Zen cart modifications - zen

I need all functionalities like zen cart except to buy now process or shoping cart.
Actually I need to build only listing of products,its rating and reviews only.
Is there any method to chaNge it from admin.

Yes, Zen Cart has a showroom mode that disabled its shopping cart functionality. Go to Admin >> Configuration >> My Store >> Store Status and set it to 1 or 2 depending upon whether or not you want to display product prices.


Product extra fee

I need to add a packaging fee for 2 specific products and I would like this packaging fee to be multiplied by the cart item quantity…
Any idea on how I can manage this?
Thank you in advance.
Adding some code to help see what you want to make would be useful. Assuming you set this up in a Django web server, you would be able to save the product costs to variables and compare them to the product in the cart. For example:
cart = [] #we make cart empty list
cart1item = 'Example1'
cart2item = 'Example2'
specificproduct1 = 'specific1'
specificproduct2 = 'specific2'
if specificproduct1 or specificproduct2 in cart:
Best Of Luck!

Regarding the product price that goes into the cart along with the product

In backend admin panel following these steps: Catalog -> Products -> (I select the product I need) -> Edit -> Special. I insert the special price I want and it displays in Frond End in the product page. The Price which is in Data appears as CUT and the price I inserted in Special appears uncut. For example: [strike] 100.00[/strike] 90.00. My main question is: When I click Add to cart in the product page I want the the main price to go in the cart not the Special one. The client wants to see the special price but the price that goes into the cart to be the main price.
Many thanks
Special Price is actually the discounted price of a product. So, if a product is of 100 then we can sell it for 90 on some festival seasons. That's when you should use special price. Regarding your specific requirement, you should either flip the values entered in special and base price (But the special price will now have strikethrough) OR you need to alter the code.

add/remove products to favorites in django

I'm creating a project on mobile comparison and i'm using web-scraping for getting the mobile's data and directly rendering it on web-browser without creating any product's model for saving the data.
note: i have created User's model
i want to create add/remove favorite functionality. when user click on the heart icon, it should be added as favourite.
but i do not know how to do this without having model.
please help me to solve it.
thanks in advance.
Let say you have 3 tables like thsi:
id name price
1 'iphone' 36000
2 'redmi-6' 8000
id username
1 'chirag'
2 'priyank'
id product_id user_id status
1 1 2 True
2 2 1 False
You just need to crate 2 tables product and favourite. The user table you can use that one provided by django. Import it like this:
from django.contrib.auth.models import User

add custom product statuses in opencart admin

By default in opencart we have 2 product statuses (which we can use also in admin to filter products) - enabled and disabled.
I need to add a few more custom statuses, which will be just for my team which is working over the products (for example i want to add need description status, products with the custom statuses will not show in the front end (like disabled) so if the product is market with it, the team who is working on product descriptions will easy filter only the products that need descriptions).
I hope i explained clearly as well...Thank you...
If you look into the language file of product admin/language/language_name/catalog/product.php, there is $_['text_enabled'] and $_['text_disabled'], you can add $_['text_need_description'].
In category.php and product.php controllers you will find
$data['text_enabled'] = $this->language->get('text_enabled');
$data['text_disabled'] = $this->language->get('text_disabled');
Next to them, you can add
$data['text_need_description'] = $this->language->get('text_need_description');
You can check occurrences of 'enabled' and change accordingly. You also need to change the relevant templates and models.
In database, status is saved as 1 for enabled and 0 for disabled, you can save the value 2 for 'need description'.
When the products are fetched to be displayed to the customer on front-end, only the products with status 1 are fetched so you won't have to change that part.

In Drupal 8 Commerce, how to display product variation price in Add to Cart form?

On my Drupal 8 Commerce 8.x-2.0-beta7 site, I cannot get the price of a variation to display in my Add to Cart page.
On my Commerce Products Manage Display page, I am using the "Add to cart form" display for the Variations field.
I see each variation title to select, but not the price.
What am I missing?
#Bharanikumar I have the following steps to get the price showing on the product pages.
First, create a product attribute, make the element type a select list, select the default variation type and add all the different variations that your product may have (red, blue, green).
In the default variation type "manage form and manage display" I moved all the fields to visible.
In the product types make sure the fields you want to be seen are not in disabled and the variation should be the "add to cart" format.
Create a product, add variations and give the different variations prices.
After it is saved the variation select list should have all the options you specified in step 1 and the price and sku that you assigned it when you created the product.
I hope this helps!