AABB of rotated sprite? - c++

Say I have a sprite. Its axis-aligned bounding box (AABB) is easy to find since I know the width and height. Say I rotate it 45 degrees, I don't think the AABB would be big enough to cover it, so I need a new AABB. How can I calculate the bounding rectangle of a rotated rectangle? (given a center point, an angle, and its width and height).
Note that OpenGL does the rotation so I do not have access to the vertex information.
What I'm trying to do is get AABBs so I can do 2D culling for rendering.
Is there possibly a greedy way of finding the AABB that satisfies any angle?

If you want a single box that covers all angles, just take the half-diagonal of your existing box as the radius of a circle. The new box has to contain this circle, so it should be a square with side-length equal to twice the radius (equiv. the diagonal of the original AABB) and with the same center as the original.
In general the object will be rotated around an arbitrary point, so you have to compute the new location of the center and translate this box to the right place.

I don't know if this is the most efficient method, but I would just calculate the new positions of the vertices and based on that data find out the AABB. So for example,
Vertex v0, v1, v2, v3;
// in the local coordinates of the rectangle
// so for example v0 is always 0,0 and width and height define the others
// put some values to v0..v3
glTranslatef(the position of the rectangle);
glRotatef(angle, 0,0,1);
GLfloat matrix[16];
glGetFloatv(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, matrix);
v0 = multiply_matrix_by_vector(matrix, v0);
v1 = multiply_matrix_by_vector(matrix, v1);
v2 = multiply_matrix_by_vector(matrix, v2);
v3 = multiply_matrix_by_vector(matrix, v3);
AABB = find_the_minimums_and_maximums(v0, v1, v2, v3);
If you don't know how to multiply a matrix by vector, try googling it.
Also note that since the matrix dimensions are 4x4, the vectors for the vertices also need to be 4-dimensional. You can convert a 2D vector to a 4D vector by adding a third component 0 (zero) and a fourth component 1 (one). After the multiplication has been done, you can convert the resulting 4D vector back to 2D by dividing the x and y components by the fourth component and simply by ignoring the third component because you don't need a third dimension.
Since matrix multiplications might be a quite processor-heavy operation, this approach might be good only, if you don't need to update a lot of AABBs very often.


placing objects perpendicularly on the surface of a sphere that has a wavy surface

So I have a sphere. It rotates around a given axis and changes its surface by a sin * cos function.
I also have a bunck of tracticoids at fix points on the sphere. These objects follow the sphere while moving (including the rotation and the change of the surface). But I can't figure out how to make them always perpendicular to the sphere. I have the ponts where the tracticoid connects to the surface of the sphere and its normal vector. The tracticoids are originally orianted by the z axis. So I tried to make it's axis to the given normal vector but I just can't make it work.
This is where i calculate M transformation matrix and its inverse:
virtual void SetModelingTransform(mat4& M, mat4& Minv, vec3 n) {
M = ScaleMatrix(scale) * RotationMatrix(rotationAngle, rotationAxis) * TranslateMatrix(translation);
Minv = TranslateMatrix(-translation) * RotationMatrix(-rotationAngle, rotationAxis) * ScaleMatrix(vec3(1 / scale.x, 1 / scale.y, 1 / scale.z));
In my draw function I set the values for the transformation.
_M and _Minv are the matrixes of the sphere so the tracticoids are following the sphere, but when I tried to use a rotation matrix, the tracticoids strated moving on the surface of the sphere.
_n is the normal vector that the tracticoid should follow.
void Draw(RenderState state, float t, mat4 _M, mat4 _Minv, vec3 _n) {
SetModelingTransform(M, Minv, _n);
if (!sphere) {
state.M = M * _M * RotationMatrix(_n.z, _n);
state.Minv = Minv * _Minv * RotationMatrix(-_n.z, _n);
else {
state.M = M;
state.Minv = Minv;
You said your sphere has an axis of rotation, so you should have a vector a aligned with this axis.
Let P = P(t) be the point on the sphere at which your object is positioned. You should also have a vector n = n(t) perpendicular to the surface of the sphere at point P=P(t) for each time-moment t. All vectors are interpreted as column-vectors, i.e. 3 x 1 matrices.
Then, form the matrix
U[][1] = cross(a, n(t)) / norm(cross(a, n(t)))
U[][3] = n(t) / norm(n(t))
U[][2] = cross(U[][3], U[][1])
where for each j=1,2,3 U[][j] is a 3 x 1 vector column. Then
U(t) = [ U[][1], U[][2], U[][3] ]
is a 3 x 3 orthogonal matrix (i.e. it is a 3D rotation around the origin)
For each moment of time t calculate the matrix
M(t) = U(t) * U(0)^T
where ^T is the matrix transposition.
The final transformation that rotates your object from its original position to its position at time t should be
X(t) = P(t) + M(t)*(X - P(0))
I'm not sure if I got your explanations, but here I go.
You have a sphere with a wavy surface. This means that each point on the surface changes its distance to the center of the sphere, like a piece of wood on a wave in the sea changes its distance to the bottom of the sea at that position.
We can tell that the radious R of the sphere is variable at each point/time case.
Now you have a tracticoid (what's a tracticoid?). I'll take it as some object floating on the wave, and following the sphere movements.
Then it seems you're asking as how to make the tracticoid follows both wavy surface and sphere movements.
Well. If we define each movement ("transformation") by a 4x4 matrix it all reduces to combine in the proper order those matrices.
There are some good OpenGL tutorials that teach you about transformations, and how to combine them. See, for example, learnopengl.com.
To your case, there are several transformations to use.
The sphere spins. You need a rotation matrix, let's call it MSR (matrix sphere rotation) and an axis of rotation, ASR. If the sphere also translates then also a MST is needed.
The surface waves, with some function f(lat, long, time) which calculates for those parameters the increment (signed) of the radious. So, Ri = R + f(la,lo,ti)
For the tracticoid, I guess you have some triangles that define a tracticoid. I also guess those triangles are expressed in a "local" coordinates system whose origin is the center of the tracticoid. Your issue comes when you have to position and rotate the tracticoid, right?
You have two options. The first is to rotate the tracticoid to make if aim perpendicular to the sphere and then translate it to follow the sphere rotation. While perfect mathematically correct, I find this option some complicated.
The best option is to make the tracticoid to rotate and translate exactly as the sphere, as if both would share the same origin, the center of the sphere. And then translate it to its current position.
First part is quite easy: The matrix that defines such transformation is M= MST * MSR, if you use the typical OpenGL axis convention, otherwise you need to swap their order. This M is the common part for all objects (sphere & tracticoids).
The second part requires you have a vector Vn that defines the point in the surface, related to the center of the sphere. You should be able to calculate it with the parameters latitude, longitude and the R obtained by f() above, plus the size/2 of the tracticoid (distance from its center to the point where it touches the wave). Use the components of Vn to build a translation matrix MTT
And now, just get the resultant transformation to use with every vertex of the tracticoid: Mt = MTT * M = MTT * MST * MSR
To render the scene you need other two matrices, for the camera (MV) and for the projection (MP). While Mt is for each tracticoid, MV and MP are the same for all objects, including the sphere itself.

How to rotate a vector in opengl?

I want to rotate my object,when I use glm::rotate.
It can only rotate on X,Y,Z arrows.
For example,Model = vec3(5,0,0)
if i use Model = glm::rotate(Model,glm::radians(180),glm::vec3(0, 1, 0));
it become vec3(-5,0,0)
i want a API,so i can rotate on vec3(0,4,0) 180 degree,so the Model move to vec3(3,0,0)
Any API can I use?
Yes OpenGL uses 4x4 uniform transform matrices internally. But the glRotate API uses 4 parameters instead of 3:
it will rotate selected matrix around point (0,0,0) and axis [(0,0,0),(x,y,z)] by angle angle [deg]. If you need to rotate around specific point (x0,y0,z0) then you should also translate:
This is old API however and while using modern GL you need to do the matrix stuff on your own (for example by using GLM) as there is no matrix stack anymore. GLM should have the same functionality as glRotate just find the function which mimics it (looks like glm::rotate is more or less the same). If not you can still do it on your own using Rodrigues rotation formula.
Now your examples make no sense to me:
(5,0,0) -> glm::rotate (0,1,0) -> (-5,0,0)
implies rotation around y axis by 180 degrees? well I can see the axis but I see no angle anywhere. The second (your desired API) is even more questionable:
(4,0,0) -> wanted API -> (3,0,0)
vectors should have the same magnitude after rotation which is clearly not the case (unless you want to rotate around some point other than (0,0,0) which is also nowhere mentioned. Also after rotation usually you leak some of the magnitude to other axises your y,z are all zero that is true only in special cases (while rotation by multiples of 90 deg).
So clearly you forgot to mention vital info or do not know how rotation works.
Now what you mean by you want to rotate on X,Y,Z arrows? Want incremental rotations on key hits ? or have a GUI like arrows rendered in your scene and want to select them and rotate if they are drag?
[Edit1] new example
I want a API so I can rotate vec3(0,4,0) by 180 deg and result
will be vec3(3,0,0)
This is doable only if you are talking about points not vectors. So you need center of rotation and axis of rotation and angle.
// knowns
vec3 p0 = vec3(0,4,0); // original point
vec3 p1 = vec3(3,0,0); // wanted point
float angle = 180.0*(M_PI/180.0); // deg->rad
// needed for rotation
vec3 center = 0.5*(p0+p1); // vec3(1.5,2.0,0.0) mid point due to angle = 180 deg
vec3 axis = cross((p1-p0),vec3(0,0,1)); // any perpendicular vector to `p1-p0` if `p1-p0` is parallel to (0,0,1) then use `(0,1,0)` instead
// construct transform matrix
mat4 m =GLM::identity(); // unit matrix
m = GLM::translate(m,+center);
m = GLM::rotate(m,angle,axis);
m = GLM::translate(m,-center); // here m should be your rotation matrix
// use transform matrix
p1 = m*p0; // and finaly how to rotate any point p0 into p1 ... in OpenGL notation
I do not code in GLM so there might be some little differencies.

Multiple rotation problems

Here is my problem. I have to move a torus along a circular trajectory on a bicubic surface.
However the vertical axis of the torus must be aligned with the surface normal at the given point Moreover the torus must face it's circular trajectory.
To manage this i took the normal vector and the Oy vector, made a cross and a dot product to find the angle i need and the axis to rotate around, it works.
To manage the 2nd part, i took the actual coordinates of the torus, the next ones on the circular trajectory, made a vector, and did the same as previously described to found the angle and the axis, it works.
My problem is, i must apply the two rotations simultaneously and i can't find a way to do this. I tryed to Push/Pop Matrix i every possible way but i can't find a way out of this one. So i'm back to this...
glTranslatef(pp -> x, pp ->y , pp ->z);
glRotatef(*angledegree, vecortho -> x, vecortho -> y, vecortho -> z);
glRotatef(*angledegreetang, tang -> x, tang -> y, tang -> z);
tore(0.1, 0.3, 6, 4, 1);
Any ideas? Sorry to bother you, it must be simple i think, but i don't see it. The first rotation always bugs the next one, whatever the order.
vecortho is the axis vector computed from the surface normal and Oy.
tang is the vector computed with my trajectory vector and Ox.
Don't think in terms of rotations. Just think in terms of axes.
You want the torus's new Y axis to be translated to a particular new direction (the normal vector), its new Z axis to be translated to a particular new direction (the forward vector) and its X axis you don't care about.
So build the matrix that does this transformation and use it. Your vector class may differ from this example, and my vector math may be rusty as I haven't tested this code:
vector newY = normalVec;
vector newZ = forwardVec;
// We don't really care what X is, but it must be perpendicular to Y and Z. Swap Y and Z here if this ends up mirroring the object.
vector newX = normalize(cross(newY, newZ));
double matrix[16] = {
newX.x, newX.y, newX.z, 0,
newY.x, newY.y, newY.z, 0,
newZ.x, newZ.y, newZ.z, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1,
glTranslatef(position of torus);
// draw torus

3D Geometry: Finding viewing boundaries from camera postion, min and max length of view, angle it is pointing and angle of view

I am writing software to determine the viewable locations of a camera in 3D. I have currently implement parts to find the minimum and maximum length of view based on the camera and lenses intrinsic characteristics.
I now need to work out that if the camera is placed at X,Y,Z and is pointing in a direction (two angles, one around the horizontal and one around the vertical axis) what the boundaries the camera can see at are (knowing the viewing angle). The output I would like is 4 3D locations, making a rectangle that show the minimum position, top left, top right, bottom left and bottom right. The same is also required for the maximum positions.
Can anyone help with the geometry to find these points?
Some code I have:
QVector3D CameraPerspective::GetUnitVectorOfCameraAngle()
QVector3D inital(0, 1, 0);
QMatrix4x4 rotation_matrix;
// rotate around z axis
rotation_matrix.rotate(_angle_around_z, 0, 0, 1);
//rotate around y axis
rotation_matrix.rotate(_angle_around_x, 1, 0, 0);
inital = inital * rotation_matrix;
return inital;
Coordinate CameraPerspective::GetFurthestPointInFront()
QVector3D camera_angle_vector = GetUnitVectorOfCameraAngle();
QVector3D furthest_point_infront = camera_angle_vector * _camera_information._maximum_distance_mm;
return Coordinate(furthest_point_infront + _position_of_this);
A complete answer with code will be probably way too long for SO, I hope that this will be enough. In the following we work in homogeneous coordinates.
I have currently implement parts to find the minimum and maximum length of view based on the camera and lenses intrinsic characteristics.
That isn't enough to fully define your camera. You also need a field of view angle and the width/height ratio.
With all these information (near plane + far plane + fov + ratio), you can build a 4x4 matrix known as perspective matrix. Google for it or check here for some references. This matrix maps the pyramidal region of the space which your camera "sees" (usually simply called frustrum) to the [-1,1]x[-1,1]x[-1,1] cube. Call it P.
Now you need a 4x4 camera matrix which transform points in world space to points in camera space. Since you know the camera position and the camera orientation this can be constructed easily (there is no room here to full explain how transformation matrices in homogeneous coordinates work, google for it). Call this matrix C.
Now consider the matrix A = P * C.
This matrix transforms points in world coordinates to points in the perspective space. Your camera will "see" those points if they are inside the [-1,1]x[-1,1]x[-1,1] cube. But you can invert this matrix in order to map points inside the cube to points in world space. So in order to obtain the 8 points you need in world space you can simply do:
y = A^(-1) * x
Where x =
[-1,-1,-1, 1] left - bottom - near
[-1,-1, 1, 1] left - bottom - far

Intersection of a mesh with a parametric surface

I'm wondering how a precise algorithm can be written to compute the frontier of the surface of intersection between a parametric surface f : R^2 --> R^3 and a triangulated mesh.
I've thought to a first approach:
nStepsU = 100
nStepsV = 100
tolerance=0.01 // pick some sensical value
for u from minU to maxU in nStepsU:
for v from minV to maxV in nStepsV:
for v in verticesInMesh:
if euclidean distance( f(u,v), v ) < tolerance:
add vertex v in a set
connect the vertices in intersectionVertices with a line strip
draw the vertices in intersectionVertices
This algorithm, is very simple but slow (n^3) and does not keep in account that the topography of the mesh is based on triangles so the output points are points of the mesh and not points computed exploiting the intersection of surface with the triangles and is heavily dependent of the tolerance one has to set.
Has someone some better idea or can one drive me to a suitable library for this purpose?
I would iterate over each triangle, and compute the intersection of the triangle with the surface. I would use a geometry shader which takes the triangles as input, and outputs line strips. For each vertex in the triangle, compute the signed distance to the surface. Then iterate over the edges: If there are two vertices where h has different signs, the edge between these vertices intersects with the surface. While I'm sure the exact intersection can be computed, the easiest solution would be to interpolate linearly, i.e.
vec3 intersection = (h0 * v1 + h1 * v0) / (h0 + h1);
Then output each intersection as a vertex of your line segment.
The code I posted here can get you started. If you want to just draw the result, you will probably run into the same problem that I described in that question. If you need the vertices on the client, you can use transform feedback.
Edit: I just did a little test. As the distance function I used
float distToHelicoid(in vec3 p)
float theta = p.y / 5 + offset.x / 50;
float a = mod(theta - atan(p.z, p.x), 2*PI) - PI; // [-PI, PI[
if (abs(a) > PI/2)
a = mod(theta - atan(-p.z, -p.x), 2*PI) - PI;
return a;
Since there is no inside/outside, and this distance function goes from -90° to 90°, you can only emit vertices if the sign goes from small negative to small positive or vice versa, not when it flips from 90° to -90°. Here I simply filtered out distances where abs(dist) > 45°:
The clean way would be to determine the index of the closest revolution. E.g. [-pi, pi] would be revolution 0, [pi, 3pi] = revolution 1, etc. You would then only emit if two distances refer to the same revolution.
If your surface is always helicoid, you can try to project everything on a cylinder around axis Y.
The surface of helicoid consists of lines orthogonal to the surface of that cylinder and after projection you will get a spiral. After projection of 3D triangle mesh onto that cylinder you will get 2D triangle mesh (note that some areas may be covered with several layers of triangles).
So the task becomes finding triangles in 2D triangle mesh intersecting the spiral which is simpler. If you are OK with approximations, you can segment that spiral and use some kind of tree to find triangles intersecting the spiral.
When you have a triangle intersecting part of spiral, its intersection will be a segment, you can just recalculate 3D coordinates of the segment and set of these segments is your intersection line.