ColdFusion-9 "includeEmptyValues" - coldfusion

This is my code:
returnStruct.myList = myList;
returnStruct.first = trim(ListGetAt(myList,3));
returnStruct.last = trim(ListGetAt(myList,13));
returnStruct.address = trim(ListGetAt(myList,15)); = trim(ListGetAt(myList,2));
returnStruct.state = trim(ListGetAt(myList,9));
Everything is working fine until myList hits empty values and then everything crashes.
I found a command "includeEmptyValues" that I can set to 'yes' but I am not familiar with it and the documentation of ColdFusion 9 isn't the best I've come across.
Previous versions of ColdFusion (and CF9 by default) counted consecutive delimiters as a single delimiter. So a list that looked like this:
<cfset myList="a,b,,c,,d" />
was considered to have four elements.
Recently added is the "includeEmptyValues" attribute.
listGetAt(list, position [, delimiters, includeEmptyValues ])
So while
<cfset myVar=listGetAt(myList,6) />
will throw an error
<cfset myVar=listGetAt(myList,6,",","true") />
will successfully set myVar to d.

might want to use listToArray(), and ArrayIsDefined(). Play with includeEmptyFields attr and see which behavior you prefer. True = Convert empty elements in a list to empty array entries


ColdFusion replacelist reorders returned string

I'm trying to clean up submitted file names.
I'm using replacelist(filename,"',##,&, ",",,and,-") which should
remove ' and #
replace & with and
replace spaces with -.
When given "apost's & pound#.JPG", instead of returning:
replaceList returns:
I'm using ColdFusion 10.
This is not reordering - it is due to how the CF list processing works - empty elements are ignored/removed.
Some of the List~ string processing functions have an additional argument to change this behaviour (i.e. treat empty elements as an empty string), but ReplaceList doesn't appear to.
You can solve this by doing the removals in a separate step to the replacements:
<cfset NewFilename = rereplace(Filename,"['##]","","all") />
<cfset NewFilename = replacelist(NewFilename,"&, ","and,-") />
replacelist( rereplace(filename,"['##]","","all") , "&, " , "and,-" )

Coldfusion-9 Trim Values

I am trying to write a code that takes a URL that has 3 parts (www).(domainname).(com) and trim the first part out completely.
So far I have this code that checks if on the left side I don't have a 'www' or 'dev'
go in and set siteDomainName = removecharsCGI.SERVER_NAME,1,2);
if (numHostParts eq 3 and listfindnocase('www,dev',left(CGI.SERVER_NAME,3)) eq 0) {
siteDomainName = removecharsCGI.SERVER_NAME,1,2);
The problem with the code above is that is deleting only 2 characters where I need it to delete ALL characters until numHostParts eq 2 or at least until the first "."
Another example would be: I need the code to delete the first part of the URL with the dot included (akjnakdn.)
This code will help some of the queries that i have on the site to stop crushing because they are related with the #URL# and when the #URL# is fake I am getting cform query returned zero records error that is causing my contact forms to stop working.
You can just use listRest. It returns all the elements in a list, except the first one. Documentation is here
name = cgi.server_name;
if (listlen(name,".") gte 3) {
name = listRest(name,".");
You could do something like this:
local.nameArr = ListToArray(CGI.SERVER_NAME, '.');
if (ArrayLen(local.nameArr) gt 2) {
ArrayDeleteAt(local.nameArr, 1);
siteDomainName = ArrayToList(local.nameArr, '.');
I've split the server name into array elements with a period as the delimiter. If the number of elements is greater than two, remove the first element. Then convert it back to a list with the period as a delimiter.
As suggested by Robb, this could be more concise and perform better by skipping the array conversion process:
siteDomainName = CGI.SERVER_NAME;
if (ListLen(siteDomainName, '.') gt 2) {
siteDomainName = ListDeleteAt(siteDomainName, 1, '.');
I would use a regular expression, since you only want to "trim" certain subdomains (www,dev).
<cfset the_domain = REReplaceNoCase(cgi.SERVER_NAME, "(www|dev)\.", "") />
Just use a |-delimited list of subdomains you want to trim within the parentheses.

Why is ListAppend non destructive, while ArrayAppend and StructInsert are both destructive?

I just spent almost an hour trying to figure out an issue with having a list that would always return an empty string. I was using ListAppend just like one uses ArrayAppend or StructInsert, but apparently ListAppend works differently. What, if any, is the reasoning behind having ListAppend work differently from everything else?
<cfset ListAppend(list, item)>
list = ''
<cfset ArrayAppend(array, item)>
array[1] = item
<cfset StructInsert(struct, 'key', item)>
struct.key = item
Possibly because a list is just a big String. Unlike arrays and structures, Strings are immutable, meaning they cannot be changed. To "append" a new value, you need to create an entirely new String. Arrays and structures are mutable. So you can modify them "in place".
Lists in ColdFusion are just Strings and strings in ColdFusion (and Java) are immutable. They cannot be changed. So ListAppend() must return the a new string with the value instead of modifying the existing string.
<cfset newList = listAppend(oldList, "New Value") />

Use string function to select all text after specific character

How would I use use a string function to select everything in a variable after the last "/"
So in this case I would like to select "abctest.html"
Running ColdFusion 8.
Any suggestions?
Um, a bit strange to give very similar answer within few days, but ListLast looks as most compact and straightforward approach:
<cfset filename = ListLast("","/") />
And yes, IMO you should start with this page before asking such questions on SO.
Joe I'd use the listToArray function, passing the "/" as the delimiter, get the length of the array and get the value in the last slot. See sample below
<cfset str = ""/>
<cfset arr = ListToArray(str,"/","false")/>
<cfset val = arr[ArrayLen(arr)]/>
<cfoutput>#str# : #val#</cfoutput>
produces : abctest.html

How do I get the contents of a string minus the extension in ColdFusion?

For example, I want just the "filename" of a file in a field. Say I have myimage.jpg I only want to display "myimage" How do I get just that?
Use the List functions to your advantage.
<cfset FileName = ListDeleteAt(FileFullName, ListLen(FileFullName, "."), ".")>
Be aware that this only works for file names that actually have a file extension (that is defined as the thing after the last dot). To make it safer, the following is better:
<cfset ExtensionIndex = ListLen(FileFullName, ".")>
<cfif ExtensionIndex gt 1>
<cfset FileExt = ListGetAt(ExtensionIndex , ".")>
<cfset FileName = ListDeleteAt(FileFullName, ExtensionIndex, ".")>
<cfset FileExt = "">
<cfset FileName = FileFullName>
To complicate things a bit further: There may be files that start with a dot. There may be file names that contain many adjacent dots. List functions return wrong results for them, as they ignore empty list elements. There may also be files that have dots, but no extension. These can only be handled if you provide an extension white list: ListFindNoCase(FileExt, "doc,xls,ppt,jpg"). If you want to account for all of this, you probably need to resign to a reguar expression:
<cfset FileExtRe = "(?:\.(?:doc|xls|ppt|jpg))?$">
<cfset FileName = REReplaceNoCase(FileFullName, FileExtRe, "")>
To split file name from path, ColdFusion provides distinct functions that also handle platform differences: GetFileFromPath() and GetDirectoryFromPath()
Tomalak's answer is good, but this can get tricky. Given a file named "mydoc.ver1.doc" (a valid Windows file name) which is the filename and which is the extension? What if there is a filepath?
You can still leverage the list functions to your advantage, however, even in these scenarios.
You can easily parse out the file from the path with
If you assume the filename is everything before the dot, then
will work.
If you want to ensure that you get everything but what's after the last period, then a little trickery is needed, but not much. There is not a listAllButLast() function (although such a thing might exist on but there are two ways I can think of to get what you're after.
As with Tomalak's suggestion, however, this will break down on a filename that lacks an extension. Wrapping this in a <cfif listLen(fullFileName,".") GT 1> will account for that.
The current accepted solution will not work for a file that does not contain an extension.
You can solve this by using a regular expression to strip the extension only if it exists:
<cfset FileName = rereplace( FullFileName , '\.[^.]+$' , '' ) />
This might still not be perfect - you might have a file that has a . but it isn't considered an extension - you can solve this either by using a list of known extensions to strip, or by limiting how long an extension you will accept (e.g. upto 5):
<cfset FileName = rereplace( FullFileName , '\.(jpg|png|gif|bmp)$' , '' ) />
<cfset FileName = rereplace( FullFileName , '\.[^.]{1,5}$' , '' ) />
So you first need to find the position of the last fullstop (there could be more than one fullstop in the full filename). I don't think Coldfusion has a find function that works backwards, so reverse the string first:
<cfset Position = Find(".", Reverse(FullFileName))>
If that returns zero then you don't have a fullstop in the file name, so handle appropriately. Else ...
<cfset Filename = Left(FullFileName, Len(FullFileName) - Position>
As of ColdFusion 9+ (perhaps earlier, but I can't verify), the Apache Commons library was included. Within that is You can utilize methods within the cut down on the amount of operations needed in CF to get the same (or similar) results.
filepath = "some/dir/archive.tar.gz";
oUtils = createObject("java", "");
writeDump(oUtils.getFullPath(filepath)); // "some/dir/"
writeDump(oUtils.getName(filepath)); // "archive.tar.gz"
writeDump(oUtils.getBaseName(filepath)); // "archive.tar"
writeDump(oUtils.getExtension(filepath)); // "gz"
writeDump(oUtils.getPath(filepath)); // "some/dir/"
writeDump(oUtils.getPathNoEndSeparator(filepath)); // "some/dir"