Testing Experience for SOA WebServices - unit-testing

Hello I want to test automatic my SOA WebService, I found soapUI and it looks also really nice.
But how I can start my SOA Service in an Tomcat (EmbeddedTomcat?) or AXIS Servlet Container?
Because we don't want to install on our Hutson Build Server an Tomcat Server.
So the question which are the ways to go when we will Test our SOA Service from outside in an automatic unit test environment?
Thanks for answers

If you don't want to install a Tomcat server on your buildserver, you could have another server running tomcat, which you can remote deploy to from your build server on every successful build. Then run your soapUI tests against the remote server. There are both Ant and Maven plugins for Tomcat, which can do remote deployment. http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-5.5-doc/manager-howto.html#Executing%20Manager%20Commands%20With%20Ant, http://mojo.codehaus.org/tomcat-maven-plugin/introduction.html


Should I use docker in order to be able to run ChomeDriver on Azure Web App Services in Django Server?

Recently I have started a Django server on Azure Web App Service, now I want to add a usage of "ChromoDriver" for web scraping, I have noticed that for that I need to install some additional Linux packages (not python) on the machine. the problem is that it gets erased on every deployment, does it mean that I should switch to Docker ?
Container works, but you can also try to pull down the additional packages in the custom start up file without messing around the machine after the deployment

Is it possible to stop the imbedded server from starting when running the unit tests?

I'm running the gradle test task on a Micronaut project and the imbedded server is getting started.
In local that is not much of an issue, but when running the unit tests in the CI environment there isn't a database available for the server to connect to. So ideally we would run the gradle test task without starting the server.
Is it possible to configure Micronaut to not do that?
Is it possible to configure Micronaut to not do that?
Yes. The embedded server is not started by default. It is only started if you write code in your test to start it or if you mark the test with #MicronautTest. If you don't do either of those things, the server shouldn't start.

docker unit test setup

I want to setup a unit test environment for my product. I have a web application build on nginx in Lua which use mysql and redis. I think docker will be good for this although i am new to docker. My application runs on centos server (production server).
I am planning to setup different container for mysql,redis and webapp and then write UT application (unit test for Lua using Busted framework) in my mac (My development machine is MAC) or VM to test it. The UT application will talk to docker container nginx and nginx will use container mysql and redis. Is this good ? If yes ,can someone guide me how to do this? maybe some good link? If no , what could be better way. I have already tried using vagrant but that took too much time which shouldn't be in my UT case.
For an example how we setup our project template you may have a look at phundament/app and its testing setup.
We are using a dockerized GitLab installation with a customized runner, which is able to execute docker-compose.
Note! The runner itself is running on a separate Docker host.
We are using docker-compose.yml to define the services in a stack with adjustments for development and testing.
The CI configuration is optimized to handle multiple concurrent tests of isolated stacks, this is just done by specifying a custom COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME.
Some in-depth documentation about our testing process and useful information about docker-compose and dockerized CI.
#testing README
#testing Docs
CI builds
Extending services and Compose files
Docker-in-Docker for CI?
Finally, Travis CI also supports Docker since a while, but I haven't tested this approach at all.
If you are new to Docker based CI, please look at Drone:
Official page
Github repo
There some are drawbacks to this solution (like size of images), but it will get you off the grounds.

How to deploy the Web service in to tomcat 7 from out side of eclipse juno?

i am very new to web services and i have one problem please suggest me .. i.e i have a WSDL(SOAP) file and with that i created the Web Service-server and web service-Client using Top-Down approach with JAX-WS in eclipse Juno Java EE. i integrated the Tomcat 7 with that Eclipse and from eclipse its working fine.
But my problem is i need to run the Tomcat from out side of the eclipse and i need to deploy the web service in to the tomcat. i don't want to run the Tomcat using eclipse? i just need to run the client from eclipse but i dont want to run the tomcat from eclipse. Please Help me.
File -> Export -> Web -> War (configure where to create it)
Deploying a tomcat application consist of building a war file then deploying it. We call this servlet.
Building the WAR
As you already have your server code, you should now complet the WEB-INF/web.xml file. This file describe the path of your servlet(your server code), on the tomcat server. Depending of your framework you can have some configuration to add in your META-INF/context.xml file.
In an eclipse project, thoses file are generaly under a directory name 'webapp' in your project. (src/main/webapp for a maven project).
First you must use the javaee & javaweb tools of eclipse to build a war file that contains all yours libs, files, class and web.xml
Alternativly you can use a maven build process to get a war, if you use maven.
Deploying the war
After installing tomcat, the deployement is as simple as drop the .war file is deploy directory of the home-directory of tomcat. Then your application is usable on default port 8080.
If you have install also the manager webapp of tomcat, you can see all yours currently deployed application in the manager http://myurl:8080/manager/html.
When you install tomcat, let be sure that your eclipse pseudo server is shutdown, or your tomcat server will have problem to get it's port and startup.

how to run metro webservice on jetty in Maven project?

how to run metro webservice on jetty in Maven project??
As per this source.
If you place your web service in a WAR file, like here, it should run fine
on Jetty, just as it would on any servlet container. There might be some
subsequent Jetty-specific configuration needed, but I would try to deploy
the WAR first on Jetty and see where it gets you.
If you want to embed Jetty, instead of running on Jetty standalone, this
might give you some pointers.