how to create an events in facebook using graph api - facebook-graph-api

I am creating facebook application.I want to create a event.I tried following url but does not work for me. I am getting json output with blank data.There is nothing in data tag.When I adding method=post,gives me error saying that invalid parameter.

In order to create an event, you have to issue an HTTP POST request. This is straight from the facebook graph api documentation:
An HTTP POST request is basically like submitting a form with method="post". You can use cURL to do this fairly easily:
curl \
–F 'access_token=[PAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN]' \
-F 'batch=[ \
{ "method": "POST", \
"relative_url": "[PAGE_ID]/events", \
"body": "name=[EVENT_NAME]&start_time=[UNIX_TIMESTAMP]" \
}, \
You can refer to the section on batch request for more help on this:


AWS API Gateway MockIntegration does not accept Content-Type `application/vnd.nasa.cmr.umm+json;version=1.6.3`

I'm currently attempting to create a mock integration using the python AWS CDK for the purpose of running integration tests in an app.
This app needs to query an external API to validate a payload. The endpoint expects a Content-Type application/vnd.nasa.cmr.umm+json;version=1.6.3. For now, I would like the MockIntegration to always return a 200 status code with an empty response.
This is what I tried:
from aws_cdk import aws_apigateway
cmr_api = aws_apigateway.RestApi(
self, f"integration-test-cmr-api-try",
self, "mock-cmr-validation", parent=cmr_api.root, path_part="ingest"
"application/vnd.nasa.cmr.umm+json;version=1.6.3": json.dumps({"statusCode": 200})},
"statusCode": "200",
"responseTemplates": {"application/json": json.dumps({})},
"statusCode": "200",
"responseModels": {
"application/json": aws_apigateway.Model.EMPTY_MODEL
Unfortunately a request to the generated gateway returns:
curl --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/vnd.nasa.cmr.umm+json;version=1.6.3' \
--data-raw '{}'
Status code 500, {"message": "Internal server error"}.
Setting only application/json (or even application/vnd.nasa.cmr.umm+json) as the key in MockIntegration.request_templates, and using that as the Content-Type in the request, returns the intended result (status code 200, empty response). This makes me wonder if the issue can potentially be in setting the ;version=1.6.3 with the Content-Type?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
After some further experimentation, I was able to get pass this issue by using application/vnd.nasa.cmr.umm+json in the request_template (without the version). When that is the request_template content type, any application/vnd.nasa.cmr.umm+json;version=XXX matches and the correct mock integration is triggered!

Unable to query through elasticsearch

I am using Elasticsearch in my Django application. When i try to query my result using curl i get found = false. Can someone help me here !]1
I am following this tutorial and my code when i execute and my code fails when i execute
curl -XGET 'localhost:9200/blogpost-index/blog_post_index/1?pretty'
The above method is for fetching the document by its id. As per the JSON response of the ES server, document with id 4 doesn't exist. You can possibly try to fetch all documents by using match_all query on the index to fetch all the documents and see if the document you are trying to see exists.
Here's the CURL syntax:
curl -X GET "localhost:9200/_search" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'
"query": {
"match_all": {}
Reference : Match All Query
You can also see the range of documents IDs to see if the document you are trying to fetch, exists.
Range Filter for IDs

How to download facebook report using Insights API Asynchronous Jobs?

Hi I'am new to facebook marketing API. I want to download account complete report in csv format for which I am using Insights API Asynchronous Jobs , Using which I am able to get "report_run_id" and after that I made api request for this link .Its giving wrong response. Can anybody help me how can download report in csv format.code which i tried is:
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();
Request request = new Request.Builder()
Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
String resposes=response.body().string();
I'll give examples using curl, but you should be able to translate these to javascript easily.
Using the report_run_id, you can query the completeness of the async query, for example:
curl -G \
-d 'access_token=<ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
This should eventually give you a completion of 100%:
"id": "6044775548468",
"account_id": "1010035716096012",
"time_ref": 1459788928,
"time_completed": 1459788990,
"async_status": "Job Completed",
"async_percent_completion": 100
You then need to query the report_run_id for with the insights edge:
curl -G \
-d 'access_token=<ACCESS_TOKEN>' \<YOUR_REPORT_RUN_ID>/insights

Graphene Django "Must provide query string"

I have setup a Graphene server using Django. When I run my queries through GraphiQL (the web client), everything works fine. However, when I run from anywhere else, I get the error: "Must provide query string."
I did some troubleshooting. GraphiQL sends POST data to the GraphQL server with Content-Type: application/json. Here is the body of the request that I copied from Chrome network tab for GraphiQL:
{"query":"query PartnersQuery {\n partners{\n name\n url\n logo\n }\n}","variables":"null","operationName":"PartnersQuery"}
When I copy it to Postman with Content-Type: application/json, I get the following response:
"errors": [
"message": "Must provide query string."
What can be the cause of this problem? I have not done anything crazy with the schema. Just followed the tutorials from graphene's docs. What else can cause an issue like this?
This error is raised when parse_body is unable to parse the incoming data. I'd start there by looking at the data passed into this method and ensuring it's of the correct type.
For example, the multipart/form-data section naively returns request.POST, which may need to be overwritten to handle, for example, the request that apollo-upload-client sends for file upload handling.
In our case we created a view to both require a login and to support the apollo-upload-client use case and it works fine.
Here's how I was able to get a successful response from Postman using a graphene Django backend with a simple mutation:
Set method to POST
Add the URL to your graphQL endpoint, e.g. http://localhost:8000/api/
Add one header -- key: "Content-Type" , value: "application/json"
Set the body to "raw"
Paste in your query into the body window, e.g. {"query":"{myModels {id}}","variables":"null","operationName":null}
This sounds pretty much like what you did, so you must be close.
I faced the same problem when I try to used graphQl query using POSTMAN,
In POSTMAN send data in row with json type.
You have to make json data grapQl query and mutations data like this
Query Command:
Mutations Command:
{ "query": "mutation {createMutations(reviewer:36, comments:\"hello\",loan: 1659, approved: true ){id}}" }
#commnent: String Type
#data_id:Int Type
#approved:Boolean Type
Checkout sample apps and see how they do things,
they do the following:
from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt
from graphene_django.views import GraphQLView
url(r'^explore', GraphQLView.as_view(graphiql=True)),
url(r'^graphql', csrf_exempt(GraphQLView.as_view())),
I encountered exactly the same problem as the original poster, Gasim. Studying the code in 'graphiql.html' I see that they're converting the query string, that goes into the body, into the query parameter in the URL. Thus you end up with this URL being sent via Postman:
It seems nonsensical to me to duplicate precisely what's in the body in the query string in the URL too but that appears to be the only way to get the Graphene server to return a valid response.
Surely this is a bug/shortcoming that will be fixed?
Enable graphine on django
url(r'^graphql', csrf_exempt(GraphQLView.as_view(graphiql=settings.DEBUG))),
Execute some query and see it is working
On Chrome browser, go to graphiQL endpoint: http://localhost:8000/graphql? open "Developer Tools" in browser and go to "Network" tab.
Execute your query again. Now it appears on list of requests. Now right mouse click on it and copy it "copy as CURL". Now you can strait copy paste it to linux terminal with curl installed. Or like in your case you can try to deduct what is what there, and try to reuse it in your IDE like client like Insomnia or Postman. For instance you may discover that authorisation that works with session on graphiQL enpoint, is not what you want at the end...
curl 'http://localhost:8000/graphql?' -H 'Origin: http://localhost:8000' -H 'Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br' -H 'Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.9,pl;q=0.8,de;q=0.7' -H 'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/70.0.3538.77 Safari/537.36' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Cookie: _ga=GA1.1.1578283610.1528109563; _gid=GA1.1.920024733.1541592686; csrftoken=EGBeegFoyMVl8j1fQbuEBG587nOFP2INwv7Q0Ee6HeHHmsLOPUwRonzun9Y6pOjV; sessionid=4u9vngcnmjh927a9avpssvc4oq9qyqoe' -H 'Connection: keep-alive' -H 'X-CSRFToken: EGBeegFoyMVl8j1fQbuEBG587nOFP2INwv7Q0Ee6HeHHmsLOPUwRonzun9Y6pOjV' --data-binary '{"query":"{\n allStatistics(projectId: 413581, first:25) {\n pageInfo {\n startCursor\n endCursor\n hasPreviousPage\n hasNextPage\n }\n edges {\n cursor\n node {\n id\n clickouts\n commissionCanc\n commissionConf\n commissionLeads\n commissionOpen\n eventDate\n extractTstamp\n hash\n leads\n pageviews\n projectId\n transactionsCanc\n transactionsConf\n transactionsOpen\n }\n }\n }\n}\n","variables":null,"operationName":null}' --compressed
The problem in my code was that I had the URL improperly setup for graphQL. I had the following:
url(r'^graphql/', GraphQLView.as_view())
The forward slash was a huge difference. Removing it fixed the problem. The proper way to do it would be:
url(r'^graphql', GraphQLView.as_view())

Create GD.php image and post to album using fb.api / fb.ui

All the examples I've seen use the old $facebook->api for album and uploading an image.
ie, old api//$facebook->setFileUploadSupport(true);
What would the new api call be? FB->setFileUploadSupport(true);
Is there anyone that have an idea what the new methods are for creating album, and uploading an image to the album just created?
Any help?
You have to do two calls to facebook.
1) create an album
2) post to the recently created album
Scenario 1: A post request to /me/albums with access_token, name parameters will create an album
curl -F \ "access_token=..." \ -F "name=name of album...." \ "
This will return an album_id
Scenario 2: A post request to /album_id/photos with access_token, message, source
curl -F \ "access_token=..." \ -F "message=..." \ -F "source=#/home/user/abc.jpg" "