AppEngine: loading templates from a static directory (not just '/') - django

I'm trying to make template.render() (import was: from google.appengine.ext.webapp import template) use a template located in a directory other than the root of the application.
I have a directory, called static, where I'd like to keep my templates. Or possibly, I'll change that to static/templates later, but this doesn't matter.
The problem? TemplateDoesNotExist: index.html, a sad exception.
path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'index.html')
self.response.out.write(template.render(path, template_values))
.. works, but this:
path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'static/index.html')
self.response.out.write(template.render(path, template_values))
.. does not.
/static has been added to app.yaml, although it shouldn't matter.
Thanks for any advice.

Adding /static to app.yaml does cause files in /static to be treated differently.
See and note:
If you have data files that need to be read by the application code, the data files must be application files, and must not be matched by a static file pattern.
Templates are data files.


recommended location for static & templates directories

I am a little bit confused about the recommended location of the templates and static directories. Apparently it is better to have 1 templates directory in every app folder. Django automatically look for templates there. However it seems not to be the case for static, is it? Can I tell django to look for static within the directory of the app currently running (instead of a single directory in the root folder)?
you can manually setting django to look where static files are.
os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "static"), # basic, noqa.
os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "blog/other_static"), # another static folder in blog app
Django will look those folders.
and one more, you may set your static folder like static/blog/js/some.js and static/otherapp/css/some_css.css.
You may make folder in static directory named same as your app.
And I'm not suggest managing your static files in your app directory unless you're going to use your app as reusable.

Changing Admin Templates - Django tutorial 2

This question was answered more or less here but it didn't work to me and as far I can see more people have the same problem.
In my I have this lines:
#TEMPLATE_DIRS = [os.path.join(BASE_DIR,'..', 'templates'),]
TEMPLATE_DIRS = ("/root/GODJANGO/thedjango/django_project",)
The comented line didn't work. It works if I write the full path but It's not professional and I don't wanna have problems when I three months later I migrate my server because I will not remember this thing.
Can anybody tell me how to write My Path correctly ("dynamically, I mean")
Please tell me where is the best directory to put my templates folder and also my admin templates folder
If you have the following project layout:
Then you can dynamically set your template directory by putting the following in your
SETTINGS_PATH = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
os.path.join(SETTINGS_PATH, "templates")
if your template folder is in the parent folder to the you will need something like:
SETTINGS_PATH = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
PROJECT_FOLDER = (os.path.split(SETTINGS_PATH))[0] # get the parent directory
os.path.join(PROJECT_FOLDER, "templates")
As you can see, we are manually traversing the file tree to find where the templates folder is and assigning it dynamically.
The best place for your templates folder depends on your project layout (< 1.4 or >= 1.4) but it would be probably safest to say that it should be alongside your file. Your admin template folder will go inside your base templates folder: templates/admin/.
What are you trying to do with this paramater ".." in the commented line?
if it is means parent directory you can use os.path.dirname(BASE_DIR)
Second part:
It depends you or team work with; i love to keep templates directory in every app's directory (and if you do like this you don't need to define TEMPLATE_DIRS). I mean if i have templates of news app, they goes ../news/templates/. But this time my friend (front-end developer) says i cant find them, can we put all of them in one place?
so i put them in one directory with sub directories (../templates/news/). This main templates directory is in main project directory (near the file). And if you add this main directory to INSTALLED_APPS (because its kind an app) you don't need to define TEMPLATE_DIRS too. And even you can create files here.
Considering the second part of your question and according to this the safest part for your templates is to create a templates dir under your projects main directory (e.g. blog).
As for the first part i am not sure.

Order of finding static files and templates in django-apps

For example I have 2 apps in my django project with templates and static files with identical subpath:
app1 /
static /
templates /
app2 /
static /
templates /
than, in I added this two apps:
now I use in some way 'style.css' and 'index.html' in templates, e.g.
{% include 'index.html' %}
so, question is:
Does Django guarantee that when I reference to 'style.css' or 'index.html' will be used files from app2 subdirectories?
Is it any other way to point Django preferable variants of files in such situation?
As per documentation, first match wins:
Duplicate file names are by default resolved in a similar way to how
template resolution works: the file that is first found in one of the
specified locations will be used.
Now, when you tell Django to collect static files or render templates, Django asks special "finders" in order they are defined in your configuraiton for specified resource.
Default order for static files is "FileSystemFinder" that searches STATICFILES_DIRS in order they are added in it. If FileSystemFinder fails to find file in those dirs, Django uses next finder set, the "AppDirectoriesFinder" that searches in "static" subdirectories in your apps directories.
Same mechanic is applied to templates. When you tell Django to render "index.html", it first asks "filesystem.Loader" find template named like that in directories defined in TEMPLATE_DIRS. If search fails, Django asks next template loader, "app_directories.Loader" that searches template dirs in applications "templates" subdirs.
To answer your question, because app1 is registered before app2, Django will use it's style.css and index.html instead of ones coming from app2. If you want to change this behaviour, put app2 above app1 in your installed apps setting.

Serving Static Files [Beginner]

I've been running into a lot of issues trying to use static files and getting them to work with the development server.
I've been using the link:
When I run the development server, I notice that my CSS files are not getting pulled in but they are specified with the correct directory implying that Django is not finding my static files folder. My folder is defined in the project directory fold as 'static' and contains a folder called 'css' with 'bootstrap.css'.
When I look at the page source, I see:
<link href="css/bootstrap.css" rel="stylesheet">
but I can't view the CSS implying a problem with finding the correct directory.
What I added in settings was
# Put strings here, like "/home/html/static" or "C:/www/django/static".
# Always use forward slashes, even on Windows.
# Don't forget to use absolute paths, not relative paths.
my dir structure: mysite/static/css/bootstrap.css
Thanks for any help :D
EDIT: Also if I can put non-existent directories into STATICFILES_DIR in without triggering an error in debug mode; does that imply that I have not configured Django to even look for static directories?
EDIT: I've also added a RequestContext to my but it did not work out.
1: Make sure settings.DEBUG is True
2: Give absolute path to directory that contains static media. In this case, /PATH/TO/mysite/static/
3: Make sure calls to static files actually point to settings.STATIC_URL
Your example points to relative url css/bootstrap.css. It should probably point to {{ STATIC_URL }}css/bootstrap.css unless you got lucky and your page is routed at a URL that matches your STATIC_URL exactly.
With condition 1 and 2 met, static media is served AT settings.STATIC_URL FROM settings.STATICFILES_DIRS and other staticfiles finders.

Django StaticFiles APP and Wsgi

It's not so easy questions as others.. at least. it's not a problem to setup simple one-dir-based static files location..
There's such an interesting project in here.. this one is using distribute and buildout for making whole project and django with modules in one dir. you can migrate from dev to production mode easy and etc.. all you need is just to rename dir, and type "make" in it, and that's it =) there's manual in there...
Situation which works with python server, and don't work with apache mod_wsgi:
Default static files location is: "var/htdocs/static". This can be overridden with one static dir location for example apps/myapp/myapp/static/. This works with python webserver but doesn't work with wsgi/apache. wsgi can't see anything apart default directory.. example: http://localhost:8000/static/css/main.css works but with apache same url doesn't work. and this file lies in myproject/apps/myapp/myapp/static/css/main.css although default static dir is var/htdocs/static =)
As far as I understand this overriding made with StaticFiles application in
STATIC_URL = '/static/'
STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(BUILDOUT_DIR, 'var', 'htdocs', 'static')
os.path.join(BUILDOUT_DIR, 'project', 'static'), # <-- why "project" and not "apps" I don't know X_X
maybe this one is incorrect, I don't know but with py-server this works. apache vhost works with default location.. and setuped to "var/htdocs/static".
Maybe problem is in wsgi script?
import os,sys
sys.path[0:0] = [
'/www/webapp/visimes/project', # <-- this one need for which i put in there
'/www/webapp/visimes/apps/portal', # <-- script some how forgot to add this dir, it's my default app dir, which must be generated with and added in here..
import djangorecipe.wsgi
if __name__ == '__main__':
os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = 'project.development'
import monitor
import django.core.handlers.wsgi
application = django.core.handlers.wsgi.WSGIHandler()
I added last 4 lines by my self. because I couldn't start apache.. I'm guessing that djangorecipe.wsgi should handle everything else with staticFile override.. anyway please, check out that package, if you on linux or mac, and try it by your self. it must work
ps. (btw bin/django need to dublicated as bin/django.wsgi and etc/apache.conf is generated vhost for apache)
I'd really apriciated if somebody would try to launch this "Starter" manually with wsgi... then you'd understand everything.=)
Edit: Any information about how can WSGI understand where he needs to search static files apart default location from django settings, is REALLY appreciated =)
There is lots of documentation on the official mod_wsgi site for understanding how to use it. This includes how to set it up for serving static media files. See:
WSGI has nothing whatever to do with serving static files. This is all clearly covered in the Django deployment documentation - as Torsten suggests in the comments, you'll need to point Apache at your static files, probably via an alias.
I must say though that this project looks very dodgy. Manually adding a load of eggs to sys.path is not the right way to go about things - a much better way would be to use something like virtualenv, which manages all that for you.
No way of having some kind of overriding like django does with WSGI..
there's great command in django " collectstatic" which places all files from STATIC_DIR list (in to main static directory.. in fact this commands just copy files from all those dir's and that's it =)
Would be great to know, how could I make this copying automatic when any file in that dir would be updated.. same thing like for automatic wsgi reload when source is modified...