When to call PostQuitMessage - c++

Like many applications, mine creates multiple windows. I do not know and cannot keep track of how many windows have been created, so I don't know when there are none.
My problem is that when all the windows are closed, unless I call PostQuitMessage somehow, the application keeps running with no windows open (obviously). I can't call PostQuitMessage in the message handler in response to the WM_DESTROY message because that will close all the windows when the first one is closed, even if there are twenty others still open.
My question is how do I know when to call PostQuitMessage(0) to actually terminate the application?

If, for some reason, you really can't count how many windows the application opens, you can still use EnumThreadWindows() and when there are no more windows, you PostQuitMessage(). If you have several threads, make sure you enumerate through those too.
BOOL WINAPI EnumThreadWindows(
__in DWORD dwThreadId,
__in WNDENUMPROC lpfn,
__in LPARAM lParam

Just keep a static variable with a count of the number of open windows. When a windows opens have it increment the counter; in the WM_DESTROY handler decrement it. When the count goes to zero, call PostQuitMessage.

Of course, the only clean way is keeping track of your windows and post the quitmessage if none is left.
A possible workaround would be using one of the window enumerating functions. You can count your windows using EnumWindows() which calls a callback where you can count all toplevel windows. If it reaches zero, call PostQuitMessage().

A static variable for the number of the windows?
I have never seen such a Program.
One the one hand child windows can open and close during the lifetime of the
One the other hand the main window procedure has to close the application,
if the user closes the main window.
For to do this, we have to add PostQuitMessage(0) in the WM_DESTROY branch
of the main window procedure. After this message, GetMessage() returns 0 and
the message loop ends because of this (and the application ends too)


SetWindowsHookEx WH_MOUSE_LL Hook only takes 1 mouse movement

I am setting a global hook with the following code:
SetWindowsHookEx(WH_MOUSE_LL, MouseProc, NULL, 0)
I have a breakpoint set so that when I first run the application I can see that the MouseProc method is called. This works but after the first time it is no longer called. Is the Hook automatically removed, how do I get this so that the hook automatically persists? I am writing this application for windows and this is a C++ win32 project.
I have a breakpoint set
That's enough to explain the problem. The debugger will break of course. Which prevents further mouse messages from being delivered to the window with the focus. Windows puts up with that for 5 seconds, then unceremoniously disables your hook because it thinks your code is broken.
The timeout is configurable, you can use Regedit.exe to set the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\LowLevelHooksTimeout value. Not present by default, add the DWORD value first. The unit is milliseconds.
First you need to do:
return CallNextHookEx(_hook, nCode, wParam, lParam);
in your MouseProc, so it should return.
Second, it's not possible to debug most of codes which does have hook, your app will crash, because windows expecting your MouseProc function to return as soon as possible with return.
Also your code should have Message handling code, like GetMessage, TranslateMessage and DispatchMessage.
Example code: SetWindowsHookEx for WH_MOUSE

How do I stop Windows from blocking the program during a window drag or menu button being held down?

I am novice with Win32, and I have been pursuing a problem (if it can be called a problem at all) with Windows blocking your program's flow during the event when a user grabs the window title bar and moves it around the screen.
I have no legitimate reason to solve this problem, except that it bothers me. A few possibilities include removing the frame altogether, but it seems an inconvenient hack. Some games (single player) do not find this a problem at all. I have read however, that multiplayer games might experience problems when the program freezes as it expects continuous flow of information and can be overwhelmed after such a delay.
I have tried adding this to my WindowProc
switch (uMsg)
if (wParam == SC_CLOSE)
return 0;
return DefWindowProc(hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam);
return 0;
And this seems a quick hack, except that when I mousedown over the close icon I can pull the mouse away and let go without closing the program, and during that time, when the close icon is held down, the program once again is blocked.
Furthermore, I do not know how to manually include the code necessary to move the window when the user clicks the titlebar and drags the mouse. For starters I do not know which uMsg's and wParam's to handle.
My question is then, how do I disallow blocking during the case when the user clicks down the exit button (or minimize/maximize buttons) while still handling the case when the mouse is clicked and released over the button, and how do I allow the user to move/drag the window without it blocking the program (or what message is sent when the title bar is clicked without it being a button or menu)?
I am creating the window with WS_SYSMENU | WS_MINIMIZEBOX.
I still want the program to respond to minimize, maximize, and exit commands.
If multi-threading can fix it, then that is interesting, but I wonder if I can get it to work on single-core processors. And I have read about hooks, but the MSDN page is still hard for me to interpret.
Why Is My App Freezing?—An Introduction to Message Loops & Threads
This phenomenon is not isolated to any particular message. It's a fundamental property of the Windows message loop: when one message is being processed, no other message can be processed at the same time. It's not exactly implemented this way, but you can think of it as a queue, where your app pulls the messages out of the queue to process in the reverse order that they are inserted.
Therefore, spending too long processing any message is going to suspend the processing of other messages, effectively freezing your application (because it cannot process any input). The only way to solve this problem is the obvious one: don't spend too long processing any one message.
Often that will mean delegating the processing to a background thread. You will still need to handle all messages on the main thread, and the background worker threads need to report back to the main method when they are finished. All interaction with the GUI needs to happen on a single thread, and that is almost always the main thread in your application (which is why it is often called the UI thread).
(And to answer an objection raised in your question, yes, you can operate multiple threads on single processor machines. You won't necessarily see any performance improvements, but it will make the UI more responsive. The logic here is that a thread can only do one thing at a time, but a processor can switch between threads extremely rapidly, effectively simulating doing more than one thing at a time.)
More useful information is available here in this MSDN article: Preventing Hangs in Windows Applications
Special Cases: Modal Event Processing Loops
Certain window operations on Windows are modal operations. Modal is a common word in computing that basically refers to locking the user into a particular mode where they cannot do anything else until they change (i.e. get out of that) modes. Whenever a modal operation is begun, a separate new message processing loop is spun up and message handling happens there (instead of your main message loop) for the duration of the mode. Common examples of these modal operations are drag-and-drop, window resizing, and message boxes.
Considering the example here of window resizing, your window receives a WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN message, which you pass to DefWindowProc for default processing. DefWindowProc figures out that the user intends to start a move or resize operation, and entered a moving/sizing message loop located somewhere deep in the bowels of Windows' own code. Thus, your application's message loop is no longer running because you've entered into a new moving/sizing mode.
Windows runs this moving/sizing loop as long as the user is interactively moving/sizing the window. It does this so that it can intercept mouse messages and process them accordingly. When the moving/sizing operation completes (e.g., when the user releases the mouse button or presses the Esc key), control will return to your application code.
It is worth pointing out that you are notified that this mode change has occurred via the WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE message; the corresponding WM_EXITSIZEMOVE message indicates that the modal event-processing loop has exited. That allows you to create a timer that will continue to generate WM_TIMER messages that your application can process. The actual details of how this is implemented are relatively unimportant, but the quick explanation is that DefWindowProc continues to dispatch WM_TIMER messages to your application inside of its own modal event processing loop. Use the SetTimer function to create a timer in response to the WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE message, and the KillTimer function to destroy it in response to the WM_EXITSIZEMOVE message.
I only point that out for completeness, though. In the majority of Windows apps that I've written, I've never needed to do that.
So, What Is Wrong With My Code?
Aside from all of that, the behavior you describe in the question are unusual. If you create a new, blank Win32 application using the Visual Studio template, I doubt you will be able to replicate this behavior. Without seeing the rest of your window procedure, I can't tell if you're blocking on any messages (as discussed above), but the part I can see in the question is wrong. You must always call DefWindowProc for messages that you do not explicitly process yourself.
In this case, you might be fooled into thinking that you're doing that, but WM_SYSCOMMAND can have lots of different values for its wParam. You only handle one of those, SC_CLOSE. All of the rest of them just get ignored because you return 0. That includes all of the window moving and resizing functionality (e.g. SC_MOVE, SC_SIZE, SC_MINIMIZE, SC_RESTORE, SC_MAXIMIZE, etc. etc.).
And there's really no good reason to handle WM_SYSCOMMAND yourself; just let DefWindowProc take care of it for you. The only time you need to handle WM_SYSCOMMAND is when you've added custom items to the window menu, and even then, you should pass every command that you do not recognize on to DefWindowProc.
A basic window procedure should look like this:
case WM_CLOSE:
return 0;
return 0;
return DefWindowProc(hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam);
It is also possible that your message loop is wrong. The idiomatic Win32 message loop (located near the bottom of your WinMain function) looks like this:
BOOL ret;
MSG msg;
while ((ret = GetMessage(&msg, nullptr, 0, 0)) != 0)
if (ret != -1)
// An error occurred! Handle it and bail out.
MessageBox(nullptr, L"Unexpected Error", nullptr, MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR);
return 1;
You do not need hooks of any kind. The MSDN documentation on these is very good, but you're right: they're complicated. Stay away until you have a better understanding of the Win32 programming model. It is a rare case indeed where you need the functionality provided by a hook.
If multi-threading can fix it, then that is interesting but I wonder
if I can get it to work on single-core processors. And I have read
about hooks, but the MSDN page is still hard for me to interpret.
You can use multiple threads on a single-core processor. Performance would be better on multi-core systems, but that shouldn't prevent you from writing multithreaded applications. Anyway, go for it.
By printing all messages sent to WindowProc it appears WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN is sent last before the block occurs. You could check the mouse location after this event occurs, but it seems an inconvenient way to solve a simple problem.

MessageBox with timeout OR Closing a MessageBox from another thread

If my application crashes, I use an ExceptionFilter to catch the crash, perform some final actions, then show a message box to the user that the application has crashed.
Because the application already crashed, there's not much I can (or I dare) to do, because if I do too much, the executed code might access corrupted memory and crash again.
Some of the things I currently can't do (or I don't dare to do) is to close network connections, Oracle database sessions, ...
Problem is that if an application crashes, and the user is out to lunch while the MessageBox is open, other users might be blocked, because of the open database session. Therefore I want:
Either a MessageBox with a time-out. Problem is that you can't do this with the standard MessageBox Win32 API function, and I don't want to make a specific dialog for it (because I want to minimize the executed logic after the crash)
Or the possibility to close the MessageBox from another thread (the other thread can provide the time-out logic).
Did I overlook something in the Win32 API and is there a possibility to have a MessageBox with a time-out?
Or what is the correct way to close an open MessageBox from another thread (how to get the MessageBox handle, how to close it, ...)?
While I agree that spawning a new process to display a fire-and-forget dialog is probably best, FWIW there is actually a timeoutable messagebox function exported from user32 on XP & above; MessageBoxTimeout (as used by things like WShell.Popup())
Quick copy/paste solution:
int DU_MessageBoxTimeout(HWND hWnd, const WCHAR* sText, const WCHAR* sCaption, UINT uType, DWORD dwMilliseconds)
// Displays a message box, and dismisses it after the specified timeout.
typedef int(__stdcall *MSGBOXWAPI)(IN HWND hWnd, IN LPCWSTR lpText, IN LPCWSTR lpCaption, IN UINT uType, IN WORD wLanguageId, IN DWORD dwMilliseconds);
int iResult;
HMODULE hUser32 = LoadLibraryA("user32.dll");
if (hUser32)
auto MessageBoxTimeoutW = (MSGBOXWAPI)GetProcAddress(hUser32, "MessageBoxTimeoutW");
iResult = MessageBoxTimeoutW(hWnd, sText, sCaption, uType, 0, dwMilliseconds);
iResult = MessageBox(hWnd, sText, sCaption, uType); // oups, fallback to the standard function!
return iResult;
You should ask yourself, why you want a messagebox in the first place. When it is OK that the message box is not seen when noone is sitting in front of the computer, why isn't it OK that the user doesn't see a message when his program disappears?
If you really want it, I think the simplest solution is to spawn a new process displaying the message. It can run as long as it wants and does not interfer with your crashing program.
I noticed that if the main thread simply exits the application while the other thread still has the ::MessageBox open, that the MessageBox is being adopted by a process called CSRSS. This solves my problem, since this only requires a time-out on the Event in the main thread (WaitForSingleObject with timeout).
However, this raised another question: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3091915/explanation-why-messagebox-of-exited-application-is-adopted-by-winsrv.
This does not justify a thread.
The best solution would be to use a modal dialog box that registers a timer for auto-close.
What about just logging the event to a local file (and record memory dumps or whatever information you might need for later debugging)?
You could close your application, close network connections and do your housekeeping stuff.
As soon as the application is started again, you can inform your user (based on local file information) that the application has crashed during last execution.
A Win32 MessageBox really is a dialog, with a dialog message pump. You can therefore rely on standard Win32 timer messages (WM_TIMER). Send one to your own window, and when you do get it, dismiss the MessageBox by sending a WM_COMMAND/BN_CLICKED message to the ID_OK button.
The messagebox, since it's a dialog, will be class "#32770". Since it's the only dialog box you will have open, it's easy to find amongst your child windows.
I would run your original code from inside a wrapper application that does a CreateProcess and then a MsgWaitForMultipleObjects on the process handle (most process launching code samples use WaitForSingleObject, but you need to guard against messaging deadlock scenarios). Your watching process can then detect the failure of the spawned process, pop up its own timed-out dialog, and exit on user response or timeout.
I think that's the cleanest solution which prevents your unstable program having to execute any code.

How to set global hook for WH_CALLWNDPROCRET?

I want to set global hook that tracks which application is active.
In my main program I am doing the foloowing :
HMODULE mod=::GetModuleHandle(L"HookProcDll");
HHOOK rslt=(WH_CALLWNDPROCRET,MyCallWndRetProc,mod,0);
The hook procedure which is called MyCallWndRetProc exists in separate dll called HookProcDll.dll. The hook procedure is watching for WM_ACTIVATE message.
The thing is that the code stucks in the line where I am setting the hook, i.e in the line where I am calling ::SetWindowsHookEx. And then Windows gets unresponsive, my task bar disappears and I am left with empty desktop. Then I must reset the computer.
What am doing wrong, why Windows get unresponsive ? and
Do I need to inject HookProcDll.dll in every process in order to set the global hook, and how can I do that ?
This almost definitely sounds like a crashing bug in MyCallWndRetProc. You specify your hook DLL to get loaded in every process with a window and it crashes when MyCallWndRetProc gets called after a window message. Since it gets called after every window message in every process, it'll eventually take down every process displaying UI in the user session. You can't even launch new apps since your hook proc will be immediately loaded into them.
Including the code to MyCallWndRetProc, and perhaps your DllMain as well, should give us some insight into what is happening.
This is the code for my hook procedure, and it is stored in HookProcDll.dll :
#include "HookProcDll.h"
__in int nCode,
__in WPARAM wParam, /* whether the msg is sent by the current process */
__in LPARAM lParam /* pointer to CWPRETSTRUCT , which specifies details about the message */
if(nCode >=0)
if(retStruct->message == WM_ACTIVATE)
return ::CallNextHookEx(0,nCode,wParam,lParam);
My HookProcDll.dll has no explicit DllMain function .The HookProcDll.dll is made with visual studio dll project so I guess it includes standrad implementation for DllMain.

Windows/C++: detect when focus has changed between windows (globally)

I'm trying to find a way to detect when focus is changed to another window (without having to poll every X ms).
I've already figured out a way to detect when focus is switched between applications using WH_SHELL and HSHELL_ACTIVATESHELLWINDOW.
The problem is I want to detect when focus is switched between dialog/windows within the same app.
ie. In Notepad, I can determine when the app switches to Notepad, but I cannot detect when the "Open" or "Save" dialogs appear because the focus is still within the same application.
You can use SetWindowsHookEx with a WH_CBT hook type. If you just want to detect focus changes within an application, pass GetCurrentThreadId() as the last parameter, otherwise the hook will be for all threads on the current desktop.
Note that using windows hooks can have an adverse effect on system performance, so the hook should only be installed when necessary and you should do a minimum amount of work in the hook procedure.
Sorry for the delay, I don't have VS installed on this computer so it's a bit hard to find the code.
Use this to hook your code into the system.
HHOOK oldShellHook = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_SHELL, BCK_WndShellProc, hDll, NULL);
if (!info->oldShellHook) {
MessageBox(m_hwnd, L"Failed to load global hook.", strTitle, MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR);
And this your hook. Depending on what you're doing, use nMsg to figure out when you want to apply your custom logic.
LRESULT CALLBACK BCK_WndShellProc(int nMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) {
Read the MSDN docs for SetWindowsHookEx() to make sure you return the expected values, otherwise you can lock up the whole system.
I use code similar to this on my Breadcrumb Killer and Spasm (Show all programs on Start menu) programs and it seems to work fine.
How about the "Computer Based Training API"; SetWindowsHookEx with WH_CBT which will enable you to receive HCBT_SETFOCUS (among others)