QT Creator Main window - how to change the interface for each element from the menu? - c++

I am new to QT Creator. I did create a menu: Login || Open. When login is clicked I would like to see a line edit and a press button. When Open is clicked I would like to see a picture in the window. Can I change the interface of the same window depending on what I click in the menu bar? How can I do that?

I did something similar to this - an app with several major areas, toggled by an icon bar at the top.
I used a QStackWidget to stack the different application areas on top of each other, a set of QActions that I created using the designer, and a QActionGroup to implement the toggling.
When the actions are marked as "checkable" and grouped in a QActionGroup, theQToolBar only lets one be active at the time.
Here's a simplified extract of my code:
// MyApp.h
#include <QMainWindow>
class QAction;
class QActionGroup;
namespace Ui {
class MyApp;
class MyApp: public QMainWindow
explicit MyApp(QWidget *parent = 0);
public slots:
void showSection(QAction* a);
Ui::MyApp *ui;
QActionGroup* sections;
#include "structureapp.h"
#include "ui_structureapp.h"
#include <QActionGroup>
MyApp::MyApp(QWidget *parent) :
ui(new Ui::MyApp),
sections(new QActionGroup(this)),
/* Populate section list */
/* Page indices for the stack widget*/
ui->actionSectionOne-> setData(0);
ui->actionSectionTwo-> setData(1);
ui->actionSectionThree-> setData(2);
connect(sections, SIGNAL(triggered(QAction*)), this, SLOT(showSection(QAction*)));
/* Show the default section */
delete ui;
void MyApp::showSection(QAction *a)

Yes, you can. As I explained earlier, each menu entry is a signal, and that's connected to a slot. With two different menu entries, you have two signals, and you'd connect them to two different slots. So, you could name your first slot onLogin, and the second slot onOpen. (It helps to choose descriptive names, so you'll understand your program when you come back on mondays).
Now, it the slot onLogin, you put the code for login. In the slot onOpen, you put the other code. But do consider what happens if you click the two menu entries one after another. Should that even be possible? If not, you may need another solution. It's quite common to use a QDialog for a login. When a dialog is active, you can't use the menu of the main application, so you can't accidentily hit onOpen when you're busy with the login.


hide QWidget from a different QWidget

I have a MainWindow with two widgets, buttonsWidget and infoWidget.
I'm trying to to hide infoWidget after clicking a button within buttonsWidget (and ultimately show a different widget).
I've tried:
void hideInfo();
void MainWindow::hideInfo()
void buttonsWidget::on_timingButton_clicked()
//Then will do something to show 'timingWidget'..
Many thanks
You should use Signals and Slots for this.
Add a signal in the buttonsWidget.h.
void hideInfoSignal();
In the main function, connect the button signal with the mainwindow method hideInfo().
QObject::connect(this->info, SIGNAL(hideInfoSignal),this, SLOT(hideInfo));
I haven't tested this, because I dont have Qt on this machine, but that should work, with possible minor modifications. If any errors appear, let me know and I will help. Also, read the signals and slots documentation.

Qt C++ Creating toolbar

I am learning Qt and trying some examples in the book "Foundations of Qt Development".
In the book, there is a section teaching Single Document Interface with an example creating a simple app like a notepad.
However I am having problem with toolbar creating.
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) :
ui(new Ui::MainWindow)
setWindowTitle(QString("%1[*] - %2").arg("unnamed").arg("SDI"));
connect(ui->docWidget->document(), SIGNAL(modificationChanged(bool)), this, SLOT(setWindowModified(bool)));
It is the constructor of the main window.
void MainWindow::createToolbars()
QToolBar* toolbar;
toolbar = addToolBar(tr("File"));
This is how the book create the toolbar.
However, when I try to run the program, there are two toolbars created.
One is the toolbar created by the code and called "File"
Another is a blank toolbar created by the ui designer ie. *ui.toolbar.
In order to get rid of two toolbars, I tried using only the *ui.toolbar.
It's working. The code is shown below.
void MainWindow::createToolbars()
But I tried to create the toolbar by code only, ie. not adding a toolbar in the ui designer.
So I write this:
void MainWindow::createToolbars()
QToolBar* FileBar = this->addToolBar(tr("File"));
However, there is a compile error.
The compiler use this function:
void QMainWindow::addToolBar(QT::ToolBarArea area, QToolBar * toolbar)
instead of what I want:
QToolBar * QMainWindow::addToolBar(const QString & title)
What is my mistake here?
When you removed QToolBar from MainWindow QtCreator automatically removed import of QToolBar class.
Just add this to the top of mainwindow.h:
#include <QToolBar>
And it is better to define QToolBar* FileBar in private section of MainWindow in mainwindow.h. Then you will be able to access it from any method of MainWindow class.
void MainWindow::createToolbars()
FileBar = this->addToolBar(tr("File"));
When you see such message:
must point to class/struct/union/generic type
First of all try to include headers for necessary class.

QT QTextEdit setText crashes

I've created a qt widgets application. Using the design mode I've created a QTextEdit and indicated that in the header file:
class QAction;
class QMenu;
class QTextEdit;
Ui::MainWindow *ui;
QTextEdit *textEdit_2;
There is also a slot which is triggered by pushing a button. What it has to do is to insert some text into textEdit_2 after the button is pushed, still the program crashes.
In mainwindow.cpp:
void MainWindow::on_action_4_triggered()
I've also tried
which anyway doesn't work. What's the problem?
The problem is that you are trying to ignore the actual text widget created in QtDesigner and invent another as a class member. This is not going to fly as you seem to want it.
In order to reuse the text widget from the UI that you created with the graphical tool, you would need to reuse the ui object as follows:
Please also note that you do not need to construct QString explicitly like this:
This will be all automatic for you.

Qt show modal dialog (.ui) on menu item click

I want to make a simple 'About' modal dialog, called from Help->About application menu. I've created a modal dialog window with QT Creator (.ui file).
What code should be in menu 'About' slot?
Now I have this code, but it shows up a new modal dialog (not based on my about.ui):
void MainWindow::on_actionAbout_triggered()
about = new QDialog(0,0);
You need to setup the dialog with the UI you from your .ui file. The Qt uic compiler generates a header file from your .ui file which you need to include in your code. Assumed that your .ui file is called about.ui, and the Dialog is named About, then uiccreates the file ui_about.h, containing a class Ui_About. There are different approaches to setup your UI, at simplest you can do
#include "ui_about.h"
void MainWindow::on_actionAbout_triggered()
about = new QDialog(0,0);
Ui_About aboutUi;
A better approach is to use inheritance, since it encapsulates your dialogs better, so that you can implement any functionality specific to the particular dialog within the sub class:
#include <QDialog>
#include "ui_about.h"
class AboutDialog : public QDialog, public Ui::About {
AboutDialog( QWidget * parent = 0);
AboutDialog::AboutDialog( QWidget * parent) : QDialog(parent) {
// perform additional setup here ...
#include "AboutDialog.h"
void MainWindow::on_actionAbout_triggered() {
about = new AboutDialog(this);
In any case, the important code is to call the setupUi() method.
BTW: Your dialog in the code above is non-modal. To show a modal dialog, either set the windowModality flag of your dialog to Qt::ApplicationModal or use exec() instead of show().
For modal dialogs, you should use exec() method of QDialogs.
about = new QDialog(0, 0);
// The method does not return until user closes it.
// In this point, the dialog is closed.
Docs say:
The most common way to display a modal dialog is to call its exec() function. When the user closes the dialog, exec() will provide a useful return value.
Alternative way: You don't need a modal dialog. Let the dialog show modeless and connect its accepted() and rejected() signals to appropriate slots. Then you can put all your code in the accept slot instead of putting them right after show(). So, using this way, you wouldn't actually need a modal dialog.

Qt doesn't display child widget

How can i access ui files of children of a class. Lets say MainWindow class has twoa child dialog. I want to access LINEEDIT of dialog so that i can take text from there. Similarly how can i access ui files of parent inside child class in QT. Note: I havn't inherited any thing from Parent class.
I have writen the following code, in order to display a dialog but it won't show!
void MainWindow::displaydialog()
ItemDialog dialog= new ItemDialog(this);
dialog->show(); // it is not displaying the dialog
and how can i access the ui widgets like check whether ListWidget item has been selected or not.
Here is the code of itemdialog,
#include "itemdialog.h"
#include "ui_itemdialog.h"
#include "mainwindow.h"
ItemDialog::ItemDialog(QWidget *parent) :
ui(new Ui::ItemDialog)
setWindowTitle("Status Dialog");
delete ui;
void ItemDialog::on_pushButton_clicked()
MainWindow obj;
Please review an example such as this: http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/designer-using-a-ui-file.html
It explains how to use the ui files that you generate from Qt Designer. You shouldn't really think of them as "ui files" in the sense of accessing them on the widgets in your class. The idea is that you include them, and then use their setupUi() function to apply them to your given class. At that point, everything you created in qt designer, and that is in that ui file, is now a member of your class. They can be accessed via the naming you used in qt designer.
As for why your dialog isn't showing...I don't know because you only included 3 lines of code as an example. Theoretically it should show if Mydialog was properly set up. You could just try changing it to a QDialog to make sure you didn't do anything wrong with your custom class.
It depends what you want that dialog for. Either it's a modal dialog - some kind of a information display or retrival that blocks the function of your program until user reacts, or it's somekind of toolbox or similar, in which case you probably should not use QDialog.
If a modal dialog with a line edits and/or additional features is what you want, you should read up on QDialog in the doc. See the exec() function. Basic usage would go like this:
void MainWindow::displaydialog()
ItemDialog *dialog = new ItemDialog();
if (dialog->exec() == someApropriateReturnStatus)
QString somevalue = dialog->someValue();
int dialog->someOtherValue();
//do something with the value
delete dialog;
The point is that the ItemDialog class handles the UI internally and implements the getter functions accordingly, you should not (in most typical cases) access it's UI from outside.
If a simple line edit is all you want, you'd be better off using one of the standard dialogs already implemented in Qt, have a look at the Standard Dialogs Example