How to embed a file into an executable file? - c++

I have two problems, the first has been solved.
Current problem
If I embed a file that requires a library to load it, such as a jpeg image or a mp3 music, I will need to use the file as input to the library. However, each library is different and uses a way to get a file as input, the input may be the file name or a FILE* pointer (from libc's file interface).
I would like to know how to access an embedded file with a name. It will be inefficient if I create a temporary file, is there another way? Can I map a file name to memory? My platforms are Windows and Linux.
If show_file(const char* name) is a function from a library, I will need a string to open the file.
I have seen these questions:
How to get file descriptor of buffer in memory?
Getting Filename from file descriptor in C
and the following code is my solution. Is it a good solution? Is it inefficient?
# include <stdio.h>
# include <unistd.h>
extern char _binary_data_txt_start;
extern const void* _binary_data_txt_size;
const size_t len = (size_t)&_binary_data_txt_size;
void show_file(const char* name){
FILE* file = fopen(name, "r");
if (file == NULL){
printf("Error (show_file): %s\n", name);
while (true){
char ch = fgetc(file);
if (feof(file) )
putchar( ch );
int main(){
int fpipe[2];
if( !fork() ){
for( int buffsize = len, done = 0; buffsize>done; ){
done += write( fpipe[1], &_binary_data_txt_start + done, buffsize-done );
char name[200];
sprintf(name, "/proc/self/fd/%d", fpipe[0] );
The other problem (solved)
I tried to embed a file on Linux, with GCC, and it worked. However, I tried to do the same thing on Windows, with Mingw, and it did not compile.
The code is:
# include <stdio.h>
extern char _binary_data_txt_start;
extern char _binary_data_txt_end;
int main(){
for (char* my_file = &_binary_data_txt_start; my_file <= &_binary_data_txt_end; my_file++)
The compilation commands are:
objcopy --input-target binary --output-target elf32-i386 --binary-architecture i386 data.txt data.o
g++ main.cpp data.o -o test.exe
On Windows, I get the following compiler error:
undefined reference to `_binary_data_txt_start'
undefined reference to `_binary_data_txt_end'
I tried to replace elf32-i386 with i386-pc-mingw32, but I still get the same error.

I think that for this to work with MinGW you'll need to remove the leading underscore from the names in the .c file. See Embedding binary blobs using gcc mingw for some details.
See if using the following helps:
extern char binary_data_txt_start;
extern char binary_data_txt_end;
If you need the same source to work for Linux or MinGW builds, you might need to use the preprocessor to have the right name used in the different environments.

If you're using a library that requires a FILE* for reading data, then you can use fmemopen(3) to create a pseudofile out of a memory blob. This will avoid creating a temporary file on disk. Unfortunately, it's a GNU extension, so I don't know if it's available with MinGW (likely not).
However, most well-written libraries (such as libpng and the IJG's JPEG library) provide routines for opening a file from memory as opposed to from disk. libpng, in particular, even offers a streaming interface, where you can incrementally decode a PNG file before it's been completely read into memory. This is useful if, say, you're streaming an interlaced PNG from the network and you want to display the interlaced data as it loads for a better user experience.

On Windows, you can embed custom resource into executable file. You would need a .RC file and a resource compiler. With Visual Studio IDE you can do it without hassle.
In your code, you would use FindResource, LoadResource and LockResource functions to load the contents into memory at runtime. A sample code that reads the resource as long string:
void GetResourceAsString(int nResourceID, CStringA &strResourceString)
HRSRC hResource = FindResource(NULL, MAKEINTRESOURCE(nResourceID), L"DATA");
HGLOBAL hResHandle = LoadResource(NULL, hResource);
const char* lpData = static_cast<char*> ( LockResource(hResHandle) );
strResourceString.SetString(lpData, SizeofResource(NULL, hResource));
Where nResourceID is the ID of resource under custom resource type DATA. DATA is just a name, you may choose another name. Other in-built resources are cursors, dialogs, string-tables etc.

I've created a small library called elfdataembed which provides a simple interface for extracting/referencing sections embedded using objcopy. This allows you to pass the offset/size to another tool, or reference it directly from the runtime using file descriptors. Hopefully this will help someone in the future.
It's worth mentioning this approach is more efficient than compiling to a symbol, as it allows external tools to reference the data without needing to be extracted, and it also doesn't require the entire binary to be loaded into memory in order to extract/reference it.

Use nm data.o to see what it named the symbols. It may be something as simple as the filesystem differences causing the filename-derived symbols to be different (eg filename capitalized).
Edit: Just saw your second question. If you are using threads you can make a pipe and pass that to the library (first using fdopen() if it wants a FILE *). If you are more specific about the API you need to talk to I can add more specific advice.


How to put a file in the program and extract it after its launch [duplicate]

I have a small demo executable wrote in C++ that depends only on one 5kb PNG image being loaded before it can run, which is used for a pixel text I made. Because of this one file, I would need to give out a ZIP archive instead of just one executable file, which creates enough friction between download and 'play' that I believe would dissuade some from trying it out.
My question is, is there anyway to embed the PNG file (and any other file really) into the Executable or source code so that it is a single file, and the executable can use it?
I have the ability to parse the PNG as a byte stream, so it does not need converted to pixel data.
Thanks in advance! (Other questions with a similar title to this exist, but they and their answers seem to get into more specific issues and weren't very helpful)
edit:The compiler is Visual C++ 2010 and this is on Windows (though I would want to avoid windows specific utilities for this)
edit2: Alf's answer seemed like the most portable method, so I quickly wrote a function to parse the PNG file into a TXT or header file that could be read as a unsigned char array. It appears to be identical in this form to the PNG file itself, but my png loader won't accept the array. When loading it from memory, the PNG parser takes a (void * buffer, size_t length) if it matters.
The code if you wanted to see, but I'll still accept other answers if you think they're better than this method:
void compileImagePNGtoBinary(char * filename, char * output){
FILE * file = fopen(filename, "rb");
FILE * out = fopen(output, "w");
unsigned char buffer[32];
size_t count;
fprintf(out, "#pragma once \n\n static unsigned char TEXT_PNG_BYTES[] = { ");
count = fread(buffer, 1, 32, file);
for(int n = 0; n < count; ++n){
fprintf(out, "0x%02X, ", buffer[n]);
fprintf(out, "};");
Final Edit: ImageMagick which Alf also mentioned did exactly what I needed of it, thanks!
A portable way is to define a function like
typedef unsigned char Byte;
Byte const* pngFileData()
static Byte const data =
// Byte data generated by a helper program.
return data;
Then all you have to do is to write a little helper program that reads the PNG file as binary and generates the C++ curly braces initializer text. Edit: #awoodland has pointed out in comment to the question, that ImageMagick has such a little helper program…
Of course, for a Windows-specific program, instead use the ordinary Windows resource scheme.
Cheers & hth.,
Look at XD:
Finally, xd can read a binary file and emit a C language data
declaration which contains the data from the file. This is handy when
you wish to embed binary data within C programs.
Personally, I'd use resources for windows, but if you require a truly portable way that doesn't involve knowledge of the executable format, this is the way to go. PNG, JPG, whatever...
Base64 encode the file and put it in a string somewhere in your code ;)
You can embed any arbitrary file into your program resources: (MSDN) User-Defined Resource.
A user-defined resource-definition statement defines a resource that contains application-specific data. The data can have any format and can be defined either as the content of a given file (if the filename parameter is given) or as a series of numbers and strings (if the raw-data block is specified).
nameID typeID filename
The filename specifies the name of a file containing the binary data of the resource. The contents of the file are included as the resource. RC does not interpret the binary data in any way. It is the programmer's responsibility to ensure that the data is properly aligned for the target computer architecture.
Once you've done that you can use the LoadResource function to access the bytes contained in the file.
This is executable-format dependent, which means inherently operating system/compiler dependent. Windows offers the Resources system for this as mentioned in this question.
On linux I use this. It's based off a few examples I found when trying to do some 4k demos, albeit modified a bit. I believe it can work on windows too, but not with the default VS inline assembly. My workaround is #defining a macro to either use this code or the windows resource system that #MarkRansom suggests (quite painful to get working, but does work eventually).
//USAGE: call BINDATA(name, file.txt) and access the char array &name.
#ifndef EMBED_DATA_H
#define EMBED_DATA_H
#ifdef _WIN32
//#error The VS ASM compiler won't work with this, but you can get external ones to do the trick
#define BINDATA #error BINDATA requires nasm
".altmacro\n" \
".macro binfile p q\n" \
" .global \\p\n" \
"\\p:\n" \
" .incbin \\q\n" \
"\\p&_end:\n" \
" .byte 0\n" \
" .global \\p&_len\n" \
"\\p&_len:\n" \
" .int(\\p&_end - \\p)\n" \
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#define BINDATA(n, s) \
__asm__("\n\\n\tbinfile " #n " \"" #s "\"\n"); \
extern char n; \
extern int n##_len;
#ifdef __cplusplus
If I want to embed static data into an executable, I would package it into a .lib/.a file or a header file as an array of unsigned chars. That's if you are looking for a portable approach.
I have created a command line tool that does both actually here. All you have to do is list files, and pick option -l64 to output a 64bit library file along with a header that includes all pointers to each data.
You can explore more options as well.for example, this option:
>BinPack image.png -j -hx
will output the data of image.png into a header file, as hexadecimal and lines will be justified per -j option.
const unsigned char BP_icon[] = {
I came here looking for a bash script, so that I can generate the C array of bytes in a mostly-cross-platform compatible way (I depend on mingw bash for my windows builds anyway) without having to compile a helper tool or depend on any tools that don't come standard with a normal bash shell. Here's my take:
set -e
SCRIPT_DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" &> /dev/null && pwd )"
echo "static const unsigned char ${VAR_NAME}_bytes[] = {" > "$OUT_FILE"
hexdump -ve '1/1 "0x%02x, "' "$BINARY_FILE" >> "$OUT_FILE"
echo "0x00}; static const int ${VAR_NAME}_size = sizeof(${VAR_NAME}_bytes); " >> "$OUT_FILE"
I can then just #include this from the C file where I use it, and use foo_bytes and foo_size as needed:
#include "alloverse_binary_schema.h"
bool allo_initialize(void)
g_alloschema = reflection_Schema_as_root(alloverse_schema_bytes);
This script should be adaptable to your needs by adjusting OUT_FILE, BINARY_FILE and VAR_NAME (perhaps taking them as arguments to the script).

include headers to OpenCL .cl file

I've written an OpenCL kernel in a .cl file. It attempts to #include several headers.
Its compilation fails, since the included header files are "not found".
I am aware that clBuildProgram can take the -I dir option, which adds the directory dir to the list of directories to be searched for the header files.
In the khronus site forum this post talks about the issue.
They propose to use clCreateProgramWithSource which specifies all sources (including .h files).
I have a questions regarding this issue:
Which option is better? (clBuildProgram vs. clCreateProgramWithSource, as described above)
If I use clCreateProgramWithSource how does the compiler know what to include? I mean, which source stands for which included file name?
If I use clBuildProgram and there are several directories with include files, how do I specify them?
OpenCL requires you use clCreateProgramWithSource() followed by clBuildProgram().
ClCreateProgramWithSource() creates and returns a cl_program object.
That cl_program object is input into clBuildProgram().
clBuildProgram() allows you to specify compiler options which include the include file
directories. In your case, for header file includes, it will be something like the string:
-I myincludedir1 -I myincludedir2 ...
The compiler used is the internal OpenCL compiler in the OpenCL SDK you are using. So if you
are using AMD's SDK, the AMD OpenCL compiler that is part of their OpenCL SDK will be used. Likewise for Nvidia or Intel.
Its important to check the OpenCL status code for ALL OpenCL function calls.
This is mandatory for clCreateProgramWithSource() and clBuildProrgam() to get
any compiler errors or messages. There is a whole other bit code to write
to get the size of the messages and then retrieve the messages themselves.
The Nvidia OpenCL device drivers have a bug when using -I with a certain number of includes and code length. AMD and Intel don't have this problem. My solutions is to instead concatenate all the .cl files into one large one at runtime. The disadvantage of this is that in debugging code the line number of the error corresponds to the concatentated .cl file and not in the individual .cl files.
I doubt Nvidia will ever fix this. They don't care about OpenCL much anymore.
There is one more dirty trick: you should emulate include yourself (i. e. something like manual amalgamation). It is not very clear for coding, but it works if your OpenCL compiler doesn't support (or supports incorrectly) -I directives. This approach is not perfect (for example, you lose syntax highlighting), but can help for old or buggy OpenCL compilers.
Small simple example of this possibility:
std::string load_file(const std::string &file_name, int max_size = 0x100000)
FILE *fp = fopen(file_name.c_str(), "rb");
if (!fp)
// print some error or throw exception here
return std::string();
char *source = new char[max_size];
size_t source_size = fread(source, 1, max_size, fp);
if (!source_size)
delete[] source;
// print some error or throw exception here
return std::string();
std::string result(source);
delete[] source;
return result;
// errors checks are omitted for simplification
std::string full_source = load_file("header.h");
full_source += load_file("");
const char *source_ptr = full_source.c_str();
size_t source_size = full_source.size();
cl_int_status = CL_SUCCESS;
cl_program program = clCreateProgramWithSource(context, 1,
(const char **)&source_ptr, (const size_t *)&source_size, &ret);
// check status for CL_SUCCESS here
// now you have your program (include + source)

Is it possible to store binary files inside an exe

Is it possible to do this: (for educational purpose).
suppose I have a image file "image.jpg"
I want to create a program when it executes it should create this image. That means the data of the image is stored in the exe. Is this possible to do?
Something like this: link the image file from resource.rc then tell the compiler to get the data and store it (something like this unsigned char data_buffer[]="binary data of the image" then when the program is executed I can write this data to a file)
(I'm using C++ with mingw compiler)
Any help is highly appreciated.
There are several options:
1) Add it as a byte array in a source file. It is trivial to write an auxiliary program that reads the bytes from the files and writes the C source. E.g.:
unsigned char data_jpg[] = {1,2,3... };
extern char data_jpg[];
const size_t data_jpg_size = 1000;
2) Add it as a binary resource to the executable. You said "exe", did you? So you are likely on Windows. Window EXE files can have binary resources, that can be located using the resource API. See the FindResource, LoadResource and GlobalLock, functions.
ID_DATA_JPG FILE "data.jpg"
3) Convert the binary file directly into a OBJ file and link it into the executable. In the old good days of turbo-c used to be a BINOBJ tool for that. And GNU tools can do it, AFAIk, but with MS tools, I really cannot tell.
With a PE file, you can add data(include bin data) to the PE file's tail as your resource. You just remember the PE file's size. But I'm not sure of that whether you need change the PE's checksum. And use VC++ Compiler to embed resources would be pretty much easy.

How to embed a file into an executable?

I have a small demo executable wrote in C++ that depends only on one 5kb PNG image being loaded before it can run, which is used for a pixel text I made. Because of this one file, I would need to give out a ZIP archive instead of just one executable file, which creates enough friction between download and 'play' that I believe would dissuade some from trying it out.
My question is, is there anyway to embed the PNG file (and any other file really) into the Executable or source code so that it is a single file, and the executable can use it?
I have the ability to parse the PNG as a byte stream, so it does not need converted to pixel data.
Thanks in advance! (Other questions with a similar title to this exist, but they and their answers seem to get into more specific issues and weren't very helpful)
edit:The compiler is Visual C++ 2010 and this is on Windows (though I would want to avoid windows specific utilities for this)
edit2: Alf's answer seemed like the most portable method, so I quickly wrote a function to parse the PNG file into a TXT or header file that could be read as a unsigned char array. It appears to be identical in this form to the PNG file itself, but my png loader won't accept the array. When loading it from memory, the PNG parser takes a (void * buffer, size_t length) if it matters.
The code if you wanted to see, but I'll still accept other answers if you think they're better than this method:
void compileImagePNGtoBinary(char * filename, char * output){
FILE * file = fopen(filename, "rb");
FILE * out = fopen(output, "w");
unsigned char buffer[32];
size_t count;
fprintf(out, "#pragma once \n\n static unsigned char TEXT_PNG_BYTES[] = { ");
count = fread(buffer, 1, 32, file);
for(int n = 0; n < count; ++n){
fprintf(out, "0x%02X, ", buffer[n]);
fprintf(out, "};");
Final Edit: ImageMagick which Alf also mentioned did exactly what I needed of it, thanks!
A portable way is to define a function like
typedef unsigned char Byte;
Byte const* pngFileData()
static Byte const data =
// Byte data generated by a helper program.
return data;
Then all you have to do is to write a little helper program that reads the PNG file as binary and generates the C++ curly braces initializer text. Edit: #awoodland has pointed out in comment to the question, that ImageMagick has such a little helper program…
Of course, for a Windows-specific program, instead use the ordinary Windows resource scheme.
Cheers & hth.,
Look at XD:
Finally, xd can read a binary file and emit a C language data
declaration which contains the data from the file. This is handy when
you wish to embed binary data within C programs.
Personally, I'd use resources for windows, but if you require a truly portable way that doesn't involve knowledge of the executable format, this is the way to go. PNG, JPG, whatever...
Base64 encode the file and put it in a string somewhere in your code ;)
You can embed any arbitrary file into your program resources: (MSDN) User-Defined Resource.
A user-defined resource-definition statement defines a resource that contains application-specific data. The data can have any format and can be defined either as the content of a given file (if the filename parameter is given) or as a series of numbers and strings (if the raw-data block is specified).
nameID typeID filename
The filename specifies the name of a file containing the binary data of the resource. The contents of the file are included as the resource. RC does not interpret the binary data in any way. It is the programmer's responsibility to ensure that the data is properly aligned for the target computer architecture.
Once you've done that you can use the LoadResource function to access the bytes contained in the file.
This is executable-format dependent, which means inherently operating system/compiler dependent. Windows offers the Resources system for this as mentioned in this question.
On linux I use this. It's based off a few examples I found when trying to do some 4k demos, albeit modified a bit. I believe it can work on windows too, but not with the default VS inline assembly. My workaround is #defining a macro to either use this code or the windows resource system that #MarkRansom suggests (quite painful to get working, but does work eventually).
//USAGE: call BINDATA(name, file.txt) and access the char array &name.
#ifndef EMBED_DATA_H
#define EMBED_DATA_H
#ifdef _WIN32
//#error The VS ASM compiler won't work with this, but you can get external ones to do the trick
#define BINDATA #error BINDATA requires nasm
".altmacro\n" \
".macro binfile p q\n" \
" .global \\p\n" \
"\\p:\n" \
" .incbin \\q\n" \
"\\p&_end:\n" \
" .byte 0\n" \
" .global \\p&_len\n" \
"\\p&_len:\n" \
" .int(\\p&_end - \\p)\n" \
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#define BINDATA(n, s) \
__asm__("\n\\n\tbinfile " #n " \"" #s "\"\n"); \
extern char n; \
extern int n##_len;
#ifdef __cplusplus
If I want to embed static data into an executable, I would package it into a .lib/.a file or a header file as an array of unsigned chars. That's if you are looking for a portable approach.
I have created a command line tool that does both actually here. All you have to do is list files, and pick option -l64 to output a 64bit library file along with a header that includes all pointers to each data.
You can explore more options as well.for example, this option:
>BinPack image.png -j -hx
will output the data of image.png into a header file, as hexadecimal and lines will be justified per -j option.
const unsigned char BP_icon[] = {
I came here looking for a bash script, so that I can generate the C array of bytes in a mostly-cross-platform compatible way (I depend on mingw bash for my windows builds anyway) without having to compile a helper tool or depend on any tools that don't come standard with a normal bash shell. Here's my take:
set -e
SCRIPT_DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" &> /dev/null && pwd )"
echo "static const unsigned char ${VAR_NAME}_bytes[] = {" > "$OUT_FILE"
hexdump -ve '1/1 "0x%02x, "' "$BINARY_FILE" >> "$OUT_FILE"
echo "0x00}; static const int ${VAR_NAME}_size = sizeof(${VAR_NAME}_bytes); " >> "$OUT_FILE"
I can then just #include this from the C file where I use it, and use foo_bytes and foo_size as needed:
#include "alloverse_binary_schema.h"
bool allo_initialize(void)
g_alloschema = reflection_Schema_as_root(alloverse_schema_bytes);
This script should be adaptable to your needs by adjusting OUT_FILE, BINARY_FILE and VAR_NAME (perhaps taking them as arguments to the script).

How to create a temporary text file in C++?

I'm trying to create a temporary text file in C++ and then delete it at the end
of the program. I haven't had much luck with Google.
Could you tell me which functions to use?
The answers below tell me how to create a temp file. What if I just want to
create a file (tmp.txt) and then delete it? How would I do that?
Here's a complete example:
#include <unistd.h>
int main(void) {
char filename[] = "/tmp/mytemp.XXXXXX"; // template for our file.
int fd = mkstemp(filename); // Creates and opens a new temp file r/w.
// Xs are replaced with a unique number.
if (fd == -1) return 1; // Check we managed to open the file.
write(fd, "abc", 4); // note 4 bytes total: abc terminating '\0'
/* ...
do whatever else you want.
... */
unlink(filename); // Delete the temporary file.
If you know the name of the file you want to create (and are sure it won't already exist) then you can obviously just use open to open the file.
tmpnam and tmpfile should probably be avoided as they can suffer from race conditions - see man tmpfile(3) for the details.
Maybe this will help
FILE * tmpfile ( void );
Open a temporary file
Creates a temporary binary file, open
for update (wb+ mode -- see fopen for
details). The filename is guaranteed
to be different from any other
existing file. The temporary file
created is automatically deleted when
the stream is closed (fclose) or when
the program terminates normally.
See also
char * tmpnam ( char * str );
Generate temporary filename
A string containing a filename
different from any existing file is
generated. This string can be used to
create a temporary file without
overwriting any other existing file.
This may be a little off-topic because the author wanted to create a tmp.txt and delete it after using it, but that is trivial - you can simple open() it and delete it (using boost::filesystem of course).
mkstemp() is UNIX-based. With Windows you use GetTempFileName() and GetTempPath() to generate a path to a temp file. Sample code from MSDN:
On Linux (starting with kernel 3.11), there's flag to open(2) O_TMPFILE that creates a temporary file that doesn't have a name (i.e. it doesn't show up in the filesystem). This has a few interesting features:
No worries about unique names, it's just an inode, there is no name.
No race conditions during creation (e.g. symlink attacks).
No stray files if your app crashes, it's always automatically deleted.
I wonder why most of you guys showed him the C way of doing it instead of the C++ way.
Here's fstream.
Try that, deleting a file is OS depended but you can use boost.filesystem to make things easy for you.
If you need a named file (for example, so you can pass the name to another process, perhaps a compiler or editor), then register a cleanup function that removes the file with atexit(). You can use either C++ <iostream> or C FILE * (<cstdio>) to create the file. The not completely standard but widely available mkstemp() function creates a file and tells you its name as well as returning a file descriptor (a third I/O mechanism); you could use the fdopen() function to convert the file descriptor into a FILE *.
If you don't need a named file a C-style FILE * is OK, then look at tmpfile() as suggested by #Tom.
A clean, portable and non-deprecated way of creating a temporary file is provided by Boost:
auto temporary_file = boost::filesystem::temp_directory_path() / boost::filesystem::unique_path();
Well, assuming you have been successful in creating the temporary file, you can use the remove function to delete it.
The function is declared in stdio.h -
#include <stdio.h>
int remove(const char *pathname);
For example, if you want to delete a file named myfile.txt the code will be
int main()
if(remove("myfile.txt") == -1)
fprintf(stderr,"Remove failed");
I hope by now, you already know how to create the temp file, so this should resolve your query.
Hope it helps.