Cufon dynamic resize - refresh

I'm using a dynamic CSS font resizer to increase, decrease and reset all fonts within a div :
var currentFontSize = $('.container').css('font-size');
var currentFontSizeNum = parseFloat(currentFontSize, 10);
var newFontSize = currentFontSizeNum*1.2;
$('.container').css('font-size', newFontSize);
return false;
But now I started using cufons and got stuck when it comes increasing the font .click() resize and Cufon.refresh().
A little help please?
Thank you for your time!!

This should fix your issue:
var currentFontSize = $('.container').css('font-size');
var currentFontSizeNum = parseFloat(currentFontSize, 10);
var newFontSize = currentFontSizeNum*1.2;
$('.container').css('font-size', newFontSize);
return false;


Scrollview Pull to Refresh

I'm trying to implement a pull to reload/refresh type effect, that you see in lots of apps, with scrollview. I've got multiple pain points on this.
Just stopping a scrollview past where it wants to sit is a pain. Setting velocity or speed limit doesn't work, just setting the position just makes it bounce because it wants to continue back.
Then setting up an event call that doesn't just fire when they scroll too hard up while doing their normal browsing.
If anyone has thoughts on how to accomplish this I'd appreciate it. If I don't get any responses in a day I'll start posting my specific attempts and where they fell short. I can't believe I'm the only one trying to implement this pretty common feature.
You could use the FlexScrollView which supports this feature out of the box (it is nearly impossible to do it right with the stock scrollview..):
var FlexScrollView = require('famous-flex/FlexScrollView');
var RefreshLoader = require('famous-refresh-loader/RefreshLoader');
var scrollView = new FlexScrollView({
autoPipeEvents: true,
pullToRefreshHeader: new RefreshLoader({
size: [undefined, 60],
pullToRefresh: true,
color: 'green',
backgroundColor: 'white',
particleCount: 8,
particleSize: 7
I finally have a solution for you. It relies only on start, and end events of the scrollview sync. To start you will see the scrollview.reset function. This function is taken for scrollviews internals to return _scroller to its default behavior.
We will use a transitionable and scrollview._scroller.positionFrom to control the behavior of the scrollview when it should not be default. Essentially everything is normalized on scrollview.sync.on 'start' and the update is carried out on scrollview.sync.on 'end' if the position of the scrollview has reached the refresh offset.
Much of the functionality is tied to the fact that I am using a timeout to simulate the load time of the refresh. It may be more appropriate to have a variable that is keeping track of whether a request is still being made.
Anyway, I hope this gives you some ideas.. Here is the full example.
var Engine = require('famous/core/Engine');
var Surface = require('famous/core/Surface');
var Transform = require('famous/core/Transform');
var Scrollview = require('famous/views/Scrollview');
var Transitionable = require('famous/transitions/Transitionable');
var SnapTransition = require('famous/transitions/SnapTransition');
var snap = { method:'snap', period:200, dampingRatio:0.4 }
var context = Engine.createContext();
var scrollview = new Scrollview();
var surfaces = [];
for (var i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
var surface = new Surface({
size: [undefined, 200],
properties: {
backgroundColor: "hsl(" + (i * 360 / 20) + ", 100%, 50%)",
scrollview.trans = new Transitionable(0);
// Timeout that will simulate loading time
scrollview.timer = null;
// Total simulated load time
scrollview.timeout = 500;
// Vertical offset scrollview will start load at
scrollview.refreshOffset = 100;
// Reset scroller to default behavior
scrollview.reset = function(){
var pos = scrollview.trans.get()
if (pos != 0) scrollview.setPosition(pos);
var pos = scrollview.getPosition();
if (pos < (-scrollview.refreshOffset)) {
return scrollview.trans.get();
scrollview.timer = setTimeout(function(){
}, scrollview.timeout );
} else {

How to build an endless animation with

I'm willing to build an endless animation using famous (for example an endless rolling gear or a randomly shaken surface). Should I write a custom Transitionable with an infinite duration or there is something smarter to achieve this ?
I would recommend using Modifiers transformFrom method to define a position or rotation based on time. This allows you to set a transform that will be updated on every tick of the engine, but will be controlled via actual time.
Here is an example of that..
Hope it helps!
var Engine = require('famous/core/Engine');
var Surface = require('famous/core/Surface');
var Transform = require('famous/core/Transform');
var Modifier = require('famous/core/Modifier');
var context = Engine.createContext();
var surface = new Surface({
content: "Hello",
properties: {
surface.mod = new Modifier({
origin: [0.5,0.5],
var startTime = (new Date).getTime();
var currentTime = (new Date).getTime();
var rotation = (currentTime - startTime) / 360.0;
return Transform.rotate(0,0,rotation);
The answer is to use Transitionables
First you use use Transitionable.set(destination, {duration: VALUE})
Each Engine 'prerender' (every frame), you use Transitionable.get() to update a Modifier Transform
At the end of the Transitionable, it will run a callback to update the new destination
this.transit = new Transitionable(0);
// ------- when i say twerk, you twerk ----->
var _createWheelMod = function() {
var _setWheelModRotation = function() {
Engine.on("prerender", function() {
this.wheelMod.setTransform(Transform.rotate(0, 0, this.transit.get()));
// ------------ charge lasers ------->
var _setDestination = function() {
this.transit.set(100 + this.transit.get(), {duration: 2e5},
_setDestination.bind(this)); // callback when the transition has finished
}; - How to add content to a CanvasSurface

I've just moved to and think it has some amazing potential. I am trying to build a new App using and will be having 'layered' Views, one of which has a CanvasSurface inside.
My question is about how I would populate the CanvasSurface? I have checked the Docs and while they talk about some of the parameter options they do not tell you how.
I have a View within which I add a Layout and then a Surface to that Layout. Other Views that have ImageSurfaces work fine - but I do not know if I am on the right track with CanvasSurface.
So far I have: (part of inside a BackgroundView.js file)
function BackgroundView() {
View.apply(this, arguments);;;;
function _createBody() {
this.bodySurface = new CanvasSurface({
canvasSize : [undefined, undefined]
var bodyContext= this.bodySurface.getContext('2d');
bodyContext.fillText("Text on Canvas", 100, 100);
It runs with no errors, but shows nothing. The CanvasSurface is rendered...
Are there any examples using CanvasSurface or does anyone have any thoughts?
Thanks again for your help in advance.
There are a couple of things I added to your code.. Defining the prototype and prototype.constructor, as well as adding the CanvasSurface to the BackgroundView. I found that canvasSize does not currently support the undefined size attribute like Surface does. You need to be explicit and use pixel size.
Check out what I did to your code.. Hope this helps..
var Engine = require('famous/core/Engine');
var Surface = require('famous/core/Surface');
var View = require('famous/core/View');
var CanvasSurface = require('famous/surfaces/CanvasSurface');
var context = Engine.createContext();
function BackgroundView() {
View.apply(this, arguments);
BackgroundView.prototype = Object.create(View.prototype);
BackgroundView.prototype.constructor = BackgroundView;
function _createBody() {
this.bodySurface = new CanvasSurface({
var bodyContext= this.bodySurface.getContext('2d');
bodyContext.font="20px Georgia";
bodyContext.fillText("Hello World!",50,50);
var bg = new BackgroundView();

Changing positions of things during animation

If I have a transform translate thats animating something vertically between say 0 -> 1000, over 5 seconds, is there a way if I have click events to change the horizontal position without interrupting the vertical animation?
duration: 5000,
curve: 'linear'
then on some random click, I want to start changing the x position over 100ms or so, and it might have multiple of these before the 5000 duration has finished
I can play with the origin and animate that independently, but I really need pixel control. So is there a way to animate just the x?
If I add a setTransform, it chains after the first one rather than concurrently.
Yes, you most certainly can achieve this. You will want to use a ModifierChain. ModifierChain allows you to chain your modifiers together and control the transforms independently. Check out this example..
Hope this helps!
var Engine = require('famous/core/Engine');
var Surface = require('famous/core/Surface');
var StateModifier = require('famous/modifiers/StateModifier');
var Transform = require('famous/core/Transform');
var ModifierChain = require('famous/modifiers/ModifierChain');
var Easing = require('famous/transitions/Easing');
var context = Engine.createContext();
var surface = new Surface({
properties: { backgroundColor:'green' }
surface.yState = new StateModifier();
surface.xState = new StateModifier();
var x = 0;
var y = context.getSize()[1] - 200;
x += 100;
surface.chain = new ModifierChain();
surface.yState.setTransform(Transform.translate(0,y,0), {duration:5000});

Sitecore Content tree scroll to top in Firefox

When I expand the Sitecore content tree and when the vertical scroll bar appears for the content tree, and if I scroll down and select an item in the bottom of the tree, it scroll to top.
This only happens in Firefox, IE10, IE9, Chrome it works fine.
I did the Sitecore upgrade very recently. Has anyone encountered similar issue? Please help!
Sitecore.NET 6.6.0 (rev. 130404)
Firefox versions - 21,22
I have had a similar issue and contacted Sitecore support about it. They provided me with the following solution that works for us:
- open \sitecore\shell\Controls\Gecko.js
- replace at line 668
scBrowser.prototype.resizeFixsizeElements = function() {
var form = $$("form")[0];
this.fixsizeElements.each(function(element) {
var height = form.getHeight() - element.scHeightAdjustment + "px";
element.setStyle({ height: height });
/* trigger re-layouting to fix the firefox bug: table is not shrinking itself down on resize */
scBrowser.prototype.resizeFixsizeElements = function() {
var form = $$("form")[0];
if (!form) {
this.fixsizeElements.each(function (element) {
if (!element.hasClassName('scFixSizeNested')) {
element.setStyle({ height: '100%' });
var maxHeight = 0;
var formChilds = form.childNodes;
for (var i = 0; i != formChilds.length; i++) {
var elementHeight = formChilds[i].offsetHeight;
if (elementHeight > maxHeight) {
maxHeight = elementHeight;
var formHeight = form.offsetHeight;
this.fixsizeElements.each(function (element) {
var height = element.hasClassName('scFixSizeNested')
? (form.getHeight() - element.scHeightAdjustment) + 'px'
: (element.offsetHeight - (maxHeight - formHeight)) + 'px';
element.setStyle({ height: height });
/* trigger re-layouting to fix the firefox bug: table is not shrinking itself down on resize */
Thanks to Sitecore support, found the issue,
The issue occures due to Fixefox refreshes html controls as soon as some property was changed. Upon selecting an item, a content tree panels width is changed and as a result it is redrawn. Developed workaround forbids changing of the controls size for static controls for Firefox (like content tree). An aftermath might be incorrect window resizing (changing height of the browser window) in Firefox. To implement the workaround please replace an exicting one under the path 'Website\sitecore\shell\Controls\Gecko.js' with attached one and clear browser cache. Please notify us with the results.
scBrowser.prototype.resizeFixsizeElements = function() {
var form = $$("form")[0];
if (!form) {
if (!this.isFirefox)
this.fixsizeElements.each(function (element) {
if (!element.hasClassName('scFixSizeNested')) {
element.setStyle({ height: '100%' });
var maxHeight = 0;
var formChilds = form.childNodes;
for (var i = 0; i != formChilds.length; i++) {
var elementHeight = formChilds[i].offsetHeight;
if (elementHeight > maxHeight) {
maxHeight = elementHeight;
var formHeight = form.offsetHeight;
this.fixsizeElements.each(function (element) {
var height = element.hasClassName('scFixSizeNested')
? (form.getHeight() - element.scHeightAdjustment) + 'px'
: (element.offsetHeight - (maxHeight - formHeight)) + 'px';
element.setStyle({ height: height });
/* trigger re-layouting to fix the firefox bug: table is not shrinking itself down on resize */