How to link to yaml-cpp on Arch Linux with qtcreator? - c++

I'm interested in using Yaml in my media player project. The only problem is I can't figure out how you compile with Yaml, especially on qt-creator. The AUR package for yaml-cpp doesn't seem to install the libs in /usr/lib for some reason, so I'm not sure how to go about doing this. I'm using Qt and developing within the Qtcreator environment. Help would be appreciated.

I used QtCreator to start a CMake project, then used a CMake file to find yaml-cpp. Here is the CMake file to link yaml-cpp to your project.
Additionally, you should be able to go into your ".pro" file, r-click, and hit "add library". Select "system library", then you can use either pkgconfig or manual if you know where the lib is. If you can't figure out where it is, look in the PKGBUILD for yaml-cpp - it will tell you where it installs everything.


Qt: .pro file missing?

I tried to create a C++ project with Qt I stumbled across different kinds of guides which all refer to a special '.pro' file inside the project where I have to adjust a setting so the SQL part takes effect.
My problem: whenever I create a new project - doesn't matter whether its with qbs, qmake, or cmake - the project structure/ folder is lacking the '.pro' file.
Currently I'm using Qt 5.15.2 (via QT Creator) with MinGW Kit and cmake/ qbs.
As I'd like to play around with SQL-based apps.
Maybe I'm just skipping/ overlook something?
TL;DR: Use cmake. Forget about qbs and qmake.
Whenever I create a new project - doesn't matter whether its with qbs, qmake, or cmake - the project structure/ folder is lacking the '.pro' file.
A qmake project will have the .pro file, since that's the project file for qmake. Maybe you're looking in a wrong place? A qbs project will have a .qbs file, since that's what qbs uses. A cmake project will have CMakeLists.txt, since that's what cmake uses. It all works for me.
I'm just confused by all these guides stating that I have to add QT += widgets sql in the .pro file.
Those guides only apply when you use qmake, since .pro are qmake project files.
I suggest that you use cmake, as qbs is abandoned now, and there's no benefit to using Qt-specific qmake over the widely supported and continuously developed cmake.
Qt documentation covers the basics of how to use cmake to build Qt projects.
Qt support is provided natively by cmake, and it thus provides a comprehensive reference page.

CMake cache windows

When using CMake on unix I dont have any issues. I can use CLion to do a cmake setup, cmake build and cmake install, open a different project and it will find the previously built library when using find_package. On windows this does not seem to be possible. By default it tries to install the build code into strange directories (like C:\Program Files). I have added a CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX to both my library CMakeLists.txt and the appliation CMakeLists.txt, however when using find_package(SDL2)CMake still complains there is no config file for CMake and SDL2. When checking the following file exists:
U:\various\cmake-cache\Program Files (x86)\SDL2\cmake\SDL2Config.cmake
The directory U:\various\cmake-cache was used as CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX for both SDL2 and my application. Yet it still refuses to compile.
What can I do to make CMake at least somewhat useful on windows? On Unix things work great, but it feels like a huge PITA on Windows so far... It seems like all the concepts dont work there. I would really like to have one central location that is used by every CMake build on my system and everything is installed there and when another project uses a library it is searched there. Is this possible?

How to run qmake from the static Qt

For making a very simple Qt app "installable" on other systems, I'm using Qt Installer Framework following this link.
In bottom, in Setting up Qt Installer Framework, number 1 orders to have Qt Installer Framework source code. I downloaded it from here. (
Now I don't understand the next instruction there :(
It says:
2- Build the tools by running the "qmake" from the static Qt, followed by "make" or "nmake".
My question is, first what does it mean?
And from what path?
I don't know how to do it:(
qmake comes with the qt-framework and is a make file generator. (an alternative to cmake).
You call qmake on a .pro file from your project. This .pro file have to contain your source code files project dependencies and more.
Consider that you have a project folder with your source code and the .pro file. Then you call the qmake command in this folder. qmake is an program itself, which you can find in the bin folder of your qt-installation. If qmake is in your path variable, you go to the terminal, navigate to the specific folder and just write:
After that qmake will create a makefile. Then you could call makeand your program will be build.
I hope my answer helps you. You can learn more about qmake on the website of Qt. Here is also a very good qmake tutorial: klick
how to call make on windows:
download and install cygwin from - 32 bit installer or - 64 bit installer.
then start the Cygwin terminal (Cygwin.bat) and navigate to your folder and call
and that will build your qt-installer!

Qt-GStreamer: PKGCONFIG not found

I am pretty new to setting the Qt Creator environment in Linux.
I will cross compile this demo program to the Yocto Project i.MX6. This demo program needs to use Qt-GStreamer
There is these 2 lines
CONFIG += link_pkgconfig
PKGCONFIG += Qt5GLib-2.0 Qt5GStreamer-1.0 Qt5GStreamerUi-1.0 Qt5GStreamerUtils-1.0 Qt5GStreamerQuick-1.0
at compile in the Desktop, it shows
error: Qt5GLib-2.0 development package not found
This applies to all the other packages as well.
I know that it tells me that I am missing the package for the Qt Gstreamer.
However, when I look at this thread, the answer is
export PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR=/home/anisha/Desktop/newGSTr/qt-gstreamer-0.10.3/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/pkgconfig
But, from what I have downloaded in Qt Binding-GStreamer qt-gstreamer-0.10.3 Does not have the lib folder inside.
I have also used cmake to work with the CMakeList.txt inside the folder but encounter Qt missing packages error.
Could someone help me on setting up those packages?

Using GDCM via CMake

I downloaded source of GDCM 2.4.1 and used CMake and Visual Studio 2010 to build the libraries. I want to use GDCM in my C++ project.
Unfortunately, it seems that after building the GDCM solution with VS, there are only the lib-files in the bin folder, but no typical "include" folder with the header files, what I usually expect. Thus, I can't integrate GDCM libaries in my own project (I tried to use FindPackage(GDCM) in my own CMakeproject, but header files can't be found).
I do not want to copy the header files manually or target the source directory of GDCM.
Does anybody know help?
I found out that the problem has something to do with VTK, I also use the this library in my project. So I need to enable "GDCM_USE_VTK" in CMake of GDCM. That option leads to a compiler error when I try to build the "INSTALL" subproject in the GDCM solution:
CMake Error at cmake_install.cmake:31 (FILE): file INSTALL cannot find "D:/Libs/VTK_5.6.0/BIN/bin/vtkCommon.dll".
I took a look in the VTK directory and found out that the path mentioned above does not exists. Instead the dll is located in:
D:\Libs\VTK_5.6.0\BIN\bin\Release\vtkCommon.dll or
That means GDCM solution does not know the dll is located in a special debug or release folder. If I disable "GDCM_USE_VTK" everything works fine and all files will be copied to the target folder. But I do need the VTK dll.
Any thoughts?
For anyone who ever touches the same problem, here's the final solution. Build "ALL_BUILD" in the GDCM solution, then integrate GDCM libs in your CMakeLists.txt the following way:
MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "Cannot find GDCM, did you set GDCM_DIR?")