MFC tooltip for list control of dialog box - c++

I have developed on application, which shows a dialog box with two list controls.
In this list control, I am showing images. Now I want is, when we move the mouse on images from the list control of dialog box, It will show tool tip for that.
How can I show tool tips for images in a list control in a dialog box?

The CToolTipCtrl control is the MFC wrapper class around the Win32 "tool tip". You can use this to display a small pop-up window to describe another control or provide additional information in your app.
If you're using a ListBox control, explore one of these sample projects to see how to display tooltips for individual items displayed within that ListBox control:
ListBox With ToolTip Support
List Box With ToolTips
And if you're using a ListView control (CListCtrl in MFC), then you should start by reading the documentation for the GetToolTips function and the corresponding SetToolTips function. You can also check out how this sample ListView control implements tooltips:
CListCtrl and Displaying a Tooltip


MFC dynamic adding controls with scroll bar

I want to add controls, including buttons, edit box and custom controls, dynamically in a MFC MDI application. I am using from view and I want to create the following GUI.
What I want to do is:
I am able to create those row of controls(Button, Edit box and custom
control) dynamically.
I can have many rows of those controls.
When there are too many rows and the form view has no space to
display them, a scroll bar will appear.
I had read some resources talking about how to create controls dynamically. But I am still wondering how to insert them into something so that I can have a scroll bar when there are too many rows of controls I have to handle.

What MFC class should I base free floating views on

I have a dialog based MFC application. Now I want to create a wiew (one or more) with a toolbar, scroll bars and a client window (based on CWnd).
What MFC class should I base this window on?
What is the best way to do it?
Using a scrolling client window is more natural in a Document-View application than a dialog based application -- you can have menu bars and toolbars connected to a dialog, but to a View as far as I know.
A SDI application allows support for multiple docking/floating toolbars and multiple views of the same document, so this would be my advice...
Start with a CFrameWnd. It's job is to give your window a titlebar/close button etc., and position control bars (such as a toolbar) and a menu (if you want one) and a view within itself. The view should be a CScrollView (for painted graphics) or a CFormView (for dialog-like controls).
You will find this to be a lot easier if your just start from scratch and let the app wizard generate an SDI or MDI app to start with.

MFC Dialog Combo Box in a List Control

I'm trying to create a dialog window with a List Control (report view) that displays a column of text. I'm trying to add another column that displays a combo box that will hold a list of possible actions for the first column. Is there any easy way to do this in MFC?
You can't do that with something like CListCtrl (or not without a lot of owner drawn code). Instead have a look at a 3rd party control like CGridListCtrlEx which will do all the heavy lifting for you.

MFC child dialog changing size unexpectedly

My application uses stacked dialogs to select between options in several places. For example, the dialog box below uses two stacked dialogs:
To choose between "shooting methods", the user selects from the drop-down list in the bottom right. This changes a child dialog box above it.
The "advanced options" box (located in the child dialog box) selects between a simplified interface and a more complete one.
In each case, the stacked dialog box is implemented using a picture object as a placeholder in the parent dialog. When a page is selected, SetWindowPos is called to move/resize the child dialog (pNewPage) to fit the placeholder.
// Show the newly selected page
pNewPage->ShowWindow (SW_SHOW) ;
pNewPage->SetFocus () ;
// Position the newly selected page
CRect rcDlgArea ;
GetDlgItem (IDC_DLG_AREA)->GetWindowRect (&rcDlgArea) ;
ScreenToClient (&rcDlgArea) ;
pNewPage->SetWindowPos (this,
rcDlgArea.left,, rcDlgArea.Width (), rcDlgArea.Height (),
This has worked very well up until now, but one of my users in Germany is having a problem I can't explain. When he opens the tool, the stacked page comes up looking like this:
Note that the child dialogs are stretched so that the text in the child dialog appears larger than the text in the parent.
Other than the visual layout issues, the child dialog also seems to "cover" the selection drop-down in the bottom right (located in the parent dialog). Although the drop-down is still visible, CBN_SELCHANGE messages are not received when the drop-down list is clicked.
I am at a loss to explain why the child dialog boxes are being rescaled. As you can see above, I've tried to be very explicit about the resizing of the dialog box, but this doesn't seem to work.
Can anyone think of a reason why the child dialog might be rescaled on some systems but not on others? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
Seems like this user has larger fonts selected than what is used in the first screenshot. Note that dialog sizes are specified in DLU's, which scale with the size the user has selected for the font. You can either scale your dialog explicitly, in pixels (bad solution, this will make your app look even worse on some configurations), or do your calculations in DLU's everywhere. Your second screenshot also seems to show that the child dialogs use a different font than those of the wizard. I'm not sure why that is, I guess it's something in the window styles you pass to the wizard when you create it.

adding custom LISTBOX on dockframe window

I need to add a custom (static) list box which i created using toolbox on a fromview i need to add this listbox on the Dockpaneview (Output window) provided by MFC.
How to add the custom list box on the output window
It is possible to add list box at output window by using Panel control.
then you can what are the controls you need to display on output window.
For example:
To add text box and button;
I hope you will done.