Why is this OpenMP program slower than single-thread? - c++

Please look at this code.
Single-threaded program: http://pastebin.com/KAx4RmSJ. Compiled with:
g++ -lrt -O2 main.cpp -o nnlv2
Multithread with openMP: http://pastebin.com/fbe4gZSn
Compiled with:
g++ -lrt -fopenmp -O2 main_openmp.cpp -o nnlv2_openmp
I tested it on a dual core system (so we have two threads running in parallel). But multi-threaded version is slower than the single-threaded one (and shows unstable time, try to run it few times). What's wrong? Where did I make mistake?
Some tests:
Layers Neurons Inputs --- Time (ns)
10 200 200 --- 1898983
10 500 500 --- 11009094
10 1000 1000 --- 48116913
Layers Neurons Inputs --- Time (ns)
10 200 200 --- 2518262
10 500 500 --- 13861504
10 1000 1000 --- 53446849
I don't understand what is wrong.

Is your goal here to study OpenMP, or to make your program faster? If the latter, it would be more worthwhile to write multiply-add code, reduce the number of passes, and incorporate SIMD.
Step 1: Combine loops and use multiply-add:
// remove the variable 'temp' completely
for(int i=0;i<LAYERS;i++)
for(int j=0;j<NEURONS;j++)
outputs[j] = 0;
for(int k=0,l=0;l<INPUTS;l++,k++)
outputs[j] += inputs[l] * weights[i][k];
outputs[j] = sigmoid(outputs[j]);
std::swap(inputs, outputs);

compiling with -static and -p, running and then parsing gmon.out with gprof I got:
45.65% gomp_barrier_wait_end
That's a lot of time in opemmp's barrier routine. that is the time spent waiting for the other threads to finish. since you're running the parallel for loops many times (LAYERS), you loose the advantage of running in parallel since every time a parallel for loop is finished, there is an implicit barrier call which won't return till all other threads finish.

Before anything else, run the test on Multi-thread configuration and MAKE SURE that procexp or task manager will show you 100% CPU usage for it. If it doesn't, then you don't use multiple threads nor multiple processor cores.
Also, taken from wiki:
Environment variables
A method to alter the execution features of OpenMP applications. Used to control loop iterations scheduling, default number of threads, etc. For example OMP_NUM_THREADS is used to specify number of threads for an application.

I don't see where you have actually used OpenMP - try #pragma omp parallel for above the main loop... (documented here, for example)
The slowness is possibly from including OpenMP and it initialising, adding code bloat or otherwise changing the compilation as a result of the compiler flags you introduced to enable it. Alternatively the loops are so small and simple that the overhead of threading far exceeds the performance gain.


When should I use DO CONCURRENT and when OpenMP?

I am aware of this and this, but I ask again as the first link is pretty old now, and the second link did not seem to reach a conclusive answer. Has any consensus developed?
My problem is simple:
I have a DO loop that has elements that may be run concurrently. Which method do I use ?
Below is code to generate particles on a simple cubic lattice.
npart is the number of particles
npart_edge & npart_face are that along an edge and a face, respectively
space is the lattice spacing
Rx, Ry, Rz are position arrays
x, y, z are temporary variables to decide positon on lattice
Note the difference that x,y and z have to be arrays in the CONCURRENT case, but not so in the OpenMP case because they can be defined as being PRIVATE.
So do I use DO CONCURRENT (which, as I understand from the links above, uses SIMD) :
DO CONCURRENT (i = 1, npart)
x(i) = MODULO(i-1, npart_edge)
Rx(i) = space*x(i)
y(i) = MODULO( ( (i-1) / npart_edge ), npart_edge)
Ry(i) = space*y(i)
z(i) = (i-1) / npart_face
Rz(i) = space*z(i)
Or do I use OpenMP?
DO i = 1, npart
x = MODULO(i-1, npart_edge)
Rx(i) = space*x
y = MODULO( ( (i-1) / npart_edge ), npart_edge)
Ry(i) = space*y
z = (i-1) / npart_face
Rz(i) = space*z
My tests:
Placing 64 particles in a box of side 10:
$ ifort -qopenmp -real-size 64 omp.f90
$ ./a.out
CPU time = 6.870000000000001E-003
Real time = 3.600000000000000E-003
$ ifort -real-size 64 concurrent.f90
$ ./a.out
CPU time = 6.699999999999979E-005
Real time = 0.000000000000000E+000
Placing 100000 particles in a box of side 100:
$ ifort -qopenmp -real-size 64 omp.f90
$ ./a.out
CPU time = 8.213300000000000E-002
Real time = 1.280000000000000E-002
$ ifort -real-size 64 concurrent.f90
$ ./a.out
CPU time = 2.385000000000000E-003
Real time = 2.400000000000000E-003
Using the DO CONCURRENT construct seems to be giving me at least an order of magnitude better performance. This was done on an i7-4790K. Also, the advantage of concurrency seems to decrease with increasing size.
DO CONCURRENT does not do any parallelization per se. The compiler may decide to parallelize it using threads or use SIMD instructions or even offload to a GPU. For threads you often have to instruct it to do so. For GPU offloading you need a particular compiler with particular options. Or (often!), the compiler just treats DO CONCURENT as a regular DO and uses SIMD if it would use them for the regular DO.
OpenMP is also not just threads, the compiler can use SIMD instructions if it wants. There is also omp simd directive, but that is only a suggestion to the compiler to use SIMD, it can be ignored.
You should try, measure and see. There is no single definitive answer. Not even for a given compiler, the less for all compilers.
If you would not use OpenMP anyway, I would give DO CONCURRENT a try to see if the automatic parallelizer does a better job with this construct. Chances are good that it will help. If your code is already in OpenMP, I do not see any point introducing DO CONCURRENT.
My practice is to use OpenMP and try to make sure the compiler vectorizes (SIMD) what it can. Especially because I use OpenMP all over my program anyway. DO CONCURRENT still has to prove it is actually useful. I am not convinced, yet, but some GPU examples look promising - however, real codes are often much more complex.
Your specific examples and the performance measurement:
Too little code is given and there are subtle points in every benchmarking. I wrote some simple code around your loops and did my own tests. I was careful NOT to include the thread creation into the timed block. You should not include $omp parallel into your timing. I also took the minimum real time over multiple computations because sometimes the first take is longer (certainly with DO CONCURRENT). CPU has various throttle modes and may need some time to spin-up. I also added SCHEDULE(STATIC).
ifort -O3 concurrent.f90: 6.117300000000000E-002
ifort -O3 concurrent.f90 -parallel: 5.044600000000000E-002
ifort -O3 concurrent_omp.f90: 2.419600000000000E-002
npart=10000, default 8 threads (hyper-threading)
ifort -O3 concurrent.f90: 5.430000000000000E-004
ifort -O3 concurrent.f90 -parallel: 8.899999999999999E-005
ifort -O3 concurrent_omp.f90: 1.890000000000000E-004
npart=10000, OMP_NUM_THREADS=4 (ignore hyper-threading)
ifort -O3 concurrent.f90: 5.410000000000000E-004
ifort -O3 concurrent.f90 -parallel: 9.200000000000000E-005
ifort -O3 concurrent_omp.f90: 1.070000000000000E-004
Here, DO CONCURRENT seems to be somewhat faster for the small case, but not too much if we make sure to use the right number of cores. It is clearly slower for the big case. The -parallel option is clearly necessary for the automatic parallelization.

Why is this for loop not faster using OpenMP?

I have extracted this simple member function from a larger 2D program, all it does is a for loop accessing from three different arrays and doing a math operation (1D convolution). I have been testing with using OpenMP to make this particular function faster:
void Image::convolve_lines()
const int *ptr0 = tmp_bufs[0];
const int *ptr1 = tmp_bufs[1];
const int *ptr2 = tmp_bufs[2];
const int width = Width;
#pragma omp parallel for
for ( int x = 0; x < width; ++x )
const int sum = 0
+ 1 * ptr0[x]
+ 2 * ptr1[x]
+ 1 * ptr2[x];
output[x] = sum;
If I use gcc 4.7 on debian/wheezy amd64 the overall programm performs a lot slower on an 8 CPUs machine. If I use gcc 4.9 on a debian/jessie amd64 (only 4 CPUs on this machine) the overall program perform with very little difference.
Using time to compare:
single core run:
$ ./test black.pgm out.pgm 94.28s user 6.20s system 84% cpu 1:58.56 total
multi core run:
$ ./test black.pgm out.pgm 400.49s user 6.73s system 344% cpu 1:58.31 total
$ head -3 black.pgm
65536 65536
So Width is set to 65536 during execution.
If that matter, I am using cmake for compilation:
add_executable(test test.cxx)
set_target_properties(test PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS "-fopenmp" LINK_FLAGS "-fopenmp")
And CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE is set to:
which implies -O3 -DNDEBUG
My question, why is this for loop not faster using multi-core ? There is no overlap on the array, openmp should split the memory equally. I do not see where bottleneck is coming from ?
EDIT: as it was commented, I changed my input file into:
$ head -3 black2.pgm
33554432 128
So Width is now set to 33554432 during execution (should be considered by enough). Now the timing reveals:
single core run:
$ ./test ./black2.pgm out.pgm 100.55s user 5.77s system 83% cpu 2:06.86 total
multi core run (for some reason cpu% was always below 100%, which would indicate no threads at all):
$ ./test ./black2.pgm out.pgm 117.94s user 7.94s system 98% cpu 2:07.63 total
I have some general comments:
1. Before optimizing your code, make sure the data is 16 byte aligned. This is extremely important for whatever optimization one wants to apply. And if the data is separated into 3 pieces, it is better to add some dummy elements to make the starting addresses of the 3 pieces are all 16-byte aligned. By doing so, the CPU can load your data into cache lines easily.
2. Make sure the simple function is vectorized before implementing openMP. Most of cases, using AVX/SSE instruction sets should give you a decent 2 to 8X single thread improvement. And it is very simple for your case: create a constant mm256 register and set it with value 2, and load 8 integers to three mm256 registers. With Haswell processor, one addition and one multiplication can be done together. So theoretically, the loop should speed up by a factor 12 if AVX pipeline can be filled!
3. Sometimes parallelization can degrade performance: Modern CPU needs several hundreds to thousands clock cycles to warm up, entering high performance states and scaling up frequency. If the task is not large enough, it is very likely that the task is done before the CPU warms up and one cannot gain speed boost by going parallel. And don't forget that openMP has overhead as well: thread creating, synchronization and deletion. Another case is poor memory management. Data accesses are so scattered, all CPU cores are idle and waiting for data from RAM.
My Suggestion:
You might want to try intel MKL, don't reinvent the wheel. The library is optimized to extreme and there is no clock cycle wasted. One can link with the serial library or the parallel version, a speed boost is guaranteed if it is possible by going parallel.

Make g++ produce a program that can use multiple cores?

I have a c++ program with multiple For loops; each one runs about 5 million iterations. Is there any command I can use with g++ to make the resulting .exe will use multiple cores; i.e. make the first For loop run on the first core and the second For loop run on the second core at the same time? I've tried -O3 and -O3 -ftree-vectorize, but in both cases, my cpu usage still only hovers at around 25%.
Here is my code, in case in helps. I'm basically just making a program to test the speed capabilities of my computer.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#include <math.h>
int main()
float *bob = new float[50102133];
float *jim = new float[50102133];
float *joe = new float[50102133];
int i,j,k,l;
//cout << "Starting test...";
for (i=0;i<50102133;i++)
bob[i] = sin(i);
for (j=0;j<50102133;j++)
bob[j] = sin(j*j);
for (k=0;k<50102133;k++)
bob[k] = sin(sqrt(k));
for (l=0;l<50102133;l++)
bob[l] = cos(l*l);
cout << "finished test.";
cout << "the 100120 element is," << bob[1001200];
return 0;
The most obviously choice would be to use OpenMP. Assuming your loop is one that's really easy to execute multiple iterations in parallel, you might be able to just add:
#pragma openmp parallel for
...immediately before the loop, and get it to execute in parallel. You'll also have to add -fopenmp when you compile.
Depending on the content of the loop, that may give anywhere from a nearly-linear speedup to slowing the code down somewhat. In the latter cases (slowdown or minimal speedup) there may be other things you can do with OpenMP to help speed it up, but without knowing at least a little about the code itself, it's hard to guess what to do or what improvement you may be able to expect at maximum.
The other advice you're getting ("Use threads") may be suitable. OpenMP is basically an automated way of putting threads to use for specific types of parallel code. For a situation such as you describe (executing multiple iterations of a loop in parallel) OpenMP is generally preferred--it's quite a bit simpler to implement, and may well give better performance unless you know multithreading quite well and/or expend a great deal of effort on parallelizing the code.
The code you gave in the question probably won't benefit from multiple threads. The problem is that it does very little computation on each data item before writing the result out to memory. Even a single core can probably do the computation fast enough that the overall speed will be limited by the bandwidth to memory.
To stand a decent chance of getting some real benefit from multiple threads, you probably want to write some code that does more computation and less just reading and writing memory. For example, if we collapse your computations together, and do all of them on a single item, then sum the results:
double total = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
total += sin(i) + sin(i*i) + sin(sqrt(i)) + cos(i*i);
By adding a pragma:
#pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:total)
...just before the for loop, we stand a good chance of seeing a substantial improvement in execution speed. Without OpenMP, I get a time like this:
Real 16.0399
User 15.9589
Sys 0.0156001
...but with the #pragma and OpenMP enabled when I compile, I get a time like this:
Real 8.96051
User 17.5033
Sys 0.0468003
So, on my (dual core) processor, time has dropped from 16 to 9 seconds--not quite twice as fast, but pretty close. Of course, a lot of the improvement you get will depend on exactly how many cores you have available. For example, on my other computer (with an Intel i7 CPU), I get a rather larger improvement because it has more cores.
Without OpenMP:
Real 15.339
User 15.3281
Sys 0.015625
...and with OpenMP:
Real 3.09105
User 23.7813
Sys 0.171875
For completeness, here's the final code I used:
#include <math.h>
#include <iostream>
static const int size = 1024 * 1024 * 128;
int main(){
double total = 0;
#pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:total)
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
total += sin(i) + sin(i*i) + sin(sqrt(i)) + cos(i*i);
std::cout << total << "\n";
The compiler has no way to tell if your code inside the loop can be safely executed on multiple cores. If you want to use all your cores, use threads.
Use Threads or Processes, you may want to look to OpenMp
C++11 got support for threading but c++ compilers won't/can't do any threading on their own.
As others have pointed out, you can manually use threads to achieve this. You might look at libraries such as libdispatch (aka. GCD) or Intel's TBB to help you do this with the least pain.
The -ftree-vectorize option you mention is for targeting SIMD vector processor units on CPUs such as ARM's NEON or Intel's SSE. The code produced is not thread-parallel, but rather operation parallel using a single thread.
The code example posted above is highly amenable to parallelism on SIMD systems as the body of each loop very obviously has no dependancies on the previous iteration, and the operations in the loop are linear.
On some ARM Cortex A series systems at least, you may need to accept slightly reduced accuracy to get the full benefits.

OpenMP threads executing on the same cpu core

I'm currently parallelizing program using openmp on a 4-core phenom2. However I noticed that my parallelization does not do anything for the performance. Naturally I assumed I missed something (falsesharing, serialization through locks, ...), however I was unable to find anything like that. Furthermore from the CPU Utilization it seemed like the program was executed on only one core. From what I found sched_getcpu() should give me the Id of the core the thread executing the call is currently scheduled on. So I wrote the following test program:
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <omp.h>
#include <utmpx.h>
#include <random>
int main(){
#pragma omp parallel
std::default_random_engine rand;
int num = 0;
#pragma omp for
for(size_t i = 0; i < 1000000000; ++i) num += rand();
auto cpu = sched_getcpu();
std::ostringstream os;
os<<"\nThread "<<omp_get_thread_num()<<" on cpu "<<sched_getcpu()<<std::endl;
On my machine this gives the following output(the random numbers will vary of course):
Thread 2 on cpu 0 num 127392776
Thread 0 on cpu 0 num 1980891664
Thread 3 on cpu 0 num 431821313
Thread 1 on cpu 0 num -1976497224
From this I assume that all threads execute on the same core (the one with id 0). To be more certain I also tried the approach from this answer. The results where the same. Additionally using #pragma omp parallel num_threads(1) didn't make the execution slower (slightly faster in fact), lending credibility to the theory that all threads use the same cpu, however the fact that the cpu is always displayed as 0 makes me kind of suspicious. Additionally I checked GOMP_CPU_AFFINITY which was initially not set, so I tried setting it to 0 1 2 3, which should bind each thread to a different core from what I understand. However that didn't make a difference.
Since develop on a windows system, I use linux in virtualbox for my development. So I though that maybe the virtual system couldn't access all cores. However checking the settings of virtualbox showed that the virtual machine should get all 4 cores and executing my test program 4 times at the same time seems to use all 4 cores judging from the cpu utilization (and the fact that the system was getting very unresponsive).
So for my question is basically what exactly is going on here. More to the point:
Is my deduction that all threads use the same core correctly? If it is, what could be the reasons for that behavious?
After some experimentation I found out that the problem was that I was starting my program from inside the eclipse IDE, which seemingly set the affinity to use only one core. I thought I got the same problems when starting from outside of the IDE, but a repeated test showed that the program works just fine, when started from the terminal instead of from inside the ide.
I compiled your program using g++ 4.6 on Linux
g++ --std=c++0x -fopenmp test.cc -o test
The output was, unsurprisingly:
Thread 2 on cpu 2
Thread 3 on cpu 1
Thread 1 on cpu 3
Thread 0 on cpu 0
The fact that 4 threads are started (if you have not set the number of threads in any way, e.g. using OMP_NUM_THREADS) should imply that the program is able to see 4 usable CPUs. I cannot guess why it is not using them but I suspect a problem in your hardware/software setting, in some environment variable, or in the compiler options.
You should use #pragma omp parallel for
And yes, you're right about not needing OMP_NUM_THREADS. omp_set_num_threads(4); should also have done fine.
if you are running on windows, try this:
c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe /C start /affinity F path\to\your\program.exe
/affinity 1 uses CPU0
/affinity 2 uses CPU1
/affinity 3 uses CPU0 and CPU1
/affinity 4 uses CPU2
/affinity F uses all 4 cores
Convert the number to hex, and see the bits from right which are the cores to be used.
you can verify the affinity while its running using task-manager.

OpenMP 'slower' on iMac? (C++)

I have a small C++ program using OpenMP. It works fine on Windows7, Core i7 with VisualStudio 2010. On an iMac with a Core i7 and g++ v4.2.1, the code runs much more slowly using 4 threads than it does with just one. The same 'slower' behavior is exihibited on 2 other Red Hat machines using g++.
Here is the code:
int iHundredMillion = 100000000;
int iNumWorkers = 4;
std::vector<Worker*> workers;
for(int i=0; i<iNumWorkers; ++i)
Worker * pWorker = new Worker();
int iThr;
#pragma omp parallel for private (iThr) // Parallel run
for(int k=0; k<iNumWorkers; ++k)
iThr = omp_get_thread_num();
workers[k]->Run( (3)*iHundredMillion, iThr );
I'm compiling with g++ like this:
g++ -fopenmp -O2 -o a.out *.cpp
Can anyone tell me what silly mistake I'm making on the *nix platform?
I'm thinking that the g++ compiler is not optimizing as well as the visual studio compiler. Can you try other optimization levels (like -O3) and see if it makes a difference?
Or you could try some other compiler. Intel offers free compilers for linux for non-commercial purposes.
It's impossible to answer given the information provided, but one guess could be that your code is designed so it can't be executed efficiently on multiple threads.
I haven't worked a lot with OMP, but I believe it is allowed to use fewer worker threads than specified. In that case, some implementations could be clever enough to realize that the code can't be efficiently parallellized, and just run it on a single thread, while others naively try to run it on 4 cores, and suffer the performance penalty (due to false (or real) sharing, for example)
Some of the information that'd be necessary in order to give you a reasonable answer is:
the actual timings (how long does the code take to run on a single thread? How long with 4 threads using OM? How long with 4 threads using "regular" threads?
the data layout: which data is allocated where, and when is it accessed?
what actually happens inside the loop? All we can see at the moment is a multiplication and a function call. As long as we don't know what happens inside the function, you might as well have posted this code: foo(42) and asked why it doesn't return the expected result.