issue running an application that uses openCV 1.0 - c++

I am trying to run an application that can train and fit active appearance models for my research. The application is the AAM-library (and can be found here
I am using Visual Studio 2005 in Windows XP 64-bit. I am using openCV 1.0 because the developer of the application writes that he's not sure that the app will work with openCV 2.0.
I have compiled openCV and the AAM-library. When I try to run the AAM-library I get the error message:
Unsupported format or combination of formats (The image/matrix format is not supported by the function) in function cvBoundingRect, C:\User\VP\opencv\cv\src\cvshapedescr.cpp(1171)
The developer writes in the readme that:
In order to make it work, you must modify a bug in OpenCV and rebuild it:
cvBoundingRect() doesn't work fine.
opencv/cv/src/cvshapedescr.cpp around line 1161
replace CV_32SC1 to CV_32SC2 and CV_32FC1 to CV_32FC2.
I have done this. I have also rebuilt both openCV and the AAM-library. But I keep on getting the same error. I'm new to Visual Studio and openCV (and C++!) so may be missing something obvious. Any suggestions?

I had trouble running OpenCV 1.0 on 64bit systems when working with our image processing software for a robot project. We used the legacy version because of some code files we had. We eventually had to move up to 2.2. If you have already tried 2.0, is there anyway to remove that portion of the library?


Integration of Armadillo in x86 C++ Application in Microsoft Visual Studio

since last week I'm working with the "Armadillo" C++-library.
I started with a default 64-bit C++ application in Microsoft Visual Studio. For the installation I followed the steps in the post below:
How can I install Armadillo on Windows?
Following these steps, everything worked fine for me.
But now I have to expand my C++-application and have to include/integrate another .dll. The problem for me is, that this .dll is a 32 bit .dll. So when I try to call it in my 64-bit application, which uses the Armadillo library, I always get the "class not registered"-error. This is why I want to migrate my whole project into a x86-application. But for some reason I'm not able to migrate the Armadillo-library into this x86-application (Following the instructions in the link above doesnt works anymore). While building the programm I always get more than 50 "LNK2019" errors.
Does anyone know how to fix the problem and know who to integrate Armadillo into a 32-bit application?
Thanks for your help!!
Solved it.
For me it works with replacing the x64-bit "libopenblas.lib" and "libopenblas.dll", which are installed from Armadillo by default, with the x86 "libopenblas.lib" and "libopenblas.dll", which are included in the "" download file from the OpenBlas release page on GitHub:
Probably it is enough to only replace the "libopenblas.lib" file.

openCV: Entry Point not found using InstallShield Limited

i'm trying to create an installer for my opencv project. The Projects runs just fine, no error while compiling or at runtime.
And i need the program to run on other machines as well, so i thought of making an installer. I've read that MS VS 2013 has discontinued the Deployment tool and so i am using InstallShied Limited.
I'm setting everything according to their tutorial and i am adding the opencv libs, it builds and i can install my application. But as soon as install it on other machine i get the following errer message:
The procedure entry point _except1 could not be located in the dynamic link library opencv_imgproc.dll
I also get this error if i just copy the dll files to another machine along with the exe file. Does this mean, that the dlls are not compatible with the system? i am using windows 8.1 on both machines. and its also weird that it runs when i build it from VS.
Any advice is greatly appreciated.
Solution: i had the 64bit dlls included and runnning on 32bit. The 32 Bit dlls are in vc10

How to install SPAMS toolbox in Matlab 2014b under windows 8.1

I am trying to learn how to successfully compile "Sparse Modeling Software" (SPAMS) in my machine which uses a Windows 8.1 OS and MATLAB R2014b.
The steps I have taken are as followed (some parts might have been unnecessary or missing)
Step 1. Installed "Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Professional".
Step 2. Installed "Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit (SDK)".
Step 3. Download "spams-matlab-v2.4-svn2014-02-18.tar" from
Step 4. Unzip it in Windows using 7-zip. Only 1 error I received but all he other data were uncompressed. The error is this :
ERROR: Can not set reparse data: C:\Users\Yashar\Desktop\spams-matlab\cpp_library\spams.h
Step5: In MATLAB, I set the compiler:
>> mex -setup C++
message I recieve:
MEX configured to use 'Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Professional' for C++ language compilation.
Warning: The MATLAB C and Fortran API has changed to support MATLAB
variables with more than 2^32-1 elements. In the near future
you will be required to update your code to utilize the
new API. You can find more information about this at: mex-files-to-use-64-bit-api.html.
Step 6. Open compile.m in SPAMS (as recommended) and run it. The error I get looks like this:
compilation of: -I./linalg/ -I./decomp/ -I./prox/ -I./dictLearn/ dictLearn/mex/mexTrainDL.cpp
Error using mex
C:\Users\Yashar\Desktop\spams-matlab\Files not found; check that you are in the
correct current folder, and check the spelling of
Error in compile (line 391)
Question : What I am doing to me looks pretty standard but I know it takes a while learning how to cope with issues with regard to interfacing codes with MATLAB, etc. Can you please help me with getting around the problems I have and managing to compile SPAMS toolbox in my machine? FYI, I am interested in using mexLasso function in this toolbox.
Hmm. Compiling this toolbox is a bit tricky.
Here is how I do it in Windows 7 + MATLAB 2013a.
Hope it works for you.
(I don't have the issue of unzip)
First, you want to make sure that 'mex' works properly, I have compiled some smaller packages and they worked in general.
Second, change the line
Third, you can find a lot of lines look like
-I./linalg/ -I./decomp/ -I./prox/ -I./spams/dictLearn/ dictLearn/mex/mexArchetypalAnalysis.cpp
Here 'I./lib_name/' is Linux style path, and you need to change it into something that Windows can understand.
Here is an example:
-I./linalg/ ---> -IC:\Users\XXX\Downloads\SPAMS\linalg
There are totally six pieces that you need to change as following,
After replacing these strings, just run compile.m, then it should work.
Select 2.5 version the SPAMS software you are running for Windows version. Set the compiler to VS in compile.m and execute the code. This generates the required files. Finally run start_spams.m, which in turn creates the source folders. Now you can run the respective code.

Kinect for windows program in VisualC++ can't find freeglut.dll even though freeglut has been installed. Why?

This is my first post to this site. I'm hoping that someone can help me out.
I am doing some work with the Microsoft Kinect for Windows and I am trying to set up visual studio to use GLUT. The code builds successfully, but I keep getting the following error message when I try to run the program in Visual Studio:
The program can't start because freeglut.dll is missing from your
computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.
I have installed the Microsoft SDK and Developer Toolkit for the Kinect and I am using Visual Sutdio 2010. I followed the instructions on this tutorial, Kinect SDK C++, in order to set everything up, including downloading the freeglut 2.8.1 MSVC Package and copying the appropriate files into various folders as per the tutorial instructions. I have tried renaming freeglut.dll to glut32.dll as the tutorial suggests and leaving it unchanged.
The code I'm using is the sample code from the second page of the tutorial. I've also tried the source code provided in this tutorial: Programming KINECT in C++ and OpenGL — Color Stream Rendering. Both build fine, but yield the same error when run.
I tried deleting the freeGLUT files and replacing them, rearranging their folder structure in the SDK folders (and changing the corresponding filepaths in my project properties) as well as following the solution presented in this post: compiled program cannot find freeglut.dll. So far nothing is working and that last solution actually caused the both codes I'm using to fail building with error MSB3073.
I would appreciate any insight you might have into this issue.
Thank you!

OpenCV: "Feature Matching with FLANN" tutorial - getting exception

I am starting up with OpenCV (using C++) and was playing around with the "Feature matching with FLANN" tutorial from here:
I did not modify anything, just tried running it as it is. Unfortunately, when running it, I am getting this error when the program tries to detect the keypoints (on the line detector.detect(img_1, keypoints_1)) :
I had no problems with running other OpenCV tutorials out of the box...did anyone experience similar problems?
My system: Visual Express 2010 and OpenCV 2.3, under Windows 7 64-bit. Could this be a bug of v2.3, or some issues related to the 64-bitness of my system?
It sure helps to know more about C++ than a worm :) I realized I had linked against the release version of the feature2d lib. As always, solved automatically by virtue of the "power of posting"...
I have same mistake with your‘s,because you have use different Version of lib file.
If you use debug,you must use lib ended by 'd'.