wxProgressDialog somehow keeping app alive after death? - c++

I'm having a strange problem with wxWidgets. I have the following code
MyFrame::OnDoSomeLongThing(...) {
progScreen = new wxProgressDialog(text,text,number,this,wxPD_AUTO_HIDE); // wxProgressDialog *progScreen is class member
doPartOfThing() // calls the update method at the end of it
doLastPartOfThing() // again calls update method that pushes value to 100/100
MyFrame::update() {
Now here's the thing. I can literally comment out the lines relating to progScreen, just let the process go without using a progress dialog, after all is said and done, my apps exits gracefully when I close the main window.
However, just the use of the progress dialog is somehow extending the life of the application. I've tried Destroy(), I've tried simply 'delete progScreen', and both, every time: I'll close the main frame, the process keeps running, and at some point exits with some astronomical number. The only thing I could think might be relevant, is that the doPartsOfThings methods may call boost::this_thread::sleep, because it involves waiting and whatnot down in my model class. But this shouldn't have anything to do with my problem. Or maybe it does... EDIT: I do want to emphasize that progScreen->Update() IS being called from the main (GUI) thread.
So I ask, am I using a wxProgressDialog correctly? If not, how should it be used?
Thanks for your help!
Well... it turns out that removing wxPD_AUTO_HIDE fixed the problem. I'm still not quite sure what the problem is, but the dialog even still behaves as before. App closes as expected.

I think that you need to override the wxApp method that closes the application so that it closes the wxProgressDialog object before it quits.
virtual int OnExit()
Override this member function for any processing which needs to be
done as the application is about to exit. OnExit is called after
destroying all application windows and controls, but before wxWidgets
cleanup. Note that it is not called at all if OnInit failed.
The return value of this function is currently ignored, return the
same value as returned by the base class method if you override it.
You will need something like, assuming progScreen is a public attribute of your frame
int myApp::OnExit()
return wxApp::OnExit();


Multithreading Synchronisation

I'm trying to write a multithreaded graphics manipulation program using Borland's C++ Builder 6 on WinXP SP3, but have run into (I think) a synchronisation issue, and can't figure out why.
Main Form (Form1) has a TPicture loaded from file. A copy of this is acquired by the thread via a Synchronize() call, and works fine. The thread does some work on the image, and in theory, it periodically updates the main Form image. The main Form also controls a machine, and is a 'First Resort' emergency stop, so blocking isn't an option. Everything is fine until the main Form gets hold of the working copy, or a copy of the working copy (sorry, but it's got to that) at which point the program hangs, and is only responsive to a 'program reset' from the IDE. A poor solution is to copy the working image to the Clipboard, and then, from the main Form, copy from the Clipboard to the main Form's image.
//Synchronization routines:
`void __fastcall ImageRout::update()
//never returns
void __fastcall ImageRout::getimage()
//do the initialisation things... Then,
//(data is a struct, loaded with image data via a Synchronize() call)
Imgcopy=new Graphics::TBitmap;
Imgcopy->Height=data.height; //size the bitmap
} //have to Lock() the image or it gets lost... Somewhere
Synchronize(getimage); //works fine
//do some work on Imgcopy
//"By the book"- attempt 1
//(rate (=15) is a 'brake' to stop every alteration being displayed)
if(update_count>rate) //after a few iterations, update
{ //user interface
Synchronize(update); //fails: never returns from Synchronize call
After a lot of failed attempts, I came up with this.
//in the thread...
Form1->tempimage->Assign(Imgcopy); //tempimage is another bitmap,
InterlockedExchange(&Form1->imageready,1);//declared in the main Form
LeaveCriticalSection(&Form1->mylock1); //and is only ever accessed
update_count=0; //inside a critical section
//...and in the main Form....
Image9->Picture->Bitmap->Assign(tempimage); //Fails here
So, in desperation.
//in the thread...
LeaveCriticalSection(&Form1->mylock1); */
//and in the main Form...
if (Clipboard()->HasFormat(CF_BITMAP))
This last attempt works, albeit relatively slowly, because of the Clipboard overhead, and it's a poor crutch, at best. I suspect the Clipboard is enforcing an otherwise failed synchronisation effort, but, as I said earlier, I can't fathom why. What can be the issue?
Thanks for your comments, Remy. They shook me out of a "tizzy" I'd got myself into whilst trying to solve the problem. I'd forgotten that Windows needs to move memory blocks around, and can't do this if locked them.
The initial problem of the Synchronize(update) call (code block 1 above) was caused by my still having the working copy (Imgcopy) locked (from inside the thread) during the call, preventing the main Form from subsequently accessing it. I suspect (but haven't investigated- that code has gone) the same root cause was at work in code block 2.
Locking every bitmap just prior to access, and unlocking immediately afterwards has solved this problem.
Peter O, thanks for your edit- I didn't realise there was so much overhead in my initial post.

MFC CView (CFormView) destruction crash

As per this stackoverflow question:
What is the correct way to programmatically quit an MFC application?
I am using AfxGetMainWnd()->PostMessage(WM_CLOSE,0,0); to exit an MFC program. (SDI, CFrameWnd containing a CSplitterWnd with two CFormViews)
As expected, this calls DestroyWindow().
The problem I am facing is that after the derived CFormView destruction, as per MSDN:
After calling DestroyWindow on a non-auto-cleanup object, the C++ object will still be around, but m_hWnd will be NULL. [MSDN]
Now the CView destructor is called and at the point it does the
it fails on the following assert: ASSERT(::IsWindow(pView->m_hWnd));
I checked and the m_hWnd is already set to NULL in the derived CView destructor called just before.
What am I doing wrong ?
Here is a chart illustrating why I want to send a WM_CLOSE message and not a WM_QUIT.
I think the answer lays in this MSDN Technical Note, but I can't figure it out.
The order that things get called:
1- AfxGetMainWnd()->PostMessage(WM_CLOSE,0,0);
2- Derived CFrameWnd::OnClose()
3- CFrameWnd::OnClose()
which calls CWinApp::CloseAllDocuments(BOOL bEndSession);
which calls CDocManager::CloseAllDocuments(BOOL bEndSession)
which calls CDocTemplate::CloseAllDocuments(BOOL)
which calls CDocument::OnCloseDocument()
Now, in this function
while (!m_viewList.IsEmpty())
// get frame attached to the view
CView* pView = (CView*)m_viewList.GetHead();
CFrameWnd* pFrame = pView->EnsureParentFrame();
// and close it
// will destroy the view as well
So we see that CWnd::DestroyWindow() is called, so:
4- Derived CFormView destructor
5- CScrollView::~CScrollView()
6- CView::~CView()
which calls CDocument::RemoveView(CView* pView)
which calls CDocument::OnChangedViewList()
which calls CDocument::UpdateFrameCounts()
Which crashes here: ASSERT(::IsWindow(pView->m_hWnd));
because pView->m_hWnd is NULL...
I figured out what the problem was:
The destructor of the first view was deleting an uninitialized pointer, which is UB. This was making the destructor hang and never complete.
Usually, the destructor of the second view is only called upon completion of the first one. But in this case it was still being executed although the first one never completed.
Since the first view base class destructors were never called, this function was never called for the first view:
void CDocument::RemoveView(CView* pView)
ASSERT(pView->m_pDocument == this); // must be attached to us
pView->m_pDocument = NULL;
OnChangedViewList(); // must be the last thing done to the document
Where we can see that the view is removed from the m_viewList.
This means that when the second view destructor completes, in:
void CDocument::UpdateFrameCounts()
// assumes 1 doc per frame
// walk all frames of views (mark and sweep approach)
POSITION pos = GetFirstViewPosition();
while (pos != NULL)
The pos is supposed to be NULL, but it is not. Which lead to the crash.
I think the way you are closing the frame is not the issue there.
My guess is that you destroy one of the views by hand whereas you should let MFC delete them (you probably called DestroyWindow on one of them)
Call ::PostQuitMessage(0); to close the app.
The problem was resolved, see EDIT 3 in the question for the solution.

QPlainTextEdit throwing std::bad_alloc

I have a program that runs a least squares fit to some data. This procedure is run in a separate thread and controlled from a dialog box. This dialog box has a QPlainTextEdit that shows fitting updates and a final report.
The dialog was created in Qt Designer, the code is run into QtCreator and my Qt version is 4.8.1.
The problem I am running into is somewhat erratic. When I run the procedure a first time, everything is fine. Then if I run it again, sometimes the program crashes with the message
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'
what(): std::bad_alloc
The program has unexpectedly finished.
I tracked the problem to a call to the clear() method of a QPlainTextEdit. Here is some code.
// Snippets of the class definition
class QLSQDialog : public QDialog, public Ui_QLSQDialog
QLSQDialog(QWidget *parent = 0);
void UpdateDisplay(const QString &msg, int iter, double norm); // Update values of chi, etc on displays
void Run(); // Signal to run a LSQ procedure
private slots:
void on_btnRun_clicked();
void Enables(bool running); // Enable and disable features depending on running state of LSQ fit
// Snippets of the class implementation
QLSQDialog::QLSQDialog(QWidget *parent) : QDialog(parent)
setupUi(this); // Set up dialog
txtInfo->clear(); // txtInfo is a QPlainTextEdit created in Designer
void QLSQDialog::UpdateDisplay(const QString &msg, int iter, double norm)
if (iter >= 0) lblIt->setText(QString::number(iter));
void QLSQDialog::on_btnRun_clicked()
txtInfo->clear(); // Offending line in second run
emit Run();
void QLSQDialog::Enables(bool running)
bool Idle = !running;
bool HasReport = !txtInfo->document()->isEmpty();
btnReport->setEnabled(Idle && HasReport);
txtInfo is the QPlainTextEdit object. I call a txtInfo->clear() when the object is
created to show an empty text edit. When I click on a 'Run' tool button its default slot emits a Run signal that will start the new thread. The txtInfo QPlainTextEdit is updated in this thread until it finishes (in fact the thread emits a signal that is caught in the main application that in turn calls the UpdateDisplay).
If I click on the run button a second time, then I get the crash and the error. If I replace txtInfo->clear(), txtInfo->document()->clear(), by txtInfo->setPlainText("") or by txtInfo->document()->setPlainText("") the problem is the same (crash at second execution). Occasionally, but not frequently, I can run a few times (of the order of 10) before crashing.
Finally, if I comment out the txtInfo->clear() line, then I can run the routine as much as I tried (in one test I got tired after running it about 80 times).
My only (almost random) guess is that the problem is somehow related to the update from the thread (which emits a signal that is caught and in turn just calls the UpdateDisplay function). The reason I think so is that if I comment out the signals and just create a new button to call the UpdateDisplay with some bogus information, everything is fine.
A qApp->processEvents() before the offending line has no effect.
I am stuck here. Any ideas are welcome. For instance, is there any test I can do to verify that calling the clear() method is ok?
I finally tracked this problem down to a nasty memory leak in my code. I "repaired" the code but I am still a little bit puzzled by why the problem was happening.
Basically, I was creating a large vector<double> somewhere and passing its address to a function that called for a vector<double> * variable. The problem was that the original vector ceased to be before the function finished working with. Classic dumb mistake. Probably the QPlainTextEdit document was allocating space in the area where the vector<double> used to be: erratic behavior expected. But I would not expect a crash.
The vector was "read-only". The function using it, only read the values and made calculations stored somewhere else. Let's now assume that the plain text creates something in the memory previously addressed by the vector<double>. In this case, when I QPlainTextEdit::clear() the plain text document, the values previously pointed by the vector change and I would expect the calculations to be non sense. I would also accept a crash when the function access the now deceased pointer to vector<double>. But I would not expect the program to crash when I clear the text, which after all is a valid pointer.
Anyway, if anybody has a though, I'd be curious to know why the crash happens. But otherwise, the problem is gone once the leak was repaired. And of course, knowing the reason is absolutely no excuse to not repair the leak.

Exception Handling in Qt Script with C++?

I have the following action which is executed when a certain
button is pressed in a Qt application:
#include <shape.h>
void computeOperations()
polynomial_t p1("x^2-x*y+1"),p2("x^2+2*y-1");
BoundingBox bx(-4.01, 4.01,-6.01,6.01,-6.01,6.01);
Topology3d g(bx);
AlgebraicCurve* cv= new AlgebraicCurve(p1,p2);
//Other operations on g.
Topology3d(...), AlgebraicCurve(..), BoundingBox(...),
polynomial_t(...) are user defined types defined in the
corresponding header file .
Now for some values of p1 and p2, the method g.run() works perfectly.
Thus for some other values of p1 and p2, g.run() it is not
working anymore as the method gets blocked somehow and the
message "Application Not Responding" appears and I have to
kill the Application.
I would want to have the following behavior: whenever
g.run() is taking too long, gets blocked for some particular
values of p1, p2, I would want to display an warning box
using QMessageBox::Warning.
I try to do this with try{...} and catch{...}:
#include <shape.h>
class topologyException : public std::runtime_error
topologyException::topologyException(): std::runtime_error( "topology fails" ) {}
void computeOperations()
polynomial_t p1("x^2-x*y+1"),p2("x^2+2*y-1");
BoundingBox bx(-4.01, 4.01,-6.01,6.01,-6.01,6.01);
Topology3d g(bx);
AlgebraicCurve* cv= new AlgebraicCurve(p1,p2);
//other operations on g
throw topologyException();
catch(topologyException& topException)
QMessageBox errorBox;
errorBox.setText("The parameters are incorrect.");
errorBox.setInformativeText("Please insert another polynomial.");
This code compiles, but when it runs it does not really
implement the required behavior.
For the polynomials for which g.run() gets blocked the error
message box code is never reached, plus for the polynomials
for which g.run() is working well, the error message box
code still is reached somehow and the box appears in the
I am new to handling exceptions, so any help is more than
I think the program gets blocked somewhere inside g.run() so
it does not reach the exception, still I do not understand
what really happens.
Still I would want to throw this exception without going
into the code of g.run(), this function is implemented as
part of a bigger library, which I just use in my code.
Can I have this behavior in my program without putting any
try{...} catch{...} block statement in the g.run() function?
You cannot achieve what you want with the use of try-catch. if g.run() takes too much time or goes into an infinite loop, that doesn't mean an exception will be thrown.
What you can do is, you can move the operations that take a lot of time into another thread. Start that thread in your event handler and wait for it to finish in your main thread for a fixed amount of time. If it does not finish, kill that thread & show your messagebox.
For further reference, read QThread, Qt Thread Support
Thanks for the suggestions.
So I see how I should create the thread, something like:
class myopThread : public QThread
void run();
Then I am rewriting the run() function and put all the operations that take a lot of time in it:
void myopThread::run()
polynomial_t p1("x^2-x*y+1"),p2("x^2+2*y-1");
BoundingBox bx(-4.01, 4.01,-6.01,6.01,-6.01,6.01);
Topology3d g(bx);
AlgebraicCurve* cv= new AlgebraicCurve(p1,p2);
//other operations on g
Okay everything is clear so far, still I do not see how to "Start that thread in your event handler and wait for it to finish in your main thread for a fixed amount of time. If it does not finish, kill that thread & show your messagebox."
I mean start the thread in the event handler refers somehow at using the connect (..Signal, Slot..) still I do not see how exactly this is done. I have never used QThread before so it is more then new.
Thank you very much for your help,
The most elegant way to solve this that I know of is with a future value. If you haven't run across these before they can be quite handy in situations like this. Say you have a value that you'll need later on, but you can begin calculating concurrently. The code might look something like this:
SomeValue getValue() {
... calculate the value ...
void foo() {
Future<SomeValue> future_value(getValue);
... other code that takes a long time ...
SomeValue v = future_value.get();
Upon calling the .get() method of course, the value computed is returned, either by calling the function then and there or by retrieving the cache value calculated in another thread started when the Future<T> was created. One nice thing is that, at least for a few libraries, you can pass in a timeout parameter into the .get() method. This way if your value is taking too long to compute you can always unblock. Such elegant isn't usually achieved.
For a real life library, you might try looking into the library documented here. As I recall it wasn't accepted as the official boost futures library, but it certainly had promise. Good luck!

Showing two windows in Qt4

My friend and I have each created parts of a GUI using Qt 4. They both work independently and I am trying to integrate his form with the my main window. As of now this is the code I am using to try and load his form:
//connect buttons and such
connect(exitbtn, SIGNAL(triggered()),this,SLOT(terminated()));
connect(add, SIGNAL(triggered()),this,SLOT(add_rec()));
void MainWindowImpl::add_rec()
//form quits as soon as it loads...?
DialogImpl dia;//name of his form
I have included his header file. The program compiles but when I hit the trigger his form loads up for maybe half a second and then closes. Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?
You have almost get it right. This is because the RAII of C++. If you allocate the Dialog on stack, it would be destructed as soon as the function return.
Assuming MainWindowImpl inherits publically from QWidget, you're looking for this:
void MainWindowImpl::add_rec()
// passing "this" to the constructor makes sure dialog will be cleaned up.
// Note that DialogImpl will need a constructor that takes a
// QObject* parent parameter.
DialogImpl* dialog = new DialogImpl(this);
Look at the Qt documentation for examples of how the constructors should look.
Apparently QT4 only allows one instance of an object at a time, however pointers are another matter. Change both the main.cpp and what ever your main window to look something like this:
DialogImpl *dia=new DialogImpl;