how to create moving background using cocos2d - cocos2d-iphone

I am creating a game where I need to keep my background moving. Like in game canabalt.
I am developing this game on ios platform. can i do this using cocos2d? if yes how to do it?
Thanks in advance..

i have did this by using Ray's tutorial on game development.
i introduced various objects in background and positioned them on time interval.


Achieve Infinite Scrolling for a platformer game using cocos2d language objective c

I am trying to develop an 2D game using cocos2d library. I am still learning the framework.
Please understand that I am new to game development but not new to programming using objective c.
Here is the issue I am facing when it comes to my game development effort - I feel that I am missing the theoretical understanding of how to develop an infinite scrolling game. Is it possible for any of you to provide me some guidance on that ?
Here is my understanding of achieving infinite scrolling using cocos2d framework:
Cocos2d has a singleton director class which handles the current scene and scene transitions
In the current scene, I feel like I have to create an platform object consisting of several images and add them as a child to the current layer. And constantly run a move action to the platform sprite. So as and when I detect a particular image is off screen I have to replace it with another image. That way I will be able to create an infinite scrolling.
I am sorry if point 2 is not coherent. I just attempted to put my understanding of how to infinite scrolling.
Can you please help me with this ?
I dissected how to implement scrolling with cocos2d-iphone in this article. What you probably want is the "fake scrolling" approach where two background images are moved and switch position after one completely left the screen.
You want to do this for the background layer only, not individual sprites. Your world isn't really moving, it's just the background panning that creates the illusion of movement. All sprites etc (player, enemies) movement is still relative to screen coordinates.
You'll find a working implementation in the code for my Learn Cocos2D 2 book in the Shoot'em Up project.
If you don't want to bother implementing this yourself, KoboldTouch supports endless/infinite scrolling for tilemaps. Here the game objects actually move along with the background infinitely (up to the maximum coordinates supported by float which is around +/- 16 million points).

Xcode Multiple Animations in UIkit vs. Cocos2d

I'm currently creating a game in Xcode that will include a decent amount of animations. Would it be extremely inefficient for me to do those animations using CoreAnimation, and will there be a memory issue if there are too many pictures?
I'm wondering if I need to switch to Cocos2d so that I can use sprite sheets and other tools. The game has a strong focus on sound effects as well.
Thank you
If game then not use UIKit.
UIKit isn't exactly fast when it comes to rendering lots of animated images. A game engine is certainly going to be a better choice for almost any game.

Cocos2d change image of hero in accelerometer when an object hits it

Hi. I am new on this website and also in cocos2d. I am a student and I need your help.
I am making a game based on one of the tutorials in a cocos2d game development book. The concept is simple; different objects are falling from the top of the screen and I have to avoid or catch them by tilting the device. The main character, which is one which has to avoid objects, has different properties which can change by grabbing different objects (e.g. the player may have a shield if it grabs one). In order to display the shield I have to change the sprite of the player. I am not sure how I can achieve this. Could anyone help me in providing some guidelines on this?
Use setTexture to switch the image (texture) of your current sprite with another:
[playerSprite setTexture:[[CCTextureCache sharedTextureCache] addImage:#"playerWithShield.png"]];

cocos2d game develop

i am new to cocos2d technology. I want to develop game. I need some idea about level of difficulty. Also i want to know about project type whether this game need to be develop in CoCos2d BOX2d application or simple cocos2d application.
This is game link :
Please provide me guidance for the same..!
Waiting for reply
Thank you,
I would recommend you to use Box2D and create a 2D gravity world (that is the part where you need Box2D). then learn Box2D from Ray ( ).
learn Box2D and you will see how to implement it into this game ;)

Game development with Qt: where to look first?

So, I'm going to develop a Pac-Man clone with Qt. The problem is that I do not really know where to start.
I quickly take a look at the documentation and some demo. I also downloaded some game sources on And it seems that there is a lot of ways to develop a game with Qt!
In your experience, which part of Qt should I consider to develop a Pac-Mac clone ?
The Animation Framework
The Graphics View Framework
The Paint System
Qt Declarative
Any help would be appreciated.
I think that QGraphicsView framework is the best way. Create a QGraphicsScene, some QGraphicsItems for the elements of the game. You have collision detection for free.
Most of KDE games are based on the QGraphicsView framework. It is a good fit for simple game development.
I'm currently working on a project providing gaming-specific Qt Quick Components for cross-platform game development, might be of interest: :)
At the very minimum you will want to look at QGLWidget. You can get an OpenGL program up in a few minutes by deriving from QGLWidget, it will create the window, context, handle mouse and keyboard input, etc. Create a QTimer to trigger updateGL() every 10-15 ms or so and your good to go. I think there is a demo somewhere for setting this up, but it has been awhile since I saw it.
If you want to embed widgets into the window, I would look at QGraphicsView. There is a demo of this called boxes. Just beware the demo is a tad hard to learn from as several classes are thrown into the same file and it might take a few moments of tracing to figure out where the flow is.
Since you are doing a 2d game, you might want to look at using QPainter on top of OpenGL. This allows you to draw primitives easily instead of doing them with OpenGL calls. I never could get this to stop flickering in fullscreen though.
There's a book about game development in Qt here, it's a bit old, but it might give you some ideas. But IMHO, Qt is widget based and is a bit slow for a game, you might consider using SDL or OpenGL.
I'm developing a simulation of rigid bodies with Qt and OpenGL using the PhysX API from Nvidia. If you want to see this approach, look at my project at github:
Well, one place to look could be the Gluon game development framework, which is currently under development. It depends on what you're really aiming for with your PacMan clone, but Gluon may well be what you're after:
If anyone else is interested in learning how to make GAMES using C++ and Qt, have a look at my YouTube tutorial series. It explains the graphics view framework through a series of videos which build upon a single game that we start in tutorial 1.
C++ Qt Game Tutorial 8 - Adding Graphics
If you are not comfortable with Qt yet, then I REALLY loved VoidRealm's Qt tutorial series, also on youtube (C++ Qt 1 - Introduction to QT programming).
A good start would be:
Qt Examples And Tutorials
Perhaps if you need to cheat you may want to look here