Cross platform open source third party library for WebServices - c++

I'm looking for cross platform open source third party library for web services which support c++. I have generated c++ files using WSMakeStubs utility but it uses Core Foundation data types. I want a library which provide web service call through c++ so that I can use it on Windows and Mac both the platform.
I wanted stubs that can be used on both Windows and Mac platform.
Could any one suggest me good library.

I would like to recommend gSoap. In the company I'm working at, we use it for about 7 years now (since version 2.6.0, the actual version is 2.8.3) and only made good experiences with it. Look at the success stories to get an overview of the companies which are using it.
C++ and SOAP
What is a good platform for devoloping web services in C++?
A Good C++ Library for SOAP

pion is a possibility, though I don't know how it compares to gSoap or other alternatives. I got it working an evening then got distracted with other reverse economies. I seem to remember it having fewer dependencies of the others I researched.


Building VST host in cross platform application

I'm planning to implement a VST host for a cross-platform application I'm developing.
Which version of VST should I prefer, VST-2 or VST-3? It seems that VST-2 is depreciated but most other host applications still use that rather than 3.
Are there any examples which will build on Linux (Ubuntu) that have got a host built in and are licensed BSD or similar? I've got no issue with JUCE except after a day of trying that, there are too many build issues on Linux for the VST host example.
The application is written in C++.
Definitely VST2.x. I would not call the VST2 standard "deprecated", so much as VST3 is "DOA". ;) Almost all commercial sequencers support VST2, hardly any (except for Steinberg's Cubase, of course) support VST3. As far as plugins go, almost all plugin manufacturers support VST2, but much fewer ship a VST3 plugin.
The reasons why very few plugins/hosts made the jump to VST3 are among the following:
There are very no real technical advantages to the VST3 API compared to the tools offered by the VST2 API
The VST3 API is significantly larger and harder to understand than VST2
VST3 is not backwards-compatible to VST2; it's basically a completely different plugin standard
As for a Linux-compatible VST2 example, check out MrsWatson, which is licensed under BSD (full disclaimer: I'm the author and maintainer of this project).

C++ casablanca vs Mozilla NSPR vs Facebook folly

Has anyone evaluated these libraries for their pros and cons as a cross-platform library?
I understand NSPR is very old and stable, but how does it compare to Microsoft Casablanca C++ rest SDK and Facebook folly.
Microsoft Casablanca is capable of running on iOS and Android.
But if I am looking for supporting only OSX, Linux and Windows which one should I go with and why?
Is there any other cross-platform library I should look at?
I was look for a cross platform HTTP client in C++. The following link gives a brief on many options available there,

Interactive Brokers C++ POS API example?

Has anyone ever seen a working example of this? I am looking for a Linux environment using gcc not Windows with Visual Studio?
The book of has:
The C++ API is supported only on Windows, however.
is this Interactive Brokers C++ POS API still valid or supported?
POSIX API is still supported. Many folks use either or for their projects since all of the threading, messaging and other housekeeping are taken care of for you.
The TestCppClient project included with the TWS API download can be built on Linux or Mac with the provided makefile. It has macros which detect the OS and include the corresponding appropriate code.
TWS API Download

Can I do Android Programming in C++, C?

Can I do Android programming in C++, C? If the answer is "yes" then please tell how? And what's the procedure to set up?
I don't know Obj-C, Java, but well-versed in C, C++, Flash AS3, SDK released by Google.
Please do not tell about NVDIA SDK it's not fully developed :)
You can program in C/C++ using the Android NDK. You'll have to wrap your c++ codebase in a static library and load that through a Java wrapper & JNI.
The standard NDK does not support RTTI and a lot of the functionality of standard c++ is also not available such as std::string, etc. To solve this you can recompile the NDK. Dmitry Moskalchuk supplies a modified version of the NDK that supports this at This modified version works on all Android phones that run on an ARM processor.
Depending on the kind of application you should decide to use Java or C/C++. I'd use C/C++ for anything that requires above average computational power and games -- Java for the rest.
Just pick one language and write the majority of your application in that language; JNI calls can decrease your performance by a lot. Java isn't that hard though -- if you know how to program in C/C++. The advantage of Java is that the application can run on any device running Android, where as NDK applications depend on the architecture it was compiled for.
You should use Android NDK to develop performance-critical portions of your apps in native code. See Android NDK.
Anyway i don't think it is the right way to develop an entire application.
Yes, you can program Android apps in C++ (for the most part), using the Native Development Kit (NDK), although Java is the primary/preferred language for programming Android, and your C++ code will likely have to interface with Java components, and you'll likely need to read and understand the documentation for Java components, as well. Therefore, I'd advise you to use Java unless you have some existing C++ code base that you need to port and that isn't practical to rewrite in Java.
Java is very similar to C++, I don't think you will have any problems picking it up... going from C++ to Java is incredibly easy; going from Java to C++ is a little more difficult, though not terrible. Java for C++ Programmers does a pretty good job at explaining the differences. Writing your Android code in Java will be more idiomatic and will also make the development process easier for you (as the tooling for the Java Android SDK is significantly better than the corresponding NDK tooling)
In terms of setup, Google provides the Android Studio IDE for both Java and C++ Android development (with Gradle as the build system), but you are free to use whatever IDE or build system you want so long as, under the hood, you are using the Android SDK / NDK to produce the final outputs.
You should look at MoSync too, MoSync gives you standard C/C++, easy-to-use well-documented APIs, and a full-featured Eclipse-based IDE. Its now a open sourced IDE still pretty cool but not maintained anymore.
You can take a look also at C++ Builder XE6, and XE7 supports android in c++ code, and with Firemonkey library.
Pretty easy way to start, and native code. But the binaries have a big size.
You can use the Android NDK, but answers should note that the Android NDK app is not free to use and there's no clear open source route to programming Android on Android in an increasingly Android-driven market that began as open source, with Android developer support or the extensiveness of the NDK app, meaning you're looking at abandoning Android as any kind of first steps programming platform without payments.
Note: I consider subscription requests as payments under duress and this is a freemium context which continues to go undefeated by the open source community.
There is more than one library for working in C++ in Android programming:
C++ - qt (A Nokia product, also available as LGPL)
C++ - Wxwidget (Available as GPL)

Write applications in C or C++ for Android? [closed]

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance.
Closed 11 years ago.
I'm trying to develop/port a game to Android, but it's in C, and Android supports Java, but I'm sure there must be a way to get a C app on there, anyone knows of a way to accomplish this?
For anyone coming to this via Google, note that starting from SDK 1.6 Android now has an official native SDK.
You can download the Android NDK (Native Development Kit) from here:
Also there is an blog post about the NDK:
The Android NDK is a toolset that lets you implement parts of your app in native code, using languages such as C and C++. For certain types of apps, this can help you reuse code libraries written in those languages.
For more info on how to get started with native development, follow this link.
Sample applications can be found here.
Normally, you have to:
Install Google Android NDK. It
contains libs, headers, makfile
examples and gcc toolchain
Build an executable from your C code
for ARM, optimize and link it with
provided libs if required
Connect to a phone using provided
adb interface and test your
If you are looking to sell an app:
Build a library from your C code
Create simple Java code which will
use this library
Embed this library into application
package file
Test your app
Sell it or distribute it for free
Google has released a Native Development Kit (NDK) (according to at 00:07:30).
Hopefully the information will be updated on the google groups page (, as it says it hasn't been released yet.
I'm not sure where to get a simple download for it, but I've heard that you can get a copy of the NDK from Google's Git repository under the donut branch.
The official position seems to be that this isn't something you'd ever "want to do". See this thread on the Android Developers list. Google envisage android running on a variety of different devices (CPUs, displays, etc). The best way to enable development is therefore to use (portable) managed code that targets the Dalvik VM. For this reason, the Android SDK doesn't support C/C++.
BUT, take a look at this page:
Android includes a set of C/C++
libraries used by various components
of the Android system. These
capabilities are exposed to developers
through the Android application
The managed application framework appears to be layered on-top of these libraries. The page goes on to list the C/C++ libs: standard C library, media, 3D, SQL lite, and others.
So all you need is a compiler chain that will compile C/C++ to the appropriate CPU (ARM, in the case of the G1). Some brief instructions on how to do this are here.
What I don't know is where to find descriptions of the APIs that these libraries provide. I'd guess there may be header files buried in the SDK somewhere, but documentation may be sketchy/missing. But I think it can be done!
Hope thats useful. For the record, I haven't written any native android apps - just a few simple managed ones.
You can use nestedvm to translate C (or other GCC languages) into Java bytecode, and use that as the basis of your port. For example, see the Android port of Simon Tathams portable puzzle collection.
I expect this method is made obsolete by the NDK, but it might not be in if some networks or something don't allow people to upgrade their phones.
Google has already launched Google I/O 2011: Bringing C and C++ Games to Android session which is available at
which is good to understand the use of NDK for writing application in c and c++ for android.
If you just want to cross compile any console based native game and run them on android then this Article has shown 3 methods for the same.
1: Static compilation using standalone toolchain
2: Cross compilation using Android NDK’s toolchain
3: Cross compilation using AOSP source code
Maybe you are looking for this?
It is a middle layer for developing for several mobile platforms using c++.
Looking at this it seems it is possible: (now only available via the WayBack Machine)
"the fact is only Java language is supported doesn’t mean that you cannot develop applications in other languages. This have been proved by many developers, hackers and experts in application development for mobile. The guys at Elements Interactive B.V., the company behind Edgelib library, succeeded to run native C++ applications on the Android platform, even that at this time there is still many issues on display and sound … etc. This include the S-Tris2 game and a 3D animation demo of Edgelib."
Since 2009 there is a development on this matter.
Necessitas - Qt(C++ framework) for Android
Getting started video.
Take a look at google ndk group it looks promising, first version of the NDK will be available in 1H2009.
And it is released
I'm not sure the NDK provides full coverage of the official Java API.
From :
Please note that the NDK does not
enable you to develop native-only
applications. Android's primary
runtime remains the Dalvik virtual
Google just released the NDK which allows exactly that.
It can be found here:
This blog post may be a good start:
Unfortunately, lots of the important stuff is "left as an exercise to the reader".
I do not know a tutorial but a good development tool: Airplay SDK from Ideaworks Labs. (Recently rebranded "Marmelade") Using C/C++ you can build apps for Windows Mobile, iPhones, Android. The only component I didn't like was the GUI composer - a buggy one, but you always can substitute it with the Notepad.
You can download c4droid and then install the GCC plugin and install to your SD. From the shell I just traverse to the directory where the GCC binary is and then call it to make an on board executable.
find / -name gcc
cat > test.c
int main(){
printf("hello arm!\n");
return 0;
./arm-linux-androideabi-gcc test.c -o test
hello arm!
This three steps are good to have and store in this post.
1) How to port native c code on android
Native C/c++ Files libstdc++.* from your Ubuntu are x86 (or x86_64) binaries but Android devices and emulators are ARM. Of course, this will not work anyway, even if you'll set correct soname. This is very naive way which leads nowhere. Android has very limited support of C++ meaning there is no exceptions, standard C++ library (including STL) and RTTI. If you need such functionality, use my custom NDK distribution from - it support full C++ features listed above.
Why is there error: undefined reference to '__cxa_end_cleanup' link error. Android stlport
time. Because there is no link to libstdc + +. A. So wrong.
Because it uses some static library, it is necessary to link the full libstdc + +. A. Can here to download the package
sources \ cxx-stl \ gnu-libstdc + + \ libs \ armeabi directory.
Android on its own libstdc + + support is limited, it must be linked to a complete libstdc +
+. A the job.
Add file in LOCAL_LDFLAGS = $ (LOCAL_PATH) / libs / libcurl.a \
$ (LOCAL_PATH) / libs / liblua.a \
`$ (LOCAL_PATH) / libs / libstdc + +. A`
And LOCAL_CPPFLAGS + =-lstdc + +-fexceptions can be compiled
There is a plan to allow C/C++ libraries in the next SDK version of Android (Codename Eclair?)To date, it's not possible through the Android Java SDK. However, you can grab the HUGE open source project, roll your own libraries, and then flash your own device...but anyone who wants to use your library will have to flash your custom build as well.
Short answer: You can't.
#Backslash17: Looking through the article and the following link with installation instructions, all the company got working is to launch a self compiled executable on the emulator, bypassing the android framework. Once you have the emulator you can telnet in and have a linux shell. Running a linux program there is trivial of course.
But that's not working for phones without jailbreak(aka root access) and not deliverable on the market.
Unless Google opens other opportunities or someone writes a custom compiler that compiles Language X into Dalvik bytecode (Dalvik is the VM that runs Android programs) you won't be able to write native code.