Use function inside subroutine in FORTRAN77 - fortran

I am updating legacy code and I need to use a simple mathematical function inside a subroutine. I cannot figure out how to do this. I have a function that works when called from a test program. What do I need to do differently for a subroutine?
subroutine foo(i,j,k)
i = bar(j,k)
stuff = otherstuff
other info:
bar is an erf approximation.
I am using the PGF90 compiler.
I am new to FORTRAN from C.

Basically, calling from a program or a subroutine shouldn't differ. Does the code really look like this, without any declarations? This means all variables will have implicit types: variables with names starting with the letters i-n will be integer, all others real; this also holds for function return values. The code you show, tries to assign a real (bar()) to an integer (i).
If you're writing new code, always start programs and procedures with IMPLICIT NONE. This forces you to explicitly include type declarations for all variables and function return values, greatly reducing errors.


How does Fortran handle optional arguments and strings? [duplicate]

I have a FORTRAN code with a routine:
integer ncid, recid
character*(*) varname
real*8 vardata
dimension vardata(15,45,75)
I want to add some flexibility to this code, and I thought I would do it by first adding an optional flag argument:
! everything the same and then ...
logical, optional :: how_to_calculate
Now, at this point, I am not even using "how_to_calculate". I am just putting it into the code for testing. So I compile the code without a hitch. Then I run it, and I get an error in the subroutine. Specifically, some of the values in the code later on are "magically" altered from what they were without that optional argument. The new values don't make sense to the logic of the code, so it exits politely with an error message. Let me stress again that at this point, I am not even using this optional argument. So then, on a lark, I go back to all the places in the source that call this routine and, even though my new argument in optional, I put in values for it in all the calls. When I do that, the code runs fine. So, what's up? How can the mere presence of an unused optional argument in a subroutine result in other data being corrupted? And how can adding input parameters for this optional argument fix things again? This is being compiled with PGI, by the way.
Any ideas? Thanks.
BTW, sorry for not providing more code. My boss might not be too happy with me if I did that. I don't make the rules; I just work here.
Optional arguments in Fortran are implemented by passing 0 (a null pointer) for each optional argument that has no value provided by the calling subroutine. Because of this subroutines that take optional arguments have to:
either have an explicit INTERFACE definition inside the calling subroutine
or be a module-level subroutine (for them interfaces are generated automatically)
If you add an optional argument to a subroutine but it neither has an interface in the caller or is not a module-level subroutine, then the compiler will not generate the right calling sequence - it will pass less arguments than expected. This could pose a problem on Unix systems, where PGI passes the length of all CHARACTER*(*) arguments at the end of the argument list (on Windows it passes the length as the next argument after the address of the string). One missing argument would shift the length arguments placement in the stack (or put them in the wrong registers on x64) leading to the incorrect length of the VARNAME string being received by READ_NC_VALS. This could lead to all sorts of ill behaviour, including overwritting memory and "magically" changing values that should not change according to the program logic.
Obviously, just adding a dummy argument to a subroutine, with or without the optional attribute, shouldn't cause any problems. What might happen, though, is that the change exposes some other problem with the code, which was already there, but didn't cause any visible bad effects.
Without any more code, all we can do is guess, which usually isn't really useful.
One thing that pops into mind is the necessity of an explicit interface, when using optional arguments. Is the code organized into modules?

Are interface blocks ever required to compile Fortran?

I'm trying to teach myself Fortran, and have been messing around with linking multiple files together. Following examples, I have been writing programs in one file, functions in another, and using interface blocks in my main program to refer to the external function.
I was testing how much information was needed in the interface block and realised that I can remove it entirely.
My program:
program test
implicit none
real :: x, y, func
x = 3
y = func(x)
print *, y
end program test
And the function file:
function func(x)
implicit none
real :: x, func
func = x**3
end function func
I then compile it using gfortran -o test test.f90 func.f90 and the code works as expected. My question is, why do I not need to include an interface block in my program file? Is it simply a matter of good practice, or does defining func as a real variable serve as shorthand? I am on Windows, having installed gfortran through minGW.
As an aside/related question, if I instead use a subroutine:
subroutine func(x,y)
implicit none
real :: x,y
y = x**3
end subroutine func
And change the line y = func(x) to call func(x,y) then the code will work fine without any interface block or declaration. Why is this?
The declaration real :: func in the main program here declares func to be a function with (default) real result. This function has an interface in the main program as a result, so it is legitimate to reference that function with y = func(x).
The interface in this case is implicit. In this way, the main program knows exactly three things about func:
it is a function (with that name);
it has the external attribute;
it has real result.
The reference to the function is compatible with that knowledge. Further, how you reference the function matches precisely the properties of the function itself.
Equally, in the case of the subroutine, a call func(x,y) tells the main program exactly three things, again with the implicit interface:
it is a subroutine (with that name);
it has the external attribute;
it takes two real arguments.
Those three things again match the subroutine's definition, so things are fine.
Loosely, then, you don't need an interface block in these cases because the implicit interfaces are good enough.
There are times when an explicit interface is required and in most (nearly all) cases an explicit interface is better. As you can see in other questions and answers, there are usually better ways to provide an explicit interface than using an interface block.
Why do I not need to include an interface block in my program file?
Since Fortran 90, the recommended way to define reusable functions and subroutines is to use modules.
module func_m
function func(x)
implicit none
real :: x, func
func = x**3
end function func
end module func_m
Then write use func_m in the main program, before implicit none: gfortran -c func_m.f90, gfortran -c test.f90 and gfortran -o test test.o func_m.o.
When you use modules, the compiler will check the type of the arguments of the functions. You also do not need to declare real :: func as the declarations are taken from the module.
When you compile as a "simple" object file, the compiler will simply call whatever function is named func without verification, as long as such a function is given in an object file.
The interface block is a kind of "in between". In your case, you could add one in the program file. This would force you to follow that declaration in the program. But it will not prevent linking to wrong functions at link time: there is no guarantee that the interface is right. It is mostly useful if you need to call C or FORTRAN 77 code from someone else, for which you couldn't use modules.
And change the line y = func(x) to call func(x,y) then the code will
work fine without any interface block or declaration. Why is this?
The interface issue is orthogonal to the function vs subroutine issue.
There are some cases where interface blocks are needed. For example if the called subroutine uses a pointer, allocatable or assumed shape arrays (this list is not complete, see the standard for more):
integer, pointer :: x(:,:) ! pointer attribute
integer, allocatable :: x(:,:) ! pointer attribute
integer :: a(:,:) ! assumed shape array
The pointer/allocatable have the advantage that the called subroutine can allocate it for the calling function. Assumed shape arrays automatically transfer the dimensions to the called subroutine.
If you use any of this your program will crash without explicit interface. Easiest solution is like said in the other answer: use modules to have the interface automtically correct. We use a perl script automatically extracting interfaces to have interface check without rewriting the code to modules (and avoid long compile times until all compilers reliably support Fortran 2008 submodules...)

Creating a simple subroutine in fortran

I am new to Fortran and I had made a program where everything did fit into one single file, which worked.
However when i tried to take out parts and put them into modules and subroutines I quickly ran into problems.
Even after removing everything and having only the bare minimum left, it still gives an error regarding the subroutine.
Currently the heavily reduced main program looks like this. It only uses the module and calls the subroutine.
program test
use mod1
call sub1(var)
end program test
and the module looks like:
Module mod1
implicit none
type A
real :: type1
end type A
subroutine sub1(var)
type(A) :: var
var%type1 = 1+1
end subroutine sub1
However I seem to do something wrong here and unfortunately I can not figure out what. I get the error
||Error: Type mismatch in argument 'var' ; passed REAL(4) to TYPE(a)|
end module mod1
Can someone please explain which fundamental mistake I am making in order to prevent the most basic subroutine from working?
In your program you do not explicitly declare var. In days of yore Fortran supported implicit typing and, by default, variables whose name begin with a v will be of type real. Fortran retains this capability, though its use is now frowned upon.
I think you are thinking (as if I had a clue what you are thinking) that var in the program scope will somehow be automatically associated with, or the same as, var in the subroutine in the module. It won't be.
Do these things:
Insert implicit none on the line after use mod1 in your program.
Explicitly declare var within the program, eg type(a) :: var

Making multiple modules from multiple common blocks fortran 77

Currently in my program I have several common blocks spread across several subprograms and functions. I sometimes forget to change all instances of a common block as I add variables to it. I want to make these common blocks into modules so I can add and remove variables to the module in one place without worrying about updating all instances of the module across my subprograms.
Do I need to include 'use' statements in the program that initializes the variables in the module or do I include the program in the module? I normally would use common blocks for this but am trying to implement modules because I think they will help my code remain readable as complexity increases.
NOTE: Some values of the variables in the modules need to be able to change as they are passed from one program to another.
I tried to write a simplified test program to become acquainted with modules but could not get it to work. I am familiar with fortran 77 but have never used modules before. I appreciate any help or advice.
I am using gfortran 4.6.1
program main
use Words
use Vals
double precision x,y,z
character*5 Greet
integer i
Greet = 'Hello'
x = 4.1
y = 5.2
z = 10.0
i = 3
call foo ()
end program main
subroutine foo ()
use Words
use Vals
print *, Greet
z = x + y
print *, z
print *, i
end subroutine
module Words
character*5 Greet
end module
module Vals
double precision x,y
integer int
end module
You only need one instance of a module. You make it known to any main program or procedure (subroutine or function) that uses it with a use statement. If you have a subroutine that sets values then, like any other, it has to have a use statement. If are are setting initial values you can do so in the declaration. If the module is used by the main program then it will always be in scope and the values of the variables will persist throughout the run of the program. If the module is only used by procedure, in principle the module will go out of scope when none of those procedures are in the call chain and the compiler is allowed to forget the values of the module variables. (It is doubtful that any Fortran compiler actually does this.) This can be prevented by declaring each variable with SAVE. SAVE is implicit if you declare the variable with an initial value.
Normally you have to compile the modules first before they are used so that the compiler "knows" about them when it encounters the use statement. This is done either by putting them first in the file or compiling their files first. Here is your example reordered:
module Words
character*5 Greet
end module
module Vals
double precision x,y
integer i
end module
module my_subs
subroutine foo ()
use Words
use Vals
double precision :: z
print *, Greet
z = x + y
print *, z
print *, i
end subroutine
end module my_subs
program main
use Words
use Vals
use my_subs
Greet = 'Hello'
x = 4.1
y = 5.2
i = 3
call foo ()
end program main
There are a couple of reasons why your code will not compile:
You have your modules positioned after your main program, which means they will not have been compiled by the time you use them there. Either put these in separate files and compile them before the main program, or put them before the main program.
You re-declare variables from your module in the main program, which the compiler will interpret as a name conflict. All module variables with the public attribute (which is the default) will become available in the scope where you use the module; this is called "use association". In other words, use vals is enough to make x, y and int available.
Additionally, modules are more like singleton objects rather than just data containers. They can also contain procedures, listed after a contains statement, which aids grouping variables and related procedures together. An example would be grouping your two modules into one, along with subroutine foo:
module vals
implicit none
double precision :: x = 4.1, y = 5.2
integer :: i = 3
character(5) :: greet = 'Hello'
subroutine foo()
double precision :: z ! New local variable
print *, Greet
z = x + y
print *, z
print *, i
end subroutine
end module
Above, I have used the "new" :: double colon operator, which allows declaring and initialising multiple variables at once. Since module variables are already save'd implicitly, this is just fine.
Alternatively, if these modules are intended to be separate, you can also have contains sections in your main program (or any subprogram) and place the subroutine there. The advantage is that procedures declared in such a way always have explicit interfaces, which greatly benefits error diagnosis by the compiler and is even required in certain newer cases. This is one of the main improvements of F90, since F77 only dealt with external subprograms and implicit interfaces.
The simplest way to do common blocks is to have one include file per common block and make all your declarations within the include file. That way, the common block is only ever declared in one place. The problem of having to convert the code to use modules then just magically disappears.
Also, if you are starting new code, prefixing the name of the common block variables with the same name as the named common block will make coding a lot easier. It is a pain initially and the prima donnas who have been coding for years will refuse to conform. The people who maintain the code will just find it so easy: no greps or groks. Just by looking at the name, you know which common block it comes from.
Keeping the same convention with modules also helps. If all routine names and variable names begin with the module name, then just by looking at the name, you know which module it comes from.

Accessing a Fortran module in a function defined in some other file

I am using Fortran 90. I have defined a Fortran module in fileA.f as:
module getArr
double precision a(100)
end module getArr
The same fileA.f contains a subroutine that uses this module:
subroutine my_sub
use getArr
implicit none
a(1) = 10.5
end subroutine
In fileB.f, I have a Fortran function. I am trying to access the value of a(1) as:
double precision function my_func(R)
use getArr
double precision x
x = a(1)
But I am getting errors at the compile time. It says it is unable to access the module getArr. Is this something to do with the use of a module within a function as opposed to within a subroutine? How should I declare my function?
T.E.D. is correct about the syntax -- "getArr%" is not part of the name of the array "a". That notation is used for a user-derived type.
Another aspect that is outside the language standard -- compiling the source code:
With most compilers, you need to compile your files in order, placing the source-code file that contains a module before any separate file that uses it. The compiler has to "know" about a module before it can use it.
Also, do you have a main program in your example?
If it still doesn't work, please show us the exact error message.
It looks like you are trying to use getArr% as some kind of module specifier. Are you sure that's right? I'm not an f90 expert, but my compiler doesn't seem to support anything like that. Once you do a use all the stuff in that module is available locally just like you declared it in your subroutine.
Try removing that getArr% and see what happens.