192, 8202) AS dec -- UNICODE "Spaces"
SELECT generate_series (8203, 8207) AS dec -- First 5 space-like UNICODE "Format characters"
) t(d)
decimal | hex | glyph | unicode | in_posix_space_class | in_custom_class
9 | 9 | | \u0009 | t | t
32 | 20 | | \u0020 | t | t
160 | a0 | | \u00a0 | f | t
5760 | 1680 | | \u1680 | t | t
6158 | 180e | | \u180e | f | t
8192 | 2000 | | \u2000 | t | t
8193 | 2001 | | \u2001 | t | t
8194 | 2002 | | \u2002 | t | t
8195 | 2003 | | \u2003 | t | t
8196 | 2004 | | \u2004 | t | t
8197 | 2005 | | \u2005 | t | t
8198 | 2006 | | \u2006 | t | t
8199 | 2007 | | \u2007 | f | t
8200 | 2008 | | \u2008 | t | t
8201 | 2009 | | \u2009 | t | t
8202 | 200a | | \u200a | t | t
8203 | 200b | | \u200b | f | t
8204 | 200c | | \u200c | f | t
8205 | 200d | | \u200d | f | t
8206 | 200e | | \u200e | f | t
8207 | 200f | | \u200f | f | t
8239 | 202f | | \u202f | f | t
8287 | 205f | | \u205f | t | t
8288 | 2060 | | \u2060 | f | t
12288 | 3000 | | \u3000 | t | t
65279 | feff | | \ufeff | f | t
(26 rows)
Tool to generate the character class:
SELECT '[\s' || string_agg('\u' || lpad(to_hex(d), 4, '0'), '' ORDER BY d) || ']'
SELECT unnest('{9,32,160,5760,6158,8239,8287,8288,12288,65279}'::int[])
SELECT generate_series (8192, 8202)
SELECT generate_series (8203, 8207)
) t(d)
WHERE chr(d) !~ '\s'; -- not covered by \s
db<>fiddle here
Related, with more explanation:
Trim trailing spaces with PostgreSQL
You may construct a bracket expression including the whitespace characters from \p{Zs} Unicode category + a tab:
REGEXP_REPLACE(col, '[\u0009\u0020\u00A0\u1680\u2000-\u200A\u202F\u205F\u3000]+', ' ', 'g')
It will replace all occurrences of one or more horizontal whitespaces (match by \h in other regex flavors supporting it) with a regular space char.
Compiling blank characters from several sources, I've ended up with the following pattern which includes tabulations (U+0009 / U+000B / U+0088-008A / U+2409-240A), word joiner (U+2060), space symbol (U+2420 / U+2423), braille blank (U+2800), tag space (U+E0020) and more:
And in order to effectively transform blanks including multiple consecutive spaces and those at the beginning/end of a column, here are the 3 queries to be executed in sequence (assuming column "text" from "mytable")
-- transform all Unicode blanks/spaces into a "regular" one (U+20) only on lines where "text" matches the pattern
text = regexp_replace(text, '[\x0009\x000B\x0088-\x008A\x00A0\x1680\x180E\x2000-\x200F\x202F\x205F\x2060\x2409\x240A\x2420\x2423\x2800\x3000\xFEFF\xE0020]', ' ', 'g')
text ~ '[\x0009\x000B\x0088-\x008A\x00A0\x1680\x180E\x2000-\x200F\x202F\x205F\x2060\x2409\x240A\x2420\x2423\x2800\x3000\xFEFF\xE0020]';
-- then squeeze multiple spaces into one
UPDATE mytable SET text=regexp_replace(text, '[ ]+ ',' ','g') WHERE text LIKE '% %';
-- and finally, trim leading/ending spaces
UPDATE mytable SET text=trim(both ' ' FROM text) WHERE text LIKE ' %' OR text LIKE '% ';
I have a file full of such lines:
>Mouse|chr9:95713136-95716028 | element 1367 | positive | hindbrain (rhombencephalon)[5/8] | midbrain (mesencephalon)[3/8] | other[7/8]
>Mouse|chr16:90449561-90451327 | element 1672 | positive | forebrain[4/8] | heart[6/8]
>Mouse|chr3:137446183-137449401 | element 4 | positive | heart[3/4]
What I want to get is something like this:
Mouse chr9 95713136 95716028 element 1367 positive hindbrain (rhombencephalon)[5/8]|midbrain (mesencephalon)[3/8]|other[7/8]
Such that all the words after "positive" are in one column of their own separated by a pipe, and all the columns are separated by tab.
This is what I did:
sed -E 's/ *[>\|:-] */\t/g' mouse_genome_vista1.txt > mouse_genome_vista2.txt
sed "s/^[ \t]*//" -i mouse_genome_vista2.txt
My output was like this:
Mouse chr9 95713136 95716028 element 1367 positive hindbrain (rhombencephalon)[5/8] midbrain (mesencephalon)[3/8] other[7/8]
Mouse chr16 90449561 90451327 element 1672 positive forebrain[4/8] heart[6/8]
Mouse chr3 137446183 137449401 element 4 positive heart[3/4]
It works if I have just one word after "positive" it'll be alone in its column . However if I have more than one I'll have multiple columns. For instance hindbrain, midbrain , and other are each in their own tab delimited columns I want them to be pipe separated in one column.
You may try this with perl or awk:
Regex 101 Demo
Sample Perl Solution(note it illustrates over a set of string not file):
use strict;
my $str = 'Mouse|chr9:95713136-95716028 | element 1367 | positive | hindbrain (rhombencephalon)[5/8] | midbrain (mesencephalon)[3/8] | other[7/8]
Mouse|chr16:90449561-90451327 | element 1672 | positive | forebrain[4/8] | heart[6/8]
Mouse|chr3:137446183-137449401 | element 4 | positive | heart[3/4]
my $regex = qr/[|:-](?=.*positive)|positive\s+\K\|/xmp;
my $subst = '\\t';
my $result = $str =~ s/$regex/$subst/rg;
print $result;
I would like to search for all occurrences of a pattern in a file and replace the matches with an equivalent number of padding such as spaces or dashes. It is important to note that I DO NOT WANT TO ALTER THE FILE! I would like like to print the result as standard output. This is why I prefer using sed. The output should be the same length as the file since I would like to replace each pattern found by the regex with the length of that pattern in dashes.
Example: Say the file contains the following:
data | more data | "to be dashed"
Desired Output:
data | more data | --------------
I currently have some thing like this:
sed -e 's/["][^"]*["]/-/g' file
which results in:
data | more data | -
Any Thoughts?
With Perl:
perl -pe 's/(".*?")/ "-" x length($1) /ge' <<END
data | more data | "to be dashed"
data | "more data" | "multi words " "to be dashed"
data | more data | --------------
data | ----------- | -------------- --------------
Since you need to find the string length of the matched text, you need to run the substitution part of s/// through a round of evaluation, hence the e flag.
Using GNU awk:
gawk 'BEGIN{ FS = "" }{ while (match($0, /^(.*)(["][^"]*["])(.*)$/, a)){ gsub(/./, "-", a[2]); $0 = a[1] a[2] a[3]; } } 1' file
$ echo 'data | more data | "to be dashed"' | gawk 'BEGIN{ FS = "" }{ while (match($0, /^(.*)(["][^"]*["])(.*)$/, a)){ gsub(/./, "-", a[2]); $0 = a[1] a[2] a[3]; } } 1'
data | more data | --------------
$ echo 'data | more data | "to be dashed" x "1234"' | gawk 'BEGIN{ FS = "" }{ while (match($0, /^(.*)(["][^"]*["])(.*)$/, a)){ gsub(/./, "-", a[2]); $0 = a[1] a[2] a[3]; } } 1'
data | more data | -------------- x ------
A sed solution:
sed -r '
h # copy pattspace to holdspace
s/(.*)("[^"]+")(.*)/\1\n\3/ # replace quoted field with newline
T # if no replacement occurred, start next cycle
x # exchange pattspace and holdspace
s/.*("[^"]+").*/\1/ # isolate quoted field
s/./-/g # change all chars to dashes
G # append newline and holdspace to pattspace
s/(-*)\n(.*)\n(.*)/\2\1\3/ # reorder fields using newlines
t loop # repeat (must be conditional for T to work)
' file
OSX/BSD may not have the T command (jump to label (or next cycle) if substitution has not been made since last line read or last conditional jump). In that case, replace T with:
t keeplooping # branch over b if substitution occurred
b # unconditional branch to next cycle
I'm trying to parse lines with fields separated by "|" and space padding. I thought it would be as simple as this:
$ echo "1 a | 2 b | 3 c " | awk -F' *| *' '{ print "-->" $2 "<--" }'
However, what I get is
instead of the expected
-->2 b<--
I'm using GNU Awk 4.0.1.
When you use ' *| *', awkinterprets it as space OR space. Hence the output you get is correct one. If you need to have | as a delimiter, just escape it.
$ echo "1 a | 2 b | 3 c " | awk -F' *\\| *' '{ print "-->" $2 "<--" }'
-->2 b<--
Notice that you have to escape it twice, since in awk, \| is considered | as well which will again get interpreted as logical OR.
Because of this, it is very popular to escape such special characters in character class [].
$ echo "1 a | 2 b | 3 c " | awk -F' *[|] *' '{ print "-->" $2 "<--" }'
-->2 b<--
echo "1 a | 2 b | 3 c " | awk -F '|' '{print $2}' | tr -d ' '
produces "2 b" for me