Restarting Apache from Django - django

I need my Django app to be able to restart the Apache server running it. I'm using mod_python.
Which is the easiest way?

The only way this would be possible is if you gave your Django application root permissions, which is horribly unsafe. But, assuming that your app is running as root, you can run
import subprocess
subprocess.Popen(['/etc/init.d/apache2', 'restart'])
Or whatever command your distribution has for restarting Apache. If the Django app is not root, you may be able to run it with sudo using the pexpect python library.
import pexpect
child = pexpect.spawn('sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart')
child.expect('[sudo] password for .*:')
Note that this way requires you to give the apache user the ability to run sudo which is also insecure. In general, I can't see a secure way to accomplish this.


How to set virtualenv to stay active on a host server

I created a website that uses vuejs as the frontend and django as the backend with another service running behind everything that im making api calls to.
So django is setup in a way to look at the dist folder of Vuejs and serve it if you run runserver. but the problem is that my service that I created is
is also in python and it needs to run in a virtualenv in order to work (It uses tensorflow 1.15.2 and this can only run in a contained environment)
I'm sitting here and wondering how I can deploy the django application and keep the virtualenv active and Im coming up with nothing, I've tried doing some research on this but everything I found was not relevant to my problem. I've deployed it and when I close the ssh connection the virtualenv stops.
If there is anyone that can enlighten my ways I would appreciate it.
i think you need to nginx:
if you are search for keep states just in terminal i suggest tmux
You can use uWSGI and nginx to deploy Django apps on server. Here's helpful articles:
Django official docs also has a page about it:
There are articles from developers so you can refer them in case you get stuck anywhere:

How do I setup memcached for a django app on

I'm trying to setup a django app with memcached. I have the app working via virtualenv on without memcached.
I ran parts install memcached which worked fine. python-memcached is also installed in the virtualenv. I tried running:
memcached -d -m memory -s $HOME/memcached.sock -P $HOME/
which I do on my production server. But I got this error:
failed to set rlimit for open files. Try starting as root or requesting smaller maxconns value.
The user rights and whatnot are a little out of my scope of knowledge?
You should always use parts start memcached to run the service on Nitrous.IO.
To change the configuration for the memcached package, edit /home/action/.parts/etc/memcached.conf.

django command does it require django server must be running?

I have introduced a new django command which i can run from cronjob. This is particulary helpful to get ORM specification.
To Run this django command, do we need the django server should be running ?
No, the django server is a separate process completly independent from your custom command.
If you are using virtualenv (if you aren't yo probably should) keep in mind you must source the virtualenv or use the python interpreter within it in order to get the managemente command properly run.

entry point hook for django using gunicorn_django

I'm using Django 1.4.1 with the gunicorn and nginx on my server with a setup similar to Django-Nginx-Gunicorn.
What I need is a good place to hook into Django, so that I can initialize stuff like signal listeners on startup (so it works with all management commands and server startup).
I am aware that a lot of people use or the middleware hack (Where to put Django startup code?), but those don't seem to get called when I run python shell. And at some point down the road a startup signal will be available, but I don't want to fork Django to include it, unless absolutely necessary.
I really like the startup script technique from Entry Point Hook Django Projects and it works correctly when using python runserver or any other management command. However, gunicorn starts Django without calling the management command and I can't figure out where I would modify my gunicorn startup script to run the, as shown in the example. Any solutions?

Installing, configuring and developing for django on ubuntu 10.10 server

I wanted to start getting into developing with Django, however, I am unable to figure out how to make it work. I have installed apache2, I have tried many tutorials on configuring apache to run Django, but I just do not understand how it all works together. Can someone give me a dummies guide on how to install it, how things work, and why?
The best way to link between Django and Apache is using WSGI. You will need to install the mod_wsgi apache module to do this.
Next step: modify the apache configuration file to designate where you want the root of your django website.
WSGIScriptAlias / /path/to/mysite/apache/myApp.wsgi
Next, you should create the wsgi file. This is what initializes your django application. An example wsgi file looks like this
import sys
import os
import django.core.handlers.wsgi
os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = 'twitmycity.settings'
application = django.core.handlers.wsgi.WSGIHandler()
Once you have this, restart apache
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
Now, point your browser to the root directory where you established the wsgi handler. This should bring you to the root to your django application. I hope this helps!
Also note, when you make a change to your application, you need to refresh the modified time on the wsgi file to prevent wsgi from just using a cache version of the django application. To do this, execute
touch myApp.wsgi