coldfusion Rereplace function - regex

I am using the following ColdFusion REreplace function
<cfset variables.sAddress = #left(trim(REReplace(arguments.address, "[^-0-9a-zA-Z_/-/']", "", "ALL")),50)#/> where arguments.address is coming from the form.
I am using the rereplace function to remove the special characters, which is working fine on other pages, but in this case before using the rereplace function it is first converting the special characters into their html equivalent and then applying the rereplace function.
so if i pass 'test&test' as the arguments.address1, the result i am getting is 'testamptest'.

You may need a function to convert HTML encoded text into un-encoded (change HTML entities back to what they are).
Here's the one I'm usually using:
// function to reverse HTMLEditFormat
function HtmlUnEditFormat( str )
var lEntities = "&##xE7;,&##xF4;,&##xE2;,Î,Ç,È,Ó,Ê,&OElig,Â,«,»,À,É,≤,ý,χ,∑,′,ÿ,∼,β,⌈,ñ,ß,„,´,·,–,ς,®,†,⊕,õ,η,⌉,ó,­,>,φ,∠,‏,α,∩,↓,υ,ℑ,³,ρ,é,¹,<,¢,¸,π,⊃,÷,ƒ,¿,ê, ,∅,∀, ,γ,¡,ø,¬,à,ð,ℵ,º,ψ,⊗,δ,ö,°,≅,ª,‹,♣,â,ò,ï,♦,æ,∧,◊,è,¾,&,⊄,ν,“,∈,ç,ˆ,©,á,§,—,ë,κ,∉,⌊,≥,ì,↔,∗,ô,∞,¦,∫,¯,½,¤,≈,λ,⁄,‘,…,œ,£,♥,−,ã,ε,∇,∃,ä,μ,¼, ,≡,•,←,«,‾,∨,€,µ,≠,∪,å,ι,í,⊥,¶,→,»,û,ο,‚,ϑ,∋,∂,”,℘,‰,²,σ,⋅,š,¥,ξ,±,ℜ,þ,〉,ù,√,‍,∴,↑,×, ,θ,⌋,⊂,⊇,ü,’,ζ,™,î,ϖ,‌,〈,˜,ú,¨,∝,ϒ,ω,↵,τ,⊆,›,∏,",‎,♠";
var lEntitiesChars = "ç,ô,â,Î,Ç,È,Ó,Ê,Œ,Â,«,»,À,É,?,ý,?,?,?,Ÿ,?,?,?,ñ,ß,„,´,·,–,?,®,‡,?,õ,?,?,ó,­,>,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,³,?,é,¹,<,¢,¸,?,?,÷,ƒ,¿,ê,?,?,?,?,?,¡,ø,¬,à,ð,?,º,?,?,?,ö,°,?,ª,‹,?,â,ò,ï,?,æ,?,?,è,¾,&,?,?,“,?,ç,ˆ,©,á,§,—,ë,?,?,?,?,ì,?,?,ô,?,¦,?,¯,½,¤,?,?,?,‘,…,œ,£,?,?,ã,?,?,?,ä,?,¼, ,?,•,?,«,?,?,€,µ,?,?,å,?,í,?,¶,?,»,û,?,‚,?,?,?,”,?,‰,²,?,?,š,¥,?,±,?,þ,?,ù,?,?,?,?,×,?,?,?,?,?,ü,’,?,™,î,?,?,?,˜,ú,¨,?,?,?,?,?,?,›,?,"",?,?";
return ReplaceList(arguments.str, lEntities, lEntitiesChars);


How to extract part of url - dart/flutter

I'm trying to extract the part of url (To be more specific, I'm trying to extract the value of page_info parameter in the url which is next to rel="next"
String testUrl = "<>; rel='previous', <>; rel='next'";
List<String> splitUrl = testUrl.split("=");
// this is what it prints out
eyJkaXJlY3Rpb24iOiJuZXh0IiwibGFzdF9pZCI6NjczMDIyNzcxMjA5MCwibGFzdF92YWx1ZSI6IjE4SyBHb2xkIFBsYXRlZCBIZWFydCBQZW5kYW50IE5lY2tsYWNlIn0>; rel
// this is what I'm trying to extract
// value for rel="next"
I tried to split the url by using split function on String but that would also bring the angle bracket with it. I'm trying to extract only page_info= parameter value which is for rel="next"
I know this has to do something with regex but I'm not really good at it! Any help would be really appreciated
I grabbed that url from header response (paginated REST API), it returns two page_info parameters (one for next and other one for previous page) I'm trying to extract value for next page. Splitting the url didn't help me
thank you
An alternative approach is to use Uri.parse to parse the URL:
void main() {
String testUrl = "<>; rel='previous', <>; rel='next'";
// Extract just the URL.
var match = RegExp(r'<([^>]*)>').firstMatch(testUrl);
if (match != null) {
var uri = Uri.parse(!);
print(uri.queryParameters['page_info']); // Prints: eyJkaXJlY3Rpb24iOiJ...
Note that the above wouldn't need any of the RegExp code if testUrl were a proper URL without the angle brackets and rel='next' junk.
the regEx pattern page_info=([\w]+)
gives you

Extract JSON from String using flutter dart

Hello I want to extract JSON from below input string.
I have tried bellow regex in java and it is working fine,
private static final Pattern shortcode_media = Pattern.compile("\"shortcode_media\":(\\{.+\\})");
I want in regex for dart.
Input String
<script type="text/javascript">window.__initialDataLoaded(window._sharedData);</script><script type="text/javascript">window.__additionalDataLoaded('/p/B9fphP5gBeG/',{"graphql":{"shortcode_media":{"__typename":"GraphSidecar","id":"2260708142683789190","shortcode":"B9fphP5gBeG","dimensions":{"height":1326,"width":1080}}}});</script><script type="text/javascript">
<script type="text/javascript">window.__initialDataLoaded(window._newData);</script><script type="text/javascript">window._newData('/p/B9fphP5gBeG/',{"graphql":{"post":{"__typename":"id","id":"2260708142683789190","new_code":"B9fphP5gBeG"}}});</script><script type="text/javascript">
function normalizeError(err) {
var errorInfo = err.error || {};
var getConfigProp = function(propName, defaultValueIfNotTruthy) {
var propValue = window._sharedData && window._sharedData[propName];
return propValue ? propValue : defaultValueIfNotTruthy;
return {}
Expected json
Note: There are multiple json string in input string, i need json of shortcode_media tag
please use
void main() {
String json = '''
RegExp regExp = new RegExp(
caseSensitive: false,
multiLine: false,
The corresponding Dart RegExp would be:
static final RegExp shortcodeMedia = RegExp(r'"shortcode_media":(\{.+\})");
It does not work, though. JSON is not a regular language, so you can't parse it using regular expressions.
The value of "shortcode_media" in your example JSON ends with several } characters. The RegExp will stop the match at the third of those, even though the second } is the one matching the leading {. If your JSON text contains any further values after the shortcode_media entry, those might be included as well.
Stopping at the first } would also be too short.
If someone reorders the JSON source code to the equivalent
(that is, putting the "dimensions" entry first), then you would only capture until the end of the dimensions block.
I would recommend either using a proper JSON parser, or at least improving the RegExp to be able to handle a single nested JSON object - since you seem to already know that it will happen.
Such a RegExp could be:
This RegExp will capture the correct number of braces for the example code, but still won't work if there are more nested JSON objects. Only a real parser can handle the general case correctly.

How to search and replace from a SafeHtml variable in Angular?

I've a very simple question.
I've a sanitized string and its type in Angular is SafeHtml.
How would be the best approach to search and replace some Html inside this SafeHtml variable?
const sanitzedHtml: SafeHtml = this.sanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustHtml(changes.pureHtml.currentValue);
My goal is to replace some string with some extra html code, so the best would be to be able to search only within the html nodes, not really everywhere in the code.
Are there faster way than reconverting the SafeHtml variable into a string and apply a basic replace with a RegExp?
Change HTML code before sanitize
1 - Using regex
You can change your code by using Regex on your html string, then sanitize it.
let html = "<div>myHtml</div>"
const regex = /myRegexPattern/i;
html.replace(regex, 'Replacement html part'));
2 - Using DocumentFragment
You can also create a fragment of your html, modify what you want in it and string it before start your sanitize function
let str:string = "<div id='test'>myHtml</div>";
const sanitzedHtml:SafeHtml = this.sanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustHtml(changeMyHtml(str));
function changeMyHtml(htmlString:string):string{
let fragment= document.createRange().createContextualFragment(str);
//do what you need to do here like for exemple
fragment.getElementById('test').innerHtml = "myHtmlTest";
//then return a string of the modified html
const serializer = new XMLSerializer();
return serializer.serializeToString(element)

how to get value of specifc string in coldfusion with regex

I am trying to get the url value of the following string with coldfusion, i am using list function but i am lost how do i get that please advice
<cfsavecontent variable="foo">
function modalwindow() {
url = "";
mywin = (url,"win",'toolbar=yes,location=yes,resizable=yes,copyhistory=yes,scrollbars=yes,width=878,height=810');
return false;
<cfset a = listgetat(foo,2,"url")>
but i am getting weird results, i need to fetch the URL value
This regex will return the URL and accounts for the whitespace being optional, however I should add the disclaimer that this is a little brittle and probably not a good way of going about whatever it is you're after for several reasons.
#reReplaceNoCase( foo, '.*url\s*=\s*"(.*?)".*', '\1' )#

actionscript find and convert text to url [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
How do I linkify text using ActionScript 3
I have this script that grabs a twitter feed and displays in a little widget. What I want to do is look at the text for a url and convert that url to a link.
public class Main extends MovieClip
private var twitterXML:XML; // This holds the xml data
public function Main()
// This is Untold Entertainment's Twitter id. Did you grab yours?
var myTwitterID= "username";
// Fire the loadTwitterXML method, passing it the url to your Twitter info:
loadTwitterXML("" + myTwitterID + ".xml");
private function loadTwitterXML(URL:String):void
var urlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
// When all the junk has been pulled in from the url, we'll fire finishedLoadingXML:
urlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, finishLoadingXML);
urlLoader.load(new URLRequest(URL));
private function finishLoadingXML(e:Event = null):void
// All the junk has been pulled in from the xml! Hooray!
// Remove the eventListener as a bit of housecleaning:, finishLoadingXML);
// Populate the xml object with the xml data:
twitterXML = new XML(;
private function addTextToField(text:String,field:TextField):void{
/*Regular expressions for replacement, g: replace all, i: no lower/upper case difference
Finds all strings starting with "http://", followed by any number of characters
niether space nor new line.*/
var reg:RegExp=/(\b(https?|ftp|file):\/\/[-A-Z0-9+&##\/%?=~_|!:,.;]*[-A-Z0-9+&##\/%=~_|])/ig;
//Replaces Note: "$&" stands for the replaced string.
private function showTwitterStatus():void
// Uncomment this line if you want to see all the fun stuff Twitter sends you:
// Prep the text field to hold our latest Twitter update:
twitter_txt.wordWrap = true;
twitter_txt.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
// Populate the text field with the first element in the status.text nodes:
addTextToField(twitterXML.status.text[0], twitter_txt);
If this
is your regexp for converting text to urls, than i have some remarks.
First of all, almost all characters in chacacter classes are parsed literally.
So, here
you say to search any of this characters (except /).
Simple regexp for url search will look similar to this
I'm not sure, if it will process url borders right, but \b symbol can be a dot, so i think \s (space or linebreak) will suit better.
I`m not sure about ending (is it allowed in actionscript to use end-of-string symbol not at the end of regexp?)
And, of course, you have to tune it to suit your data.