Using a different array for vertices and normals in glDrawElements (OpenGL/VBOs) - opengl

I'm currently programming a .obj loader in OpenGL. I store the vertex data in a VBO, then bind it using Vertex Attribs. Same for normals. Thing is, the normal data and vertex data aren't stored in the same order.
The indices I give to glDrawElements to render the mesh are used, I suppose, by OpenGL to get vertices in the vertex VBO and to get normals in the normals VBO.
Is there an opengl way, besides using glBegin/glVertex/glNormal/glEnd to tell glDrawElements to use an index for vertices and an other index for normals?

There is no direct way to do this, although you could simulate it by indexing into a buffer texture (OpenGL 3.1 feature) inside a shader.
It is generally not advisable to do such a thing though. The OBJ format allows one normal to be referenced by several (in principle any number of) vertices at a time, so the usual thing to do is constructing a "complete" vertex including coordinates and normal and texcoords for each vertex (duplicating the respective data).
This ensures that
a) smooth shaded surfaces render correctly
b) hard edges render correctly
(the difference between the two being only several vertices sharing the same, identical normal)

You have to use the same index for position/normals/texture coords etc. It means that when loading the .obj, you must insert unique vertices and point your faces to them.

OpenGL treats a vertex as a single, long vector of
(position, normal, texcoord[0]…texcoord[n], attrib[0]…attrib[n])
and these long vectors are indexed. Your question falls into the same category like how to use shared vertices with multiple normals. And the canonical answer is, that those vertices are in fact not shared, because in the long term they are not identical.
So what you have to do is iterating over the index array of faces and construct the "long" vertices adding those into a (new) list with a uniquenes constraint; a (hash) map from the vertex → index serves this job. Something like this
next_uniq_index = 0
for f in faces:
for i in f.indices:
vpos = vertices[i.vertex]
norm = normals[i.normal]
texc = texcoords[i.texcoord]
vert = tuple(vpos, norm, texc)
if uniq_vertices.has_key(key):
uniq_vertices[key] = {vertex = key, index = next_uniq_index}
next_uniq_index = next_uniq_index + 1


Disambiguate "vertex" in "vertex shader" says that "The vertex shader will be executed roughly once for every vertex in the stream."
If we are rendering a cube, vertex could refer to the 8 vertexes of the entire shape (meaning One). Or, it could refer to the 24 vertexes of the 6 squares with 4 corners each (meaning Two).
As I understand it, if a cube is being rendered, the 8 corners of the cube have to be converted into the coordinate system of the viewer. But also there are texture coordinates that have to be calculated based on the individual textures associate with each face of the cube.
So if "vertex" is intended by meaning One, then why are textures being supplied to a shader which is a per face concept? Or if "vertexes" are being fed to the shader by meaning two, does that mean that the coordinate transforms and projections are all being done redundantly? Or is something else going on? These guides seem to have an allergy to actually saying what is going on.
The page on Vertex Specification could be a bit more clear on this, but a vertex is just a single index in the set of vertex arrays as requested by a rendering operation.
That is, you render some number of vertices from your vertex arrays. You could be specifying these vertices as a range of indices from a given start index to an end index (glDrawArrays), or you could specify a set of indices in order to use (glDrawElements). Regardless of how you do it, you get one vertex for each datum specified by your rendering command. If you render 10 indices with indexed rendering, you get 10 vertices.
Each vertex is composed of data fetched from the active vertex arrays in the currently bound VAO. Given the index for that vertex, a value is fetched from each active array at that index. Each individual array feeds a vertex attribute, which is passed to the vertex shader.
A vertex shader operates on the attributes of a vertex (passed as in qualified variables).
The relationship between a "vertex" and your geometry's vertices is entirely up to you. Vertices usually include positions as part of their vertex attributes, but they usually also include other stuff. The only limitation is that the value fetched for each attribute of a particular vertex always uses the same vertex index.
How you live within those rules is up to you and your data.

Failing to render a FBX imported textured model with OpenGL

I'm trying to render a textured model using data from a FBX file with OpenGL but the texture coordinates are wrong.
A summary of the model data given by a FBX file includes UV coordinates for texture referencing that are mapped to the model vertices.
Number of Vertices: 19895
Number of PolygonVertexIndices: 113958
Number of UVs: 21992
Number of UVIndices: 113958
It's pretty clear that the model has 113958 vertices of interest. To my understanding, the "PolygonVertexIndices" point to "Vertices" and the "UVIndices" point to "UV" values.
I am using glDrawElements with GL_TRIANGLES to render the model, using the "PolygonVertexIndices" as GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER and the "Vertices" as GL_ARRAY_BUFFER. The model itself renders correctly but the texturing is way off.
Since I'm using "PolygonVertexIndices" for GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, it is to my understanding that the same indexing will happen for the attribute array for the UV coordinates. I don't think OpenGL can use the exported UV indices, so I make a new buffer for UV values of size 113958 which contains the relevant UV values corresponding to the "PolygonVertexIndices".
I.e. for a vertex i in [0:113958], I do
new_UVs[PolygonVertexIndices[i]] = UVs[UVIndices[i]]
and then bind new_UVs as the UV coordinate attribute array.
However, the texturing is clearly all wrong. Is my line of thinking off?
I feel like I'm misunderstanding how to work with UV buffers when using OpenGL's indexed rendering glDrawElements. It also feels wrong to expand my UV buffer to match the number of vertices to 113958 since the advantage glDrawElements should be to save on duplicate vertex values and the UV buffer will likely contain duplicates.
Would it be better to performing the indexing and expand both "Vertices" and "UVs" to be of size 113958 and simply use glDrawArrays in terms of performance?
Any thoughts/ideas/suggestions are appreciated.
You are correct that OpenGL only supports one index buffer.
Your UV assignment code is incorrect. You can't just copy the UVs, as the vertex and UV arrays have different sizes. What you need to do is create duplicate vertices for the ones that have multiple UVs and assign a UV to each copy.
Think of the UVs and vertex coordinates as a single struct containing both and work with that.
struct Vertex
float3 position;
float2 UV;
std::vector<Vertex> vertices;
// Fill "vertices" here.
This also allows you to easily interleave the data and upload the whole resulting array into one VBO and render it.
Would it be better to performing the indexing and expand both "Vertices" and "UVs" to be of size 113958 and simply use glDrawArrays in terms of performance?
That is not a question of performance. It is literally the only way.
The previous post only applies to OpenGL prior to 4.3. If you have 4.3+, then it is entirely possible to use multiple indices for the verts (although it might not be the most efficient way to render the geometry - it depends on your use case).
First you need to specify the vertex and texcoord indices as varying vertex params in your vertex shader, e.g.
in int vs_vertexIndex;
in int vs_uvIndex;
Make sure you specify those params with glVertexArrayAttribIFormat (NOTE: the 'I' is important!! Also note, glVertexAttribIFormat will also work).
The next step is to bind the vertex & UV arrays as SSBO's
layout(std430, binding = 1) buffer vertexBuffer
float verts[];
layout(std430, binding = 2) buffer uvBuffer
float uvs[];
And now in your main() you can extract the correct vert + uv like so:
vec2 uv = vec2(uvs[2 * vs_uvIndex],
uvs[2 * vs_uvIndex + 1]);
vec4 vert = vec4(verts[3 * vs_vertexIndex],
verts[3 * vs_vertexIndex + 1],
verts[3 * vs_vertexIndex + 2], 1.0);
At that point skip glDrawElements, and just use glDrawArrays instead (where the vertex count is the number of indices in your mesh).
I'm not saying this is the fastest approach (building your own indexed elements is probably the most performant). There are however cases where this can be useful - usually when you have data in a format such as FBX/USD/Alembic, and need to update (for example) the vertices and normals each frame.

Multiple meshes in the same vertex buffer object?

I want to keep multiple different meshes in the same VBO, so I can draw them with glDrawElementsBaseVertex. How different can vertex specifications for different meshes be in such a VBO in order to be able to draw them like that?
To be more specific:
Can vertex arrays for different meshes have different layouts (interleaved (VNCVNCVNCVNC) vs batch(VVVVNNNNCCCC))?
Can vertices of different meshes have different numbers of attributes?
Can attributes at same shader locations have different sizes for different meshes (vec3, vec4, ...)?
Can attributes at same shader locations have different types for different meshes (GL_FLOAT, GL_HALF_FLOAT, ...)?
When i say mesh I mean an array of vertices, where each vertex has some attributes (position, color, normal, uv, ...).
openGL doesn't care what is in each buffer, all it looks at is how the attributes are specified and if they happen to use the same buffer or even overlap then fine. It assumes you know what you are doing.
Yes, if you use a VAO for each mesh then the layout of each is stored in the VAO and binding the other will set the attributes correctly. This way you can define the offset from the start of the buffer so you don't need the glDraw*BaseVertex variants
not sure
yes they will be auto converted to the correct type as defined in the attributePtr call.
In addition to ratchet freak's answer, I'll only elaborate on point 3:
Yes, you can do that. If you set up your attribute pointers to specify more elements than your shader uses, the additional values are just never used.
If you do it the other way around and read more elements in the shader than are specified in your array, the missing
elements are automatically extened to build a vector of the form (0, 0, 0, 1), so the fourth component will be implicitely 1 and all other (unspecified) ones 0. This makes it possible to use the vectors directly as homogenous coordinates or RGBA colors in many cases.
In many shaders, one sees somehting like
in vec3 pos;
gl_Position = matrix * vec4(pos, 1.0);
This is actually not necessary, one could directly use:
in vec4 pos;
gl_Position = matrix * pos;
while still storing only 3 component vectors in the attribute array. As a side effect, one now has a shader which also can deal with full 4-component homogenous coordinates.

OpenGL - Index buffers difficulties

I have a custom file format that has all the needed information for a 3D mesh (exported from 3ds Max). I've extracted the data for vertices, vertex indices and normals.
I pass to OpenGL the vertex data, vertex indices and normals data and I render the mesh with a call to glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES,...)
Everything looks right but the normals. The problem is that the normals have different indices. And because OpenGL can use only one index buffer, it uses that index buffer for both the vertices and the normals.
I would be really grateful if you could suggest me how to go about that problem.
Important thing to note is that the vertex/normal data is not "sorted" and therefore I am unable to use the functionality of glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES,...) - the mesh doesn't render correctly.
Is there a way/algorithm that I can use to sort the data so the mesh can be drawn correctly with glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES,..) ? But even if there is an algorithm, there is one more problem - I will have to duplicate some vertices (because my vertex buffer consists of unique vertices - for example if you have cube my buffer will only have 8 vertices) and I am not sure how to do that.
File types that use separate indices for vertices and normals do not match to the OpenGL vertex model very directly. As you noticed, OpenGL uses a single set of indices.
What you need to do is create an OpenGL vertex for each unique (vertex index, normal index) pair in your input. That takes a little work, but is not terribly difficult, particularly if you use available data structures. A STL map works well for this, with the (vertex index, normal index) pair as the key. I'm not going to provide full C++ code, but I can sketch it out.
Let's say you have already read your vertices into some kind of array/vector data structure inVertices, where the coordinates for vertex with index vertexIdx are stored in inVertices[vertexIdx]. Same thing for the normals, where the normal vector with index normalIdx is stored in inNormals[normalIdx].
Now you get to read a list of triangles, with each corner of each triangle given by both a vertexIdx and a normalIdx. We'll build a new combinedVertices array/vector that contains both vertex and normal coordinates, plus a new combinedIndices index list. Pseudo code:
nextCombinedIdx = 0
indexMap = empty
loop over triangles in input file
loop over 3 corners of triangle
read vertexIdx and normalIdx for the corner
if indexMap.contains(key(vertexIdx, normalIdx)) then
combinedIdx = indexMap.get(key(vertexIdx, normalIdx))
combinedIdx = nextCombinedIdx
indexMap.add(key(vertexIdx, normalIdx), combinedIdx)
nextCombinedIdx = nextCombinedIdx + 1
combinedVertices.add(inVertices[vertexIdx], inNormals[normalIdx])
end if
end loop
end loop
I managed to do it without passing index buffer to OpenGL with glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES,..)
What I did is the following:
Fill a vertex array, vertex indices array, normals array and normals indices array.
Then I created new vertex and normal arrays with sorted data and passed them to OpenGL.
for i = 0; i < vertexIndices.size(); ++i
newVertexArray[i] = oldVertexArray[vertexIndices[i]];
for i = 0; i < normalsIndices.size(); ++i
newNormalsArray[i] = oldNormalsArray[normalsIndices[i]];
I optimized it a bit, without filling indices arrays at all. But the optimization depends on the way the programmer is reading the mesh data.

OpenGL - Associate Texture Coordinates Array With Index Array Rather Than Vertex Array?

Whenever we use an index array to render textured polygons with glDraw*Elements*, we can provide an array of vertices and an array of texture coordinates. Then each index in the index array refers to a vertex at some position in the vertex array and the corresponding texture coordinate at the same position in the texture array. Now, if for instance several separate primitives (like QUADS) share one vertex, but require different texture coordinates for that vertex, we have to duplicate that vertex in our array as many times as we have different texture coordinates for it. Therefore, it would be much more convenient if the texture coordinate array could be associated with the positions in the index array. That way no vertex duplication would be necessary to associate one specific vertex with different texture coordinates.
Is this possible? If yes, what syntax to use?
No. Not in a simple way.
You could use buffer textures and shader logic to implement it. But there is no simple API to make attributes index the way you want. All attributes are sampled from the same index (except when instanced array divisors are used, but that won't help you either).
Note that doing this will be a memory/performance tradeoff. Using buffer textures to access vertex data will take up less memory, but it will be significantly slower and more limiting than just using regular attributes. You won't have access to normalized vertex attributes, so compressing the vertex data will require explicit shader logic. And accessing buffer textures is just slower overall.
You should only do this if memory is at a premium.
Now, if for instance several separate primitives (like QUADS) share one vertex, but require different texture coordinates for that vertex, we have to duplicate that vertex in our array as many times as we have different texture coordinates for it.
If the texture coordinates differ on primitives sharing a vertex position, then the vertices at a whole are not shared! A vertex is a single vector consisting of
texture coordinate(s)
other attributes
You alter any of these, you end up with a different vertex. Because of that vertex sharing does not the way you thought.
You can duplicate the vertices so that 1 has 1 texture coord & the other has the other. The only downfall of that is if you need to morph the surface - you may move 1 vertex but not both. Of course it is possible to do it "imperatively" - ie when you just run thru a loop & use different texture coord as you go - but that would not be VBO & much slower