What aspects can we cover Unit Testing ASP.NET MVC Views - unit-testing

I recently came across this nice article from David Ebbo about Unit Testing ASP.NET MVC razor views with the help of new Razor Generator tool. But I've been asking myself the question, what this can be best utilized for. Of course we can pass in a model and check if all the properties have been populated in to proper html as planned.
I'm new to this unit testing view business so need to get my head around what things to be Unit tested in razor views. Suggestions??

I've been wondering the same thing. I can think of a few basic things to check, such as:
HTML is valid/well-formed
Page title (<title>/<h1>) matches the title from the model
Model body appears in the page
Correct CSS/Javascript is included
Important links appear correctly (paging/purchase/more info)
Performance (If you have lazy-loaded models, there could be performance issues you could only spot as the code in the views enumerate/access data)
In a small app, this probably doesn't add a lot of value. However in a big app, testing the views could come in handy to ensure changes things aren't becoming broken as other changes are made (despite best efforts to keep things isolated, it's not entirely unusual to break something that you believe you never made changes to!).
I think you could come up with a few important tests to ensure major things in your app work, but you could only really catch things that would be really obvious with a very quick manual test (or even caught during dev). Some may consider this worthwhile, I guess it depends on the app/team.
Previous experience has taught me that maintaining tests against an ever-changing UI sucks (and if it's not often changing, the tests won't add much value). At my last company we spent so much time trying to fix up tests that became broken with updates to the app, we couldn't add new tests (though this was in part, due to the (crap, but expensive) software we used - Mercury QuickTest). Tests written in C# would probably be more maintainable, but you still need to really weigh up the maintaince work vs the benefit you'll get from the tests.


What step would u take to refactor a ball of mud CF app into something modern and maintainable

I am going to pick up a task that no one has ever attempted to try at my workplace. It is a CF app first written using CF 2.0 (Yes, 2.0!) 10 yrs ago with > 10 cfscheduler tasks.. We explored the idea of rewriting the app, but 10 yrs of work simply can't be rewrote in 2-3 months.
What steps shall one take to modernize the app into a maintainable, extendable state? The one that I keep hearing is "write tests", but how can I write tests when it wasn't even in MVC?
Any advice would be appreciated, thanks!
p.s. I should thank Allaire, Macromedia and Adobe for keeping CF so freaking backward compatible all the way back to 2.0!
btw, what's the most modern, maintainable state for a CF app without MVC framework? or should my end goal be ultimately refactoring it into a MVC app?? I can't image how many links I will break if I do... seems impossible... thought?
update: found 2 related Q's...
I am not sure if you need to move the whole site to a MVC application. Recently I did helped with an site that was not MVC, that still had a library with the Models, Services and Assemblers in a clean and organized manor. It worked great, and we didn't need to do anything more than what was necessary.
That being said, my first step would be to organize the spaghetti code into their different purposes. It may be hard to properly create the models, but at the very least you could break out the services like functions from the pages. With that done, it should be a lot cleaner already.
Then, I would try to take the repeated code and put them into custom tags. It will make the code more reusable, and easier to read.
Good Luck!
Consider, whether a full fledged framework is really necessary. In its most basic form a framework is merely highly organized code. So if procedural, that is well organized, works leave it.
Keep in mind something like FW/1 as migration path can be better than say Coldbox if you don't need all the other stuff.
Lastly, consider this I was able to migrate a 4.5 almost 70% of the way to Coldbox (very simple and really more about directory and file organization versus IOC, plugins, modules, etc...) just using a few extra lines per file plus onMissingMethod functions.
Good Luck.
I had to deal with a similar situation for about two years at my last job, however, it wasn't quite as old as yours. I think I was dealing with code from 4.0 on. There's no silver bullet here, and you'll need to be careful that you don't get too caught up in re-factoring the code and costing your company tons of money in the process. If the app works as it is rewriting it would be a pretty big wast of money.
What I did was update small chunks at a time, I wouldn't even refactor whole templates at a time, just small portions of one at a time. If I saw a particular ugly loop, or nested if statements I'd try to clean it up the best I could. If the app can be broken down into smaller modules or areas of functionality and you have the extra time you can try to clean up the code a module at a time.
A good practice I heard from the Hearding Code podcast is create a testing harness template that would use a particular cfm page that has a known output that you can re-run to make sure that it still has the same output once you've done refactoring. Its not nearly as granular as a unit test, but its something and something is almost always better than nothing, right?
I suspect that the reason this app hasn't been touched for years is because for the most part it works. So the old adage "if it ain't broken don't fix it" probably applies; However, code can always be improved :)
The first thing I'd do is switch to Application.cfc and add some good error logging. That way you may find out about things that need to be fixed, and also if you do make changes you're know if they break anything else.
The next thing I'd do is before you change any code is use selenium to create some tests - it can be used as a FireFox plugin and will record what you do. It's really good for testing legacy apps without much work on your part.
Chances are that you won't have much if any protection from SQL injection attacks so you will want to add cfqueryparam to everything!!
After that I'd be looking for duplicated code - eliminating duplicate code is going to make maintenance easier.
Good luck!
Funnily enough, I'm currently involved in converting an old CF app into an MVC3 application.
Now this isn't CF2, it was updated as recently as a year ago so all of this may not apply at all to your scenario, apologies if this is the case.
The main thing I had to do consolidate the mixed up CFQuerys and their calls into logical units of code that I could then start porting in functionality either to C# or JavaScript.
Thankfully this was a very simple application, the majority of the logic was called on a database using the DWR Ajax library; that which wasn't was mostly consolidated in a functions.cfm file.
Obviously a lot of that behavior doesn't need to be replicated as packaging up the separate components of logic (such as they were) in the CF app did map quite neatly to the various Partial Views and Editor Templates that I envisaged in the MVC application.
After that, it was simply a case of, page by page, finding out which logic was called when, what it relied upon that then finally creating a series of UML class and sequence diagrams.
Honestly though, I think I gained the most ground when I simply hit File-New Project and started trying to replicate the behavior of the app from the top of index.cfm.
I would break logical parts of the app into CFC's
Pick a single view, look at the logic within. Move that out to a CFC and invoke it.
Keep doing that you will have something much easier to work with that can be plugged into an MVC later. Its almost no work to do this, just copy and paste sections of code and call them.
You can consider using object factory to layer your application. We have similar situation at work and we started refactoring by putting Lightwire DI framework.
First we migrated all the sql statement into gateways, then we started using services and take a lot of code out of the templates to the services.
The work is not finished yet but the application is looking better already.
For large, really complex applications I'd prefer ColdBox for a re-factor project. However, I just saw a presentation at the D2W Conference on F/W 1 (Framework One), a VERY simple ColdFusion MVC framework. Check out code from the presentation here.
It's 1 (one) CFC file and a set of conventions for organizing your code. I highly recommend evaluating it for your project.

Is it worth the effort to write tests that work with the browser (like using selenium or something)?

It's pretty clearly worth it to write tests for stuff that happens on the server side, but I've heard that it is really hard to write unit test for UI stuff and that they are fragile and unreliable. I would love to have more confidence that changes that I make don't break major parts of import pages on my site though.
Any thoughts or experiences?
UI tests can be slow, fragile and painful to maintain, but some bugs can only be caught in UI tests. The important question isn't whether it is worth it to write UI tests, but how to keep your UI tests useful, stable and maintainable.
A common mistake is to use UI tests as a substitute for other tests. Theoretically, you can test a lot of functionality through UI tests, but there are many problems with that approach. For starters, some functionality may be very hard to test directly in the UI (especially exceptional conditions). Secondly, if a test fails, it often hard to see what the source of the problem is. Finally, the more code paths you test in UI tests, the slower the UI tests get. If you rely only on slow tests, your productivity gets worse, which increases the temptation to just "temporary" turn off broken tests.
My advice is to test as much as possible in unit tests and integration tests, create a good separation between your UI and your business logic, and use your UI tests to catch/prevent bugs that cannot be tested in other kinds of tests.
If you have many tests, consider creating multiple suites. I create one suite for UI tests, one for integration tests, and one for unit tests. The unit tests are very fast, so I run them as I develop my code (often via TDD). These are the tests that help me be productive.
The integration tests I run less often (perhaps after I've done implementing a bit of changes). The UI tests I run when I'm getting ready to submit a change (or when I write more UI tests, obviously).
One final bit of advice: consider writing your UI tests with a Domain Specific Language. This makes it easier to understand the tests (because they read as a set of user steps and not as a bunch of low-level browser actions). It also can make the code easier to maintain. For instance, instead of having every test go through the step-by-step browser actions to log the user in, you might see:
LoginPage loginPage = new LoginPage(selenium);
HomePage homePage = loginPage
assertThat(homePage.getBreadcrumbs(), equalTo("Home"));
It's easy, could be done by not-so-techy person and definitely worth the effort. UI testing is hard for desktop application, not so hard for web apps because you can move controls around and selenium will still be able to find them in HTML. No such luck for poor desktop developers.
Of course there's always a possibility you overdo it to the point where it doesn't give you much back compare to the effort but it's the same with normal unit testing. You should know when to stop.
I used them as part of development. cool thing about them is that you can execute them also in IE(you need selenium server for that). I used them only on development stage and dont treat them like unit tests. if i do some UI specific logic they do help alot.
the most important thing is to assign id to all used html elements. without it tests are very fragile. using comments also help.
The more tests you write to cover the different dynamics of the application the better. When the time comes that you need to change something on a page thats generated by the app - your tests will tell you if anything breaks.
Yes they are fragile and yes its a pain keeping crazy selector paths working just right...
You could use browsershots.org to check the look of your pages in virtually every browser out there.

GWT Unit Testing TDD and Tooling

I m just starting using gwt and so far so good, however after reading some sample code I wonder is it necesary to have a high level of test coverage? (I can see that most code is declarative and then add some attributes I can see the sense in checking so me particular attributes are there but not all)
Also i would be interested to know anything about what are the gotchas in TDDing with GWT
I m using eclipse so also if you are really happy with some particualrs add ins for GWT I would be happy to hear about that
Thanks for the input
edit: maybe I m asking a very wide question, but even little pieces of information will help
I come from having nvelocity views with jquery/extJs/prototype/scriptaculous and this is a bit different
When designing GWT applications to be easily testable, it's best to move as much logic out of the view as possible. Use a design pattern which makes GUI testing easier such as Model-View-Presenter (MVP), which is used widely in building desktop applications (The C#/.NET folks have written a lot about this pattern.)
You can use GWTTestCases to test remote communication and code that ultimately executes raw JavaScript (most of the GWT core classes require this, especially widgets). However, these tests are slow to execute, so you should prefer designs which put all that logic in objects that can be tested in plain ol' JUnit TestCases.
For more information about writing GWT applications test-first, I've written an article for Better Software magazine, which is available as a PDF online at my blog.
I think the best reference at the moment would be this Testing Methodologies Using Google Web Toolkit
I think you asked a pretty broad question, which is part of the reason why you didn't get a reply for a while.
Compared to traditional AJAX web development, one could argue a GWT application requires less testing. Because the GWT team has worked so hard to make sure that its widgets work consistently across all web browsers, you don't have to worry about cross-browser compatibility nearly as much for your own application.
That frees you up to focus on your own application. Create a separate test case for each of your own custom widgets and test that they behave as you expect, and then write higher-level tests for each module. Take the extra step to make your tests fully automatable - that way every time you make a change or are about to release, it's easy to run all of your tests.

What's the Point of Selenium?

Ok, maybe I'm missing something, but I really don't see the point of Selenium. What is the point of opening the browser using code, clicking buttons using code, and checking for text using code? I read the website and I see how in theory it would be good to automatically unit test your web applications, but in the end doesn't it just take much more time to write all this code rather than just clicking around and visually verifying things work?
I don't get it...
It allows you to write functional tests in your "unit" testing framework (the issue is the naming of the later).
When you are testing your application through the browser you are usually testing the system fully integrated. Consider you already have to test your changes before committing them (smoke tests), you don't want to test it manually over and over.
Something really nice, is that you can automate your smoke tests, and QA can augment those. Pretty effective, as it reduces duplication of efforts and gets the whole team closer.
Ps as any practice that you are using the first time it has a learning curve, so it usually takes longer the first times. I also suggest you look at the Page Object pattern, it helps on keeping the tests clean.
Update 1: Notice that the tests will also run javascript on the pages, which helps testing highly dynamic pages. Also note that you can run it with different browsers, so you can check cross-browser issues(at least on the functional side, as you still need to check the visual).
Also note that as the amount of pages covered by tests builds up, you can create tests with complete cycles of interactions quickly. Using the Page Object pattern they look like:
LastPage aPage = somePage
//... other actions
// add some asserts using methods that give you info
// on LastPage (or that check the info is there).
// you can of course break the statements to add additional
// asserts on the multi-steps story.
It is important to understand that you go gradual about this. If it is an already built system, you add tests for features/changes you are working on. Adding more and more coverage along the way. Going manual instead, usually hides what you missed to test, so if you made a change that affects every single page and you will check a subset (as time doesn't allows), you know which ones you actually tested and QA can work from there (hopefully by adding even more tests).
This is a common thing that is said about unit testing in general. "I need to write twice as much code for testing?" The same principles apply here. The payoff is the ability to change your code and know that you aren't breaking anything.
Because you can repeat the SAME test over and over again.
If your application is even 50+ pages and you need to do frequent builds and test it against X number of major browsers it makes a lot of sense.
Imagine you have 50 pages, all with 10 links each, and some with multi-stage forms that require you to go through the forms, putting in about 100 different sets of information to verify that they work properly with all credit card numbers, all addresses in all countries, etc.
That's virtually impossible to test manually. It becomes so prone to human error that you can't guarantee the testing was done right, never mind what the testing proved about the thing being tested.
Moreover, if you follow a modern development model, with many developers all working on the same site in a disconnected, distributed fashion (some working on the site from their laptop while on a plane, for instance), then the human testers won't even be able to access it, much less have the patience to re-test every time a single developer tries something new.
On any decent size of website, tests HAVE to be automated.
The point is the same as for any kind of automated testing: writing the code may take more time than "just clicking around and visually verifying things work", maybe 10 or even 50 times more.
But any nontrivial application will have to be tested far more than 50 times eventually, and manual tests are an annoying chore that will likely be omitted or done shoddily under pressure, which results in bugs remaining undiscovered until just bfore (or after) important deadlines, which results in stressful all-night coding sessions or even outright monetary loss due to contract penalties.
Selenium (along with similar tools, like Watir) lets you run tests against the user interface of your Web app in ways that computers are good at: thousands of times overnight, or within seconds after every source checkin. (Note that there are plenty of other UI testing pieces that humans are much better at, such as noticing that some odd thing not directly related to the test is amiss.)
There are other ways to involve the whole stack of your app by looking at the generated HTML rather than launching a browser to render it, such as Webrat and Mechanize. Most of these don't have a way to interact with JavaScript-heavy UIs; Selenium has you somewhat covered here.
Selenium will record and re-run all of the manual clicking and typing you do to test your web application. Over and over.
Over time studies of myself have shown me that I tend to do fewer tests and start skipping some, or forgetting about them.
Selenium will instead take each test, run it, if it doesn't return what you expect it, it can let you know.
There is an upfront cost of time to record all these tests. I would recommend it like unit tests -- if you don't have it already, start using it with the most complex, touchy, or most updated parts of your code.
And if you save those tests as JUnit classes you can rerun them at your leisure, as part of your automated build, or in a poor man's load test using JMeter.
In a past job we used to unit test our web-app. If the web-app changes its look the tests don't need to be re-written. Record-and-replay type tests would all need to be re-done.
Why do you need Selenium? Because testers are human beings. They go home every day, can't always work weekends, take sickies, take public holidays, go on vacation every now and then, get bored doing repetitive tasks and can't always rely on them being around when you need them.
I'm not saying you should get rid of testers, but an automated UI testing tool complements system testers.
The point is the ability to automate what was before a manual and time consuming test. Yes, it takes time to write the tests, but once written, they can be run as often as the team wishes. Each time they are run, they are verifying that behavior of the web application is consistent. Selenium is not a perfect product, but it is very good at automating realistic user interaction with a browser.
If you do not like the Selenium approach, you can try HtmlUnit, I find it more useful and easy to integrate into existing unit tests.
For applications with rich web interfaces (like many GWT projects) Selenium/Windmill/WebDriver/etc is the way to create acceptance tests. In case of GWT/GXT, the final user interface code is in JavaScript so creating acceptance tests using normal junit test cases is basically out of question. With Selenium you can create test scenarios matching real user actions and expected results.
Based on my experience with Selenium it can reveal bugs in the application logic and user interface (in case your test cases are well written). Dealing with AJAX front ends requires some extra effort but it is still feasible.
I use it to test multi page forms as this takes the burden out of typing the same thing over and over again. And having the ability to check if certain elements are present is great. Again, using the form as an example your final selenium test could check if something like say "Thanks Mr. Rogers for ordering..." appears at the end of the ordering process.

Best practice for integrating TDD with web application development?

Unit testing and ASP.NET web applications are an ambiguous point in my group. More often than not, good testing practices fall through the cracks and web applications end up going live for several years with no tests.
The cause of this pain point generally revolves around the hassle of writing UI automation mid-development.
How do you or your organization integrate best TDD practices with web application development?
Unit testing will be achievable if you separate your layers appropriately. As Rob Cooper implied, don't put any logic in your WebForm other than logic to manage your presentation. All other stuff logic and persistence layers should be kept in separate classes and then you can test those individually.
To test the GUI some people like selenium. Others complain that is a pain to set up.
I layer out the application and at least unit test from the presenter/controller (whichever is your preference, mvc/mvp) to the data layer. That way I have good test coverage over most of the code that is written.
I have looked at FitNesse, Watin and Selenium as options to automate the UI testing but I haven't got around to using these on any projects yet, so we stick with human testing. FitNesse was the one I was leaning toward but I couldn't introduce this as well as introducing TDD (does that make me bad? I hope not!).
This is a good question, one that I will be subscribing too :)
I am still relatively new to web dev, and I too am looking at a lot of code that is largely untested.
For me, I keep the UI as light as possible (normally only a few lines of code) and test the crap out of everything else. At least I can then have some confidence that everything that makes it to the UI is as correct as it can be.
Is it perfect? Perhaps not, but at least it as still quite highly automated and the core code (where most of the "magic" happens) still has pretty good coverage..
I would generally avoid testing that involves relying on UI elements. I favor integration testing, which tests everything from your database layer up to the view layer (but not the actual layout).
Try to start a test suite before writing a line of actual code in a new project, since it's harder to write tests later.
Choose carefully what you test - don't mindlessly write tests for everything. Sometimes it's a boring task, so don't make it harder. If you write too many tests, you risk abandoning that task under the weight of time-consuming maintenance.
Try to bundle as much functionality as possible into a single test. That way, if something goes wrong, the errors will propagate anyway. For example, if you have a digest-generating class - test the actual output, not every single helper function.
Don't trust yourself. Assume that you will always make mistakes, and so you write tests to make your life easier, not harder.
If you are not feeling good about writing tests, you are probably doing it wrong ;)
A common practice is to move all the code you can out of the codebehind and into an object you can test in isolation. Such code will usually follow the MVP or MVC design patterns. If you search on "Rhino Igloo" you will probably find the link to its Subversion repository. That code is worth a study, as it demonstrate one of the best MVP implementations on Web Forms that I have seen.
Your codebehind will, when following this pattern, do two things:
Transit all user actions to the presenter.
Render data provided by the presenter.
Unit testing the presenter should be trivial.
Update: Rhino Igloo can be found here: https://svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/rhino-tools/trunk/rhino-igloo/
There have been tries on getting Microsoft's free UI Automation (included in .NET Framework 3.0) to work with web applications (ASP.NET). A german company called Artiso happens to have written a blog entry that explains how to achieve that (link).
However, their blogpost also links an MSDN Webcasts that explains the UI Automation Framework with winforms and after I had a look at this, I noticed you need the AutomationId to get a reference to the respecting controls. However, in web applications, the controls do not have an AutomationId.
I asked Thomas Schissler (Artiso) about this and he explained that this was a major drawback on InternetExplorer. He referenced an older technology of Microsoft (MSAA) and was hoping himself that IE8 will do this better.
However, I was also giving Watin a try and it seems to work pretty well. I even liked Wax, which allows to implement simple testcases via Microsoft Excel worksheets.
Ivonna can unit test your views. I'd still recommend moving most of the code to other parts. However, some code just belongs there, like references to controls or control event handlers.