XCode assistant editor doesn't show my .h and my related .cpp file - c++

If I create .cpp file from xcode, it will create .h file for me automatically, and I will be able to view two files together in Assistant Editor. It will show .h file relate to .cpp file right next to each other.
However, I create my project from TextMate and import those files manually. Now, when I click .h file it won't show the related cpp file right next to it. How can I make that happen.

Hmmm.. I tried to recreate your problem, but it worked for me.
I have two thoughts:
1) Are you sure they are named the same thing? If not, it doesn't seem to consider them counterparts.
2) When you've switched to the Assistant Editor, to the right of the back/forward buttons is a dropdown menu to select which file to display. This should be set to "Counterparts" in order to get it to auto-display the correct counterpart.
If you have this set to manual, you can set it to maintain a certain file on the side.
Hope this helps!

Go into Xcode (v4) Organizer...Choose Projects.
Find your project and delete the Derived Data. Then rebuild the project.

Choose you view and in the Utilities View, in the Identity Inspector tab, In the Class text field, put down your class name.
The relevant class will appear in the assistent editor.


Highlighting of a makefile in eclipse

I have two makefiles in Eclipse, one is named all.mak and the second is called Makefile.
My Problem is that Makefile is highlighted correctly when opend with the Makefile-Editor but alle.mak is not.
I know that under Window→Preferences→General→Editors→File Associations one can set the Makefile-Editor to open this file and I did so (but no highlighting for all.mak).
Is there another preference I have to make for correct highlighting of the all.mak-File?
Yes, there is another preference to set. Go to..
Open the preferences view: Window → Preferences
General (in left panel)
Content Types
In the right panel ("Content types"): Text
Press the 'Add' button, and enter the same filename as you did in the File Association view.

Which .XML file are using for Insert Link button of General Link field in Sitecore 7.2

Can anybody tell me which .xml file are using for Insert Link button of General Link field in Sitecore 7.2.
I have tried to update below files but all are not affecting -
Sitecore.Shell.Application.Buckets - BucketInternalLink.xml
Sitecore.Shell.Application.Buckets - InsertLink.xml
I think under Buckets folder files are using in case of General Link field with Search
I have tried for all
If I am updating other files like
Sitecore.Shell.Application.Dialogs.ExternalLink - ExternalLink.xml
then it's showing updates in Sitecore but in case of insert link no one files are working.
Thanks in advance
check out my blogpost about fixing the internal link. It might prove difficult to extend but it is possible. At least I have been able to override the class and pass the preLoadPath.
In Sitecore 7.2 the XML Insert Link Dialog is replaced by the new SPEAK UI Dialog. The actual url of the insert link dialog is located on
The actual file is located in the core database under: /sitecore/client/Applications/Dialogs/InsertLinkViaTreeDialog.
From there you can navigate to the appropriate renderings and modify them (which might affect other windows.
If you want to enable the old style InsertLink that uses the InsertLink.xml you can disable it from /App_Config/Include/Sitecore.Speak.config and remove the following line:
<override dialogUrl="/sitecore/shell/Applications/Dialogs/Internal%20link.aspx" with="/sitecore/client/applications/dialogs/InsertLinkViaTreeDialog" />

XFDF pdf opening in same window in IE

I'm working on a project that collects data from the project then displays it using xfdf to populate a .pdf file. Now when I use Chrome or Firefox it opens in a new tab which is exactly what I want, but some of my clients will be using IE, which opens it in the same window and causes some confusion. What area of the code should I be looking at in order to tackle and solve this problem?
I can show code examples, just let me know what I need to show.
Edit: When I click 'Print Application' button, it asks me to save or open the file. When they click open, it opens in the same tab, I want it to appear in a new tab.
In my experience, the best way to accomplish this is to alter your template linking to the PDF. For example:
This should work in all browsers.

QTreeWidget for Projects

Well. I'm working on an IDE. Some of you maybe saw a post about it.
Well, i have no clue of how QTreeWidget & QtreeWidgetItem works since can't find a demo and the documentation doesn't help.
Well, what i'm trying to do is a IDE that you open the project file and then include all the files of the project to the tree. (Files in the project file are included by doing #include "filename"). How i do this?
Then you click a file and open it in a Tab (That was on other question). So in this part i just need an example of how to do the file click. :)
A simple solution would be to directly use QTreeWidgetItem. For every file in your project, create an instance of QTreeWidgetItem:
QTreeWidgetItem *file = new QTreeWidgetItem(browserWidget);
file->setText(0, filename);
Where "filename" is a string containing the name of your file. You can get the filename by parsing your project file looking for lines beginning with "#include".
By passing another QTreeWidgetItem in the constructor of a new item, you make the new item a child of the othe one. That way you can create directory structures.
To open a file, you can connect to the signal "itemDoubleClicked" of the QTreeWidget. You will get a pointer to the clicked widget item. Calling "text()" will retrieve the filename. If you have a directory structure, you need to do this too for all parent widget items. By concatenating the strings, you will get the path to your file.
You can find an example for this in the Qt Docs (see file settingstree.cpp)
As long as your IDE stays simple, this will be sufficient. A more flexible and "object-oriented" solution would be to create a subclass of QTreeWidgetItem. You will need to overwrite some methods. Since you probably only need read-only access the four methods described in the Qt Docs will be enough.

Qt Tabs for Files

Well, i'm working on an IDE System, which can open multiple files at same time. I'm somewhat noob with Tabs.
What i'm trying to do is a TabSystem, you click a file on the File Tree and it opens a new tab for it and show it's content. You can switch to other tag then switch to that one, drag tabs, etc.
Any idea?
To display your project tree you could use QTreeWidget. For file content you could use QTextEdit(for starter). Use QTabWidget to show multiple QTextEdits in different tabs.