SSE2 double multiplication slower than with standard multiplication - c++

I'm wondering why the following code with SSE2 instructions performs the multiplication slower than the standard C++ implementation.
Here is the code:
m_win = (double*)_aligned_malloc(size*sizeof(double), 16);
__m128d* pData = (__m128d*)input().data;
__m128d* pWin = (__m128d*)m_win;
__m128d* pOut = (__m128d*);
__m128d tmp;
int i=0;
for(; i<m_size/2;i++)
pOut[i] = _mm_mul_pd(pData[i], pWin[i]);
The memory for and input().data has been allocated with _aligned_malloc.
The time to execute this code however for a 2^25 array is identical to the time for this code (350ms):
for(int i=0;i<m_size;i++)[i] = input().data[i] * m_win[i];
How is that possible? It should theoretically take only 50% of the time, right? Or is the overhead for the memory transfer from SIMD registers to the array so expensive?
If I replace the line from the first snippet
pOut[i] = _mm_mul_pd(pData[i], pWin[i]);
tmp = _mm_mul_pd(pData[i], pWin[i]);
where __m128d tmp; then the codes executes blazingly fast, less then the resolution of my timer function.
Is that because everything is just stored in the registers and not the memory?
And even more surprising, if I compile in debug mode, the SSE code takes only 93ms while the standard multiplication takes 309ms.
DEBUG: 93ms (SSE2) / 309ms (standard multiplication)
RELEASE: 350ms (SSE2) / 350 (standard multiplication)
What's going on here???
I'm using MSVC2008 with QtCreator 2.2.1 in release mode.
Here are my compilter switches for RELEASE:
cl -c -nologo -Zm200 -Zc:wchar_t- -O2 -MD -GR -EHsc -W3 -w34100 -w34189
and these are for DEBUG:
cl -c -nologo -Zm200 -Zc:wchar_t- -Zi -MDd -GR -EHsc -W3 -w34100 -w34189
Regarding the RELEASE vs DEBUG issue:
I just wanted to note that I profiled the code and the SSE code is infact slower in release mode!
That just confirms somehow the hypothesis that VS2008 somehow cant handle intrinsics with the optimizer properly.
Intel VTune gives me 289ms for the SSE loop in DEBUG and 504ms in RELEASE mode.
Wow... just wow...

First of all, VS 2008 is a bad choice for intrisincs as it tends to add many more register moves than necessary and in general does not optimize very well (for instance, it has issues with loop induction variable analysis when SSE instructions are present.)
So, my wild guess is that the compiler generates mulss instructions which the CPU can trivially reorder and execute in parallel (no dependencies between the iterations) while the intrisincs result in lots of register moves/complex SSE code -- it might even blow the trace cache on modern CPUs. VS2008 is notorious for doing all it's calculations in registers and I guess there will be some hazards that the CPU cannot skip (like xor reg, move mem->reg, xor, mov mem->reg, mul, mov mem->reg which is a dependency chain while the scalar code might be move mem->reg, mul with mem operand, mov.) You should definitely look at the generated assembly or try VS 2010 which has much better support for intrinsincs.
Finally, and most important: Your code is not compute bound at all, no amount of SSE will make it significantly faster. On each iteration, you are reading four double values and writing two, which means FLOPs is not your problem. In that case, you're at the mercy of the cache/memory subsystem, and that probably explains the variance you see. The debug multiplication shouldn't be faster than release; and if you see it being faster than you should do more runs and check what else is going on (be careful if your CPU supports a turbo mode, that adds another 20% variation.) A context switch which empties the cache might be enough in this case.
So, overall, the test you made is pretty much meaningless and just shows that for memory bound cases there is no difference to use SSE or not. You should use SSE if there is actually code which is compute-dense and parallel, and even then I would spend a lot of time with a profiler to nail down the exact location where to optimize. A simple dot product is not suitable to see any performance improvements with SSE.

Several points:
as has already been pointed out, MSVC generates pretty bad code for SSE
your code is almost certainly memory bandwidth limited, since you are performing only one operation in between loads and stores
most modern x86 CPUs have two floating point ALUs, so there may be little to be gained from using SSE for double precision floating point math, even if you're not bandwidth-limited


Why C-style Arrays performance in O3 is less than no optimization on Quick Bench?

Base on C-style Arrays vs std::vector using std::vector::at, std::vector::operator[], and iterators
I run the following benchmarks.
no optimization
From here, vectors definitely perform better in O3.
However, C-style Array is slower with -O3 than -O0
C-style (no opt) : about 2500
C-style (O3) : about 3000
I don't know what factors lead to this result. Maybe it's because the compiler is c++14?
(I'm not asking about std::vector relative to plain arrays, I'm just asking about plain arrays with/without optimization.)
Your -O0 code wasn't faster in an absolute sense, just as a ratio against an empty
for (auto _ : state) {} loop.
That also gets slower when optimization is disabled, because the state iterator functions don't inline. Check the asm for your own functions, and instead of an outer-loop counter in %rbx like:
# outer loop of your -O3 version
sub $0x1,%rbx
jne 407f57 <BM_map_c_array(benchmark::State&)+0x37>
RBX was originally loaded from 0x10(%rdi), from the benchmark::State& state function arg.
You instead get state counter updates in memory, like the following, plus a bunch of convoluted code that materializes a boolean in a register and then tests it again.
# part of the outer loop of your -O0 version
12.50% mov -0x8060(%rbp),%rax
25.00% sub $0x1,%rax
12.50% mov %rax,-0x8060(%rbp)
There are high counts on those instructions because the call map_c_array didn't inline, so most of the CPU time wasn't actually spent in this function itself. But of the time that was, about half was on these instructions. In an empty loop, or one that called an empty function (I'm not sure which Quick Bench is doing), that would still be the case.
Quick Bench does this to try to normalize things for whatever hardware its cloud VM ends up running on, with whatever competing load. Click the "About Quick Bench" in the dropdown at the top right.
And see the label on the graph: CPU time / Noop time. (When they say "Noop", they don't mean a nop machine instruction, they mean in a C++ sense.)
An empty loop with a loop counter runs about 6x slower when compiled with optimization disabled (bottlenecked on store-to-load forwarding latency of the loop counter), so your -O0 code is "only" a bit less than 6x slower, not exactly 6x slower.
With a counter in a register, modern x86 CPUs can run loops at 1 cycle per iteration, like looptop: dec %ebx / jnz looptop. dec has one cycle latency, vs. subtract or dec on a memory location being about 6 cycles since it includes the store/reload. ( and Also
The performance of two scan functions (benchmarked without optimization; my answer explains that they bottleneck on store-forwarding latency.)
Why does this difference in asm matter for performance (in an un-optimized ptr++ vs. ++ptr loop)?
Why does clang produce inefficient asm with -O0 (for this simple floating point sum)?
Adding a redundant assignment speeds up code when compiled without optimization (Intel Sandybridge-family store-forwarding has variable latency depending on how soon you try to reload).
With that bottleneck built-in to the baseline you're comparing against, it's normal that adding some array-access work inside a loop won't be as much slower as array access vs. an empty loop.
Because you aren't benchmarking what you think you're benchmarking. I bothered to look at your code, and found that you're trying to see how fast your CPU can advance the counter in a for loop while seeing how fast your data BUS can transfer data. Is this really something you need to worry about, like ever?
In general, benchmarks outside multi-thousand programs are worthless and will never be taken with a straight face by anyone even remotely experienced in programming, so stop doing that.

Inline assembly array sum benchmark near-zero time for large arrays with optimization enabled, even though result is used

I have written two functions that gets the sum of an array, the first one is written in C++ and the other is written with inline assembly (x86-64), I compared the performance of the two functions on my device.
If the -O flag is not enabled during compilation the function with inline assembly is almost 4-5x faster than the C++ version.
cpp time : 543070068 nanoseconds
cpp time : 547990578 nanoseconds
asm time : 185495494 nanoseconds
asm time : 188597476 nanoseconds
If the -O flag is set to -O1 they produce the same performance.
cpp time : 177510914 nanoseconds
cpp time : 178084988 nanoseconds
asm time : 179036546 nanoseconds
asm time : 181641378 nanoseconds
But if I try to set the -O flag to -O2 or -O3 I'm getting an unusual 2-3 digit nanoseconds performance for the function written with inline assembly which is sketchy fast (at least for me, please bear with me since I have no rock solid experience with assembly programming so I don't know how fast or how slow it can be compared to a program written in C++.
cpp time : 177522894 nanoseconds
cpp time : 183816275 nanoseconds
asm time : 125 nanoseconds
asm time : 75 nanoseconds
My Questions
Why is this array sum function written with inline assembly so fast after enabling -O2 or -O3?
Is this a normal reading or there is something wrong with the timing/measurement of the performance?
Or maybe there is something wrong with my inline assembly function?
And if the inline assembly function for the array sum is correct and the performance reading is correct, why does the C++ compiler failed to optimize a simple array sum function for the C++ version and make it as fast as the inline assembly version?
I have also speculated that maybe the memory alignment and cache misses are improved during compilation to increase the performance but my knowledge on this one is still very very limited.
Apart from answering my questions, if you have something to add please feel free to do so, I hope somebody can explain, thanks!
So I have removed the use of macro and isolated running the two version and also tried to add volatile keyword, a "memory" clobber and "+&r" constraint for the output and the performance was now the same with the cpp_sum.
Though if I remove back the volatile keyword and "memory" clobber it I'm still getting those 2-3 digit nanoseconds performance.
#include <iostream>
#include <random>
#include <chrono>
uint64_t sum_cpp(const uint64_t *numbers, size_t length) {
uint64_t sum = 0;
for(size_t i=0; i<length; ++i) {
sum += numbers[i];
return sum;
uint64_t sum_asm(const uint64_t *numbers, size_t length) {
uint64_t sum = 0;
asm volatile(
"xorq %%rax, %%rax\n\t"
"addq (%[numbers], %%rax, 8), %[sum]\n\t"
"incq %%rax\n\t"
"cmpq %%rax, %[length]\n\t"
"jne %=b"
: [sum]"+&r"(sum)
: [numbers]"r"(numbers), [length]"r"(length)
: "%rax", "memory", "cc"
return sum;
int main() {
std::mt19937_64 rand_engine(1);
std::uniform_int_distribution<uint64_t> random_number(0,5000);
size_t length = 99999999;
uint64_t *arr = new uint64_t[length];
for(size_t i=1; i<length; ++i) arr[i] = random_number(rand_engine);
uint64_t cpp_total = 0, asm_total = 0;
for(size_t i=0; i<5; ++i) {
auto start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
#ifndef _INLINE_ASM
cpp_total += sum_cpp(arr, length);
asm_total += sum_asm(arr,length);
auto end = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
auto dur = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::nanoseconds>(end-start);
std::cout << "time : " << dur.count() << " nanoseconds\n";
#ifndef _INLINE_ASM
std::cout << "cpp sum = " << cpp_total << "\n";
std::cout << "asm sum = " << asm_total << "\n";
delete [] arr;
return 0;
The compiler is hoisting the inline asm out of your repeat loop, and thus out of your timed region.
If your goal is performance, The useful thing to spend your time learning first is SIMD intrinsics (and how they compile to asm) like _mm256_add_epi64 to add 4x uint64_t with a single AVX2 instruction. See (Compilers can auto-vectorize decently for a simple sum like this, which you could see the benefit from if you used a smaller array and put a repeat loop inside the timed region to get some cache hits.)
If you want to play around with asm to test what's actually fast on various CPUs, you can do that in a stand-alone static executable, or a function you call from C++. has some good performance links.
Re: benchmarking at -O0, yes the compiler makes slow asm with the default -O0 of consistent debugging and not trying at all to optimize. It's not much of a challenge to beat it when it has its hands tied behind its back.
Why your asm can get hoisted out of the timed regions
Without being asm volatile, your asm statement is a pure function of the inputs you've told the compiler about, which are a pointer, a length, and the initial value of sum=0. It does not include the pointed-to memory because you didn't use a dummy "m" input for that. (How can I indicate that the memory *pointed* to by an inline ASM argument may be used?)
Without a "memory" clobber, your asm statement isn't ordered wrt. function calls, so GCC is hoisting the asm statement out of the loop. See How does Google's `DoNotOptimize()` function enforce statement ordering for more details about that effect of the "memory" clobber.
Have a look at the compiler output on and see how it inlined into main. -O2 and higher enables -finline-functions, while -O1 only enables -finline-functions-called-once and this isn't static or inline so it has to emit a stand-alone definition in case of calls from other compilation units.
75ns is just the timing overhead of std::chrono functions around a nearly-empty timed region. It is actually running, just not inside the timed regions. You can see this if you single-step the asm of your whole program, or for example set a breakpoint on the asm statement. When doing asm-level debugging of the executable, you could help yourself find it by putting a funky instruction like mov $0xdeadbeef, %eax before xor %eax,%eax, something you can search for in the debugger's disassembly output (like GDB's layout asm or layout reg; see asm debugging tips at the bottom of And yes, you do often want to look at what the compiler did when debugging inline asm, how it filled in your constraints, because stepping on its toes is a very real possibility.
Note that a "memory" clobber without asm volatile would still let GCC do Common Subexpression Elimination (CSE) between two invocations of the asm statement, if there was no function call in between. Like if you put a repeat loop inside a timed region to test performance on an array small enough to fit in some level of cache.
Sanity-checking your benchmark
Is this a normal reading
It's wild that you even have to ask that. 99999999 8-byte integers in 75ns would be a memory bandwidth of 99999999 * 8 B / 75 ns = 10666666 GB/s, while fast dual-channel DDR4 might hit 32 GB/s. (Or cache bandwidth if it was that large, but it's not, so your code bottlenecks on memory).
Or a 4GHz CPU would have had to run at 99999999 / (75*4) = 333333.33 add instructions per clock cycle, but the pipeline is only 4 to 6 uops wide on modern CPUs, with taken-branch throughputs of at best 1 for a loop branch. ( and
Even with AVX-512, that's 2/clock 8x uint64_t additions per core, but compilers don't rewrite your inline asm; that would defeat its purpose compared to using plain C++ or intrinsics.
This is pretty obviously just std::chrono timing overhead from a near-empty timed region.
Asm code-review: correctness
As mentioned above, How can I indicate that the memory *pointed* to by an inline ASM argument may be used?
You're also missing an & early clobber declaration in "+&r"(sum) which would in theory let it pick the same register for sum as for one of the inputs. But since sum is also an input, it could only do that if numbers or length were also 0.
It's kind of a toss-up whether it's better to xor-zero inside the asm for an "=&r" output, or better to use "+&r" and leave that zeroing to the compiler. For your loop counter, it makes sense because the compiler doesn't need to know about that at all. But by manually picking RAX for it (with a clobber), you're preventing the compiler from choosing to have your code produce sum in RAX, like it would want for a non-inline function. A dummy [idx] "=&r" (dummy) output operand will get the compiler to pick a register for you, of the appropriate width, e.g. intptr_t.
Asm code review: performance
As David Wohlferd said: xor %eax, %eax to zero RAX. Implicit zero-extension saves a REX prefix. (1 byte of code-size in the machine code. Smaller machine-code is generally better.)
It doesn't seem worth hand-writing asm if you're not going to do anything smarter than what GCC would on its own without -ftree-vectorize or with -mgeneral-regs-only or -mno-sse2 (even though it's baseline for x86-64, kernel code generally needs to avoid SIMD registers). But I guess it works as a learning exercise in how inline asm constraints work, and a starting point for measuring. And to get a benchmark working so you can then test better loops.
Typical x86-64 CPUs can do 2 loads per clock cycle (Intel since Sandybridge, AMD since K8) Or 3/clock on Alder Lake. On modern CPUs with AVX/AVX2, each load can be 32 bytes wide (or 64 bytes with AVX-512) best case on L1d hits. Or more like 1/clock with only L2 hits on recent Intel, which is a reasonable cache-blocking target.
But your loop can at best run 1x 8-byte load per clock cycle, because loop branches can run 1/clock, and add mem, %[sum] has a 1 cycle loop-carried dependency through sum.
That might max out DRAM bandwidth (with the help of HW prefetchers), e.g. 8 B / cycle * 4GHz = 32GB/s, which modern desktop/laptop Intel CPUs can manage for a single core (but not big Xeons). But with fast enough DRAM and/or a slower CPU relative to it, even DRAM can avoid being a bottleneck. But aiming for DRAM bandwidth is quite a low bar compared to L3 or L2 cache bandwidth.
So even if you want to keep using scalar code without movdqu / paddq (or better get to an alignment boundary for memory-source paddq, if you want to spend some code-size to optimize this loop), you could still unroll with two register accumulators for sum which you add at the end. This exposes some instruction-level parallelism, allowing two memory-source loads per clock cycle.
You can also avoid the cmp, which can reduce loop overhead. Fewer uops lets out-of-order exec see farther.
Get a pointer to the end of the array and index from -length up towards zero. Like (arr+len)[idx] with for(idx=-len ; idx != 0 ; idx++). Looping backwards through the array is on some CPUs a little worse for some of the HW prefetchers, so generally not recommended for loops that are often memory bound.
See also Micro fusion and addressing modes - an indexed addressing mode can only stay micro-fused in the back-end on Intel Haswell and later, and only for instructions like add that RMW their destination register.
So your best bet would be a loop with one pointer increment and 2 to 4 add instructions using it, and a cmp/jne at the bottom.

Does any of current C++ compilers ever emit "rep movsb/w/d"?

This question made me wonder, if current modern compilers ever emit REP MOVSB/W/D instruction.
Based on this discussion, it seems that using REP MOVSB/W/D could be beneficial on current CPUs.
But no matter how I tried, I cannot made any of the current compilers (GCC 8, Clang 7, MSVC 2017 and ICC 18) to emit this instruction.
For this simple code, it could be reasonable to emit REP MOVSB:
void fn(char *dst, const char *src, int l) {
for (int i=0; i<l; i++) {
dst[i] = src[i];
But compilers emit a non-optimized simple byte-copy loop, or a huge unrolled loop (basically an inlined memmove). Do any of the compilers use this instruction?
GCC has x86 tuning options to control string-ops strategy and when to inline vs. library call. (See -mmemcpy-strategy=strategy
takes alg:max_size:dest_align triplets, but the brute-force way is -mstringop-strategy=rep_byte
I had to use __restrict to get gcc to recognize the memcpy pattern, instead of just doing normal auto-vectorization after an overlap check / fallback to a dumb byte loop. (Fun fact: gcc -O3 auto-vectorizes even with -mno-sse, using the full width of an integer register. So you only get a dumb byte loop if you compile with -Os (optimize for size) or -O2 (less than full optimization)).
Note that if src and dst overlap with dst > src, the result is not memmove. Instead, you'll get a repeating pattern with length = dst-src. rep movsb has to correctly implement the exact byte-copy semantics even in case of overlap, so it would still be valid (but slow on current CPUs: I think microcode would just fall back to a byte loop).
gcc only gets to rep movsb via recognizing a memcpy pattern and then choosing to inline memcpy as rep movsb. It doesn't go directly from byte-copy loop to rep movsb, and that's why possible aliasing defeats the optimization. (It might be interesting for -Os to consider using rep movs directly, though, when alias analysis can't prove it's a memcpy or memmove, on CPUs with fast rep movsb.)
void fn(char *__restrict dst, const char *__restrict src, int l) {
for (int i=0; i<l; i++) {
dst[i] = src[i];
This probably shouldn't "count" because I would probably not recommend those tuning options for any use-case other than "make the compiler use rep movs", so it's not that different from an intrinsic. I didn't check all the -mtune=silvermont / -mtune=skylake / -mtune=bdver2 (Bulldozer version 2 = Piledriver) / etc. tuning options, but I doubt any of them enable that. So this is an unrealistic test because nobody using -march=native would get this code-gen.
But the above C compiles with gcc8.1 -xc -O3 -Wall -mstringop-strategy=rep_byte -minline-all-stringops on the Godbolt compiler explorer to this asm for x86-64 System V:
test edx, edx
jle .L1 # rep movs treats the counter as unsigned, but the source uses signed
sub edx, 1 # what the heck, gcc? mov ecx,edx would be too easy?
lea ecx, [rdx+1]
rep movsb # dst=rdi and src=rsi
.L1: # matching the calling convention
Fun fact: the x86-64 SysV calling convention being optimized for inlining rep movs is not a coincidence (Why does Windows64 use a different calling convention from all other OSes on x86-64?). I think gcc favoured that when the calling convention was being designed, so it saved instructions.
rep_8byte does a bunch of setup to handle counts that aren't a multiple of 8, and maybe alignment, I didn't look carefully.
I also didn't check other compilers.
Inlining rep movsb would be a poor choice without an alignment guarantee, so it's good that compilers don't do it by default. (As long as they do something better.) Intel's optimization manual has a section on memcpy and memset with SIMD vectors vs. rep movs. See also, and other performance links in the x86 tag wiki.
(I doubt that gcc would do anything differently if you did dst=__builtin_assume_aligned(dst, 64); or any other way of communicating alignment to the compiler, though. e.g. alignas(64) on some arrays.)
Intel's IceLake microarchitecture will have a "short rep" feature that presumably reduces startup overhead for rep movs / rep stos, making them much more useful for small counts. (Currently rep string microcode has significant startup overhead: What setup does REP do?)
memmove / memcpy strategies:
BTW, glibc's memcpy uses a pretty nice strategy for small inputs that's insensitive to overlap: Two loads -> two stores that potentially overlap, for copies up to 2 registers wide. This means any input from 4..7 bytes branches the same way, for example.
Glibc's asm source has a nice comment describing the strategy:
For large inputs, it uses SSE XMM registers, AVX YMM registers, or rep movsb (after checking an internal config variable that's set based on CPU-detection when glibc initializes itself). I'm not sure which CPUs it will actually use rep movsb on, if any, but support is there for using it for large copies.
rep movsb might well be a pretty reasonable choice for small code-size and non-terrible scaling with count for a byte loop like this, with safe handling for the unlikely case of overlap.
Microcode startup overhead is a big problem with using it for copies that are usually small, though, on current CPUs.
It's probably better than a byte loop if the average copy size is maybe 8 to 16 bytes on current CPUs, and/or different counts cause branch mispredicts a lot. It's not good, but it's less bad.
Some kind of last-ditch peephole optimization for turning a byte-loop into a rep movsb might be a good idea, if compiling without auto-vectorization. (Or for compilers like MSVC that make a byte loop even at full optimization.)
It would be neat if compilers knew about it more directly, and considered using it for -Os (optimize for code-size more than speed) when tuning for CPUs with the Enhanced Rep Movs/Stos Byte (ERMSB) feature. (See also Enhanced REP MOVSB for memcpy for lots of good stuff about x86 memory bandwidth single threaded vs. all cores, NT stores that avoid RFO, and rep movs using an RFO-avoiding cache protocol...).
On older CPUs, rep movsb wasn't as good for large copies, so the recommended strategy was rep movsd or movsq with special handling for the last few counts. (Assuming you're going to use rep movs at all, e.g. in kernel code where you can't touch SIMD vector registers.)
The -mno-sse auto-vectorization using integer registers is much worse than rep movs for medium sized copies that are hot in L1d or L2 cache, so gcc should definitely use rep movsb or rep movsq after checking for overlap, not a qword copy loop, unless it expects small inputs (like 64 bytes) to be common.
The only advantage of a byte loop is small code size; it's pretty much the bottom of the barrel; a smart strategy like glibc's would be much better for small but unknown copy sizes. But that's too much code to inline, and a function call does have some cost (spilling call-clobbered registers and clobbering the red zone, plus the actual cost of the call / ret instructions and dynamic linking indirection).
Especially in a "cold" function that doesn't run often (so you don't want to spend a lot of code size on it, increasing your program's I-cache footprint, TLB locality, pages to be loaded from disk, etc). If writing asm by hand, you'd usually know more about the expected size distribution and be able to inline a fast-path with a fallback to something else.
Remember that compilers will make their decisions on potentially many loops in one program, and most code in most programs is outside of hot loops. It shouldn't bloat them all. This is why gcc defaults to -fno-unroll-loops unless profile-guided optimization is enabled. (Auto-vectorization is enabled at -O3, though, and can create a huge amount of code for some small loops like this one. It's quite silly that gcc spends huge amounts of code-size on loop prologues/epilogues, but tiny amounts on the actual loop; for all it knows the loop will run millions of iterations for each one time the code outside runs.)
Unfortunately it's not like gcc's auto-vectorized code is very efficient or compact. It spends a lot of code size on the loop cleanup code for the 16-byte SSE case (fully unrolling 15 byte-copies). With 32-byte AVX vectors, we get a rolled-up byte loop to handle the leftover elements. (For a 17 byte copy, this is pretty terrible vs. 1 XMM vector + 1 byte or glibc style overlapping 16-byte copies). With gcc7 and earlier, it does the same full unrolling until an alignment boundary as a loop prologue so it's twice as bloated.
IDK if profile-guided optimization would optimize gcc's strategy here, e.g. favouring smaller / simpler code when the count is small on every call, so auto-vectorized code wouldn't be reached. Or change strategy if the code is "cold" and only runs once or not at all per run of the whole program. Or if the count is usually 16 or 24 or something, then scalar for the last n % 32 bytes is terrible so ideally PGO would get it to special case smaller counts. (But I'm not too optimistic.)
I might report a GCC missed-optimization bug for this, about detecting memcpy after an overlap check instead of leaving it purely up to the auto-vectorizer. And/or about using rep movs for -Os, maybe with -mtune=icelake if more info becomes available about that uarch.
A lot of software gets compiled with only -O2, so a peephole for rep movs other than the auto-vectorizer could make a difference. (But the question is whether it's a positive or negative difference)!

RDRAND and RDSEED intrinsics on various compilers?

Does Intel C++ compiler and/or GCC support the following Intel intrinsics, like MSVC does since 2012 / 2013?
#include <immintrin.h> // for the following intrinsics
int _rdrand16_step(uint16_t*);
int _rdrand32_step(uint32_t*);
int _rdrand64_step(uint64_t*);
int _rdseed16_step(uint16_t*);
int _rdseed32_step(uint32_t*);
int _rdseed64_step(uint64_t*);
And if these intrinsics are supported, since which version are they supported (with compile-time-constant please)?
Both GCC and Intel compiler support them. GCC support was introduced at the end of 2010. They require the header <immintrin.h>.
GCC support has been present since at least version 4.6, but there doesn't seem to be any specific compile-time constant - you can just check __GNUC_MAJOR__ > 4 || (__GNUC_MAJOR__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 6).
All the major compilers support Intel's intrinsics for rdrand and rdseed via <immintrin.h>.
Somewhat recent versions of some compilers are needed for rdseed, e.g. GCC9 (2019) or clang7 (2018), although those have been stable for a good while by now. If you'd rather use an older compiler, or not enable ISA-extension options like -march=skylake, a library1 wrapper function instead of the intrinsic is a good choice. (Inline asm is not necessary, I wouldn't recommend it unless you want to play with it.)
#include <immintrin.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// gcc -march=native or haswell or znver1 or whatever, or manually enable -mrdrnd
uint64_t rdrand64(){
unsigned long long ret; // not uint64_t, GCC/clang wouldn't compile.
do{}while( !_rdrand64_step(&ret) ); // retry until success.
return ret;
// and equivalent for _rdseed64_step
// and 32 and 16-bit sizes with unsigned and unsigned short.
Some compilers define __RDRND__ when the instruction is enabled at compile-time. GCC/clang since they supported the intrinsic at all, but only much later ICC (19.0). And with ICC, -march=ivybridge doesn't imply -mrdrnd or define __RDRND__ until 2021.1.
ICX is LLVM-based and behaves like clang.
MSVC doesn't define any macros; its handling of intrinsics is designed around runtime feature detection only, unlike gcc/clang where the easy way is compile-time CPU feature options.
Why do{}while() instead of while(){}? Turns out ICC compiles to a less-dumb loop with do{}while(), not uselessly peeling a first iteration. Other compilers don't benefit from that hand-holding, and it's not a correctness problem for ICC.
Why unsigned long long instead of uint64_t? The type has to agree with the pointer type expected by the intrinsic, or C and especially C++ compilers will complain, regardless of the object-representations being identical (64-bit unsigned). On Linux for example, uint64_t is unsigned long, but GCC/clang's immintrin.h define int _rdrand64_step(unsigned long long*), same as on Windows. So you always need unsigned long long ret with GCC/clang. MSVC is a non-problem as it can (AFAIK) only target Windows, where unsigned long long is the only 64-bit unsigned type.
But ICC defines the intrinsic as taking unsigned long* when compiling for GNU/Linux, according to my testing on So to be portable to ICC, you actually need #ifdef __INTEL_COMPILER; even in C++ I don't know a way to use auto or other type-deduction to declare a variable that matches it.
Compiler versions to support intrinsics
Tested on Godbolt; its earliest version of MSVC is 2015, and ICC 2013, so I can't go back any further. Support for _rdrand16_step / 32 / 64 were all introduced at the same time in any given compiler. 64 requires 64-bit mode.
Ivy Bridge / Excavator
before 2015 (19.10)
before 13.0.1, but 19.0 for -mrdrnd defining __RDRND__. 2021.1 for -march=ivybridge to enable -mrdrnd
Broadwell / Zen 1
before 2015 (19.10)
before(?) 13.0.1, but 19.0 also added -mrdrnd and -mrdseed options)
The earliest GCC and clang versions don't recognize -march=ivybridge only -mrdrnd. (GCC 4.9 and clang 3.6 for Ivy Bridge, not that you specifically want to use IvyBridge if modern CPUs are more relevant. So use a non-ancient compiler and set a CPU option appropriate for CPUs you actually care about, or at least a -mtune= with a more recent CPU.)
Intel's new oneAPI / ICX compilers all support rdrand/rdseed, and are based on LLVM internals so they work similarly to clang for CPU options. (It doesn't define __INTEL_COMPILER, which is good because it's different from ICC.)
GCC and clang only let you use intrinsics for instructions you've told the compiler the target supports. Use -march=native if compiling for your own machine, or use -march=skylake or something to enable all the ISA extensions for the CPU you're targeting. But if you need your program to run on old CPUs and only use RDRAND or RDSEED after runtime detection, only those functions need __attribute__((target("rdrnd"))) or rdseed, and won't be able to inline into functions with different target options. Or using a separately-compiled library would be easier1.
-mrdrnd: enabled by -march=ivybridge or -march=znver1 (or bdver4 Exavator APUs) and later
-mrdseed: enabled by -march=broadwell or -march=znver1 or later
Normally if you're going to enable one CPU feature, it makes sense to enable others that CPUs of that generation will have, and to set tuning options. But rdrand isn't something the compiler will use on its own (unlike BMI2 shlx for more efficient variable-count shifts, or AVX/SSE for auto-vectorization and array/struct copying and init). So enabling -mrdrnd globally likely won't make your program crash on pre-Ivy Bridge CPUs, if you check CPU features and don't actually run code that uses _rdrand64_step on CPUs without the feature.
But if you are only going to run your code on some specific kind of CPU or later, gcc -O3 -march=haswell is a good choice. (-march also implies -mtune=haswell, and tuning for Ivy Bridge specifically is not what you want for modern CPUs. You could -march=ivybridge -mtune=skylake to set an older baseline of CPU features, but still tune for newer CPUs.)
Wrappers that compile everywhere
This is valid C++ and C. For C, you probably want static inline instead of inline so you don't need to manually instantiate an extern inline version in a .c in case a debug build decided not to inline. (Or use __attribute__((always_inline)) in GNU C.)
The 64-bit versions are only defined for x86-64 targets, because asm instructions can only use 64-bit operand-size in 64-bit mode. I didn't #ifdef __RDRND__ or #if defined(__i386__)||defined(__x86_64__), on the assumption that you'd only include this for x86(-64) builds at all, not cluttering the ifdefs more than necessary. It does only define the rdseed wrappers if that's enabled at compile time, or for MSVC where there's no way to enable them or to detect it.
There are some commented __attribute__((target("rdseed"))) examples you can uncomment if you want to do it that way instead of compiler options. rdrand16 / rdseed16 are intentionally omitted as not being normally useful. rdrand runs the same speed for different operand-sizes, and even pulls the same amount of data from the CPU's internal RNG buffer, optionally throwing away part of it for you.
#include <immintrin.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#if defined(__x86_64__) || defined (_M_X64)
// Figure out which 64-bit type the output arg uses
#ifdef __INTEL_COMPILER // Intel declares the output arg type differently from everyone(?) else
// ICC for Linux declares rdrand's output as unsigned long, but must be long long for a Windows ABI
typedef uint64_t intrin_u64;
// GCC/clang headers declare it as unsigned long long even for Linux where long is 64-bit, but uint64_t is unsigned long and not compatible
typedef unsigned long long intrin_u64;
//#if defined(__RDRND__) || defined(_MSC_VER) // conditional definition if you want
uint64_t rdrand64(){
intrin_u64 ret;
do{}while( !_rdrand64_step(&ret) ); // retry until success.
return ret;
#if defined(__RDSEED__) || defined(_MSC_VER)
uint64_t rdseed64(){
intrin_u64 ret;
do{}while( !_rdseed64_step(&ret) ); // retry until success.
return ret;
#endif // RDSEED
#endif // x86-64
uint32_t rdrand32(){
unsigned ret; // Intel documents this as unsigned int, not necessarily uint32_t
do{}while( !_rdrand32_step(&ret) ); // retry until success.
return ret;
#if defined(__RDSEED__) || defined(_MSC_VER)
uint32_t rdseed32(){
unsigned ret; // Intel documents this as unsigned int, not necessarily uint32_t
do{}while( !_rdseed32_step(&ret) ); // retry until success.
return ret;
The fact that Intel's intrinsics API is supported at all implies that unsigned int is a 32-bit type, regardless of whether uint32_t is defined as unsigned int or unsigned long if any compilers do that.
On the Godbolt compiler explorer we can see how these compile. Clang and MSVC do what we'd expect, just a 2-instruction loop until rdrand leaves CF=1
# clang 7.0 -O3 -march=broadwell MSVC -O2 does the same.
.LBB0_1: # =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1
rdrand rax
jae .LBB0_1 # synonym for jnc - jump if Not Carry
# same for other functions.
Unfortunately GCC is not so good, even current GCC12.1 makes weird asm:
# gcc 12.1 -O3 -march=broadwell
mov edx, 1
rdrand rax
mov QWORD PTR [rsp-8], rax # store into the red-zone where retval is allocated
cmovc eax, edx # materialize a 0 or 1 from CF. (rdrand zeros EAX when it clears CF=0, otherwise copy the 1)
test eax, eax # then test+branch on it
je .L2 # could have just been jnc after rdrand
mov rax, QWORD PTR [rsp-8] # reload retval
rdseed rax
mov QWORD PTR [rsp-8], rax # dead store into the red-zone
jnc .L7
ICC makes the same asm as long as we use a do{}while() retry loop; with a while() {} it's even worse, doing an rdrand and checking before entering the loop for the first time.
Footnote 1: rdrand/rdseed library wrappers
librdrand or Intel's libdrng have wrapper functions with retry loops like I showed, and ones that fill a buffer of bytes or array of uint32_t* or uint64_t*. (Consistently taking uint64_t*, no unsigned long long* on some targets).
A library is also a good choice if you're doing runtime CPU feature detection, so you don't have to mess around with __attribute__((target)) stuff. However you do it, that limits inlining of a function using the intrinsics anyway, so a small static library is equivalent.
libdrng also provides RdRand_isSupported() and RdSeed_isSupported(), so you don't need to do your own CPUID check.
But if you're going to build with -march= something newer than Ivy Bridge / Broadwell or Excavator / Zen1 anyway, inlining a 2-instruction retry loop (like clang compiles it to) is about the same code-size as a function call-site, but doesn't clobber any registers. rdrand is quite slow so that's probably not a big deal, but it also means no extra library dependency.
Performance / internals of rdrand / rdseed
For more details about the HW internals on Intel (not AMD's version), see Intel's docs. For the actual TRNG logic, see Understanding Intel's Ivy Bridge Random Number Generator - it's a metastable latch that settles to 0 or 1 due to thermal noise. Or at least Intel says it is; it's basically impossible to truly verify where the rdrand bits actually come from in a CPU you bought. Worst case, still much better than nothing if you're mixing it with other entropy sources, like Linux does for /dev/random.
For more on the fact that there's a buffer that cores pull from, see some SO answers from the engineer who designed the hardware and wrote librdrand, such as this and this about its exhaustion / performance characteristics on Ivy Bridge, the first generation to feature it.
Infinite retry count?
The asm instructions set the carry flag (CF) = 1 in FLAGS on success, when it put a random number in the destination register. Otherwise CF=0 and the output register = 0. You're intended to call it in a retry loop, that's (I assume) why the intrinsic has the word step in the name; it's one step of generating a single random number.
In theory, a microcode update could change things so it always indicates failure, e.g. if a problem is discovered in some CPU model that makes the RNG untrustworthy (by the standards of the CPU vendor). The hardware RNG also has some self-diagnostics, so it's in theory possible for a CPU to decide that the RNG is broken and not produce any outputs. I haven't heard of any CPUs ever doing this, but I haven't gone looking. And a future microcode update is always possible.
Either of these could lead to an infinite retry loop. That's not great, but unless you want to write a bunch of code to report on that situation, it's at least an observable behaviour that users could potentially deal with in the unlikely event it ever happened.
But occasional temporary failure is normal and expected, and must be handled. Preferably by retrying without telling the user about it.
If there wasn't a random number ready in its buffer, the CPU can report failure instead of stalling this core for potentially even longer. That design choice might be related to interrupt latency, or just keeping it simpler without having to build retrying into the microcode.
Ivy Bridge can't pull data from the DRNG faster than it can keep up, according to the designer, even with all cores looping rdrand, but later CPUs can. Therefore it is important to actually retry.
#jww has had some experience with deploying rdrand in libcrypto++, and found that with a retry count set too low, there were reports of occasional spurious failure. He's had good results from infinite retries, which is why I chose that for this answer. (I suspect he would have heard reports from users with broken CPUs that always fail, if that was a thing.)
Intel's library functions that include a retry loop take a retry count. That's likely to handle the permanent-failure case which, as I said, I don't think happens in any real CPUs yet. Without a limited retry count, you'd loop forever.
An infinite retry count allows a simple API returning the number by value, without silly limitations like OpenSSL's functions that use 0 as an error return: they can't randomly generate a 0!
If you did want a finite retry count, I'd suggest very high. Like maybe 1 million, so it takes maybe have a second or a second of spinning to give up on a broken CPU, with negligible chance of having one thread starve that long if it's repeatedly unlucky in contending for access to the internal queue. measured a throughput on Skylake of one per 3554 cycles on Skylake, one per 1352 on Alder Lake P-cores, 1230 on E-cores. One per 1809 cycles on Zen2. The Skylake version ran thousands of uops, the others were in the low double digits. Ivy Bridge had 110 cycle throughput, but in Haswell it was already up to 2436 cycles, but still a double-digit number of uops.
These abysmal performance numbers on recent Intel CPUs are probably due to microcode updates to work around problems that weren't anticipated when the HW was designed. Agner Fog measured one per 460 cycle throughput for rdrand and rdseed on Skylake when it was new, each costing 16 uops. The thousands of uops are probably extra buffer flushing hooked into the microcode for those instructions by recent updates. Agner measured Haswell at 17 uops, 320 cycles when it was new. See RdRand Performance As Bad As ~3% Original Speed With CrossTalk/SRBDS Mitigation on Phoronix:
As explained in the earlier article, mitigating CrossTalk involves locking the entire memory bus before updating the staging buffer and unlocking it after the contents have been cleared. This locking and serialization now involved for those instructions is very brutal on the performance, but thankfully most real-world workloads shouldn't be making too much use of these instructions.
Locking the memory bus sounds like it could hurt performance even of other cores, if it's like cache-line splits for locked instructions.
(Those cycle numbers are core clock cycle counts; if the DRNG doesn't run on the same clock as the core, those might vary by CPU model. I wonder if's testing is running rdrand on multiple cores of the same hardware, since Coffee Lake is twice the uops as Skylake, and 1.4x as many cycles per random number. Unless that's just higher clocks leading to more microcode retries?)
Microsoft compiler does not have intrinsics support for RDSEED and RDRAND instruction.
But, you may implement these instruction using NASM or MASM. Assembly code is available at:
For Intel Compiler, you can use header to determine the version. You can use following macros to determine the version and sub-version:
__INTEL_COMPILER //Major Version
For instance if you use ICC15.0 Update 3 compiler, it will show that you have
For further details on pre-defined macros you can go to:

Why is strcmp not SIMD optimized?

I've tried to compile this program on an x64 computer:
#include <cstring>
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
return ::std::strcmp(argv[0],
"really really really really really really really really really"
"really really really really really really really really really"
"really really really really really really really really really"
"really really really really really really really really really"
"really really really really really really really really really"
"really really really really really really really really really"
"really really really really really really really really really"
"really really really really really really really really really"
"really really really really really really really long string"
I compiled it like this:
g++ -std=c++11 -msse2 -O3 -g a.cpp -o a
But the resulting disassembly is like this:
0x0000000000400480 <+0>: mov (%rsi),%rsi
0x0000000000400483 <+3>: mov $0x400628,%edi
0x0000000000400488 <+8>: mov $0x22d,%ecx
0x000000000040048d <+13>: repz cmpsb %es:(%rdi),%ds:(%rsi)
0x000000000040048f <+15>: seta %al
0x0000000000400492 <+18>: setb %dl
0x0000000000400495 <+21>: sub %edx,%eax
0x0000000000400497 <+23>: movsbl %al,%eax
0x000000000040049a <+26>: retq
Why is no SIMD used? I suppose it could be to compare, say, 16 chars at once. Should I write my own SIMD strcmp, or is it a nonsensical idea for some reason?
In a SSE2 implementation, how should the compiler make sure that no memory accesses happen over the end of the string? It has to know the length first and this requires scanning the string for the terminating zero byte.
If you scan for the length of the string you have already accomplished most of the work of a strcmp function. Therefore there is no benefit to use SSE2.
However, Intel added instructions for string handling in the SSE4.2 instruction set. These handle the terminating zero byte problem. For a nice write-up on them read this blog-post:
GCC in this case is using a builtin strcmp. If you want it to use the version from glibc use -fno-builtin. But you should not assume that GCC's builtin version of strcmp or glibc's implementaiton of strcmp are efficient. I know from experience that GCC's builtin memcpy and glibc's memcpy are not as efficient as they could be.
I suggest you look at Agner Fog's asmlib. He has optimized several of the standard library functions in assembly. See the file strcmp64.asm. This has two version: a generic version for CPUs without SSE4.2 and a version for CPUs with SSE4.2. Here is the main loop for the SSE4.2 version
add rax, 16 ; increment offset
movdqu xmm1, [rs1+rax] ; read 16 bytes of string 1
pcmpistri xmm1, [rs2+rax], 00011000B ; unsigned bytes, equal each, invert. returns index in ecx
jnbe compareloop ; jump if not carry flag and not zero flag
For the generic version he writes
This is a very simple solution. There is not much gained by using SSE2 or anything complicated
Here is the main loop of the generic version:
mov al, [ss1]
cmp al, [ss2]
jne _notequal
test al, al
jz _equal
inc ss1
inc ss2
jmp _compareloop
I would compare the performance of GCC's builtin strcmp , GLIBC's strcmp and the asmlib strcmp. You should look at the disassembly to make sure that you get the builtin code. For example GCC's memcpy does not use the builtin version from sizes larger than 8192.
In regards to the the string length, Agner's SSE4.2 version reads up to 15 bytes beyond the of the string. He argues this is rarely a problem since nothing is written. It's not a problem for stack allocated arrays. For statically allocated arrays it could be a problem for memory page boundaries. To get around this he adds 16 bytes to the .bss section after the .data section. For more details see the section 1.7 String instructions and safety precautions in the manaul of the asmlib.
When the standard library for C was designed, the implementations of string.h methods that were most efficient when dealing with large amounts of data would be reasonably efficient for small amounts, and vice versa. While there may be some string-comparison scenarios were sophisticated use of SIMD instructions could yield better performance than a "naive implementation", in many real-world scenarios the strings being compared will differ in the first few characters. In such situations, the naive implementation may yield a result in less time than a "more sophisticated" approach would spend deciding how the comparison should be performed. Note that even if SIMD code is able to process 16 bytes at a time and stop when a mismatch or end-of-string condition is detected, it would still have to do additional work equivalent to using the naive approach on the last 16 characters scanned. If many groups of 16 bytes match, being able to scan through them quickly may benefit performance. But in cases where the first 16 bytes don't match, it would be more efficient to just start with the character-by-character comparison.
Incidentally, another potential advantage of the "naive" approach is that it would be possible to define it inline as part of the header (or a compiler might regard itself as having special "knowledge" about it). Consider:
int strcmp(char *p1, char *p2)
int idx=0,t1,t2;
t1=*p1; t2=*p2;
if (t1 != t2)
if (t1 > t2) return 1;
return -1;
if (!t1)
return 0;
p1++; p2++;
} while(1);
...invoked as:
if (strcmp(p1,p2) > 0) action1();
if (strcmp(p3,p4) != 0) action2();
While the method would be a little big to be in-lined, in-lining could in the first case allow a compiler to eliminate the code to check whether the returned value was greater than zero, and in the second eliminate the code which checked whether t1 was greater than t2. Such optimization would not be possible if the method were dispatched via indirect jump.
Making an SSE2 version of strcmp was an interesting challenge for me.
I don't really like compiler intrinsic functions because of code bloat, so I decided to choose auto-vectorization approach. My approach is based on templates and approximates SIMD register as an array of words of different sizes.
I tried to write an auto-vectorizing implementation and test it with GCC and MSVC++ compilers.
So, what I learned is:
1. GCC's auto-vectorizer is good (awesome?)
2. MSVC's auto-vectorizer is worse than GCC's (doesn't vectorize my packing function)
3. All compilers declined to generate PMOVMSKB instruction, it is really sad
Version compiled by online-GCC gains ~40% with SSE2 auto-vectorization. On my Windows machine with Bulldozer-architecture CPU auto-vectorized code is faster than online compiler's and results match the native implementation of strcmp. But the best thing about the idea is that the same code can be compiled for any SIMD instruction set, at least on ARM & X86.
If anyone will find a way to make compiler to generate PMOVMSKB instruction then overall performance should get a significant boost.
Command-line options for GCC: -std=c++11 -O2 -m64 -mfpmath=sse -march=native -ftree-vectorize -msse2 -march=native -Wall -Wextra
Source code compiled by Coliru online compiler
Assembly + Source code (Compiler Explorer)
#PeterCordes, thanks for the help.
I suspect there's simply no point in SIMD versions of library functions with very little computation. I imagine that functions like strcmp, memcpy and similiar are actually limited by the memory bandwidth and not the CPU speed.
It depends on your implementation. On MacOS X, functions like memcpy, memmove and memset have implementations that are optimised depending on the hardware you are using (the same call will execute different code depending on the processor, set up at boot time); these implementations use SIMD and for big amounts (megabytes) use some rather fancy tricks to optimise cache usage. Nothing for strcpy and strcmp as far as I know.
Convincing the C++ standard library to use that kind of code is difficult.
AVX 2.0 would be faster actually
Edit: It is related to registers and IPC
Instead of relying on 1 big instruction, you can use a plethora of SIMD instructions with 16 registers of 32 bytes, well, in UTF16 you it gives you 265 chars to play with !
double that with avx512 in few years!
AVX instructions also do have high throughput.
According this blog:
Today on the latest Haswell processors, we have the potent AVX2
instructions. The AVX2 instructions operate on 32 bytes, and most of
the boolean/logic instructions perform at a throughput of 0.5 cycles
per instruction. This means that we can execute roughly 22 AVX2
instructions in the same amount of time it takes to execute a single
PCMPESTRI. Why not give it a shot?
Edit 2.0
SSE/AVX units are power gated, and mixing SSE and/or AVX instructions with regular ones involves a context switch with performance penalty, that you should not have with the strcmp instruction.
I don't see the point in "optimizing" a function like strcmp.
You will need to find the length of the strings before applying any kind of parallel processing, which will force you to read the memory at least once. While you're at it, you might as well use the data to perform the comparison on the fly.
If you want to do anyting fast with strings, you will need specialized tools like finite state machines (lexx comes to mind for a parser).
As for C++ std::string, they are inefficient and slow for a large number of reasons, so the gain of checking length in comparisons is neglectible.