Perl web API using Data::Dumper - web-services

We've developed an open web API using Apache and mod_perl, where you can pass text created by Data::Dumper to make requests.
Our data generally looks like this:
$VAR1 = {
'OurField' => 'OurValue'
Currently, I noticed we're using an eval to get the data back into a Perl hash server side:
my $VAR1;
eval $our_dumper_string;
#$VAR1 is now filled with hash value
The problem with this, is it is a major security issue. You can pass malicious perl code in there and it will run server side...
It there a better way to safely take a Data::Dumper string and turn it into a hash?

Yes. Use JSON::XS and use JSON rather than Data::Dumper format. That is much more compatible with other web APIs

If your data is simple and predictable you can even try to write a simple "parser" to read back the values in a data stricture
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
my $data = { 'key1' => 'value' };
my $dumper = Dumper($data);
print $dumper;
my $data_2;
while( $dumper =~ /(.+)$/mg) {
if ( $1 =~ m/'(.*)' => '(.*)'/ ) {
$data_2->{$1} = $2;
print Dumper( $data_2 );
(this is just an example and wont work with integers or nested data structures)


Twitch TMI, extract all users

I'm trying to extract all the user names from the source (, but so far I'm only able to get like the first "name".
Goal is to get all the names into an array, and then just remove the "viewers", "admins", "staff", etc. names.
use strict;
use warnings;
my #listusers = userlist();
sub userlist {
my $url = "";
my $array = get($url);
my #array2;
my $time = 0;
while ($time != 2){
my $mylist = (join "",grep(/"\s*(.*?)\s*"/, $array[$time])) =~ /"\s*(.*?)\s*"/;
print $1;
return #array2;
print #listusers;
I assume that you get the page with get from LWP::Simple. Please always show relevant includes.
Since this is valid JSON, use a module for that
use warnings;
use strict;
use feature 'say';
use Data::Dump qw(dd);
use LWP::Simple;
use JSON;
my $data_json = get($url);
my $data = JSON->new->decode($data_json);
#dd $data;
my #names = #{ $data->{chatters}{moderators} }; # get "moderators"
say "#names";
# my #all_names = map { #$_ } values %{$data->{chatters}}; # or get all names
This prints the line: cliccer cuda hnlbot nixi93 scorpy0 somppe
I print "names" of moderators as an example of getting one category out; the commented out line gets all names in one array. Once you have a hashref there are various ways to extract what you need.
Your code seems to be trying to parse that JSON string. It is very easy with a module.
One can view complex data structures with Data::Dumper or such. I use Data::Dump.
Here JSON is used, which delegates to JSON::XS if installed or to the "pure Perl" (and slower) JSON::PP otherwise. Another option is Cpanel::JSON::XS.
For convenience, the structure printed by dd $data is
_links => {},
chatter_count => 15,
chatters => {
admins => [],
global_mods => [],
moderators => [
staff => [],
viewers => [
I recommend that you use
for this, as it contains a JSON decoder as well as an HTTP user agent and makes the code much more concise
I assume you want the names of all the different categories of chatters so that's what the map statement does: simply flattening all of the categories—admins, global_mods, moderators, staff, and viewers—into a single list
If anything goes wrong with the HTTP transfer then the subroutine will simply return an empty list, so you may want to add some proper error handling
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature 'say';
use Mojo::UserAgent;
my #list_users = chatters();
say for #list_users;
sub chatters {
my $url = '';
return unless my $data = Mojo::UserAgent->new->get($url)->res->json;
map { #$_ } values %{ $data->{chatters} };

How to parse a json file without using json library and json parser

Below are the input and Output Details
Input : This is just a sample input and real input is huge and is just in a single line
[{"mnemonic":"PT.IA1","ID":"000628"}, {"mnemonic":"EOR.1","ID":"000703"}]
code : I'm trying to read the file by setting the delimiter as }, so that I get each value,but as its a single line file, its printing everything at one, how do I parse this line by setting a delimiter to this line , is split function
enough to do this job ?
our $conf =
chunk_separator => '\{,',
open( FH, "Etot_Data.txt" ) or die $!;
while ( my $chunk = <FH> ){
my $sections = [ split $conf->{chunk_separator}, $chunk ]
print "$chunk\n";
I would want to pick "ID" from each value and prepend "abc." to it
Final String would look like abc.000628 or abc.000703 and save it in a hash
There's no need of another values except the ID in json string
Is it possible to read the json file as a normal file and operate on it.
I don't have json parser and I don't have an option to use it
Thanks for the help
If you can't install any external modules, you can sure include it...
Create a JSON directory in the same directory your script is in, then copy the contents of the JSON::PP module, and put it into a file inside of the JSON directory you just created. Then, in your script, add the current working directory as a library directory: use lib '.';, and use JSON::PP;.
use warnings;
use strict;
use lib '.';
use JSON::PP qw(decode_json);
my $json;
local $/;
open my $fh, '<', 'file.json' or die $!;
$json = <$fh>;
my $perl = decode_json $json;
for (#$perl){
my $id = 'abc.' . $_->{ID};
print "$id\n";
If you need to hide the fact you've created an additional module, with only slight finagling, you can make some changes to the module, and include it directly within the script itself.
Note that JSON::PP is in Perl core in v5.14+. OP stated in comments that they are on 5.10.
Everything that people have said in the comments is true. JSON is a complex data format and expecting to parse it without using the tools that already exist is foolish in the extreme. I urge you to fix whatever roadblock is preventing you from installing and using a JSON parser.
If you only want the ID, and the format is always identical to your sample data, then there is a way to do it. This code is pretty fragile and I can't emphasise enough how much of a bad idea this is. But this code seems to work on your sample data.
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010;
while (<>) {
foreach my $id (/"ID":"(\d+)"/g) {
say "abc.$id";
It reads from STDIN and writes to STDOUT, so call it like this:
$ ./ < Etot_data.txt
But please get a JSON parser installed.

Building a web service with Perl

I need to build a server-side application (tiny web service) for testing proposes. What are some CPAN modules and Perl libraries for implementing such task?
Testing a tiny Web service with Plack::Test:
use Plack::Test;
use Test::More;
app => sub {
my ($env) = #_;
return [200, ['Content-Type' => 'text/plain'], ["Hello World"]],
client => sub {
my ($cb) = #_;
my $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => "http://localhost/hello");
my $res = $cb->($req);
like $res->content, qr/Hello World/;
There are a lot of possibilities
CGI - if you like to do everything like in the olden days
CGI::Application - a little more advanced
or you could use frameworks like
It depends on your skills and aims what solution you should choose.
A web service simply returns a HTTP status code and some data, perhaps serialized in JSON or XML. You can use the CGI module to do this, e.g.:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;
use CGI;
use CGI::Pretty qw/:standard/;
use URI::Escape;
my $query = CGI->new;
my $jsonQueryValue = uri_unescape $query->param('helloWorld');
# let's say that 'helloWorld' is a uri_escape()-ed POST variable
# that contains the JSON object { 'hello' : 'world' }
print header(-type => "application/json", -status => "200 OK");
print "$jsonQueryValue";
You can, of course, print an HTTP response with other status codes and data. A web service might need to return a 404 error, for example, depending on what's being asked for. That sort of thing.
I like to use mojolicious. It's lightweight at first and can do the heavy lifting later too. Mojolicious::Lite in particular is good for quick and dirty.
use Mojolicious::Lite;
# Route with placeholder
get '/:foo' => sub {
my $self = shift;
my $foo = $self->param('foo');
$self->render(text => "Hello from $foo.");
# Start the Mojolicious command system

soap lite pass string argument

I have a problem passing a string argument using Perl. The following code
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use SOAP::Lite;
my $service = SOAP::Lite->service('http://localhost:8080/greeting?wsdl');
print $service->greetClient('perl wooooo'), "\n";
Results in
Greeting null! Have a nice day...
A similar python code
from suds.client import Client
client = Client('http://localhost:8080/greeting?wsdl')
print client.service.greetClient('python wooooo')
works perfectly
Greeting python wooooo! Have a nice day...
I tried to set different encodings
print $service->encoding('utf-8')->greetClient("perl wooooo"), "\n";
with the same result.
A SOAP Monitor shows that there is no arg0 in a case of Perl
<greetClient xsi:nil="true" xsi:type="tns:greetClient" />
which is present in a case of Python
<arg0>python wooooo</arg0>
What can be a problem?
Why it's so complicated to implement a SOAP client with Perl compared to Python?
Finally the following solution is working
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;
use XML::Compile::SOAP11;
use XML::Compile::WSDL11;
use XML::Compile::Transport::SOAPHTTP;
my $soap = XML::Compile::WSDL11->new('c:/temp/greeting.wsdl');
my $call = $soap->compileClient('greetClient');
print $call->(arg0 => 'perl wooooo'){'greetClientResponse'}{'return'}, "\n";
SOAP::Lite can be infuriatingly bad. You might give XML::Compile::SOAP a try:
use strict;
use warnings;
use XML::Compile::SOAP11;
use XML::Compile::WSDL11;
use XML::Compile::Transport::SOAPHTTP;
my $soap = XML::Compile::WSDL11->new(
schema_dirs => [
my ( $response, $trace ) = $soap->call( 'greetClient', arg0 => 'perl wooooo' );
$response will be the call response converted to a hashref via XML::Simple, which may be all you need. The $trace object is handy to see what the raw XML response looks like.
Unfortunately, I can't see your WSDL.
But in regards to SOAP::Lite, I don't see you setting up neither a proxy (endpoint) nor an uri.
You're also probably going to have to change the on_action behavior as well. By default, SOAP::Lite wants to use the '#' concatenation.
So something along these lines might work.
$service->proxy( $uri_of_my_end_point );
$service->uri( $schema_namespace );
$service->on_action( sub {
my ( $uri, $method ) = #_;
my $slash = $uri =~ m{/$} ? '' : '/';
return qq{"$uri$slash$method"};

Querying a website with Perl LWP::Simple to Process Online Prices

In my free time, I've been trying to improve my perl abilities by working on a script that uses LWP::Simple to poll one specific website's product pages to check the prices of products (I'm somewhat of a perl noob). This script also keeps a very simple backlog of the last price seen for that item (since the prices change frequently).
I was wondering if there was any way I could further automate the script so that I don't have to explicitly add the page's URL to the initial hash (i.e. keep an array of key terms and do a search query amazon to find the page or price?). Is there anyway way I could do this that doesn't involve me just copying Amazon's search URL and parsing in my keywords? (I'm aware that processing HTML with regex is generally bad form, I just used it since I only need one small piece of data).
use strict;
use warnings;
use LWP::Simple;
my %oldPrice;
my %nameURL = (
"Archer Season 1" => "",
"Code Complete" => "",
"Intermediate Perl" => "",
"Inglorious Basterds (2-Disc)" => ""
if (-e "backlog.txt"){
open (LOG, "backlog.txt");
my #temp = split(/:\s/);
$oldPrice{$temp[0]} = $temp[1];
print "\nChecking Daily Amazon Prices:\n";
open(LOG, ">backlog.txt");
foreach my $key (sort keys %nameURL){
my $content = get $nameURL{$key} or die;
$content =~ m{\s*\$(\d+.\d+)} || die;
if (exists $oldPrice{$key} && $oldPrice{$key} != $1){
print "$key: \$$1 (Was $oldPrice{$key})\n";
print "\n$key: $1\n";
print LOG "$key: $1\n";
Yes, the design can be improved. It's probably best to delete everything and start over with an existing full-featured web scraping application or framework, but since you want to learn:
The name-to-URL map is configuration data. Retrieve it from outside of the program.
Store the historic data in a database.
Learn XPath and use it to extract data from HTML, it's easy if you already grok CSS selectors.
Other stackers, if you want to amend my post with the rationale for each piece of advice, go ahead and edit it.
I made simple script to demonstate Amazon search automation. Search url for all departments was changed with escaped search term. The rest of code is simple parsing with HTML::TreeBuilder. Structure of HTML in question can be easily examined with dump method (see commented-out line).
use strict; use warnings;
use LWP::Simple;
use URI::Escape;
use HTML::TreeBuilder;
use Try::Tiny;
my $look_for = "Archer Season 1";
my $contents
= get ""
. uri_escape($look_for);
my $html = HTML::TreeBuilder->new_from_content($contents);
for my $item ($html->look_down(id => qr/result_\d+/)) {
# $item->dump; # find out structure of HTML
my $title = try { $item->look_down(class => 'productTitle')->as_trimmed_text };
my $price = try { $item->look_down(class => 'newPrice')->find('span')->as_text };
print "$title\n$price\n\n";