Disabling "bad function cast" warning - c++

I'm receiving the following warning:
warning: converting from 'void (MyClass::*)(byte)' to 'void (*)(byte)'
This is because I need to pass as argument a member function instead of an ordinary function. But the program is running correctly.
I'd like to disable this warning (Wno-bad-function-cast doesn't work for C++) or to implement a different way to pass a member function.

No. Take this warning seriously. You should rather change your code to handle this scenario.
Pointer to member function(void (MyClass::*)(byte)) and normal function pointer (void (*)(byte)) are entirely different. See this link. You cannot cast them just like that. It results in undefined behavior or crash.
See here, how they are different:
void foo (byte); // normal function
struct MyClass {
void foo (byte); // member function
Now you may feel that, foo(byte) and MyClass::foo(byte) have same signature, then why their function pointers are NOT same. It's because, MyClass::foo(byte) is internally resolved somewhat as,
void foo(MyClass* const this, byte);
Now you can smell the difference between them.
Declare pointer to member function as,
void (MyClass::*ptr)(byte) = &MyClass::foo;
You have to use this ptr with the object of MyClass, such as:
MyClass obj;

You can't pass a function that takes two arguments to a place that expects a function that takes one. Can't be done, forget about it, period, end of story. The caller passes one argument to your function. It doesn't know about the second argument, it doesn't pass it to your function, you can't make it do what you want however hard you try.
For the very same reason you can't pass a non-static member function where a regular function is expected. A member function needs an object to operate on. Whatever code calls your function doesn't know about the object, there's no way to pass it the object, and there's no way to make it use the right calling sequence that takes the object into account.
Interfaces that take user's functions, without taking additional data that the user might want to pass to his function, are inherently evil. Look at the qsort() function from the C standard library. That's an example of an evil interface. Suppose you want to sort an array of string according to some collation scheme defined externally. But all it accepts is a comparison function that takes two values. How do you pass that collation scheme to your comparison function? You can't, and so if you want it working, you must use an evil global variable, with all the strings attached to it.
That's why C++ has moved away from passing function pointers around, and towards function objects. Function objects can encapsulate whatever data you want.

Also, this may be helpful
union FuncPtr
void (* func)(MyClass* ptr, byte);
void (MyClass::* mem_func)(byte);


Difference between passing pointers as function argument vs non type template parameters

I am unable to understand the difference between
Passing pointers as function arguments
Passing pointers as non type template parameter
Can you please help understand what optimization is achieved by choosing 2 (Particularly from the context of fast delegates as explained here and as used here)?
Some of my confusions surrounding the use of pointers as non type parameters are
When pointers are resolved at compile time how does the compiler know what the pointer is pointing to?
How is a member function pointer resolved at compile time when member functions can be virtual?
When pointers are resolved at compile time how does the compiler know what the pointer is pointing to?
Because that's how templates work. For all of their complexity, the basic idea of a template is very simple.
A template is a (smart) macro. When you instantiate a template, you are basically creating a copy of the template, where every use of the template parameters is replaced by the corresponding arguments passed at instantiation-time.
So this:
template<func_ptr ptr>
void func1();
Is functionally equivalent to this:
void func2()
How does the compiler know that func2 will call some_func? Because that's literally what you wrote in the code. How does the compiler know that func1<some_func> will call some_func? Because that's literally what you wrote in the code when you named it func1<some_func>.
How is a member function pointer resolved at compile time when member functions can be virtual?
That all depends on what you mean by "resolved".
Assuming that the class the function is invoking the member pointer on is not final (you can't inherit from a final class, so the compiler knows exactly which function to call), the compiler cannot determine exactly which override will be called.
However, the compiler does know where that override is. Assuming we're talking about a vtable-based implementation of virtual functions, a member pointer contain an index into the vtable that the compiler would use to find the actual override function. But if the member pointer is known at compile time, that means the index is also known at compile-time. So the compiler need not dynamically index into the table; it can statically index it.
So in a way, it can be considered to have "resolved" the override at compile time. At least, to the extent possible.

Is it possible to dynamically create and store pointers for functions for which we don't know the number and type of arguments?

I've been given a bunch of dummy functions, each one with its own return type, number (and types) of arguments and I'm trying to figure out a way to create function pointers of the correct type to them automatically, then store them inside a map to be retrieved at will. In a nutshell, I'm stuck at creating the actual function pointers. The way of storing them in a map is a separate, follow-up question, due to their variable types.
I think that templates are the way to go, and I've tried creating a templated function that returns the appropriately-typed pointer given the address and types of a function. I think it could not be possible though, so any input is appreciated.
Code for the aforementioned function:
template <typename retType, typename ... argTypes> retType makeFuncPtr(void* funcAddr) {
retType (*ptr)(argTypes) = funcAddr;
return ptr;
I'm getting an error "Declaration type contains unexpanded parameter pack 'argTypes'". What am I doing wrong and also which is the appropriate return type for this function, as I'm not actually sure about it?
The error you ask about is because in the line:
retType (*ptr)(argTypes) = funcAddr;
there is no ... after argTypes. Note this would not actually fix the situation because a void pointer can not be converted to some other kind of pointer without a cast. And also you could not convert the function pointer to retType.
If the functions have different signatures this is a fairly tricky problem, I suggest you take a look at libffi, the tricky part here is not storing the function pointers (so long as they are not non-static member functions you can simply cast to void * and store that), the tricky part is using the stored pointer value to make a call.
libffi gives you the ability to describe a function's calling convention, return type and expected arguments. You could then write code that compares the arguments you actually received and either convert or produce an error as appropriate. With C++ it would even be possible to produce that description programmatically (your template function would take a function pointer as a parameter then use the parameter pack to map to the libffi argument type values).

How to understand _Function_class_(name) in C++

I am reading some VC++ code and see some usage of this function annotation _Function_class_(name).
According to MSDN:
The name parameter is an arbitrary string that is designated by the user. It exists in a namespace that is distinct from other namespaces. A function, function pointer, or—most usefully—a function pointer type may be designated as belonging to one or more function classes.
However, I still couldn't understand in what scenario this should be used, and what exactly it means to a function. Can someone please explain a bit more?
Thank you
This annotation allows you to restrict the set of functions that may be used in a given context. Generally, when using pointers to functions and references to functions, you can bind those pointers and references to refer to any function that has the correct type.
There may be cases where you want only a restricted set of functions of that type to be usable in a given context, or you may want to ensure that someone really, really means to use a particular function in that context. For example, if you take a pointer to a callback function, and there are restrictions on what may be done inside of that callback, you might use this attribute to help developers to think about those restrictions when passing new functions as callbacks.
Consider the following example: f is annotated as being of the special_fp_type class of functions. g is of the same type, so it is usable in the same contexts as f, but it is not annotated as being of the special_fp_type class of functions:
#include <sal.h>
typedef _Function_class_(special_fp_type) void (*special_fp_type)();
void _Function_class_(special_fp_type) f() { }
void g() { }
void call_special_function(special_fp_type) { }
int main()
If you compile this with /analyze, you'll get a helpful warning for the usage of g here, telling you that it was not part of the expected class of functions:
warning C28023: The function being assigned or passed should have a _Function_class_ annotation for at least one of the class(es) in: 'special_fp_type':
Frequently, when only one function class is in use, this is caused by not declaring a callback to be of the appropriate type.

How can I cast or convert boost bind to C function pointer?

Suppose I have this:
void func(WCHAR* pythonStatement) {
// Do something with pythonStatement
And I need to convert it to void function(void) like this:
bind(func, TEXT("console.write('test')"))
Now I have struct like this:
typedef void (__cdecl * PFUNCPLUGINCMD)();
struct FuncItem {
// ...
How can I set the pFunc of my struct to bind(func, "something")? Bind returns lambda_functor not a function pointer, so how can I cast this functor to function pointer?
Ended up using the wrapping "solution" (GitHub)
I think that you can't, unless you make the resulting lamba_functor a global variable.
In that case, you could declare a function that invokes it:
void uglyWorkaround() {
and set pFunc to uglyWorkaround().
Just a sidenote: if you are binding static text to the function call, you may completely omit bind() call and write just:
void wrapper() {
and set pFunc to wrapper().
Bind returns lambda_functor not a function pointer, so how can I cast this functor to function pointer?
I don't think you can. However, off the top of my head, I can think of several alternatives:
Use boost::function<void()> (or std::function() if your compiler supports TR1 or C++11) instead of void (*)().
It has the ability to bind to just about anything with a somewhat compatible signature.
Put the whole code into a template, make PFUNCPLUGINCMD a template parameter, and let function template argument deduction figure out the exact type.
That's a variation on the former, actually, where you would use the result of bind() directly instead of having boost::function abstract away the gory details.
Create a wrapper that calls the functor returned by boost::bind().
A function template might help to let the compiler figure out the exact types and generate a suitable function, although I haven't tried to do that. However, since you cannot use the result of bind() as a template argument, but need to have give the function access to it nevertheless, you will need a global variable for this. (The ability to avoid this is one of the main advantages of function objects, a very versatile of which is std::function.)
Extend your PFUNCPLUGINCMD callback type to support a user-provided parameter. For C callbacks, this usually is a void*. However, if you pass the address of the object returned by bind() to your callback, you would need to convert it into a pointer to the correct type - which, AFAIK, depends on the arguments provided to bind(). In order to avoid that, you'd need to pass something that abstracts away the exact type. Again, std::function comes to the rescue.
The first idea would be the best, but it requires you to be able to change PFUNCPLUGINCMD. The last one might be best when PFUNCPLUGINCMD needs to be compatible with C, as it uses the common C callback idiom.
You can't do this, unless you want to write your own Just-In-Time compiler. Alternatively, if you control the receiving code, then you could use a boost::function<>, which will accept a variety of function types, including pointers and function objects like those produced by boost::bind.

Detailed difference between functor's call and function call?

The key reason this works is that for_each () doesn’t actually assume
its third argument to be a function.
It simply assumes that its third
argument is something that can be
called with an appropriate argument. A
suitably defined object serves as well
as – and often better than – a
function. For example, it is easier to
inline the application operator of a
class than to inline a function passed
as a pointer to function.
Consequently, function objects often
execute faster than do ordinary
functions. An object of a class with
an application operator (§11.9) is
called a functionlike object, a
functor, or simply a function object.
[Stroustrup, C++ 3rd edition, 18.4-last paragraph]
I always thought that the operator
( ) call is just like function call
at runtime. how does it differ from
a normal function call?
Why is it easier to inline the
application operator than a normal
How are they faster than function
Generally, functors are passed to templated functions - if you're doing so, then it doesn't matter if you pass a "real" function (i.e. a function pointer) or a functor (i.e. a class with an overloaded operator()). Essentially, both have a function call operator and are thus valid template parameters for which the compiler can instantiate the for_each template. That means for_each is either instantiated with the specific type of the functor passed, or with the specific type of function pointer passed. And it's in that specialization that it is possible for functors to outperform function pointers.
After all, if you're passing a function pointer, then the compile-type type of the argument is just that - a function pointer. If for_each itself is not inlined, then this particular for_each instance is compiled to call an opaque function pointer - after all, how could the compiler inline a function pointer? It just knows its type, not which function of that type is actually passed - at least, unless it can use non-local information when optimizing, which is harder to do.
However, if you pass a functor, then the compile-time type of that functor is used to instantiate the for_each template. In doing so, you're probably passing a simple, non-virtual class with only one implementation of the appropriate operator(). So, when the compiler encounters a call to operator() it knows exactly which implementation is meant - the unique implementation for that functor - and now it can inline that.
If your functor uses virtual methods, the potential advantage disappears. And, of course, a functor is a class with which you can do all kinds of other inefficient things. But for the basic case, this is why it's easier for the compiler to optimize & inline a functor call than a function pointer call.
Function pointers can't be inlined since while compiling for_each the compiler has only the type of
the function and not the identity of the function. By contrast, functors can be inlined since even though the compiler only has the type of functor, the type generally suffices to uniquely identify the functor's operator() method.
Consider the two following template instantiations:
std::for_each<class std::vector<int>::const_iterator, class Functor>(...)
std::for_each<class std::vector<int>::const_iterator, void(*)(int)>(...)
Because the 1st is customised for each type of function object, and because operator() is often defined inline, then the compiler may, at its discretion, choose to inline the call.
In the 2nd scenario, the compiler will instantiate the template once for all functions of the same signature, therefore, it cannot easily inline the call.
Now, smart compilers may be able to figure out which function to call at compile time, especially in scenarios like this:
std::for_each(v.begin(), v.end(), &foo);
and still inline the function by generating custom instantiations instead of the single generic one mentioned earlier.
I always thought that the operator ( ) call is just like function call at runtime. how does it differ from a normal function call?
My guess is not very much. For evidence of this, look at your compiler's assembly output for each. Assuming the same level of optimization, it's likely to be nearly identical. (With the additional detail that the this pointer will have to get passed.)
Why is it easier to inline the application operator than a normal function?
To quote the blurb you quoted:
For example, it is easier to inline the application operator of a class than to inline a function passed as a pointer to function.
I am not a compiler person, but I read this as: If the function is being called through a function pointer, it's a hard problem for the compiler to guess whether the address stored in that function pointer will ever change at runtime, therefore it's not safe to replace the call instruction with the body of the function; come to think of it, the body of the function itself wouldn't necessarily be known at compile time.
How are they faster than function call?
In many circumstances I'd expect you wouldn't notice any difference. But, given your quotation's argument that the compiler is free to do more inlining, this could produce better code locality and fewer branches. If the code is called frequently this would produce notable speedup.