I'am developing a django application using Apache+wsgi_mod. I defined a simple viewer returning user's image. But in case the user hasn't any picture I want to render a static standard image (dependent on sex), stored in my static folder. I know I could use static.serve() but django documentation dissuades this. How to serve a static file from a viewer?
viewer is a method defined in views.py (img below e.g.)
I might want to return HttpResponseRedirect() to my static content. But than I need absolute URL.
I need this because I've got something like that:
def img(request, usr_id):
usr_image = get_usr_image(usr_id)
if usr_image == None:
return respond_with_standard_image()
response = HttpResponse(mimetype='image/jpg')
return response
and want to respond with a standard user image.
I can do something like that:
return HttpResponseRedirect('http://' + request.get_host() + settings.STATIC_URL + 'img/125px-Silver_-_male.png')
but I'm not satisfied.
Django should'nt be involved into rendering images or any other static file. You should put your users images in a custom directory, and serving it directly with your web server.
Rendering a different image if the original file does not exists can easily be achieved with a rewrite rule.
I have a Django app where users can upload images and can have a processed version of the images if they want. and the processing function returns the path, so my approach was
model2.processed_image = processingfunction( model1.uploaded_image.path)
and as the processing function returns path here's how it looks in my admin view
not like the normally uploaded images
In my machine it worked correctly and I always get a 404 error for the processed ones while the normally uploaded is shown correctly when I try to change the url of the processed from
so how can I fix this ? is there a better approach to saving the images manually to the database ?
I have the same function but returns a Pil.image.image object and I've tried many methods to save it in a model but I didn't know how so I've made the function return a file path.
I think the problem is from nginx where I define the media path.
should/can I override the url attribute of the processedimage?
making something like
model.processed_image.url = media/somefolder/filename
Instead of using the PIL Image directly, create a django.core.files.File.
from io import BytesIO
from django.core.files import File
img_io = BytesIO() # create a BytesIO object to temporarily save the file in memory
img = processingfunction( model1.uploaded_image.path)
img.save(img_io, 'PNG') # save the PIL image to the BytesIO object
img_file = File(thumb_io, name='some-name.png') # create the File object
# you can use the `name` from `model1.uploaded_image` and use
# that above
# finally, pass the image file to your model field
model2.processed_image = img_file
To avoid repetition of this code, it would be a good idea to keep this code in processingfunction and return the File object directly from there.
My approach is a bit different from #Xyres's, I thought xyres's would make a duplicate of the existing image and create a new one and when I tried overriding the URL attribute it returned an error of
can't set the attribute
but when I saw this question and this ticket I tried making this and it worked
model2.processed_image = processingfunction(model1.uploaded_image.path)
full_path = model2.processed_image.path
model2.processed_image.name = full_path.split('media')[1]
so that explicitly making the URL media/path/to/image and cut out all of the unneeded parts like home/ubuntu and stuff
I’m making a server to convert Rmarkdown to Dash apps. The idea is parse all params in the rmd file and make corresponding Dash inputs. Then add a submit button which compile the rmd to html somewhere and iframe back. I use an external database to store the info for rmd paths so user can dynamically add files. The problem is when a rmd file changes, the server has to reparse the file and recreate the app and serve at the same url. I don’t have an elegant solution. Right now I’m doing something like this.
server = Flask(__name__)
def convert_rmd_to_dash(path):
file = get_file_path_from_db(path)
mtime = get_last_modified_time(file)
cached_app, cached_mtime = get_cache(path)
if cached_mtime == mtime:
return cached_app
inputs = parse_file(file)
app = construct_dash_app(inputs)
return app.index()
def construct_dash_app(inputs):
app = dash.Dash(
routes_pathname_prefix=’/some_url_user_will_never_use/’ + file_name + time.time())
app.layout = …
return app
It works but I get many routing rules under /some_url_user_will_never_use. Directly overwriting rmd/path might be possible but feels hacky based on Stackoveflow’s answer. Is there a better solution? Thanks.
I am trying to create a simple blog app using flask that uses flask_flatpages to fill a jinja2 template using the contents of a markdown file for each post.
app = Flask(__name__)
pages = FlatPages(app)
def blog_post(path):
post = pages.get_or_404(path)
return render_template('post.html', post=post)
The issue I'm having is that I'm unable to link an image in the markdown file, for example the following example_post.md file returns a 404 error in the rendered HTML for the image.png file (when accessing e.g. http://localhost:5000/example_post/)
# Heading
Here is an example image.

I think this is because accessing the image attempts to find example_post/image.png, due to the route I created, but the image is actually in the same directory as the post.md file (there is no example_post/ directory). The file structure is as follows:
Any suggestions for how to correctly reference the image.png file in this case, or how to better structure the app to make this work?
We can use this below as an example to fix your problem.
from flask import send_from_directory
def serve_static(filename):
root_dir = os.path.dirname(os.getcwd())
return send_from_directory(os.path.join(root_dir, 'md'), filename)
Example :
As it says in the docs page, I defined a img tag in my html file as follows:
<img src='{% static 'image.png' %}'/>
This url exists in the server and I even made a different view with a http response and the image is displayed just fine. Here is the code for both views:
The pdf-weasyprint view:
def card_view(request):
template = loader.get_template('card.html')
context = {'sample': None
html = template.render(RequestContext(request, context))
response = HttpResponse(mimetype='application/pdf')
return response
The html view:
def card_view2(request):
context = {'sample': None,
return render_to_response('card.html', context,
I thought the default url fetcher was supposed to find and render the image (it's a png - so no format issue should be involved)
Any ideas? Any help would be appreciated!!
What exactly is the issue? Do you get anything in the logs? (You may need to configure logging if your server does not log stderr.) What does the generated HTML look like?
I’d really need answers to the above to confirm, but my guess is that the image’s URL is relative, but with HTML(string=...) WeasyPrint has no idea of what is the base URL. Try something like this. (I’m not sure of the Django details.)
HTML(string=html, base_url=request.build_absolute_uri()).write_pdf(response)
This will make a real HTTP request on your app, which may deadlock on a single-threaded server. (I think the development server defaults to a single thread.)
To avoid that and the cost of going through the network, you may want to look into writing a custom "URL fetcher". It could be anywhere from specialized to just this one image, to a full Django equivalent of Flask-WeasyPrint.
Here it is a URL fetcher which reads (image) files locally, without performing an HTTP request:
from weasyprint import HTML, CSS, default_url_fetcher
import mimetypes
def weasyprint_local_fetcher(url):
if url.startswith('local://'):
filepath = url[8:]
with open(filepath, 'rb') as f:
file_data = f.read()
return {
'string': file_data,
'mime_type': mimetypes.guess_type(filepath)[0],
return default_url_fetcher(url)
In order to use it, use the local:// scheme in your URLs, for example:
<img src="local://myapp/static/images/image.svg" />
Then, pass the fetcher to the HTML __init__ method:
html = HTML(
I have a following situation. I created a simple backend in Flask that handles file uploads. With files received, Flask does something (uploads them), and returns the data to the caller. There are two scenarios with the app, to upload one image and multiple images. When uploading one image, I can simply get the response and voila, I'm all set.
However, I am stuck on handling multiple file uploads. I can use the same handler for the actual file upload, but the issue is that all of those files need to be stored into a list or something, then processed, and after doing that, a single link (album) containing all those images, needs to be delivered.
Here is my upload handling code:
#app.route('/uploadv3', methods=['POST'])
def upload():
if request.method == 'POST':
data_file = request.files["file"]
file_name = data_file.filename
path_to_save_to = os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], file_name)
file_url = upload_image_to_image_host(path_to_save_to)
return file_url
I was experimenting with session in flask, but I dont know can I create a list of items under one key, like session['links'], and then get all those, and clear it after doing the work. Or is there some other simpler solution?
I assume that I could probably do this via key for each image, like session["link1"], and so on, but that would impose a limit on the images (depending on how much of those I create), would make the code very ugly, make the iteration over each in order to generate a list that is passed to an album building method problematic, and session clearing would be tedious.
Some code that I wrote for getting the actual link at the end and clearing the session follows (this assume that session['link'] has a list of urls, which I can't really achieve with my knowledge of session management in Flask:
def create_album(images):
session.pop('link', None)
new_album = im.create_album(images)
return new_album.link
def get_album_link():
return create_album(session['link'])
Thanks in advance for your time!
You can assign anything to a session including individual value or list/dictionary etc. If you know the links, you can store them in the session as follows:
session['links'] = ['link1','link2'...and so on]
This way, you have a list of all the links. You can now access a link by:
if 'links' in session:
for link in session['links']:
print link
Once you are done with them, you can clear the session as:
if 'links' in session:
del session['links']
To clarify what I have done to make this work. At the end, it appeared that the uploading images and adding them to the album anonymously had to be done "reversely", so not adding images to an album object, but uploading an image object to an album id.
I made a method that gets the album link and puts it in the session:
def get_album_link():
im = pyimgur.Imgur(CLIENT_ID)
new_album = im.create_album()
session['album'] = new_album.deletehash
session['album_link'] = new_album.link
return new_album.link
Later on, when handling uploads, I just add the image to the album and voila, all set :)
uploaded_image = im.upload_image(path_of_saved_image, album=session['album'])
file_url = uploaded_image.link
return file_url
One caveat is that the image should be added to the "deleteahash" value passed as the album value, not the album ID (which is covered by the imgur api documentation).