Writing a DLL that loads msvcr80.dll and exposes the free()-function - c++

I have a third-party DLL that depends on MSVCR80 and allocates resources that I need to cleanup. The library does not expose a free-function for doing this. Instead, I need to load the same runtime library and manually call the free function.
As a workaround I'm trying to write a "wrapper" DLL that loads the correct runtime and exposes the free function. This DLL is created using Visual Studio 2010 and is dependent on a separate runtime library. Doing LoadLibrary("msvcr80.dll") fails with error R6034 which I guess is because of manifest issues.
Is it even possible to load msvcr80.dll using LoadLibrary? Do I need to create a manifest, embed it into the DLL and store msvcr80.dll in the same directory as my wrapper DLL?
I realize that this is a flaw in the third-party library, but I'm pretty much stuck with this version. Getting the vendor to fix this is most likely not an option.

Probably there are better solutions, but in case everything else failed you could find somewhere a copy of VC++ 2005 Express Edition (=free, no piracy is needed ;) ), which uses the version 8.0 of the compiler, and thus the same runtime of the defective dll.
Then you would build your wrapper dll with it, which would just call the free provided by its CRT (double check that you're using the dll version!).


Is my application loading a dll to use std::string?

I'm working on an application that needs to be compatible up to Windows XP (yea... I know...), my colleagues are arguing that they don't want to use std::string because it might load some dlls that might change the code behavior.
I'm not sure either if they are right or wrong here. At some point, there has to be some common grounds where the application can be loaded.
And so given the context where an application have to be self contained as much as possible, would this application be required to load a dll in order to use the stl or string or else coming from the standard libraries?
Also, assuming I use the -static-libstdc++ flag, by which order of magnitude will the executable be bigger?
In windows, STL is supported using CRT libraries. These libraries require the run time DLLs to be deployed before you running the application. Compiling code with different version of visual studio will create dependency on a particular version of CRT. Compiling code with vs2013 will need a version of CRT much different than the vs2010. So you cannot use/pass STL objects from one version of CRT to another dll consuming a different version. Please go through microsoft articles before consuming the CRT libraries. Below article is for vs2013:
I would suggest you to use ATL:CString which is much easier to implement & the static version library also much compact than CRT libraries.

How to run without a dependent DLL when that DLL is not used?

I have a VC++ application compiled against a third party DLL (using their LIB file, of course).
The thing is that not every scenario involves the code of that DLL, but Windows refuses to start the application, if the particular DLL is missing.
I am wondering, how can I workaround this constraint. I would like the application to crash only if the aforementioned DLL is really needed.
Please, ignore the question, whether it is a good taste when an application crashes after it has successfully started - I will take care of it.
How can I defer the DLL resolution until that DLL actually needs to be loaded?
See the /DELAYLOAD linker option:
The Visual C++ linker now supports the delayed loading of DLLs. This relieves you of the need to use the Windows SDK functions LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress to implement DLL delayed loading.
Before Visual C++ 6.0, the only way to load a DLL at run time was by using LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress; the operating system would load the DLL when the executable or DLL using it was loaded.
Beginning with Visual C++ 6.0, when statically linking with a DLL, the linker provides options to delay load the DLL until the program calls a function in that DLL.
An application can delay load a DLL using the /DELAYLOAD (Delay Load Import) linker option with a helper function (default implementation provided by Visual C++). The helper function will load the DLL at run time by calling LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress for you.

Removing external dependencies to MFC DLL project

Im developing a MFC DLL project in VS2008.
The dll compiles OK and I can call it fine from an GUI exe that a contractor has developed for me. Visual C++ Redistributables are required to be installed for my dll (and maybe the exe which is developed in C++ too)
Another company wants to licence my dll to use with their C++ exe. They have requested that my dll have no external dependencies. Is it possible to compile my dll to remove all external dependencies like the Visual C++ Redistributables?
Does setting /MT do this?
I have read Should I compile with /MD or /MT? which makes some sense but I am concerned about dll hell.
Can this create issues with exe calling my dll? I read somewhere about that the exe and dll need to be using the same Visual C++ Redistributables or something.
I am somewhat new to C++. Any advice appreciated.
You can link with the static version of the CRT (yes, /MT) but it is quite dangerous. You'll have to carefully review your exports. Make very sure that none of them return C++ objects, not even an std::string (or CString). Or any pointers that the client code has to release. This will go wrong badly because the client will have its own CRT copy and use a different heap. That will leak the returned object/pointer, crash the program on Vista and Win7 when their secure heap manager detects that the pointer doesn't belong to the heap.
It might be a matter of debate what exactly an 'external dependency' means. Having a dependency on the CRT is not exactly external. You will however have to supply them with a version of the DLL that was built on the same version of Visual Studio that they use. The CRT can only be shared if the version matches.
Why not you package all the dependent dlls into a installer package and release to your customer?
I have seen some of the software package does include the vc's dependent libraries....

Returning C++ objects from Windows DLL

Due to how Microsoft implements the heap in their non-DLL versions of the runtime, returning a C++ object from a DLL can cause problems:
// dll.h
DLL_EXPORT std::string somefunc();
// app.c - not part of DLL but in the main executable
void doit()
std::string str(somefunc());
The above code runs fine provided both the DLL and the EXE are built with the Multi-threaded DLL runtime library.
But if the DLL and EXE are built without the DLL runtime library (either the single or multi-threaded versions), the code above fails (with a debug runtime, the code aborts immediately due to the assertion _CrtIsValidHeapPointer(pUserData) failing; with a non-debug runtime the heap gets corrupted and the program eventually fails elsewhere).
Two questions:
Is there a way to solve this other then requiring that all code use the DLL runtime?
For people who distribute their libraries to third parties, how do you handle this? Do you not use C++ objects in your API? Do you require users of your library to use the DLL runtime? Something else?
Is there a way to solve this other then requiring that all code use the DLL runtime?
Not that I know of.
For people who distribute their libraries to third parties, how do you handle this? Do you not use C++ objects in your API? Do you require users of your library to use the DLL runtime? Something else?
In the past I distributed an SDK w/ dlls but it was COM based. With COM all the marshalling of parameters and IPC is done for you automatically. Users can also integrate in with any language that way.
Your code has two potential problems: you addressed the first one - CRT runtime. You have another problem here: the std::string could change among VC++ versions. In fact, it did change in the past.
The safe way to deal with is to export only C basic types. And exports both create and release functions from the DLL. Instead of export a std::string, export a pointer.
__declspec(export) void* createObject()
std::string* p = __impl_createObject();
return (void*)p;
__declspec(export) void releasePSTRING(void* pObj)
delete ((std::string*)(pObj));
There is a way to deal with this, but it's somewhat non-trivial. Like most of the rest of the library, std::string doesn't allocate memory directly with new -- instead, it uses an allocator (std::allocator<char>, by default).
You can provide your own allocator that uses your own heap allocation routines that are common to the DLL and the executable, such as by using HeapAlloc to obtain memory, and suballocate blocks from there.
If you have a DLL that you want to distribute and you don't want to bind your callers to a specific version to the C-Runtime, do any of the following:
I. Link the DLL to the static version of the C-Runtime library. From the Visual Studio Project Properties page, select the tab for Configuration Properties-> C/C++ -> Code Generation. These an option for selecting the "Runtime library". Select "Multithread" or "Multithreaded Debug" instead of the DLL versions. (Command line equilvalent is /MT or /MTd)
There are a couple of different drawbacks to this approach:
a. If Microsoft ever releases a security patch of the CRT, your shipped components may be vulnerable until your recompile and redist your binary.
b. Heap pointers allocated by "malloc" or "new" in the DLL can not be "free"d or "delete"d by the EXE or other binary. You'll crash otherwise. The same holds true for FILE handles created by fopen. You can't call fopen in teh DLL and expect the EXE to be able to fclose on it. Again, crash if you do. You will need to build the interface to your DLL to be resilient to all of these issues. For starters, a function that returns an instance to std::string is likely going to be an issue. Provide functions exported by your DLL to handle the releasing of resources as needed.
Other options:
II. Ship with no c-runtime depedency. This is a bit harder. You first have to remove all calls to the CRT out of your code, provide some stub functions to get the DLL to link, and specify "no default libraries" linking option. Can be done.
III. C++ classes can be exported cleanly from a DLL by using COM interface pointers. You'll still need to address the issues in 1a above, but ATL classes are a great way to get the overhead of COM out of the way.
The simple fact here is, Microsofts implementation aside, C++ is NOT an ABI. You cannot export C++ objects, on any platform, from a dynamic module, and expect them to work with a different compiler or language.
Exporting c++ classes from Dlls is a largely pointless excercise - because of the name mangling, and lack of support in c++ for dynamically loaded classes - the dlls have to be loaded statically - so you loose the biggest benefit of splitting a project into dlls - the ability to only load functionality as needed.

Visual Studio 2008, Runtime Libraries usage advice

I would like some information on the runtime libraries for Visual Studio 2008. Most specifically when should I consider the DLL versions and when should I consider the Static versions.
The Visual Studio documentation delineates the technical differences in terms of DLL dependencies and linked libraries. But I'm left wondering why I should want to use one over the other. More important, why should I want to use the multi-threaded DLL runtime when this obviously forces my application into a DLL dependency, whereas the static runtime has no such requirement on my application user machine.
Linking dynamically to the runtime libraries complicates deployment slightly due to the DLL dependency, but also allows your application to take advantage of updates (bug fixes or more likely performance improvements) to the MS runtime libraries without being recompiled.
Statically linking simplifies deployment, but means that your application must be recompiled against newer versions of the runtime in order to use them.
Larry Osterman feels that you should always use the multi-threaded DLL for application programming. To summarize:
Your app will be smaller
Your app will load faster
Your app will support multiple threads without changing the library dependency
Your app can be split into multiple DLLs more easily (since there will only be one instance of the runtime library loaded)
Your app will automagically stay up to date with security fixes shipped by Microsoft
Please read his whole blog post for full details.
On the downside, you need to redistribute the runtime library, but that's commonly done and you can find documentation on how to include it in your installer.
Dynamically linking the runtime library can give you faster program start up times and smaller system memory usage since the dll can be shared between processes and won't need to be loaded again if it's already used by another process.
I think that main difference is how exceptions will be processed. Microsoft doesn't recommend to link statically to the CRT in a DLL unless the consequences of this are specifically desired and understood:
For example, if you call _set_se_translator in an executable that loads the DLL linked to its own static CRT, any hardware exceptions generated by the code in the DLL will not be caught by the translator, but hardware exceptions generated by code in the main executable will be caught.