railo application.cfc this.mappings not working - coldfusion

i am using the latest version of railo, and am trying to get the per-application mappings to work. this is what i am doing:
<cfcomponent name="MyApp">
<cfset THIS.Name = "MyApp">
<cfset THIS.Mappings["/myapp"] = ExpandPath(".")>
so, i am trying to be able to access components within this application folder through a myapp.* mappings rather than having to to rootapp.myapp.* (from what i understand, this component setup should then work.
however, my components cannot be accessed by this mapping, and when i do a cfdump on the application variable in my code, it will show that the "applicationname" is set to "MyApp", but nothing shows for the mappings.
does railo not support these mappings, or am i doing something wrong?
this is the exact error that i am getting:
invalid component definition, can't find myapp.data.MyObject
the myapp mapping should have been made, and the MyObject does exist. here is my structure:
in short, "MyPage.cfm" relies on the mapping to easily access the "MyObject" component. the Application.cfc should be loaded as the cfml processor should start moving up directories until it finds one.

Your syntax is OK, I've just did the same for application deep in directories tree and it works fine.
however, my components cannot be accessed by this mapping,
What is exact error? "invalid component definition, can't find myapp.xyz"?
Are your cfm and cfc in the same directory? (this is basically what you are trying to do)
and when i do a cfdump on the application variable in my code, it will show that the "applicationname" is set to "MyApp", but nothing shows for the mappings.
You wont see this info by dumping the application scope. Only option is to use Application.cfc as usual cfc.
<cfset app = CreateObject("component", "application") />
<cfdump var="#app#">
EDIT. You have two solutions here.
Define mapping like this, so path will be calculated for Application.cfc:
<cfset this.mappings["/myapp2"] = getDirectoryFromPath(getCurrentTemplatePath())>
Or change component path like this:
<cfset MyObject = CreateObject("component", "myapp.data.MyObject") />
Problem is in differences between paths returned by ExpandPath and getCurrentTemplatePath().

Update: As Sergii pointed out, the syntax is valid, but the net effect is the same.
Try using this syntax
<cfset THIS.Name = "MyApp">
<cfset THIS.mappings = { "/myapp" = ExpandPath(".") } >


How do I locate a custom tag instantiation in a coldFusion App

I am migrating a very old app (currently running in CF8) to Lucee. But I am running into a problem with what appears to be a custom tag of some sort.
I have tried to make sure that all the virtual directories are the same in IIS for both the old and the new installs. And made sure the mapping and custom tag paths in both the CFIDE and the Lucee Admin are the same.
But I am getting this error. And can't figure out how this cflink is being instantiated.
I have found the location of the erroring code on line 300 the utils.cfc file
I haven't used custom tags in a long time but thought they were generally called with an underscore and the code should like more like <cf_link pageid="#LinkPageID#" Init="start"> if this was being called as a custom tag.
If I go the the current CF server that is running this app I can find that a cfclass files HAS been created
From a file called cflink.cfm in a directory called "tags" even though there seems to be no mapping for the "tags" directory nor is is listed under "custom tags paths" in the administrator.
This App was start in 2003 and as you can imagine has grown into a mis-match of spaghetti code and no one from the beginning is around to ask how this tag is instantiated.
Does anyone with experience in legacy code has any other ideas where I should be looking to try to get this to work? The currently has only a production environment and if I can get it to work on Lucee it will not only be a dev environment that hasn't existed here in 10 years but will be a great way for me to be able to continue showcasing Lucee as a great CFML engine
Adding addition info
Leigh had asked if the init might be a jar reference but in the cflink.cfm file I see this code:
<cfif Attributes.Init IS "start">
<cfset Request.PageID = Attributes.PageID>
<cfset Request.Page_Width = Variables.qParentInfo.Page_Width>
<cfset Request.Page_Height = Variables.qParentInfo.Page_Height>
<cfset Request.Page_TypeID = Variables.qParentInfo.Page_TypeID>
<cfset Request.AddPath = "">
<cfif IsDefined("Attributes.Anchor")>
<cfset Request.Anchor = Attributes.Anchor>
<cfset Request.Anchor = "">
<cfset Request.IsInternalLink = false>
<cfexit method="EXITTAG">
There are also references to cflink in the code inside tags\cflink.cfm
<cfif Len(Variables.qParentInfo.ParentID) GT 0>
<!--- Add the page title to the end of the path --->
<cfset Request.AddPath = ReplaceNoCase(Variables.qParentInfo.Nav_Title," ","_","ALL") & "/" & Request.AddPath>
<cflink init="working" pageid="#Variables.qParentInfo.ParentID#" popcode="#Attributes.popcode#">
<cfelse> ......</cfif>
Although this may be recursion given it was written in 2004 I kind of doubt it
Adding screen shots of searches
If anyone else runs into this. In CF8, and presuming earlier versions, you could put a cfm file into the ColdFusion8\wwwroot\WEB-INF\cftags Directory and that file in this case ColdFusion8\wwwroot\WEB-INF\cftags\link.cfm Then acts as any other cftag.
I was able to find the person who originally build this app in 2004 and he told me that they did it this way to avoid typing the underscore that they would have typed if they'd done it as a custom tag.
I kind of get it since this tag is used everywhere in the app, literally hundreds of times. Bit boy with a bitch to find.
Now all I have to do is figure out how to move it to the Lucee world in a similar fashion. So it instanciates the same way.
Thanks #Leigh for all your help, you are always amazing!
Adding more information
if there are files in the WEB-INF\lucee\library\tag the corresponding Lucee directory is WEB-INF\lucee\library\tag. These files are read on load and then able to be used as any other cf tag.
For example if you have file WEB-INF\lucee\library\tag\link.cfm it can be called by `cflink'.
Seems like a cool idea but a bit of a bitch for someone to find 10 years after the fact

How does Coldfusion's createObject() function search for an component?

I'm having some problems understanding the createObject() function, which the documentation says is used like CreateObject("component", component-name).
In the documentation, it is mentioned that Coldfusion searches for the component in "Directories specified on the Custom Tag Paths page of ColdFusion Administrator"
But it is not working in my case. I have a folder mapped in CF admin for custom tags, inside that folder I am placing a folder named "mycfcs" where my cfc is present named Item.cfc
In the test page, I am creating the object in this way:
<cfset testObj = createobject("component","mycfcs.Item")>
But it is throwing an error "Could not find the ColdFusion component or interface".
Create a per application mapping pointing to the folder with your CFCs in Application.cfc
this.mappings["/cfc"] = {path to your CFCs};
Then in your createObject() call, use the dot delimited path to your CFC.
createObject("component", "cfc.Item");
If you have sub-folders, you would access it as such
createObject("component", "cfc.subFolder.Item");
According to this Adobe link:
When you instantiate or invoke a component, you can specify the component name only, or you can specify a qualified path. To specify a qualified path, separate the directory names with periods, not backslashes. For example, myApp.cfcs.myComponent specifies the component defined in myApp\cfcs\myComponent.cfc. For additional information, see Saving and naming ColdFusion components.
ColdFusion uses the following rules to find the specified CFC:
If you use a cfinvoke or cfobject tag, or the CreateObject function, to access the CFC from a CFML page, ColdFusion searches directories in the following order:
Local directory of the calling CFML page
Web root
Directories specified on the Custom Tag Paths page of ColdFusion Administrator
Make sure you have the correct name, your component filename ends in CFC (NOT CFM), the path reference in your createObject command is correct, and your case is correct (depending on OS).
Here is some code I use to load CFCs dynamically:
<cffunction name="getNewObject" hint="Gets a new object with the specified type, module, project and settings" access="private">
<cfargument name="myDocObj" required="yes" hint="Document Object to create a report from">
//Create path based on arguments
var objectPath = createPath(arguments.myDocObj);
var tmpObj = createObject("component", "#objectPath#").init(this.Settings)
// return new object based on objectPath, which uses module and type to derive the name of the cfc to load
return tmpObj;
<cffunction name="createPath" access="private">
<cfargument name="myDocObj" required="yes">
var module = LCase(arguments.myDocObj.get('module'));
var type = LCase(arguments.myDocObj.get('documentType'));
// return the name of the cfc to load based on the module and type
return "plugins.#module#_#type#";
Just change mycfcs.Item to Item.
On our development server, we have "D:\DW\CF_stuff\CustomTags" specified as the custom tag location. I have a file located at, "I:\CF_stuff\CustomTags\Components\CompareData\DW-ScheduleBookdan.cfc". If I run this code:
abc = CreateObject("component", "DW-ScheduleBookdan");
I see the object's properties and methods.
What are you doing differently?

CFC extends sibling folder

I've seen all kinds of solutions for extending cfcs in parent folders with access to parent files or the CF administration, but I have not seen a workable solution to extend a cfc in a "shared"/sibling folder without access to parent folders.
This solution requires access to parent folders? (Not sure what these mappings are, but I have no access to Application.cfc anyway)
This solution requires being able to create an application.cfc which doesn't work for me (creating one in myApp does nothing because the environment I'm in includes the index page in myApp and builds the from there... the client never directly calls it to fire recognition of Application.cfc)
For instance:
I'm looking to be able to call functionality in the Base.cfc (which contains common methods used in the application) from the Function.cfc via super and extension.
I have access to all files within myApp, but not "wwwroot", "some", or "path."
In order to extend Base.cfc within Function.cfc I have to extend the full path of "some.path.myApp.Shared.Base" This would cause problems if someone renamed the myApp folder since I would have to hand edit every Function.cfc that extends that Base.cfc
What I'm looking to do it create an application specific "barrier" so if the app folder name changes it will not cause mass havoc that requires I edit all the CFC files that use functionality from the Base.cfc.
Since I can't use relative paths to the Base ("..Shared.Base") I'm wondering if there's a way to create a CFC in the myApp folder that I can extend from and alleviate the renaming headache if it were to occur or a way to give it a generic name like "myApp" and extend from there. (myApp.Shared.Base)
I do not have access to Application.cfm, nor the Coldfusion administration.
Personally I would go simpler way: incapsulate the Base into the Function.
Looks like you want to use the set of core components for some common functionality. If this is true -- incapsulation even more applicable.
Paths to objects can be built dynamically, for example (step-by-step process for easier reading):
path1 = GetDirectoryFromPath(cgi.SCRIPT_NAME);
path2 = ListToArray(path1, "/");
path3 = path2;
path3[ArrayLen(path3)] = "shared";
path4 = ArrayToList(path3, ".");
path5 = ArrayToList(path2, ".");
myBase = CreateObject("component", "#path4#.Base");
myFunction = CreateObject("component", "#path5#.Function").init(myBase);
In the Function create function init:
<cffunction name="init">
<cfargument name="base">
<cfset variables.Base = arguments.base />
<cfreturn this />
Of course, you may have strong reasons for extending, but at least this approach is not sensitive to the parent directories renaming.
If Base.cfc doesn't extend another cfc then you may be able to include the Base.cfc file into another cfc file in your function folder.
For example create a cfc file in the function folder with content:
<cfinclude template="../shared/base.cfc" />
Then extend the new file instead of the cfc in the shared folder.
The easiest way I can see to do this is to create a symlink or junction point to the base directory in the extension function directory.
Unfortunately, it's not a pure CF solution, nor portable if you need to move your code. Hopefully, someone will have a better answer, but this could be a fallback point if none is presented.
Generate the code on app start/reset...
For example the component tag could be like so in a file that should not be run directly...
<cfcomponent extends="{sharedpath}.Base">
then in a function in or called from application.cfc do something like this...
<cfdirectory name="codetemplates" action="list" directory="wwwroot/some/path/myApp/codetemplates" />
<cfloop query="codetemplates">
<cffile name="temp" action="read" path="#tempfilepath##filename#" />
<cfset newfilecontent = replace(temp.filecontent, '{sharedpath}', configvarwithrightpath) />
<cfset filecontent = replace(newfilecontent , '<cfabort>', '') />
<cffile name="temp" action="write" path="#livefilepath##filename#" />
The other approach is to have a build process locally that you run to create the necessary code but my example above would allow you to update a config variable and update the cfc's as needed in a live environment.
Why bother putting the shared code in a separate folder? If you just put it in the same folder as your "functions" cfcs then they can all extend it using a relative path.
So instead of:
<cfcomponent extends="Base"></cfcomponent>
However, if you have/need multiple "function"-level folders, then you can do something similar. Put a Proxy.cfc inside each "function"-level folder, with this code:
<cfcomponent extends="some.path.myApp.shared.Base"></cfcomponent>
And then each cfc in the "function"-level folders would extend their local Proxy.cfc (extends="proxy"). This gives you 1 Proxy per folder, which is still not ideal, but less of a hassle than updating every cfc.

Custom Tags and cfimport

Do Custom Tags work with mappings?
I'm trying not to have to address the CustomTags folder as a relative address.
I've tried:
<cfset this.mappings["/CT"] = Expandpath("/myProjects/Project1/CustomTags")>
inside of Application.cfc and then
<cfimport prefix="tag" taglib="/CT">
inside of my page, but it doesn't.
It says:
Cannot import the tag library specified by /CT.
The following error was encountered: C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\CT. Ensure that you have specified a valid tag library.
Contrary to what Jayson reported - I have CFIMPORT working just fine w/ a per application mapping vs one globally set in CFAdmin. CFIMPORT is pretty cranky about mappings (for instance you cannot use variable for relativepath, nor use expandpath) - but you should be able to do what you are requesting w/o issue.
Do you have "Enable Per App Settings" checked in CFAdmin | Settings to allow you the use of this.mappings? What version of CF are you running? I'm using CF8 with this code and have no issues:
Application CFC (outside a function but w/in component):
this.rootPath = getDirectoryFromPath(getCurrentTemplatePath()); // this assures path of application.cfc is used to determine path, likely equivalent to expandPath("/")
structInsert(this.mappings, '/vp', this.rootPath);
In CFC (outside a function but w/in component):
<cfimport prefix="loader" taglib="/vp/view/_loader/">
I can then use in the CFC and it works as expected.
The docs says it works with a directory specified in the Administrator ColdFusion mappings page. Have you tried setting the mapping in the ColdFusion administrator to see if that works first? If that works, but the this.mappings set per application in the application.cfc doesn't work, then possibly it is a bug?!?
I tested Adam's suggestion to use the expandPath() function, but this also does not work because the taglib attribute must contain a constant value. It cannot contain a variable or function. It simply doesn't work unless you use a mapping set in the ColdFusion Administrator. I tried the following tests using this application.cfc.
<cfset this.name = "TestApp" />
<cfset this.loginStorage = "session" />
<cfset this.sessionManagement = true />
<cfset this.setClientCookies = true />
<cfset this.setDomainCookies = false />
<cfset this.sessionTimeOut = CreateTimeSpan(0,12,0,0) />
<cfset this.applicationTimeOut = CreateTimeSpan(1,0,0,0) />
<cfset this.mappings['/CT'] = "C:\apache\htdocs\myProjects\Project1\CustomTags"/>
And this in a ColdFusion template:
<cfimport prefix="tag" taglib="#expandpath('/CT')#">
Throws the error:
This expression must have a constant
<cfset CT = expandpath('/CT')/>
<cfimport prefix="tag" taglib="#CT#">
Throws the error:
This expression must have a constant
I'm pretty sure you can't do anything fancy with the cfimport tag. I think you have to use relative paths, and you have to include it manually on every page. (vs. putting it in the application.cfc file somewhere or whatever)
I'm pretty sure that expandPath respects CF mappings. Have you tried something like this?
<cfset this.mappings["/CT"] = Expandpath("/myProjects/Project1/CustomTags")>
<cfimport prefix="tag" taglib="#expandPath('/CT')#">
I've confirmed it... you cannot use mappings that are created via the "this.mappings" structure in the application.cfc.
From Adobe's documentation (Coldfusion 9):
The path must be relative to the web
root (and start with /), the current
page location, or a directory
specified in the Administrator
ColdFusion mappings page.
CFImport Documentation for CF 9
Not sure why application.cfc mappings work for just about everything else but this. Kind of disappointing, since I've loved the idea of defining as little as possible in the Administrator. I like just zipping up an application and deploying it anywhere.

Extending application.cfc in a subdirectory

I have the following two files and would like the second to extend the first:
However, when I go to declare the component for the second file, I'm not sure what to put in the extends attribute. My problem is that several dev sites (with a shared SVN repository) are running off the same instance of ColdFusion, so I can't just create a mapping in the CF admin like so:
<cfcomponent extends="site.application">
However, ColdFusion doesn't like:
<cfcomponent extends="..application">
or any dynamic input like:
<cfcomponent extends="#expandpath('..').#application">
Creating a runtime mapping (like here) doesn't seem possible either. Creating it in the base application.cfc is useless because that code hasn't yet executed by the time the inheriting cfc is being declared; and I can't create the mapping before the inheriting component is defined because there isn't yet an application to attach it to.
Is there any way I can reference the parent directory to accomplish my extends?
Edit to clarify: The ApplicationProxy solution doesn't work because of the bolded text above. Right now, as a workaround, we're simply not checking the \dir\application.cfc into SVN so that each developer can keep a version that extends his/her own root application.cfc. Obviously, this is not ideal.
Sean Corfield has a blog entry explaining how to extend a root Application.cfc.
Below is the relevant information copied from that entry.
Here's your root CFC /Application.cfc:
<cfset this.name = "cf7app" />
<cfset this.sessionmanagement = true />
Here's your proxy CFC /ApplicationProxy.cfc:
<cfcomponent extends="Application">
It's completely empty and serves merely to create an alias for your root /Application.cfc. Here's your subdirectory CFC /app/Application.cfc:
<cfcomponent extends="ApplicationProxy">
<cffunction name="onSessionStart">
<cfset session.counter = 0 />
<cffunction name="onRequestStart">
<cfdump label="application" var="#application#"/>
The root of each individual site should have its own Master App:
All these applications are separate individual apps with nothing shared between them.
If any of these individual sites need to have sub-applications, then there should be ApplicationProxy.cfc alonside the Master,
Then, for each sub-application you have the one that extends the proxy:
The following code is working for me. One thing I noticed though is that the application.cfc seems to get cached, so changes to the parent application cfc might not be reflected. I got around this by doing a trivial change to the child application cfc.
<cfcomponent output="false">
<cfset variables.higherPath = ReReplace(GetMetaData(this).name,"\.[^\.]+\.[^\.]+$","") />
<cfset variables.extendApp = CreateObject("component", "#variables.higherPath#.Application") />
<cfloop item="variables.key" collection="#variables.extendApp#">
<cfif IsCustomFunction(variables.extendApp[variables.key])>
<cfset super[variables.key] = variables.extendApp[variables.key]>
<cfset this[variables.key] = variables.extendApp[variables.key] >
<cffunction name="onApplicationStart" output="false">
<cfset super.onApplicationStart() />
I know this is an old topic, but I found a way to do it (that seems to work in my testing) without using the CF Administrator mappings.
You can do this by adding a per-application mapping in your child Application.cfc using an expanded relative path:
<cfcomponent extends="cms.Application" output="false">
<cfset this.mappings["/cms"] = expandPath(getDirectoryFromPath(getCurrentTemplatePath()) & "../../../../")>
<cflog text="#getMetadata(this).extends.path#">
Yeah, it feels little hacky, but it seems to work.
Edward, et-al, I referred to your comment in the post below. See https://gregoryalexander.com/blog/2021/1/30/Extending-Applicationcfcs-using-mappings-and-proxies
You absolutely can extend a cfc with mappings. I had to do it myself.
One of the most frustrating things that I have had to deal with in ColdFusion is trying to create an external application that is open to the general public and having to secure a portion of that site with an application within a subfolder and extending the logic from base application.cfc. I'll walk you through the current approach that developers use to solve this as well as showing you how to additionally use mapping when there may be a hosting provider that uses virtual directories.
This is a rather long article, if you want to jump to the condensed summary, scroll down to the bottom of this page.
Many years ago, the first time that I tried to perform this, I received the following message no matter what I tried: "Could not find the ColdFusion component or interface xxx'. In a nutshell, the problem using this approach is that both the root and the subfolders have the same name, i.e. Application.cfc, and ColdFusion can't properly identify what component to extend. Finally, after some serious investigation, someone came up with the idea to create a proxy.cfc that resides in the same root directory as the root Application.cfc, and the Application.cfc in the subfolder extends an empty proxy.cfc that extends the root cfc like so:
root directory: Application.cfc
This root Application.cfc does not extend anything
Also in the root directory: Proxy.cfc
Proxy.cfc has the following code, it's essentially empty. The only thing that the Proxy.cfc does is to extend the Application.cfc that is in the same directory:
Subdirectory such as a folder named admin.
This subdirectory has another Application.cfc. Let's say that this component is responsible for securing the application and has login logic as well as debugging settings for example. This Application.cfc will extend the Proxy.cfc to gain the methods and properties of the Application.cfc in the root directory like so:
This approach was a godsend and it was heavily blogged about. Ben Nadel has made a number of very helpful posts which I will share at the bottom of this article.
This works quite well unless you're on a hosted domain or a server that uses virtual directories. In this case, we are in the same original boat in which we started from. Now we are back into the "Could not find the ColdFusion component or interface xxx' hell!
There is a solution for this tricky problem though, we need to also use mapping!
It is a common misnomer that you can't use mapping to extend components. I am not quite sure where this misconception originally came about, but it has been proven that this is just not true. There are occasions where we must use mapping to solve some annoying problems, like here.
This particular site is hosted by hostek.com. They are a fine company to deal with, but the server that my site is hosted on has some idiosyncrasies due to the directory structure. Here, when I use the Proxy.cfc method to extend the logic from the base Application.cfc to the Application.cfc in the admin folder I receive the dreaded 'could not find the ... component' error. When I first saw it I was dismayed thinking not this again, so I turned to ColdFusion CFC mapping. Mapping tells ColdFusion where to find the file and what the file relationships are.
Let's review CFC structure that was just discussed. For example, imagine the following directory structure:
root directory: i.e. www.gregoryalexander.com/
subdirectory: www.gregoryalexander.com/admin/
As discussed, we have an Application.cfc and the Proxy.cfc in the root directory, and we have the Application.cfc in the 'admin' subdirectory. The Proxy.cfc extends the Application.cfc, also in the root directory, and the Application.cfc in the subdirectory (admin) extends the Proxy.cfc in the root directory.
root directory: contains both Application.cfc and Proxy.cfc (that extends the root Application.cfc).
subdirectory: Application.cfc (that extends Proxy.cfc).
Now we need to also add the following mapping in the root Application.cfc. This mapping logic should be near the top of the root Application.cfc, and it should not be within any of the Application.cfc event handlers (onApplicationStart, onApplicationRequest, etc). This mapping code does not need to be anywhere else other than the root Application.cfc:
I used rootCfc to identify the Application.cfc in the root directory, whereas adminCfc applies to the Application in the admin directory. These variables can be named anything. Note that the "/admin" string at the end of the adminCfc mapping points to the 'admin' folder, which is a subdirectory.
Now that we have the mappings in the root Application.cfc, we need to apply them to the extends statement in Application.cfc located in the subdirectory. In the /admin/Application.cfc template use:
Of course, rootCfc tells the Application.cfc in the subdirectory to look for the Proxy.cfc template in the root directory. Like other 'extend' statements, you don't need to specify '.cfc' at the end of Proxy.
You don't need to use this 'extend' mapping in either the root Proxy.cfc or Application.cfc templates. They can already find each other as they are both in the same root directory.
For the sake of absolute clarity:
root Application.cfc
Contains the mapping logic. Has the mappings for both of the root and subdirectory.
Does not use an 'extend' statement
root Proxy.cfm
A simple 'extends="Administrator" works.
No mapping logic.
subdirectory Application.cfc
The extends statement must be the mapping variable name of the folder (rootCfc), a dot (.), and finally the name of the Proxy.cfc template without the .cfc prefix (Proxy)
My apologies for being so verbose. I annoyed myself while writing this- but not as annoyed when I was while trying to solve this problem!
Take care!