How to program the EDIT and DELETE features in Model Form Django - django

I have the Models with fields. basically i want to do the CRUD opertions like in admin.I have used
Class Meta
model = Modelname
Now my create part is done by defining function create_from.
I want to know that do i need to create separate functions to EDIT , DELETE , READ all Model data. Or i can use buildin admin functions for that. because all the functionality is already on admin side.

See - especially the Editing Mixins on that page.


how to create django multiple user types

I am working on a project where I need to have 3 types of Users.
My first approach to this problem was to define all models by sub-classing the AbstractUser model
class Customer(AbstractUser):
class Vendor(AbstractUser):
so the question is do i need to craete a UsermManager for every usertype model ?
As I said into a comment, the best way to achieve what you want is to use the Multi Table Inheritance paradigm in Django. It defines OneToOne relations underneath so you could do it on your own.
Extending the User model is also explained HERE (official Django documentation) and it is done the way I told you (with OneToOne relations).

implementing multiple profiles with django-all-auth

Django noob here - I was recently pointed to django-all-auth for registering/handling users, which I'm finding awesome in its near instant setup.
However I'm stumbling at trying to implement multiple user profile models. In reading other answers I've found this to be the closest answer thus far, but not really what I need.
When coding my own basic registration the user would select an account type (basic, pro, elite for example - each being their own profile model). Depending on the link selected the signup form would display both the generic User registration form as well as the profile form of the type chosen by the user.
I know I can go so far as to completely customize all-auth and make something like this work, but I'm hoping to be pointed in a direction that involves less wrecking of the original app. I've thought about having user redirected after signup to choose a profile type, but that seems to be a lot of extra steps.
Thanks for the help!
To extend the basic user class, just subclass AbstractUser. You can find that in the docs. With this you can add the fields your basic user is missing.
Now, you want several types of profiles with different fields, or perhaps the same fields but adding new fields every time.
You can create something like:
class ProfileBase(models.Model):
class ProfilePro(ProfileBase):
#You can extend ProfilePro here if you want it to include the pro_field
class ProfileElite(ProfileBase):
Once you have these models creating the forms should be easy.
Be aware, when you subclass this way django creates 1 table per model, including on the subclass table only the new fields. This makes necessary a join per level of inheritance so try not to abuse that.
There is a second way to use inheritance:
class ProfileBase(models.Model):
class Meta:
If you define the base class as abstract you won't have a table for it, so you can't create objects for that model, but each of your subclasses will be on it's own table. If you do it this way you may need extra logic to handle cases when user changes of type of profile (i.e. went from pro to elite).
To keep this separated from django-allauth, just finish the registration (create a form and in your settings define ACCOUNT_SIGNUP_FORM_CLASS to override all-auth default with your basic info + pick a profile type form) and once your user is logged in, redirect them to their profile to finish the process.

A Django admin interface for my Django admin interface

My Django project has models ShopType and ShopItem. For each ShopType object I create, I want to associate — not a single ShopItem object — but a subclass of ShopItem. Basically, I want a model type in Django that is not a TextField or an ImageField or the like, but a ModelField.
Example: Using the Django admin interface, I create a new instance of ShopType called CheeseShop. This in turn creates a new Model called Cheese which inherits all of its behavior from ShopItem. If I go to the main page of my Django admin site, there's now a new link called "Cheeses", and I can create a bunch of Cheeses as I please.
Of course, I suspect that's not actually possible: If I create — say — PetShop, I wouldn't just have to add a new record to the database, I'd have to augment the database schema itself to include Pets (along with registering the new Pet Model with the admin interface and probably some other complicated things I haven't thought of yet).
But maybe there's an existing Django solution for this pattern? Or maybe there's a completely different, better-suited approach to the problem that might achieve the same effect?
Any thoughts?

How can I use model like a custom field

Recently I've been developing a Django website, which includes the owner being able to add content with descriptions etc.
The problem I'm having is: How can I make the fields support multiple languages? (3 in this case)
The approach I tried was: Creating a model with 3 text fields, have my content model take that model as a foreign key. This sort of works, but now I would have to create all the descriptions first, separately, before creating the actual object it is being used by. This is, in my opinion, a bad idea.
What I would like to be able to do, is to have 3 text fields in the model which is actually using those 3 text fields' admin page, but without actually having 3 text fields in that model.
Using inlines would work, but I'd have to make my multilanguage textfield model have a foreign key to my content model, instead of the other way. This would mean the multilanguage model works for only other model type.
So, to clear the question up:
How can I have a TextField and a CharField support multiple languages?
How can I show the ForeignKey's target model's creation widget in it's owner's admin page?
How can I use inlines, without locking the inline to just one model type?
How can I make a model act like a field?
How can I write a custom TextField?
Answering any of those will be enough for me to solve my problem.
There is too many questions and the docs is at your reach... I'll just answer the easiest one you should have search for by yourself.
How can I have a TextField and a CharField support multiple languages?
You should have a look to i18n here
How can I write a custom TextField?
Have a look to custom Fields

How do I change field or model attributes of a third-party Django app?

Let's say, I use django.contrib.flatpages, or any other third-party app in my project. I want to change some of this app's model attributes - for example, verbose_name.
How can I do that?
The simple answer is "don't"; use a proxy model instead.
It depends. If you want to add some new fields, you can create another model with OneToOneField. If you want to add some methods, ordering etc., use proxy model. If you want to change some DB restrictions (e.g. max_length) you can patch the source code of the app, but think twice before doing that, you should have a really good reason for that.
If you want to change verbose_name, you can override label in corresponding form field, no change in model needed.