Python: How to check that...? - c++

I'd like some advice on how to check for the correctness of the parameters I receive.
The checking is going to be done in C++, so if there's a good solution using Boost.Python (preferably) or the C API, please tell me about that. Otherwise, tell me what attributes the object should have to ensure that it meets the criteria.
How do you check that an object is a function?
How do you check that an object is a bound method?
How do you check that an object is a class object?
How do you check that a class object is a child of another class?

When in doubt just work out how you would get the required effect by calling the usual Python builtins and translate it to C/C++. I'll just answer for Python, for C you would look up the global such as 'callable' and then call it like any other Python function.
Why would you care about it being a function rather than any other sort of callable? If you want you can find out if it is callable by using the builtin callable(f) but of course that won't tell you which arguments you need to pass when calling it. The best thing here is usually just to call it and see what happens.
isinstance(f, types.MethodType) but that won't help if it's a method of a builtin. Since there's no difference in how you call a function or a bound method you probably just want to check if it is callable as above.
isinstance(someclass, type) Note that this will include builtin types.
issubclass(someclass, baseclass)

I have two unconventional recommendations for you:
1) Don't check. The Python culture is to simply use objects as you need to, and if it doesn't work, then an exception will occur. Checking ahead of time adds overhead, and potentially limits how people can use your code because you're checking more strictly than you need to.
2) Don't check in C++. When combining Python and C (or C++), I recommend only doing things in C++ that need to be done there. Everything else should be done in Python. So check your parameters in a Python wrapper function, and then call an unchecked C++ entry point.


Lazy evaluation for subset of class methods

I'm looking to make a general, lazy evaluation-esque procedure to streamline my code.
Right now, I have the ability to speed up the execution of mathematical functions - provided that I pre-process it by calling another method first. More concretely, given a function of the type:
const Eigen::MatrixXd<double, -1, -1> function_name(const Eigen::MatrixXd<double, -1, -1>& input)
I can pass this into another function, g, which will produce a new version of function_name g_p, which can be executed faster.
I would like to abstract all this busy-work away from the end-user. Ideally, I'd like to make a class such that when any function f matching function_name's method signature is called on any input (say, x), the following happens instead:
The class checks if f has been called before.
If it hasn't, it calls g(f), followed by g_p(x).
If it has, it just calls g_p(x)
This is tricky for two reasons. The first, is I don't know how to get a reference to the current method, or if that's even possible, and pass it to g. There might be a way around this, but passing one function to the other would be simplest/cleanest for me.
The second bigger issue is how to force the calls to g. I have read about the execute around pattern, which almost works for this purpose - except that, unless I'm understanding it wrong, it would be impossible to reference f in the surrounding function calls.
Is there any way to cleanly implement my dream class? I ideally want to eventually generalize beyond the type of function_name (perhaps with templates), but can take this one step at a time. I am also open to other solution to get the same functionality.
I don't think a "perfect" solution is possible in C++, for the following reasons.
If the calling site says:
result = object->f(x);
as compiled this will call into the unoptimized version. At this point you're pretty much hamstrung, since there's no way in C++ to change where a function call goes, that's determined at compile-time for static linkage, and at runtime via vtable lookup for virtual (dynamic) linkage. Whatever the case, it's not something you can directly alter. Other languages do allow this, e.g. Lua, and rather ironically C++'s great-grandfather BCPL also permits it. However C++ doesn't.
TL;DR to get a workable solution to this, you need to modify either the called function, or every calling site that uses one of these.
Long answer: you'll need to do one of two things. You can either offload the problem to the called class and make all functions look something like this:
const <return_type> myclass:f(x)
static auto unoptimized = [](x) -> <return_type>
// Do the optimizable heavy lifting here;
return whatever;
static auto optimized = g(unoptimized);
return optimized(x);
However I very strongly suspect this is exactly what you don't want to do, because assuming the end-user you're talking about is the author of the class, this fails your requirement to offload this from the end-user.
However, you can also solve it by using a template, but that requires modification to every place you call one of these. In essence you encapsulate the above logic in a template function, replacing unoptimized with the bare class member, and leaving most everything else alone. Then you just call the template function at the calling site, and it should work.
This does have the advantage of a relatively small change at the calling site:
result = object->f(x);
becomes either:
result = optimize(object->f, x);
result = optimize(object->f)(x);
depending on how you set the optimize template up. It also has the advantage of no changes at all to the class.
So I guess it comes down to where you wan't to make the changes.
Yet another choice. Would it be an option to take the class as authored by the end user, and pass the cpp and h files through a custom pre-processor? That could go through the class and automatically make the changes outlined above, which then yields the advantage of no change needed at the calling site.

Lua/C++ binding from scratch

I'm new to Lua, and trying to understand some of the fundamentals. Something I want to understand is binding Lua to C++ instances.
I am not interested in third party libraries, I want to understand this at a more fundamental level - thanks :)
Here are my questions:
My assumption based on what I have read, is that Lua can only bind to static C functions. Is this correct?
Does that mean that to bind an instance of a C++ class, I'd first need to write static functions for each method and property getter/setter I want, accepting an instance pointer as a paramter.
I'd register these functions with Lua.
I'd pass Lua a pointer to the instance of the C++ class.
From Lua I'd call one of the registered functions, passing the C++ instance pointer.
The static function dereferences the pointer, calling the equivalent method.
Does this make sense? Or have I gotten something wrong?
Thanks for reading this far.
This is right up my ally.
1) Lua ... it doesn't really bind to stuff, what you need to do is "play nice with Lua" and that requires knowing a bit about how Lua works.
I REALLY suggest reading that.
That tells you about EVERYTHING Lua is actually able to do. So the functions Lua gives you let you manipulate just those structures.
After that everything makes a lot more sense.
Why this answer should end here
Your questions after 1 are all wrong. and 1 is semantically wrong, a static function just has internal/weak linkage. I guess you mean "not a method"
2) Not really, remember you have that nice "self"/"this" identity with objects (and lua with tables/meta-tables) - you don't bind to methods.
You want Lua to call some function of yours with a "self" argument, that "self" (whatever it may be, a simple integer ID, or a void* if you're feeling dangerous) should tell you what ojbect you are working with.
3/4/5/6 don't really make sense, read that document :) Comment in reply to this if you need more or have something more specific, it's not a bad question btw it's just naive

Calling a function or method by reflection in C/C++

I am just going through a problem that I haven't before in C/C++, and I have no idea how to solve it. Reflection. I need to call a function or method by a string that was given by the user. Not just this, I also need to give the function or method some parameters and get its result if any.
Imagine the user has typed printSomething.
I need to evaluate "printSomething"(paramA, paramB). Of course, the function or method T printSomething() is defined.
How is the best way I can do it?
Use a structure mapping from strings to pointers to functions or methods (member functions).
C++ doesn't provide such a structure; you will have to build it yourself, passing in the name-strings and the pointers. Conversion of parameters and return values to and from strings also needs to be implemented. The language has no conventions or ideas about how this is to be done, so you must specify it.

C++ Different subclasses need different parameters

I'm looking for the best way to accomplish the following:
I have a based class with a request() virtual method with different subclasses provide alternate implementations of performing the requests. The idea is I'd like to let the client instantiate one of these subclasses and pass in one of these objects to a subsystem which will call request() when it needs to. The goal is to let the client decide how requests are handled by instantiated the desired subclass.
However, if a certain subclass implementation is chosen, it needs a piece of information from the subsystem which would most naturally be passed as an argument to request (i.e. request(special_info);). But other subclasses don't need this. Is there a clean way to hide this difference or appropriate design pattern that can be used here?
Make the base request() method take the information as argument, and ignore the argument in subclass implementations that don't need it.
Or pass the SubSystem instance itself to the handler, and let the handler get the information it needs from the SubSystem (and ignore it if it doesn't need any information from the SubSystem). That would make the design more extensible: you wouldn't need to pass an additional argument and refactor all the methods each time a new subclass needing additional information is introduced.
JB Nizet's suggestion is one possible solution - it will certainly work.
What worries me a little is the rather vague notion that "some need more information". Where does this information come from, what decides that? The general principle with inheritance is that you have a baseclass that does the right thing for all the objects. If you have to go say "Is it type A object or type B object, then do this, else if it's type C object do something slightly different, and if it's type D object, do a another kind of thing", then you're doing it wrong.
It may be that JB's suggestion is the right one for you, but I would also consider the option that "special_info" can be passed into the constructor, or be fetched via some helper function. The constructor solution is a sane one, because at construction time, obviously, you need to know if something is a A, B, C or D object that you are creating. The helper function is a good solution some other times, but if it's used badly, it can lead to a bit of a messy solution, so use with care.
Generally, when things end up like this, it's because you are splitting the classes up "the wrong way".

C/C++ Dynamic loading of functions with unknown prototype

I'm in the process of writing a kind of runtime system/interpreter, and one of things that I need to be able to do is call c/c++ functions located in external libraries.
On linux I'm using the dlfcn.h functions to open a library, and call a function located within. The problem is that, when using dlsysm() the function pointer returned need to be cast to an appropriate type before being called so that the function arguments and return type are know, however if I’m calling some arbitrary function in a library then obviously I will not know this prototype at compile time.
So what I’m asking is, is there a way to call a dynamically loaded function and pass it arguments, and retrieve it’s return value without knowing it’s prototype?
So far I’ve come to the conclusion there is not easy way to do this, but some workarounds that I’ve found are:
Ensure all the functions I want to load have the same prototype, and provide some sort mechanism for these functions to retrieve parameters and return values. This is what I am doing currently.
Use inline asm to push the parameters onto the stack, and to read the return value. I really want to steer clear of doing this if possible!
If anyone has any ideas then it would be much appreciated.
I have now found exactly what I was looking for:
"A Portable Foreign Function Interface Library"
(Although I’ll admit I could have been clearer in the original question!)
What you are asking for is if C/C++ supports reflection for functions (i.e. getting information about their type at runtime). Sadly the answer is no.
You will have to make the functions conform to a standard contract (as you said you were doing), or start implementing mechanics for trying to call functions at runtime without knowing their arguments.
Since having no knowledge of a function makes it impossible to call it, I assume your interpreter/"runtime system" at least has some user input or similar it can use to deduce that it's trying to call a function that will look like something taking those arguments and returning something not entirely unexpected. That lookup is hard to implement in itself, even with reflection and a decent runtime type system to work with. Mix in calling conventions, linkage styles, and platforms, and things get nasty real soon.
Stick to your plan, enforce a well-defined contract for the functions you load dynamically, and hopefully make due with that.
Can you add a dispatch function to the external libraries, e.g. one that takes a function name and N (optional) parameters of some sort of variant type and returns a variant? That way the dispatch function prototype is known. The dispatch function then does a lookup (or a switch) on the function name and calls the corresponding function.
Obviously it becomes a maintenance problem if there are a lot of functions.
I believe the ruby FFI library achieves what you are asking. It can call functions
in external dynamically linked libraries without specifically linking them in.
You probably can't use it directly in your scripting language but perhapps the ideas are portable.
Brad Phelan
I'm in the process of writing a kind of runtime system/interpreter, and one of things that I need to be able to do is call c/c++ functions located in external libraries.
You can probably check for examples how Tcl and Python do that. If you are familiar with Perl, you can also check the Perl XS.
General approach is to require extra gateway library sitting between your interpreter and the target C library. From my experience with Perl XS main reasons are the memory management/garbage collection and the C data types which are hard/impossible to map directly on to the interpreter's language.
So what I’m asking is, is there a way to call a dynamically loaded function and pass it arguments, and retrieve it’s return value without knowing it’s prototype?
No known to me.
Ensure all the functions I want to load have the same prototype, and provide some sort mechanism for these functions to retrieve parameters and return values. This is what I am doing currently.
This is what in my project other team is doing too. They have standardized API for external plug-ins on something like that:
typedef std::list< std::string > string_list_t;
string_list_t func1(string_list_t stdin, string_list_t &stderr);
Common tasks for the plug-ins is to perform transformation or mapping or expansion of the input, often using RDBMS.
Previous versions of the interface grew over time unmaintainable causing problems to both customers, products developers and 3rd party plug-in developers. Frivolous use of the std::string is allowed by the fact that the plug-ins are called relatively seldom (and still the overhead is peanuts compared to the SQL used all over the place). The argument stdin is populated with input depending on the plug-in type. Plug-in call considered failed if inside output parameter stderr any string starts with 'E:' ('W:' is for warnings, rest is silently ignored thus can be used for plug-in development/debugging).
The dlsym is used only once on function with predefined name to fetch from the shared library array with the function table (function public name, type, pointer, etc).
My solution is that you can define a generic proxy function which will convert the dynamic function to a uniform prototype, something like this:
#include <string>
#include <functional>
using result = std::function<std::string(std::string)>;
template <class F>
result proxy(F func) {
// some type-traits technologies based on func type
In user-defined file, you must add define to do the convert:
double foo(double a) { /*...*/ }
auto local_foo = proxy(foo);
In your runtime system/interpreter, you can use dlsym to define a foo-function. It is the user-defined function foo's responsibility to do calculation.