CMAKE: performing a file copy AFTER a custom command has run - c++

I have a build script fragment that looks as follows:
add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${fn_c} ${fn_s} ${fn_p_c} {fn_p_h}
COMMAND ${PROTOBUF_PROTOC_EXECUTABLE} --proto_path=${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${proto_var} --cpp_out=. --plugin=protoc-gen-RBLRPC=${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/tools/protoc-gen-RBLRPC --RBLRPC_out=.
DEPENDS ${proto_var}
if(${M_S_} OR ${M_C_})
message(status "copy marshall -------------------")
The copied files are not generated untill the custom comand is executed, however cmake attempts to copy the files upon first pass over the script. I'd welcome any suggestions to solve this problem , without drastically changing my scrips.

Don't use file(COPY...) function, but add the following command to your add_custom_command:
But for what you're going to do, I would suggest you keep your source tree clean, add directly use the generated files from the build directory. That would break, for instance, if you want to make two different build tree from a single source tree.
edit :
CMAKE_COMMAND is documented in the variable section of the online man-page documentation, (search for CMAKE_COMMAND and not ${CMAKE_COMMAND}.
On the command line CMAKE -E will show you a list of portable commands useable.


How to execute CMake custom command without building any target?

I have a CMakeLists.txt file with add_custom_command that adds a command to unite all the project source files and generate one output file. Is there a way to just run this command without building any target that depends on it? Like cmake -E ... does. I need to sloc the file and don't wanna wait the long compilation.
I tried to look at the docs but they said, IIUC, that I can run commands only when they depend on some target.

Create CMake target that copies files/dirs but excludes some items

I am trying to generate a CMake target for a C++ project using add_custom_target that copies the contents of the directory in which the CMakeLists.txt resides into ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}, but excludes a given list of files.
While it looks like a quite easy task, I'm facing problems here. My attempts so far:
1) Generate a list of all files/dirs, remove the items to be excluded and use the CMake copy command:
file(GLOB files_to_copy LIST_DIRECTORIES TRUE *)
list(REMOVE_ITEM files_to_copy
# ...
COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy ${files_to_copy} ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}
Removing items this way works on a string comparison level, which could lead to problems when using symbolic links, for example
The copy command line tool apparently supports copying directories, however it doesn't seem to work on my machine, therefore directories do not get copied.
2) Use the file command to copy the files, excluding some files
PATTERN "file_to_exclude.txt" EXCLUDE
PATTERN "dir_to_exclude" EXCLUDE
This does exactly what I want, except that the command is not bound to a target and therefore is always executed. But I only need the copy operation to be a target.
Is there any possibility to bind the file(COPY ...) command to a target? Or any other straightforward solution to achieve what I want?
Please note that I only want to use CMake built-in tools and not execute any OS-specific shell commands (working on a cross-platform project).
CMake scripting commands work only in CMake context and are executed immediately.
But a COMMAND in add_custom_command (or add_custom_target) is executed in the context of a build tool (e.g. Makefile), not in CMake context.
However, you may put CMake scripting commands into separate CMake script, and call this script from the COMMAND. This solution has the same platform-independent properties as CMakeLists.txt itself.
You may parameterize separate script either:
With configure_file CMake command.
By passing -D parameters to CMake when call the script.
The first approach is quite simple: you write the script as would you write CMakeLists.txt itself. But it generates additional files for every parametrization set.
The second approach is useful for multi-purpose (or multi-usable) scripts, as it doesn't create additional copy of the script for every usage. But it requires some design of the parameters.
Using 'configure_file' (as if commands are written in CMakeLists.txt):
PATTERN "file_to_exclude.txt" EXCLUDE
PATTERN "dir_to_exclude" EXCLUDE
# Instantiate the parameterized script in the binary directory.
configure_file( copy_sources.cmake)
Using '-D' parameters
# Expect the script to be called from the source directory.
# This saves one parameter.
# DEST_DIR denotes the directory for copy to.
PATTERN "file_to_exclude.txt" EXCLUDE
PATTERN "dir_to_exclude" EXCLUDE
-DDEST_DIR=${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} # all '-D' options should preceed '-P' one
-P ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/copy_sources.cmake
WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} # The script assumes proper current directory

How to run a copy script after every build in CMAKE and CLION? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to always run command when building regardless of any dependency?
(4 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
I am trying to copy a directory of files after my project is built, every time my project is built.
In my project's CMakeLists.txt file I have the following:
# Copy resources
This works the first time the project is built, and it works anytime I call make in the directory that CMAKE has generated the makefile in.
However, in my IDE (CLion) I think there is some sort of caching / checking to see if the project is already built.
As a result, if I only change an asset file, and not the underlying code, the files are never copied to the location of the binary.
Is there a way to force a post-build script to be executed after every time build is called?
Or, put another way, is there a way to force the CMakeLists.txt file to be every time I build my project?
This is specific to CLion but concerns cmake more generally.
I am using CMAKE 3.9.1
File(COPY file path) is executed at configure time, one of the three main phase of CMake flow Configure -> build -> install
If you want to execute a command after a build there is two ways to do it.
First with (Probably the better one)
add_custom_command(TARGET MyTarget POST_BUILD COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_directory ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/assets $<TARGET_FILE_DIR:MyTarget>/assets)
Will copy the asset directory, to artifactDirectory/assets.
You need to precise the assets directory in the destination.
CMake documentation isn't that clear on this point
copy_directory ...
Copy directories to directory. If directory does not exist it will be created.
Reference is there : add_custom_command (3.9.6)
Second with a custom target that execute at the end of the build of every targets and so depends on all targets.
Syntax would be
add_custom_target( MyTarget ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_directory ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/assets $<TARGET_FILE_DIR:MyTarget>/assets DEPENDS MyOtherTargets)`
Will create a target called MyTarget that execute, a command when builded after target or files it depends on are builded/generated.
(This command have some unexpected behaviours when a project is built, with multiple cores.)
Reference is there : add_custom_target (3.9.6)
For information my environment is CLION 2017.3 and CMake 3.10

Copying assets directory from source to build directory in CMake

I am trying to write a game for practice in C++. I am using CMake for this, and my project gets built in a separate build directory automatically by my IDE. However, my assets folder is not being copied over to the new directory.
Currently, I am attempting to resolve this with the following:
add_custom_command(TARGET ${PROJECT_NAME}
However, this seems to have absolutely no effect on the outcome and the assets directory is still not present in my build directory.
How can I actually make it copy this asset directory to my build location? Is there a smarter way to point my program to my assets location (perhaps one that will also work with assets in /usr/share?)
After quite a while of more searching, I managed to find the file(COPY {files} DESTINATION {directory}) command:
Two ways I've found, both ensuring that it copies on target build and stays up to date even if the target doesn't need to re-build.
The first uses the CMake command line tool copy_directory. It's unclear from the documentation whether this copy always happens, regardless if files in the assets directory were updated or not, or if it only copies when the asset files don't exist or an asset file was updated:
add_dependencies(mytarget copy_assets)
The second requires a small additional CMake script file, but it allows us to use the file(COPY ...) CMake comamnd, which states in the documentation that "copying preserves input file timestamps, and optimizes out a file if it exists at the destination with the same timestamp."
First, create the CMake script file copy-assets.cmake in the same directory as your CMakeLists.txt, with the contents being (similar to Ethan McTague's answer)
And then in your CMakeLists.txt, add the following:
add_dependencies(mytarget copy_assets)
The solution above using add_custom_target is suitable for most cases, but has a few problems.
Does not support dependent generator expressions (e.g. $<TARGET_FILE_DIR:tgt>)
Re-copies every build (slow for numerous/large files)
Is not particularly readable, especially for copying from multiple locations
Instead, I've been using file GENERATE
foreach(ASSET ${ASSETS})
Note I haven't needed generator expressions yet, but it looks like the latest version of CMake (3.19) adds generator expression support to this function.
Here is what I do with vulkan shaders. Simply replace the compilation step with a copy command:
cmake_parse_arguments("MY" "TARGET" "SOURCES" ${ARGN})
foreach(src ${MY_SOURCES})
set(OUTF "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/shaders/${src}.spv")
get_filename_component(PARENT_DIR "${OUTF}" DIRECTORY)
COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E make_directory "${PARENT_DIR}"
# src in order to get listed in the IDE, OUTF to declare the build relationship
target_sources("${MY_TARGET}" PRIVATE "${src}" "${OUTF}")
add_shaders(TARGET my_target SOURCES asset1 asset2 asset3 ...)
You'll have to specify each asset on its own (or loop over a list). Including wildcards into a build is a bad idea [tm]. This will also only copy/process stuff if it has changed.

clion run cmake on each build

I am not sure if its possible to do this with clion, I was testing out the program and enjoy using it to write c code because the ctags and etags support is really nice.
I am copying some files over from the cmake source tree to the bin location on each build. While using clion if I update some of the files that I am copying the results aren't updated within clion.
If I instead go back to the terminal and just run the typical cmake steps
cmake ../ && make && bin/./program
that copies the updated files and I am able to see my results.
This is the CMake command that I am using in my build.
I might be able to restructure the cmake command to make it copy every time or it might just be a clion issue. I am unsure and would like to be able to take care of this all from within clion, instead of going back to the terminal to run the cmake command for updates to take effect.
If you want CMake to make some action whenever some file is changed, you should create a rule using add_custom_command and pass file via DEPENDS argument. Note, that only file-level dependencies are supported by CMake, for make dependency on directory you need to list all files in it.
# Collect list of files within directory.
# This will contain full paths to files in binary directory.
foreach(file ${files_list})
set(source_file ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/resources/${file})
set(binary_file ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/bin/resources/${file})
add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${binary_file}
COMMAND cmake -E ${source_file} ${binary_file}
DEPENDS ${source_file})
list(APPEND binary_files_list ${binary_file})
add_custom_target(resources DEPENDS ${binary_files_list})
Note, that in case of adding/removing files you should to run cmake explicitely. That's why hardcoded files list is preferred to GLOBing.