Static builds with Qt creator - c++

I am using Qt Creator with Qt 4.7.4 in the SDK given out by Nokia and wish to build an application with no .DLLs or other external libraries (just a standalone .exe) for Windows.
How is this done (please give all possible details as I am new to this)? I understand one can build static apps using Qt only (not Qt creator) but I am using Qt creator.

/How-to-statically-link-qt-4/ link here will help you achieve, what you are trying to do.
I am aware that answers in the form of embedded links is usually discouraged for the fact that if the source of the link goes down the answer becomes meaningless but in this case the content is too big & enriched to be reproduced in here again.


C++ qt application compilation in one file

I have written windows gui application using qt and i want to deploy it.Now when i place .exe to other PC it shows error which says that qt5core.dll and etc required.I can install this dll,but is it possible to run exe app with qt without qt's dll as one file?So i can for example give .exe to my friend and he can instantly run it without installing .dll?
Basically, if you want a single exe file, you probably mean static linking.
The legal commercial version makes it possible or if I am not wrong, you will have to build a static qt version.
In the latter case, you will have to provide the source code of your application.
I do this sometimes, but you'll have to be careful with the license requirements: if you go with GPL, it should be OK, if you choose LGPL, it may be a bit less simple. No idea about the commercial version.
What you must do is building Qt statically, and then use that Qt build to build your application. I had a good experience with mxe. MXE builds an entire crossbuild environment and allows you to build your big Qt exe statically. I used it on Mac OS and Linux to build static executables for Windows, but you can probably run it on WSL. It takes a bit to compile, but it is simple to use. Please note that it cannot be used if your app needs QtWebEngine as it won't build with mingw.
Another simpler option is to create an installer. The Qt installer framework is simple to use. If you include the VS runtime, you end up with a single exe to distribute (the installer).
You always need to include the libraries you use (including your compilers runtime libraries in fact) when you deploy your executable - otherwise how would your application be able to use the code in those libraries? You may be able to statically link some/most things, but rarely everything. Look into how to create an installer / package for your application, so you can bundle up everything as one convenient file.
You can buid you app using QT Static (a large .exe file, no external dependencies)
If you are using LGPL Qt, you must read this:
Yo can use Qt and static linking, but "The user of your application has to be able to re-link your application against a different or modified version of the Qt library"
You can use an application template like this, very useful for LGPL Qt:

Import Qt into an existing Xcode project

I am on MacOS 10.13.3, using Xcode 9 as my IDE, and trying to include Qt 5.10 in my Xcode project. I have installed Qt (with docs and examples) with Homebrew and ran many of them in QtCreator. Everything worked well up to this point.
My Xcode project is an extensive, complex project, the development of which has been active for a few years now, so switching to QtCreator or changing the structure of my project is not an option. I really need to add Qt to my existing Xcode project, which IMHO should be quite a natural thing to do given that Qt is a software development framework. However I have not been able to accomplish that yet. The upside is that in the process I have been learning quite a bit about Qt and its ecosystem. I now know how to use qmake, how to set up and successfully compile a project in QtCreator and how to create an Xcode project from QtCreator using qmake. As I said, I have been running many Qt examples and read pretty much every piece of documentation, blog and SO post I could find about this subject. To my surprise I haven't found a direct solution to this problem anywhere on the net.
So far I have included in my Xcode environment QtCore.framework, QtWidgets.framework and QtGui.framework, configured Xcode with the right search paths (Qt finds its files and frameworks) and include the right Qt headers in the code. However upon building my target I get a series of meaningless compilation errors.
Basically - if my understanding is correct - I can't just import Qt's components and frameworks I need, and set the right paths in Xcode just like I would do with any other framework. Qt 'features' a preprocessing step using MOC and UIC that sets it apart from other tools. So I examined the output of qmake and there are two files that the building system produces - qt_makeqmake.mak and qt_preprocess.mak which I think are responsible for the code generation step. Basically this is what I don't know how to translate into my Xcode environment.
Please feel free to tell me if my approach is not correct.
I am open to any advice or suggestion.
I would really like to integrate Qt into my project as Qt is such a powerful and complete framework. I hope someone will be able to help.
Thank you.
1 / In addition to setting the right path to Qt libraries and header files, which is fromwhat you said already done, you need to invoke the moc (Meta-Object Compiler) on your own Qt class which includes the Q_OBJECT macro. (basically every class you have made that are using signal/slot system).
This step must be done BEFORE compiling the project, and the result (the cpp generated moc files) must be compiled AND linked.
Now I am not an expert in XCode and MacOS development but for sure you have a way to add a custom step in your build process for doing that
2/ For UIC files : follow approximatively what is explained here (answer of Preetam, not the one validated) to obtain a .cpp and an .h file that you must include in your project too.
Hope this answer will help and point you toward the rigth direction.
Here is a post explained more in detail what I explained :

Using the Qt library in an existing c++ VS2010 program

I'm trying to get the the Qt library to work in an my existing VS2010 project. But I am pretty much stuck.
I have succesuflly compiled the library with nmake on 64 bit and added the Qt adon for vs2010.
But i don't no how to use it in my project, the project makes already use of the boost and the opencv librarys and these work just fine.
I found a thread here on stackoverflow that says I need to edit the vs project file with an text editor but when I do this I cant find the global section that I need to edit.
Can anyone help me with this problem? Thank in advance.
I solved it, wel sort of. I made a new QT project and added my excisting code in the new QT project. I also linked the opencv an boost libs and the application works now!
Thanks for all the comments

simple GUI addon to existing win console app

I've always been developing simple(console) apps. And even then most problems I had was with starting/porting/CMaking/ libraries to work.
I need to find a gui which is added/used by adding #include "somelibrary.h" to EXISTING c++ project. I've downloaded QT, but it seems I have to create a new QTproject,... and thought alone of including all CUDA,OpenCV,others is making me sick.
I've been experimenting with windows forms (.net?) but there is this managed/unmanaged border with its creepy bugs.
So I'd like to add GUI to existing project (where forms can be designed in completely separate designer).
Do you know any?
Or maybe You'd suggest me different approach?
I suggest you to use CMake and Qt. CMake is better than qmake to manage projects and use additional libraries. Currently Qt is the best multi-platform GUI API.
QT and winforms can be added on to an existing project but it's harder that taking a gui application and adding your project to it. Event driven code is organized differently than procedural code.
You don't need CUDA or OpenCV for a GUI.

Static linking with a Qt project

I've got a Qt project I've built in Visual Studio 2010 Professional. However, when I run it (in either Debug or Release mode) it asks for a few Qt dll's. It works if I supply the dll's and throw them into System32, but my question is, how do I make it so that all libraries are included in the .exe? I have all of the static libraries I need, I just don't know how to make it so that the app doesn't ask the end user for them.
The correct way is to create a setup program that installs the Qt libraries along with your application. Visual Studio comes with a setup project template that you can use to create your own customized installer easily. Static linking is rarely a good option, for numerous reasons.
However, if you insist on static linking, you'll need to recompile the Qt sources with the -static flag.
A walkthrough is available here for Qt 4.
And if you're using the LGPL version of Qt, make sure you've read the answers to this question and appropriate addressed all legal concerns with your deployment.