Are standard library required to be standard conformant? - c++

Are standard library required to be standard conformant? I've this feeling that standard library aren't standard conformant. The basis of this feeling is the error messages generated by the compiler(s). For example, sometime GCC gives error messages which starts with prefix __gxx and many others which I don't remember as of now. But seeing them gives me feeling that these are very compiler specific messages, and different compilers wouldn't be able to compile standard library provided by GCC, and vice-versa. Is it true?
The question can be asked in other words as:
Can standard library provided by one compiler be compiled with other compilers?
When we say a particular compiler is standard conformant, does it automatically mean that the stdlib which comes with it is also standard-conformant? Or it simply means that this compiler can compile standard-conformant code written by us, programmers?
Can I use standard library provided by one compiler, in my project which uses a different compiler to compile the project? Is portability same as standard-conformance?
These questions are different angles to look at the same big question. So, please help me understanding what does it exactly mean when we say compiler X is standard-conformant.

The standard library is a detail of implementation. It may not even be 'compiled' in the sense that the standard doesn't require it to consist of 'files' [headers]:
174) A header is not necessarily a source file, nor are the sequences delimited by < and > in header names necessarily valid
source file names (16.2).
The standard carefully eases the requirements on the implementation, so that the library may be 'built-in' to the compiler (a.k.a intrinsics). For example, extending the std namespace, or #defining a name used in the standard library gives you undefined behavior.

Yes, standard libraries must adhere to the standard, but there is quite a bit of flexibility in that. The standard does not require a particular implementation of the functions, and the implementation is free to add internal functions, attributes... as long as the requirements are met.
Note that there is a different concept of the library conforming with the standard and the library being implemented using only standard features.
On the particular questions below:
Can standard library provided by one compiler be compiled with other compilers?
Some will, some won't. The implementation of the standard library can use compiler intrinsics for some operations, of features present only in one platform and not others... Some STL implementations can be compiled with different compilers though, like STLPort, Dinkumware (which is also the one shipped in VS, with some VS modifications)
When we say a particular compiler is standard conformant, does it automatically mean that the stdlib which comes with it is also standard-conformant? Or it simply means that this compiler can compile standard-conformant code written by us, programmers?
It means that the library must be conformant, but again, the standard does not mandate the implementation of the library, and these can use non-standard extensions and the like, which will work in one compiler but possibly not in other compilers. Consider, for example, an implementation of shared_ptr, the reference count has to be updated atomically but there was no atomic operations on integers in the current standard, so it has to be implemented in terms of non-standard features.
Can I use standard library provided by one compiler, in my project which uses a different compiler to compile the project? Is portability same as standard-conformance?
Not necessarily.

Are standard library required to be standard conformant? I've this feeling that standard library aren't standard conformant.
By definition, an implementation must conform to the standard to be standard-conformant, yes.
Otherwise it's not an implementation of the C++ Standard Library, but of some other thing.
When we say a particular compiler is standard conformant, does it automatically mean that the stdlib which comes with it is also standard-conformant?
This would depend on the wording, wouldn't it? If the toolchain purports to include an implementation of the Standard Library, one may reasonably assume that it's compliant. That the compiler executable itself is compliant is not the same thing, unless the library implementation is built into the compiler executable.
But this is all just wordplay.
Can I use standard library provided by one compiler, in my project which uses a different compiler to compile the project? Is portability same as standard-conformance?
Of course not. Two conformant implementations may be completely incompatible with each other.
For example, sometime GCC gives error messages which starts with prefix __gxx and many others which I don't remember as of now.
That's fine. The toolchain may implement the library however it chooses, as long as the interface conforms to the standard. The standard does not say that the implementation cannot use a symbol __gxx in its work.
Though, it does say that the programmer may not use symbols with leading underscores, in some cases!
You aren't allowed ([lib.requirements]/[requirements]) to use any name which:
contains two consecutive underscores,
begins with an underscore followed by an uppercase letter
begins with an underscore and is in the global namespace
Also, in C++0x, literal suffixes that do not start with an underscore are reserved.

The user-facing API of the library should be standard; the implementation is not required to be, however. You're seeing an example of this, where the standard version of a function is replaced with an optimized variant (with a different name because sometimes the replacement is only possible in some circumstances, such as when appropriate alignment can be proven). This also means that the implementation of one compiler's standard library might not be buildable by a different compiler (which can lead to bootstrapping issues when porting, but that's another issue).

what does it exactly mean when we say compiler X is standard-conformant
It means that the compiler provides the standard library with all the requirements layed upon by the standard and that the implementation itself conformes to all requirements in the standard. The thing is, the "requirements" for the standard library are quite liberal after the general interface.

The Standard library only has to meet a minimum interface. In it's implementation it can do whatever it wants, because, well, it's the implementation, although I'm pretty sure there are some identifier restrictions and such to prevent clashes.
The Standard library implementation does not have to be portable in any way. They can be, but far from necessarily.

The standard places restrictions on the interface of the standard library, not the implementation. It goes out of its way to make it clear that standard library headers can do things user code can not... __MACRO__NAME__ is reserved for the implementation, for instance. And obviously, only the implementation can actually put all these functions and types into namespace std.
Mostly, a "portable" implementation could be written. But it would likely be less performant... as an easy example, consider the traditional implementation of the offsetof macro. It generally involves dereferencing a null pointer, which is formally undefined behavior, but because the implementation knows how its platform works, that's okay. A portable version can not do this, so it would have to actually create a new instance of the provided type to keep everything on the up and up.
Quite a few type traits in C++0x likely require compiler support, which makes a "portable" implementation somewhere between difficult and impossible. There's no standard way to analyze if an arbitrary type is POD, for instance, which is why boost::is_pod requires user support via specialization on some platforms.
There is also the consideration that a lot of the standard library is not header-only. The other bits can be written in a completely different language... so long as it all links together properly, it doesn't matter. If the runtime is implemented in Lisp, obviously it won't be C++ compliant code that can be reliably dropped into a different compiler toolchain.

Can standard library provided by one compiler be compiled with other
Assuming that the library is standards conforming, yes (I know this is kind of chicken-and-egg).
When we say a particular compiler is standard conformant, does
it automatically mean that the stdlib
which comes with it is also
standard-conformant? Or it simply
means that this compiler can compile
standard-conformant code written by
us, programmers?
Yes, although I'm not aware of any fully confirming compiler. Note that standards conforming for us as programmers is different from the standard library. For example the implementation is allowed to use identifiers containing __ (double underscore).
Can I use standard library provided by one compiler, in my
project which uses a different
compiler to compile the project? Is
portability same as
You should be able to compile and use such a library. You almost certainly wouldn't be able to use any compiled library files (static or dynamic) file because name mangling would be different.


Does STL library differ on different platforms?

Is C++ Standard Template Library (STL) on Windows different than the one on Linux OR any other Platform? Are the headers of STL differ with platform as well OR is STL just a header library and its implementation in CRT?
We know that compiler differ with platform and also the C Runtime Library differ with Platform. Going by this is it true that even Standard Template Library (STL) differ with platform?
Please clarify this doubt.
Also, what is the name of the C++ STL on windows and whats on Linux?
I have been trying to understand this by going various articles online and trying to frame a single workflow in my mind to understand the terms better.
The specification of the C++ Standard Library is not contingent on any particular platform or compiler, although it does depend on the target C++ standard, and its behaviour is dependent function on various properties of a platform.
But the implementation of the C++ Standard Library is extremely dependent on the compiler and operating system. Some of the C++ Standard Library can even hardcoded into compilers.
But you use it in the same way. E.g. for std::cout and std::cin you should always write #include <iostream> as that's what the documentation says you're supposed to do. The names of header files can vary between implementations, but the ones you are supposed to use directly never differ.
This is why it's a good idea not to rely on #includes being available implicitly via other headers, or by using fancy non-standard #includes like <bits/...>. If you do so then you are not writing portable C++.
C++ was designed for abstract hardware but Standard C++ Library implementations differ, yes. Library vendors are required to follow the C++ Standard rules but are free to provide their implementation where allowed (the implementation defined wording in the standard). Headers also differ.

C++11 backwards compatibility

Is there anything from c++11 that I can use and expect compiled binaries to run on older systems? How can I tell which parts of c++11 are a part of the and what actually gets compiled into the binary? Maybe I don't fully understand how such things work. Does c++11 break ABI compliance with older libraries?
An example for clarity:
Say I compile a program that uses auto and the new range based for loop. These things seem like they should work on systems with old c++ runtimes because they break down into c++ that would be valid on those machines. However, using something like regex should break on older systems because it won't be in their runtime.
I haven't tested my theory yet because I don't have access to a c++11 compatible compiler, and my google searches haven't been helpful.
You are correct. The code itself compiles to work on any platform with a C++ compiler. The new language constructs (ranged for, new keywords like auto, etc.) compile with a new compiler to work just fine on older systems.
However, if you try to link code that uses new symbols (like regex) to an old library, then you run into problems, no matter whether you link statically or dynamically, because the old library does not have the new symbols.
Assuming your code uses new symbols:
If you statically link to an old library, the linkage will fail because the new symbols do not exist in the old library.
If you dynamically link to an old library, you should still get linker problems, again because the library does not contain the new symbols.
If you statically link to a new library, the resulting binary will work on an older system.
If you dynamically link to a new library, the resulting binary will work on an older system if it already has the new library or if you distribute the new library with your binary.
But if you then try to replace the new dynamic library with an old dynamic library, it will not be able to link to the new symbols in that library, again because they aren't there.
The standard does not make any guarantees about anything working with earlier implementations. The specification defines requirements on an implementation and an implementation either conforms to those requirements or it does not. Splicing together parts of a C++11 implementation with parts of an earlier implementation is not portable and it's unlikely to be practically possible.
It's possible even that writing a program which does not use the standard library at all and which does not use any C++11 features will not be ABI compatible with binaries from a C++03 implementation. For example an implementer could potentially take advantage of the new version to change calling conventions. So in general limiting a program to features like auto and range-for will not necessarily be ABI compatible.
How can I tell which parts of c++11 are a part of the and what actually gets compiled into the binary?
Even if you do not use any part of the standard library (you can guarantee this by simply not using any headers) this does not guarantee that a compiled binary does not require run-time support provided by a C++11 implementation. A couple of examples of language features that may rely on run-time support are exceptions and virtual members.
And again, run-time library support isn't the only thing that could be ABI incompatible between C++03 and C++11.
Does c++11 break ABI compliance with older libraries?
No, I don't think the spec requires anything that prevents C++03 and C++11 implementations from sharing an ABI. However what you want to know is, are older specs sufficiently strict that older implementations must have an ABI that can potentially be shared by a C++11 implementation as well? The answer there is no as well and thus an implementer may be forced to break ABI compatibility when implementing C++11.
A specific C++03 and C++11 implementation may together make certain guarantees about mixing a C++11 compiled binary with C++03 run-time support, so you may be able to make use of that. I don't know of any such implementations, however.
Another option is that, rather than trying to mix C++11 and C++03 implementations, your C++11 implementation may be able to create self-contained binaries (or mostly self-contained, rather, since at the very least it would have to rely on the operating system's system call ABI) that don't require external run-time support.
The compatibility you can rely on is source level. You can write C++11 programs that also compile as C++03, and C++03 programs that also compile C++11, though of course with this method you're limited to the lowest common denominator between C++03 and C++11 and about the only C++11 feature you'll be able to benefit from would be move semantics.

Must a C++ Standard Library be implemented in C++?

Must a conforming C++ Standard Library Implementation be implemented in C++?
If not, is it allowed to do magic things that are not doable in pure C++ & Standard Library & some implementation defined behaviour?
I am aware that there are parallel implementations that rely on extensions (in pre C++11 at least), but are they really conforming?
I couldn't find any requirement in the standard, but maybe my standard-fu is weak today
There is no requirement at all how the standard C++ library (or the standard C library for that matter) is implemented. All the library needs to achieve is to implement the documented and specified interface. How this is done is entirely up to the implementation. Part of standard libraries are often implemented by the compiler in some magic way and in C++2011 there are several interfaces which actually cannot be implemented using standard C++2011 language facilities! Primarily this is true for some of the traits in <type_traits> but there are other things.
Just for the reference: how C++ is implemented and what it actually really means to conform to the standard is held extremely vague. The relevant clause is 1.4 [intro.compliance]. It merely speaks about diagnostics being issued and what a program has to do, constraint to resource limitations, however.
Actually, it is even prescribed by the Standard that #include <map> (for example) could simply import a pre-stored AST and not refer to a file, at all.
Not at all, only the interface needs to be C++.

do we need to recompile libraries with c++11?

This is a very uninformed question, but:
I would like to start using C++11. Can I continue to use my large collection of libraries which were compiled with my old gcc 4.2.1 compiler or do I need to recompile them all with a new compiler? I would think (or hope) the answer is no, but I am only a dabbler.
So that I may have at least part of my ignorance removed, can you explain why in either case?
Yes, you should.
The weaker reason is not binary compatibility, the problem is about expectations. A C++11 enabled compiler will expect a number of features to be available (move constructors among them) and use them when appropriate. And that's only scratching the tip of the iceberg, there are several other incompatibilities (auto, 0 and its interaction with pointers, ...).
It means that any inline method in a header may suddenly be interpreted differently, in light of the C++11 Standard.
The stronger reason is that each version of the compiler comes with its own Standard Library implementation. You don't really want start mixing various versions around and especially not when they have undergone such major changes (once again, rvalue references...).
Believe me, it's simpler to recompile now rather than having that nagging thought that each bug that appear may be due to an incompatibility between old and new libraries...
It's a compiler question. For instance, if you have a single compiler which supports both C++03 and C++11 depending on a compiler switch, you can very likely mix libraries. There's nothing new in C++11 that forces an incompatibility with C++03.
Howeve, you mentioned that your libraries were compiled with GGC 4.2.1. Since C++11 was just an idea back then, it's quite likely that GCC back then was implemented in ways that turned out to be incompatible with C++11.
For instance, std::list::size() must be O(1) in C++11, but it could be O(N) in C++03. GCC chose a O(N) implementation back then, not knowing the future requirements. The current GCC std::list::size implementation is compatible with both C++11 and C++03, since O(1) is better than O(N).
The answer totally depends on the API of your library and its implementation dependencies.
The conditions that guarantee that you don't need to recompile are:
-- Your library doesn't use C++ specific features in its public API.
That implies:
Your library doesn't provide classes/class-templates/function-templates/other C++ specific stuff.
You don't accept/return C++ classes to/from your library functions.
You don't pass function parameters by reference.
You don't provide public inline functions with C++ specific implementations.
You don't throw exceptions from your functions.
You don't (because you have no reason to) include C++ specific library headers in your public headers. (It wouldn't hurt if you do include them but everything must be OK if you remove such includes. It is like an indicator.)
-- Your library depends only on the libraries that binary-compatible with those available in your new build environment.
If those conditions are not satisfied then there is no guarantee that your library will work correctly. In most cases it is much easier to recompile than to make sure that everything works correctly.
Either way if you are going to make binary compatible API that satisfies the conditions above then it is much better to design and implement C language API. This way you automatically satisfy the above conditions and don't fall into sin of writing C-style C++ code.
You can use large parts of C++11 without recompiling (assuming ABI compatability), but a particular important part, for me atleast, will not be accessible to the already compiled code - move semantics.
Move semantics can make your code faster just by recompiling with a C++11 compiler (and preferably, a C++11 stdlib).
There are also other reasons. Maybe your preferred library has become C++11 aware since you last compiled it, and is now more efficient, safer or easier to use if compiled with a C++11 compiler?
For your own libraries, with C++11 you surely can make it them more efficient, safer and easier to use? :)
If your interfaces to the compiled code uses any template which was modified by C++11, then yes, you have to recompile. Otherwise you probably can continue to use your old libraries (unless the compiler provider also decided to make changes of the ABI at the same time, because it's a great opportunity to fix long-standing ABI bugs which are otherwise often refrained from fixing because of binary incompatibilities).

libstdc++-doc simply ignores imported c functions,c++ really junky?

Each header from the C Standard
Library is included in the C++
Standard Library under a different
name, generated by removing the .h,
and adding a 'c' at the start, for
example 'time.h' becomes 'ctime'. The
only difference between these headers
and the traditional C Standard Library
headers is that where possible the
functions should be placed into the
std:: namespace (although few
compilers actually do this).
Since c functions are put into the std:: namespace,I tried :
man std::printf
but got :
No manual entry for std:printf
Any reasons?(I've installed libstdc++-doc and I've no problem with canonical c++ stuff like man std::cout)
The reason to say c++ is junky at least includes:
junky c++ manual
an empty c++ programe needs libstdc++,libm and libgcc_s,while c programe only needs libc.
There really is no point in documenting the C++ functions that come from standard C if they are identical and are already documented (like printf is).
The behavior of the C standard library functions is out of the control of libstdc++ developers. It relies (in this and most other C++ Standard library implementations) on the underlying platform's Libc implementation. On Linux, that's most probably glibc, on Windows, msvcrt, etc...
The point is that all these different libraries provide different and non-conforming behavior, which would have to be documented in the libstdc++ documentation, and that is impossible (no, very hard) to do and maintain. It also serves no practical purpose, as this documentation exists elsewhere.