SDL OpenGL Alt-tab in fullscreen has unpredictable results - c++

I am writing a game in C++ using SDL 1.2.14 and the OpenGL bindings included with it.
However, if the game is in fullscreen and I Alt - Tab out then back into the game, the results are unpredictable. The game logic still runs. However, rendering stops. I only see the last frame of the game that was drawn before the Alt-tab
I've made sure to re-initialize the OpenGL context and reload all textures when I get an SDL_APPACTIVE = 1 event and that seems to work for only one Alt - Tab, then all subsequent Alt - Tabs will stop rendering (I've made sure SDL_APPACTIVE is properly being handled each time and setting the context accordingly.)
I'd hazard a guess that SDL does something under the hood when minimizing the application that I'm not aware of.
Any ideas?

It's a good pratice to "slow down" your fullscreen application when it looses the focus. Two reasons:
User may need to Alt-Tab and do something important (like closing a heavy application that's hogging the resources). When he switches, the new application takes control, and the OS must release resources from your app as needed
Modern OS uses a lot of GPU - this means it needs to release some graphics memory to work.
Try shutting down every GL resource you use when APPACTIVE=0 and alloc them again on APPACTIVE=1. If this solves, it was "your fault". If it does not solves, it's SDL (or GL or OS) bug.


How can I detect when the screen resolution changes?

I have written an OpenGL application that is always rendering full-screen. Occasionally I switch displays while the app is running, (physically connect a different monitor or projector) which may also result in a change of resolution. How can I detect when the display has changed resolution so that I can update my OpenGL output window, and adapt the content to the new resolution?
What I'm looking for is an event or signal of some kind that I can observe when the display mode changes due to a different physical display being connected.
I expect there's probably some way of getting notified - maybe it's an xlib thing? Just not sure where the event or signal might come from.
I'm working in OpenGL ES, C++, Linux ARM (aarch64).

Compiz and OpenGL window

I've written an OpenGL application in Linux through GLX. It uses double buffering with glXSwapBuffers and Sync to VBlank set via NVIDIA X Server Settings. I'm using Compiz and have smooth moving of windows and no tearing (Sync to VBlank enabled in Compiz settings).
But when I
Try to move or resize the OpenGL window or
Move other windows through the area occupied by the OpenGL window
the system stutters and freezes for 3-4 seconds. Moving other
windows outside the area occupied by the OpenGL window is smooth as always.
Moreover the problem only arises if the OpenGL application is in the
loop of producing frames of animation therefore swapping the buffers.
If the content is static and the application is not swapping the buffers there are no problems,moving the various windows is smooth.
Could be a synchronization issue between my application and Compiz?
I don't know if it's still in the same shape as a few years ago, but…
Your description matches very well a Compiz SNAFU. Every window resize triggers the recreation of a texture that will receive the window contents. Texture creation is a costly operation and hence should be avoided. Unfortunately the Compiz developers don't seems the brightest ones, because they did not realize there's an obvious solution to this problem: Windows in X11 can be reparented without much cost (every Window manager does this several times), it's called stacking. Compiz is a window manager.
So why doesn't Compiz keep a desktop sized window around into which it reparents those windows that are about to be resized, gets its constant sized window texture from there and after finishing the resize operation reparents the window into its decoration frame?
I don't know why this is the case. Anyway, some things Compiz does are not very smart.
If you want to fix this, well: Compiz is open source and I just described what to do.

Other monitors go black when switch one monitor to fullscreen with DXGI

When I switch one of my monitor to fullscreen mode, sometimes the other monitors just become black and won't show anything. Did I do something wrong or it is just some bug?
I created a window, and then created a swapchain binded to that window. And I called the swapchain's SetFullScreenState with first parameter true, and second parameter the IDXGIOutput object of the monitor I wanted to switch fullscreen. Sometimes it works fine, but sometimes all the other monitors are lost (with only the fullscreened one showing things).
My graphics card is Radeon HD6750, and driver version is 12.3.
I found the MulitMon10 sample has the same problem, while some games don't. Or do Skyrim and The Tales of Monkey Island use D3D or OpenGL...?
This question is two years old. I just came across it.
I had a similar issue with DX11, sometimes happening in debug version, systematicaly in release version.
In my paradigm, the primary monitor hosts a console and an optional 'press buttons' GUI. The secondary monitor (one among available ones) is the fullscreen application window where 2D professional images are displayed and GPU transformed using 1D and 3D lookup tables.
Having the primary monitor going blank was a show stopper. All needed dialogs are childs of the console window (thus, opening on the primary monitor). The secondary monitor is a motion picture digital projector .... enough 'blabla'.
So, my solution was to create the swapchain in windowed mode while the targeted window was already in fullscreen mode.
Do not ask me why. It works for me. Here is a bit more:
First, my display window is set to fill the entire monitor surface ( no border, no everything).
Second, I create the swapchain for this window with “windowed = true”.
In facts, even if it looks fullscreen, it is windowed. With no border, it works the same as far as displaying/rendering 2D images is concerned. Feeding directly the backbuffer works too.
Then, and only then, you can switch the backbuffer to real administrative fullscreen. Since this operation is extremely brutal for the eyes, I tend to only do it when absolutely necessary. In effects, Win7 will reset the entire desktop (thus, all monitors, all windows) and create multiple light flashes.
When going real fullscreen after the backbuffer is created, I never experienced the desagrement of being stuck in the midle of a desktop reset (back to the original question).
To be complete, there is a difference between ‘Windowed fullscreen’ and ‘Real fullscreen’. Something you may use.
Windowed fullscreen: other windows/dialogs will overlap your 2D creation.
Real fullscreen: other windows/dialog should stay underneath (not visible, but there).
Toggling between the two modes upon need would be nice, except the desktop reset stress is an heavy penalty to live with.

Handle Alt Tab in fullscreen OpenGL application properly

When trying to implement a simple OpenGL application, I was surprised that while it is easy to find plenty of examples and documentation on advanced rendering stuff, the Win32 framework is poorly documented and even most samples and tutorials do not implement this properly even for basic cases, not mentioning advanced stuff like multiple monitors. Despite of several hours of searching I was unable to find a way which would handle Alt-Tab reliably.
How should OpenGL fullscreen application respond to Alt-Tab? Which messages should the app react to (WM_ACTIVATE, WM_ACTIVATEAPP)? What should the reaction be? (Change the display resolution, destroy / create the rendering context, or destroy / create some OpenGL resources?)
If the application uses some animation loop, suspend the loop, then just minimize the window. If it changed display resolution and gamma revert to the settings before changing them.
There's no need to destroy OpenGL context or resources; OpenGL uses an abstract resource model: If another program requires RAM of the GPU or other resources, your programs resources will be swapped out transparently.
Changing the window visibility status may require to reset the OpenGL viewport, so it's a good idea to either call glViewport apropriately in the display/rendering function, or at least set it in the resize handler, followed by a complete redraw.

How to sync page-flips with vertical retrace in a windowed SDL application?

I'm currently writing a game of immense sophistication and cunning, that will fill you with awe and won- oh, OK, it's the 15 puzzle, and I'm just familiarising myself with SDL.
I'm running in windowed mode, and using SDL_Flip as the general-case page update, since it maps automatically to an SDL_UpdateRect of the full window in windowed mode. Not the optimum approach, but given that this is just the 15 puzzle...
Anyway, the tile moves are happening at ludicrous speed. IOW, SDL_Flip in windowed mode doesn't include any synchronisation with vertical retraces. I'm working in Windows XP ATM, but I assume this is correct behaviour for SDL and will occur on other platforms too.
Switching to using SDL_UpdateRect obviously won't change anything. Presumably, I need to implement the delay logic in my own code. But a simple clock-based timer could result in updates occuring when the window is half-drawn, causing visible distortions (I forget the technical name).
EDIT This problem is known as "tearing".
So - in a windowed mode game in SDL, how do I synchronise my page-flips with the vertical retrace?
EDIT I have seen several claims, while searching for a solution, that it is impossible to synchronise page-flips to the vertical retrace in a windowed application. On Windows, at least, this is simply false - I have written games (by which I mean things on a similar level to the 15-puzzle) that do this. I once wasted some time playing with Dark Basic and the Dark GDK - both DirectX-based and both syncronising page-flips to the vertical retrace in windowed mode.
Major Edit
It turns out I should have spent more time looking before asking. From the SDL FAQ...
That seems to imply quite strongly that synchronising with the vertical retrace isn't supported in SDL windowed-mode apps.
The basic technique is possible on Windows, and I'm beginning the think SDL does it, in a sense. Just not quite certain yet.
On Windows, I said before, synchronising page-flips to vertical syncs in Windowed mode has been possible all the way back to the 16-bit days using WinG. It turns out that that's not exactly wrong, but misleading. I dug out some old source code using WinG, and there was a timer triggering the page-blits. WinG will run at ludicrous speed, just as I was surprised by SDL doing - the blit-to-screen page-flip operations don't wait for a vertical retrace.
On further investigation - when you do a blit to the screen in WinG, the blit is queued for later and the call exits. The blit is executed at the next vertical retrace, so hopefully no tearing. If you do further blits to the screen (dirty rectangles) before that retrace, they are combined. If you do loads of full-screen blits before the vertical retrace, you are rendering frames that are never displayed.
This blit-to-screen in WinG is obviously similar to the SDL_UpdateRect. SDL_UpdateRects is just an optimised way to manually combine some dirty rectangles (and be sure, perhaps, they are applied to the same frame). So maybe (on platforms where vertical retrace stuff is possible) it is being done in SDL, similarly to in WinG - no waiting, but no tearing either.
Well, I tested using a timer to trigger the frame updates, and the result (on Windows XP) is uncertain. I could get very slight and occasional tearing on my ancient laptop, but that may be no fault of SDLs - it could be that the "raster" is outrunning the blit. This is probably my fault for using SDL_Flip instead of a direct call to SDL_UpdateRect with a minimal dirty rectangle - though I was trying to get tearing in this case, to see if I could.
So I'm still uncertain, but it may be that windowed-mode SDL is as immune to tearing as it can be on those platforms that allow it. Results don't seem as bad as I imagined, even on my ancient laptop.
But - can anyone offer a definitive answer?
You can use the framerate control of SDL_gfx.
Looking at the docs of library, the flow of your application will be like this:
// initialization code
FPSManager *fpsManager;
SDL_setFramerate(fpsManager, 60 /* desired FPS */);
// in the render loop
Also, you may look at the source code to create your own framerate control.