Does C++ deprecate some parts of the Linux API? - c++

I am in the middle of reading The Linux Programming Interface and Linux programming by examples. Both are very good books and explain Linux API very well. But quite often I find myself thinking that in real world projects I would prefer C++ standard library, Boost or some other good C++ library (there are many well written and portable C++ libs) over C API whenever possible. This naturally bags a question - why do I need to use Linux API directly when good C++ compiler and libs (Boost, TBB and etc) are available on target platforms? I guess the same could be said about Windows API too, but I don't know much about Windows system programing.

This is not new to C++. In C, there have been two ways to open files for a long, long time:
// Only on POSIX
int fdes = open("file.txt", O_RDONLY);
// Any hosted C environment, POSIX or otherwise
FILE *fp = fopen("file.txt", "rb");
So why would anyone ever use the POSIX-specific version? The answer is simple -- there are a large number of system calls which work with POSIX file descriptors. For example, select. You can also make things other than files, like pipes and sockets, and you can pass them to other processes. There is a long tradition of using POSIX file descriptors, and we have a large number of books and references on how to do network programming with them.
So the trade-off is between the portable version and the powerful version. It always has been.
The other half of this is that time you work with files on Linux you are working with the POSIX interface. Libraries just hide it from you. Boost uses it, the C runtime uses it, the JRE uses it, and GHC uses it. Many (most?) language runtimes are written in C, and direct access to the system calls is preferred.

You should use higher level API whenever possible. It's usually faster to work with and makes it easier to port your code to another platform. However:
Due to the law of leaky abstractions it's useful to know the underyling operating system API so you understand various quirks and performance issues that the higher level API was not able to hide.
Some things are not doable with the portable API, usually because it's so different between operating systems that it's not easily possible.
All portable APIs incur some overhead. In a big project it's small compared to the rest of the code, but if you are doing something small, you might want to avoid that overhead, especially if you know you'll need to use the specific API somewhere anyway.

C++ standard is not published for a particular platform. It is platform independent, So If you are going to use some platform features/functionality you will have to use platform dependent feature/functionality usually called system api. So in that sense No the C++ library does not deprecate linux/windows api.


How can you send data to another process (at the c++ language level only)

Suppose you are developing two application (A and B).
How can you send some piece of information to B from A if you are only allowed to work at the c++ language level (that is including the standard libraries and STL) ?
Now Im thinking std::ofstream and std::ifstream could be a possible solution (albeit a crude one) ? - but what pitfalls is there and can they be avoided ? (how?).
You just cannot. Standard C++17 does not know about any kind of inter-process communication and does not know much about processes (except thru std::system whose behavior is not really specified). Some operating systems don't have any processes and some of them don't have files and some of them don't have pipes.
Read more about operating systems. I strongly recommend Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces (which is freely available).
Of course, you can read and write a file, but the synchronization between the two processes should still happen (perhaps by running one after the other, in some operating system specific way, so running A then B, and how that exactly happens is OS specific)
Read that C++17 standard (e.g. the draft here) to check.
Some C++17 implementations might not even have any notion of process. You could have a fully compliant C++17 on some embedded system without any operating system dealing with processes.
My recommendation is to be pragmatical, and use some framework like Boost, Qt, ZeroMQ, or POCO (or old Berkeley sockets) which deals with processes and inter-process communication facilities; you'll likely to find a framework supporting the several OSes you really care about (AFAIK, all of Boost, POCO, Qt know about Linux, Windows, MacOSX and offer a common API abstracting them; but you could find some academic operating system which is incompatible with them; in practice, any framework targeting both Windows and POSIX should be practically enough).
With some curiosity, you may find an OS with a good C++17 implementation which has a very weird API (look into GNU Hurd for an example).
If your IPC facility is based on byte streams, look into text-based protocols (perhaps JSONRPC, SOAP, HTTP, ...). They are easier to code and most of them come with some C++ compatible library...
And with a few months of work and a lot of know how, you might even port a recent GCC or Clang to most other operating systems: they are careful to abstract the requirements on the OS in a clever way.
Remember, you could find OSes which don't even have any file system: look into CapROS or Contiki for some recent example, and look also inside where interesting discussions related to your topic, in the past century, have been archived. But with some pain (my guess is a few months of work for a GCC or Clang expert), you'll be able to port a recent GCC or Clang to target it to obtain a C++17 cross-compiler targetting them.
IMHO, a C++ standard library which enables only to "open" one single "file" (supposedly named THEFILE) is conforming to the letter of the C++17 standard. AFAIK, you don't have any guarantee that std::ifstream or std::ofstream works successfully.
BTW, current processors are practically multi-core, so it makes a lot of sense to try running A and B in parallel and doing some IPC (in an OS specific way, perhaps abstracted by some framework or library).

Cross-platform C++ tool chain

I'm a die-hard .NET developer with limited experience in C++. I'm really familiar with how happily interpreted languages (and scripting languages) work cross-platform, but what about C++?
I realize that GCC/GPP and some other compilers sorta work multi-platform with the right compiler flags, and I understand that the STL is normalized between compilers, but what else am I missing? I'll need to do audio in/out, high accuracy timers, and I'll need to do multithreading. I don't think any of these things are supported in the STL, so I'll be needing a cross-platform library of some type, right? Which one should I use?
I'm aiming to support the latest Mac and Windows platforms. This is a shared framework/sdk and won't have a UI. I plan on writing the UI in a native language such as Objective-C/Cocoa and .NET/WPF (both which have excellent native UI support).
So what should my tool chain look like? Should I be using GCC/GPP or MinGW? What other 'libraries' should I integrate that will function cross platform? I'd like to setup my build environment to 'just work' such that I can build a Mac compatible binary and a windows compatible binary (32 bit and 64 bit). How can I do that?
At this point, I'll be writing code for each platform so that I can interop with this my C++ multiplatform framework sdk/api thingy. In windows, I think this will look like a managed DLL, is that right? Any thoughts on how I'll do this on a Mac?
Any suggestions or recommendations?
Thanks for the suggestions,
1) Your real goal here should be to write portable C++ -- you get portability by keeping your language use clean, not by using a particular compiler.
2) Some of what you want, like audio i/o, is fairly inherently platform dependent. You can, however, cleanly isolate the platform dependencies inside particular modules and conditionally compile a set of platform support files on each platform.
3) Stuff like multithreading can be done in a platform independent manner using standard libraries.
Getting into subjective territory but for a developer used to working with large, do-it-all kind of frameworks like those we find in .NET, QT would probably be your best cross-platform C++ analogy (though I am not a huge fan of it). There you have your threads, XML I/O, localization, sockets, high accuracy timers, GUI building blocks, etc.
[...] and I'll need to do multithreading. I don't think any of these things
are supported in the STL [...]
Just a small thing, but the STL is limited to describing the aggregate containers and generic algorithms of the C++ Standard Library. It is not synonymous, but C++11 has specifications in the standard library for concurrency support. However, popular compilers are still slow to support it fully. You also have boost if you need threads for the time being: which is an extremely cross-platform library.
As for building an API that can happily plug in to various environments (.NET, Cocoa, etc), your best, most cross-platform option is actually to expose a C API (you're free to implement it using C++). It'll cause the least headaches this way (no issues with name mangling, trying to interop with complex, user-defined C++ types, etc.).
I recommend you get some practice with building DLLs/shared libraries in C++ as a way to extend .NET and Cocoa applications (ex: C++ module used in objective-C) before you start trying to develop a grand library.
For timing the standard library has <chrono>, which has nanosecond resolution on Mac. Unfortunately it's only got millisecond resolution on Windows as of the VS11 Beta. I'm hoping they fix it without too much delay.

Cross-Platform Networking Code in C++?

I'm starting development on a new Application, and although my background is mainly Mac/iOS based, I need to work on a Windows application for participation in their Imagine cup.
This project includes communication between clients through a socket connection (to a server, not ad-hoc), and I need for both Mac and Windows clients to be able to communicate with each other. I'd also like to not have to write this networking code twice, and simply write different native-UI code on both platforms. This makes the networking easier (I'm confident that two different platforms are not going to be interacting with the server in different ways) and allows for a native UI on both platforms.
Is C++ the best language for this task? Is the standard library the same on both platforms? I understand that I'll have to use Microsoft's Visual C++ library, as it seems as though it is hard to utilize C++ code from C#; is this true?
I've never really written a cross-platform application before, especially one that deals with networking between platforms.
If you're going to use C++, I second "the_mandrill" above by strongly recommending you look at ASIO in Boost - that is a great way to write the code once and support both platforms.
As to whether or not C++ is the right language is rather more subjective. My personal feelings are that if you need to ask, odds on, it's not the best approach.
Reasons for selecting C++ to implement networking code are:
Possible to achieve very low latencies and high throughput with very carefully designed and implemented code.
Possible to take explicit control of memory management - avoiding variations in performance associated with garbage collection.
Potential for tight integration of networking code in-process with other native libraries.
Potential to build small components suitable for deployment in resource constrained environments.
Low level access to C socket API exposes features such as socket options to use protocols beyond vanilla TCP/IP and UDP.
Reasons for avoiding C++ are:
Lower productivity in developing code compared with higher-level languages (e.g. Java/C#/Python etc. etc.)
Greater potential for significant implementation errors (pointer-abuse etc.)
Additional effort required to verify code compiles on each platform.
Alternatives you might consider include:
Python... directly using low level socket support or high-level Twisted library. Rapid development using convenient high-level idioms and minimal porting effort. Biggest disadvantage - poor support to exploit multiple processor cores for high-throughput systems.
Ruby(socket)/Perl(IO::Socket)... High level languages which might be particularly suited if the communicated information is represented as text strings.
Java... garbage collection simplifies memory management; wide range of existing libraries.
CLR languages (C# etc.) also garbage collected - like Java... WCF is an effective framework within which bespoke protocols can be developed... which may prove useful.
You also asked: "I understand that I'll have to use Microsoft's Visual C++ library, as it seems as though it is hard to utilize C++ code from C#; is this true?"
You can avoid Visual C++ libraries entirely - either by developing using a language other than C++, or using an alternate C++ compiler - for example Cygwin or MinGW offer G++... though I'd recommend using Visual C++ to build C and C++ code for Windows.
It's not hard to use C++ code from C# - though I don't recommend it as an approach.. it's likely overly complicated. Visual C++ can (optionally) compile "Managed Code" from C++ source (there are a few syntax extensions to grasp and there's a slightly different syntax for interoperation using Mono rather than Visual C++, but these are not major issues IMHO.) These CLR objects interact directly with C# objects and can be linked together into a single assembly without issue. It's also easy to access native DLLs (potentially written using C++ for the native architecture) using Pinvoke. All this is somewhat irrelevant, however, as the .Net framework has good support for low level networking (similar to that provided by Winsock[2]) in - this provides a convenient C#-oriented interface to similar facilities, and will likely provide a more convenient API to develop against if using C# (or VB.Net or any of the other CLR languages.)
I would suggest that you take a look at Qt. IMO Qt is one of the best C++ libraries for doing cross-platform application. The benefits of Qt when comparing with Boost is that Qt have even GUI classes.
Best language is very subjective, but if you want portable fast code with useful abstractions and C style syntax the C++ is a good choice. Note if you do not know any C++ already there is a steep learning curve.
The library as defined by the ISO standard is by definition the same on each platform, however the implementation of it my be less or more compliant. That said, both gcc, clang and MSVC(post .net) all implement C++98 very well. So long as you don't use compiler specific extensions.
I strong recommend looking at boost asio (and the boost library in general) for your networking, it uses the proactor design pattern which is very efficient. However it does take some time getting your head around it.
Stick with the Standard library and boost and for the most part cross platform problems are not a major concern.
Lastly, I would avoid using the C++11 features for writing cross platform code, because MSVC, GCC and Clang have all implemented different parts of the standard.
If you want to spend a year and put in a 1000 hrs sure use boost::asio. Or you can use a library that's built around boost::asio that invokes C++ network templates. This is crossplatform network and you can find it here:
It compiles on Windows,Android, Macos and Linux.
That is not to say if your absolutely expert level in boost::asio you can do a tiny bit better in performance but if you want to get like 98% of the performance gains you may find it useful. It also supports HTTP,HTTPS,NACK,RTP,TCP ,UDP,MulticastServer and Multicast Client.
OSI::Transport::TCP::TCP_ClientTransport<SampleProtocol::IncomingPayload<OSI::Transport::Interface::IClientTransportInitializationParameters>, SampleProtocol::OutgoingPayload<OSI::Transport::Interface::IClientTransportInitializationParameters>,
SampleProtocol::SampleProtocolClientSession<OSI::Transport::Interface::IClientTransportInitializationParameters>, OSI::Transport::Interface::IClientTransportInitializationParameters> tcpTransport(init_parameters);;
SampleProtocol::IncomingPayload< OSI::Transport::Interface::IClientTransportInitializationParameters> request(init_parameters);
request.msg = init_parameters.initialPayload;
std::string ipMsg=init_parameters.ipAddress;
tcpTransport.RunClient(init_parameters.ipAddress, request);
I'm biased because I wrote the library.
You can also check for this communication library:
This library has the following properties:
C++, cross-platform, async/non-blocking, multiple protocols (TCP, HTTP, mqtt5), multiple encoding formats (json, protobuf). Check the examples.

are programs coded separately for different operating systems?

If a program was written in c++ to run on Windows, does it have to be completely rewritten to run on Mac OS or a mobile OS?
C++ is a standard language, which means that the source code that you write can be compiled on any platform which has an implementation of the C++ standard. There are two ways you can write C++ programs that can't be compiled on different implementation. First, if you use language extensions that are found on a specific (set of)implementation(s) only. Second, using a library that depends on code that doesn't ship with the standard library(like on OS API).
For the first matter, try always to write standard code. For the second, use cross-platform libraries like Boost, Qt...
Typically, yes, because the program will need to use OS-specific features for windowing and possibly for other features as well (networking, synchronization, etc.) However, many programs try to mitigate this as much as possible by building wrapper classes so that most of the program deals with these wrappers rather than the raw platform-specific tools. To port the program from one platform to another, you just need to reimplement the wrappers using the new platform's tools.
Many programs take this a step further by using prewritten libraries like Qt or Boost to handle some of the cross-platform silliness, but this is (essentially) the above idea at a larger scale.
This depends. In general, Standard C++ is a general-purpose, portable language which can be compiled to run on any system or platform that has a standard-compliant compiler.
However, a lot of the more "interesting" features you might want to add to a typical application are not part of Standard C++. This includes GUIs, threads, sockets, and low-level OS API calls. These are generally not portable, and parts of the code which use these features will need to be implemented separately for each operating system or platform.
Fortunately, this is not as daunting as it sounds, because there are a lot of cross-platform libraries in existence that have already gone through the trouble of doing this. For example, the Boost threading library already has threading code written for different platforms or operating systems, but all of this is abstracted behind a nice uniform API that can be used portably in C++ application code.
Additionally, a lot of non-Standard C++ code still conforms to some standard, such as POSIX, which is supported across multiple platforms. For example, most UNIX-ish systems, including Linux and Mac OS X, support POSIX threads (the pthread API).
If the code itself uses libraries that are supported on all the target platforms then you will only need the appropriate compilers to generate a valid binary for each system.
Software can be written in multiple languages and then linked together. For example, I can code the back-end logic of my application in C++ (often using Boost), and then build two separate front-ends in C# for Windows and Objective-C for Mac. I can link the C++ and C# components to ship for one platform, then link the C++ and Objective-C components to ship for another. That approach will give the most "native" look-and-feel for each platform.
As alternative, I can code the entire front-end in C++ using Qt or WxWidgets. This will run on all platforms, albeit without 100% of a platform's bells and whistles.

Making portable code

With all the fuss about opensource projects, how come there is still not a strong standard that enables you to make portable code (I mean in C/C++ not Java or C#)
Everyone is kind of making it's own soup.
There are even some third party libs like Apache Portable Runtime.
Yes, there is no standard but libraries like Qt and boost can make your life much easier when you do cross-platform development.
wxwidgets is a great abstraction layer on the native GUI widgets of most window managers.
I think the main reason there isn't any single library anyone agrees on is that everyone's requirements are different. When you want to wrap system libraries you'll often need to make some assumptions about what the use cases will be, unless you want to make the wrapper huge and impossible to work with. I think that might be the main reason there's no single, common cross platform runtime.
For GUI, the reason would be that each platform has its own UI conventions, you can't code one GUI that fits all, you'll simply get one that fits just one or even none at all.
There are many libraries that make cross-platform development easier on their own, but making a complete wrapper for all platforms ends up being either small and highly customized, or massive and completely ridiculous.
Carried to it's logical conclusion, a complete wrapper for all aspects of an operating system becomes an entire virtual runtime. You might as well make your own programming language.
The ADAPTIVE Communication Environment (ACE) is an excellent object oriented framework that provides cross-platform support for all of the low level OS functionality like threading, sockets, mutexes, etc. It runs with a crazy number of compilers and operating systems.
C and C++ as languages are standards languages. If you closely follow their rules when coding (That means not using vendor-specific extensions) you're code should be portable and you should be able to compile it with any modern compiler on any OS.
However C and C++ don't have a GUI library, like Java or C#, however there exist some free or commercial GUI libraries that will allow you to write portable GUI applications.
I think the most populars are Qt (Commercial) and wxWidgets (FOSS). According to wikipedia there is a lot more.
There is also boost, while not a GUI library boost is a really great complement to C++'s STL. In fact some of the boost libraires will be added in the next C++ standard.
If you make sure it compiles cleanly with both GCC and MS VC++, it will be little extra effort to port to somewhere else.