Editing OpenCL in netbeans - c++

I recently read a question on IDE's here on StackOverflow, having always been an emacs user I decided to try out one of these ide's, namely netbeans for editing C++. It was so nice that I got a little carried away and wanted to edit OpenCL files in it to.
And now for my question. I have netbeans set up to process the opencl source files like C files but this causes a problem. The __kernel keyword makes the syntax checker act really strange.
Does anyone know how to make netbeans ignore a keyword in a specific(*.cl) file?
The following solution looks like its working:
#ifndef tan
#define __kernel
#define __global
#define __local
#define __private
#define get_global_id
#define get_global_size
#define get_local_id
#define get_local_size
#define barrier
Since tan is defined without a header, netbeans does not see it, and the keywords are available.

In order to make netbeans ignore a keyword, you could define ONLY_DEFINED_IN_NETBEANS in the preprocessor definitions entry in the code assistence options of the project, while not defining it elsewhere. Your code can then be modified as
#define __kernel
#define __global
#define __local
#define __private
#define get_global_id
#define get_global_size
#define get_local_id
#define get_local_size
#define barrier
The netbeans parser will ignore these keywords.
The same trick can be applied as a patch to the bug reported in netbeans on the __restrict__ keyword:
#define __restrict__
#define restrict

It is not the answer you want, but for temporary editing, just put lines like
#define __kernel
#define __global
#define __local
#define __private
at the beginning of the cl file. This is working in Eclipse. I think it will work in Netbeans, too.
Drawback: You need pay attention to remove the #define statements, otherwise the code will not work.

you can tell the C editor of netbeans to entirely ignore syntax errors but i don't think that you will have luck to teach netbeans the CL specific keywords.
tools->options->C++->build tools
duplicate the tool config
give it a name and remove all paths to the compiler
make it default
uncheck highlight syntax errors and unresolved identifiers


How to have an #ifdef block only evaluate when VS Code intellisense is reading it?

I am working with emscripten, which uses some macros that VS Code IntelliSense does not like. This is not unusual. So what I'd like to do is this:
That way, I can keep the macros as is but VS code will stop whining.
Sad thing is I remember solving this exact problem in Visual Studio 2017 IntelliSense - with Microsoft's very own resource files - but unfortunately, it appears I did not ask this on stack overflown and instead solved it myself, so now I can't find it anymore.
𝙃𝙖! Found it. Just needed to craft a query that excludes all the questions about IntelliSense NOT reading or defining defines.
This is the way:
And this also works, but may also evaluate in Microsofts compiler:
#ifdef _MSC_VER

Hadoop winultils project build failed - error in the libwinutils.c WIDEN_STRING(x) Macro

I am trying to Build the Hadoop 2.7.1 Sources in a Windows Server 2012 using Visual Studio Professional 2015.
The build of the winutils project failed, because an error in the libwinutils.c file. I installed the required software and set all of the environment variables. More or less I followed the directions from here:
Hadoop on Windows Building/ Installation Error
I commented out a line of the code and replace it as it can be seen below. Basically, I just stringify the "WSCE_CONFIG_DIR" and the "WSCE_CONFIG_FILE" but I removed the use of the macro that converts the strings to wide character, and it worked. But I really want to know why is the original code not working.
#define WIDEN_STRING_(x) L ## x
#define STRINGIFY_(x) #x
Any comment would be highly appreciated.
Kind Regards,
I've just had this exact problem, and, after digging, here's the work-around. (I'm building 2.7.2, but I assume 2.7.1 isn't too different).
The initial problem is that WSCE_CONFIG_DIR and WSCE_CONFIG_FILE aren't defined. Normally they come from the project's preprocessor definitions and have the values $(WsceConfigDir) and $(WsceConfigFile), ie are copies of these environment variables. When building Hadoop using the .pom's these are set by \hadoop-2.7.2-src\hadoop-common-project\hadoop-common\pom.xml from the configuration values wsce.config.dir and wsce.config.file earlier in this file. The values from the .pom are ../etc/hadoop and wsce-site.xml.
To get round the problem I replaced $(WsceConfigDir) and $(WsceConfigFile) with these values in the libwinutils Preprocessor definitions.
This question was posted a year ago.
I am not sure the guy who asked this question solved this issue or not.
However, for someone who comes here because of the same error, I post how I have solved.
First of all, I have done steps what tiho's answer below link.
Hadoop on Windows Building/ Installation Error
and then I changed the order of code in libwinutils.c like below.
(libwinutils.c located in \hadoop-common-project\hadoop-common\src\main\winutils)
I guess the order of code matters to build with Window SDK 7.1 cmd.
revised: (revised one more makes sense though)
#define WIDEN_STRING_(x) L ## x
#define STRINGIFY_(x) #x
#define WIDEN_STRING_(x) L ## x
#define STRINGIFY_(x) #x
and I executed 'mvn package -Pdist,native-win -DskipTests' command.
Please Change the Code as Below
(it worked for me while building HADOOP-2.10.0 in Windows 10)
#include <Ntdsapi.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#define WIDEN_STRING(x)
#define STRINGIFY_(x)

Where to find definition of window message WM_UAHDRAWMENUITEM (0x92)

I'm writing a hook dll, which handles window drawing messages.
I found for Vista and above, some unknown message id are received by the hook dll, specifically 0x90 ~ 0x95.
I did some googling and found an msdn link and this, which told me what message they're:
#define WM_UAHDRAWMENU 0x0091
#define WM_UAHINITMENU 0x0093
But I can't find definition of macro WM_UAHDRAWMENUITEM in any header files, the compiler complains about "undefined symbols". I did a global search on "WM_UAHDRAWMENUITEM" but found nothing.
At present I'm using 0x92 to handle this message.
My question is: how to nicely replace hard-coded 0x92 with a Windows-defined macro?
how to nicely replace hard-coded 0x92 with a Windows-defined macro?
Obviously, your installed version of the Win32 SDK does not have the macros, so you can't use them. But you have the #define values, so just copy/paste them directly into your own code. If you want, you can wrap them in an #ifdef so that if you ever upgrade to an SDK version that has them natively, the native macros will be used, otherwise the compiler will keep using your manual ones.

Visual Studio not finding included definition

I'm pretty rusty in C++, so forgive me for any stupid comments/questions. Right now I'm working in Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Express. I have two files - a source and a header - and VS is recognizing the header file when I include it, but it cannot find any definitions from within the header file. It shows me 'Error: identifier "RAW_PACKET_SIZE" is undefined'. The code was provided as a sample to work with a device's API, so it should work. I'm assuming the problem is with the VS setup. Here's some intro code form each:
#include <vector>
#include "APIW32.h"
#pragma comment(lib,"APIW32.lib")
int devID;
float* buf = new float[RAW_PACKET_SIZE]; // error is here, at 'RAW_PACKET_SIZE'
#pragma once
#ifdef EXPORTS
#define API __declspec(dllexport)
#define API __declspec(dllimport)
#define MIN_BW 0.301003456
#define MAX_BW 10100000
#define RAW_PACKET_SIZE 299008
It appears that the error was only appearing in Intellisense, and not as an actual build error. Moral of the story - Intellisense is not always right!
Try float* buf = new float[RAW_PACKET_SIZE];

How can I #include a file whose name is built up from a macro?

On a cross-platform project, I want to #include a header file whose name contains the name of the platform. I have a #define macro for the platform.
So for example, for
#define PLATFORM win32
I want
#include "engine\win32\devices_win32.h"
while for
#define PLATFORM linux
I want
#include "engine\linux\devices_linux.h"
I'm going with Richard Pennington's answer, minus one line of code - it works for me!
#define PLATFORM Linux
#define xstr(x) #x
#define str(x) xstr(x)
#define sub(x) x
#include str(sub(engine/PLATFORM/devices_)PLATFORM.h)
Usually, you would do something more like:
#ifdef WIN32
#include "devices_win32.h"
#ifdef LINUX
#include "devices_linux.h"
...rather than having a single PLATFORM definition which can be set differently depending on the platform.
#define PLATFORM Linux
#define xstr(x) #x
#define str(x) xstr(x)
#define sub(x) x
#define FILE str(sub(engine/PLATFORM/devices_)PLATFORM.h)
#include FILE
I'm not sure I'd use it, though. ;-)
I had to use Linux rather than linux because linux is defined as 1 in my compiler.
Well in practice, this could be achieved using something like
#define PLATFORM win32
#define INCLUDE_FILE devices_ ## PLATFORM
but the the following rule would prevent you from doing this:
C comments and predefined macro names are not recognized inside a #include' directive in which the file name is delimited with <' and `>'.
C comments and predefined macro names are never recognized within a character or string constant. (Strictly speaking, this is the rule, not an exception, but it is worth noting here anyway.)