Times when inline functioning cannot be used - c++

Im studying inline functions in C++ and have come to a section concerning limitations of its use. It says:
The compiler also cannot perform
inlining if the address of the
function is taken implicitly or
Can someone explain to me, perhaps with an example of some sort, what exactly this means?

You can mark any function as inline. Even a virtual function, even a recursive function, even a veeery veery long function, even if its address is taken. The main difference between an inline and non-inline function is that the definition of the former must appear in every translation unit (aka source file) in which it is used ( that's why inline functions are usually defined in the .h file), whereas the latter must be defined only once. You can use the inline function in every way that you can use a non-inline one.
The actual inlining part is up to the compiler. It can ignore your request, if, for example, your function is recursive or too long. On the other hand, the compiler may choose to inline a function which you haven't actually marked as inline.

There are two somewhat separate decisions the compiler makes concerning function inlining:
whether a particular function call is inlined;
whether a non-inline version of the function exists.
The first is decided by the compiler on a case-by-case basis, if inlining is possible at that point. It won't be possible if the function is virtual, or called through a function pointer, and it can't determine at compile time which function is to be called. It won't be possible if the definition is not available to the compiler, perhaps because it is defined in a different translation unit and the compiler does not do "whole program optimisation". The decision may, or may not, be influenced by whether the function is declared inline, and other factors such as its size and how often it is called.
The second depends on whether a non-inline version is required. It will be required if any call to it is not inlined. It will also (as per your quotation) be required if anything needs the address of the function, as then it must have an address. This can happen either directly (for example by assigning the address to a function pointer), or indirectly (for example, virtual functions will need their address stored somewhere to look up at runtime according to the object's dynamic type).
The existence of the non-inline version will not prevent any particular call to the function from being inlined, although it's possible that it might influence the compiler's decision, particularly if it's configured to optimise for code size.
To summarise, your quotation is simplistic and not entirely accurate; the compiler can still "perform inlining" if the address is taken, it just can't omit the non-inline version.

It's just wrong: ability to inline a function call is not affected by computing 2+2 or by taking the address of the function somewhere.
Which book or article are you reading?
On the other hand, if the address is taken then it might be practically impossible to remove the separate machine code function.
Cheers & hth.,


forcing a function to be pure

In C++ it is possible to declare that a function is const, which means, as far as I understand, that the compiler ensures the function does not modify the object. Is there something analogous in C++ where I can require that a function is pure? If not in C++, is there a language where one can make this requirement?
If this is not possible, why is it possible to require functions to be const but not require them to be pure? What makes these requirements different?
For clarity, by pure I want there to be no side effects and no use of variables other than those passed into the function. As a result there should be no file reading or system calls etc.
Here is a clearer definition of side effects:
No modification to files on the computer that the program is run on and no modification to variables with scope outside the function. No information is used to compute the function other than variables passed into it. Running the function should return the same thing every time it is run.
NOTE: I did some more research and encountered pure script
(Thanks for jarod42's comment)
Based on a quick read of the wikipedia article I am under the impression you can require functions be pure in pure script, however I am not completely sure.
Short answer: No. There is no equivalent keyword called pure that constrains a function like const does.
However, if you have a specific global variable you'd like to remain untouched, you do have the option of static type myVar. This will require that only functions in that file will be able to use it, and nothing outside of that file. That means any function outside that file will be constrained to leave it alone.
As to "side effects", I will break each of them down so you know what options you have:
No modification to files on the computer that the program is run on.
You can't constrain a function to do this that I'm aware. C++ just doesn't offer a way to constrain a function like this. You can, however, design a function to not modify any files, if you like.
No modification to variables with scope outside the function.
Globals are the only variables you can modify outside a function's scope that I'm aware of, besides anything passed by pointer or reference as a parameter. Globals have the option of being constant or static, which will keep you from modifying them, but, beyond that, there's really nothing you can do that I'm aware.
No information is used to compute the function other than variables passed into it.
Again, you can't constrain it to do so that I'm aware. However, you can design the function to work like this if you want.
Running the function should return the same thing every time it is run.
I'm not sure I understand why you want to constrain a function like this, but no. Not that I'm aware. Again, you can design it like this if you like, though.
As to why C++ doesn't offer an option like this? I'm guessing reusability. It appears that you have a specific list of things you don't want your function to do. However, the likelihood that a lot of other C++ users as a whole will need this particular set of constraints often is very small. Maybe they need one or two at a time, but not all at once. It doesn't seem like it would be worth the trouble to add it.
The same, however, cannot be said about const. const is used all the time, especially in parameter lists. This is to keep data from getting modified if it's passed by reference, or something. Thus, the compiler needs to know what functions modify the object. It uses const in the function declaration to keep track of this. Otherwise, it would have no way of knowing. However, with using const, it's quite simple. It can just constrain the object to only use functions that guarantee that it remains constant, or uses the const keyword in the declaration if the function.
Thus, const get's a lot of reuse.
Currently, C++ does not have a mechanism to ensure that a function has "no side effects and no use of variables other than those passed into the function." You can only force yourself to write pure functions, as mentioned by Jack Bashford. The compiler can't check this for you.
There is a proposal (N3744 Proposing [[pure]]). Here you can see that GCC and Clang already support __attribute__((pure)). Maybe it will be standardized in some form in the future revisions of C++.
In C++ it is possible to declare that a function is const, which means, as far as I understand, that the compiler ensures the function does not modify the object.
Not quite. The compiler will allow the object to be modified by (potentially ill-advised) use of const_cast. So the compiler only ensures that the function does not accidentally modify the object.
What makes these requirements [constant and pure] different?
They are different because one affects correct functionality while the other does not.
Suppose C is a container and you are iterating over its contents. At some point within the loop, perhaps you need to call a function that takes C as a parameter. If that function were to clear() the container, your loop will likely crash. Sure, you could build a loop that can handle that, but the point is that there are times when a caller needs assurance that the rug will not be pulled out from under it. Hence the ability to mark things const. If you pass C as a constant reference to a function, that function is promising to not modify C. This promise provides the needed assurance (even though, as I mentioned above, the promise can be broken).
I am not aware of a case where use of a non-pure function could similarly cause a program to crash. If there is no use for something, why complicate the language with it? If you can come up with a good use-case, maybe it is something to consider for a future revision of the language.
(Knowing that a function is pure could help a compiler optimize code. As far as I know, it's been left up to each compiler to define how to flag that, as it does not affect functionality.)

Why are the default constructor and destructor of a class inline?

I read from multiple sources that:
If no user-declared constructors of any kind are provided for a class type (struct, class, or union), the compiler will always declare a default constructor as an inline public member of its class.
Why was this decision made (to explicitly declare ctors/dtors as inline)? Compilers are free to inline / non-inline this anyways? Especially since inlining ctors may have a huge penalty on the clients of a class (Effective C++, Item #30)?
They're not inline in the sense "they will always be inlined by the compiler." They are inline in the sense "considered defined in every translation unit which sees the class definition, without violating the One Definition Rule (ODR)." Note that the latter is the only meaning of the phrase "inline function" which standard C++ uses.
Explicitly marking a function with the inline keyword is also a non-binding hint to the compiler to actually inline the function, but I doubt modern compilers & optimisers pay much attention to this hint. However, note that this (hint to inline) applies only to using the keyword inline, and not to functions implicitly inline (such as the defaulted constructor and destructor mentioned in the question).
inline has two meanings in the C++ standard.
The first is what you think of when you hear inline; taking the code in the function and injecting it into the place where it is called.
The C++ standard advises implementations to do this when they see an inline method or function, but does not require it. As such action has zero observable behavior changes in the abstract machine that the C++ standard describes, I consider it non-normative advice.
The second has to do with linking. An inline function (or in C++17 a variable) can exist in multiple translation units. Normally this causes an error at link-time; but when the variable or function is inline, instead all but one of the instances of the variable or function are silently discarded. If they differ in any important way, this makes your program ill-formed no diagnostic required.
This second meaning is why implicit ctors and dtors are implicitly inline; it means that no single translation unit has to be chosen for them to "live in". Instead, they are generated everywhere they are needed. They may be preferentially actually inlined into calling code, but most importantly if any vestigial copies of it still exist (because it was not inlined, say), no error occurs at link time, and instead all but one of them are discarded.
See inline in the C++ standard. The wording in the standard is a bit harder to understand, different and more precise than I use above.

Implicit inline virtual function implemented in header

Writing a function in a .h file and its implementation right after (implicit inline), while using the virtual keyword:
virtual void g(){cout<<"is Inline?"};
Is the virtual functionality meaningless because the function is implemented in the .h?
Is this considered to be an inline?
Is the virtual functionality meaningless because the function is implemented in the .h?
No. virtual and inline are completely independent concepts.
virtual means that the function to call is chosen, at run-time if necessary, according to the dynamic type of the object it's invoked on.
inline means that you're allowed to define the function in more than one translation unit, and must define it in any translation unit that uses it. This is necessary (for some compilers) to allow the function to be inlined, but does not force all calls to be inlined. In particular, virtual calls usually won't be inlined (unless the dynamic type can be determined at compile time), so virtual will certainly retain its meaning here.
Is this considered to be an inline?
Yes, but (as mentioned above) that does not mean that all calls will be inlined.
Is the virtual functionality meaningless because the function is
implemented in the .h?
Nope. No reason to feel so. Header file is preprocessed and copy-pasted wherever it's included. So ultimately it's as good as implementing your g() in whatever .cpp file.
Is this considered to be an inline?
Yes. But here the inline doesn't mean usual interpretation of replacing function call with its content. virtual function resolution happens at runtime, so that can definitely not be inlined in that (macro style) way.
It means, that compiler guarantees to generate only 1 definition for all translation (.cpp file) units. Thus linker will not complain about multiple definition errors.
If you declare your function virtual, it is virtual, period. But, since virtual functions are usually selected at runtime, usually the compiler will not be able to inline them. If you call the function on an object, the compiler may inline it, since the call can be resolved at compile time. But it won't be able to inline a call through a reference or pointer, since it cannot resolve the dynamic type at compile time.
Take into account that neither the inline keyword not the implicit inlining here are mandatory for the compiler; they are just suggestions. But the virtual keyword is mandatory.

Inline functions in c++ - conditions

Under What condition an inline function ceases to be an inline function and acts as any other function?
The Myth:
inline is just a suggestion which a compiler may or may not abide to. A good compiler will anyways do what needs to be done.
The Truth:
inline usually indicates to the implementation that inline substitution of the function body at the point of call is to be preferred to the usual function call mechanism. An implementation is not required to perform this inline substitution at the point of call; however, even if this inline substitution is omitted, the other rules(especially w.r.t One Definition Rule) for inline are followed.
Under What condition an inline function ceases to be an inline function and acts as any other function?
Given the quoted fact there is a deeper context to this question.
When you declare a function as static inline function, the function acts like any other static function and the keyword inline has no importance anymore, it becomes redundant.
The static keyword on the function forces the inline function to have an internal linkage.(inline functions have external linkage)
Each instance of such a function is treated as a separate function(address of each function is different) and each instance of these functions have their own copies of static local variables & string literals(an inline function has only one copy of these ).
It's at the discretion of the compiler.
But some cases just can't be inlined, like:
Recursive functions
Functions whose address is referenced somewhere
Virtual functions (there are some exceptions thought)
That depends on the compiler optimization.
Different compilers have different rules to make the code more efficient. But if you declare a function as inline, the compiler tends to respect your decision as long as none of it's rules says different.
Remember that the compiler can change completely the execution path of a method. For example, consider the next situation:
int MyClass::getValue()
return someVariable;
At compile time, there is little difference between declaring this kind of function as inline or not. Probably the compiler will make the attribute partially public and code:
So it's more an aesthetical decision in most cases.

What are the inlining rules within C++ classes?

From what I read somewhere long time ago, it seems that if you want class member function to be inlined during the compilation phase, the function has to be defined inside class declaration block.
But this has a downside of a detail leak. IMHO, other programmers should only see class interface when opening .h file.
Is the first statement still true in modern C++, was it ever? Is there a way to force inlining for functions that are declared, preferably in another file altogether?
Is it generally better to keep short member functions inside class declaration block, or not?
It seems that if you want class member function to be inlined during the compilation phase, the function has to be defined inside class declaration block.
That is not really true. A function that is defined inside the class definition is implicitly marked as inline. But you don't need to defined the function inside the class for it to be inline, you can explicitly request it:
struct X {
void f();
inline void f() {}
The inline keyword on the other hand, does not mean that the function will be inlined, but rather that it can be defined in multiple translation units, that is, if multiple translation units include the same header that contains that definition, the linker will not fail with a multiple definition error.
Now, on actual inlining, the compiler can decide to inline or not any function, regardless of whether the function is declared as inline provided that it sees the definition of that function (the code that it will inline), which is the reason why in general functions that are meant to be inlined should be defined in the header (either inside the class definition or marked inline outside.
Additionally, newer toolchains can perform whole program optimization or other link time optimizations, by which the linker can also decide that a function should be inlined. In this case, the function definition needs not be visible at the call site, so it could be defined inside the .cpp file. But if you really want the function to be inlined it is better not to depend on this feature and just define the function in the header.
Q: Is there a way to force inlining for functions?
A: No
No matter how you designate a function as inline, it is a request that
the compiler is allowed to ignore: it might inline-expand some, all,
or none of the calls to an inline function.
Q: What are the inlining rules within C++ classes?
Inline member functions in C++
As far as Standard C++ is concerned, a inline function must be defined
in every translation unit in which it is used
This is different from non-inline functions which must be defined only
once in an entire program (one-definition-rule)...
For member-functions, if you define your function in the class, it is
implicitly inline. And because it appears in the header, the rule that
it has to be defined in every translation unit in which it is used is
automatically satisfied.
Here is a great FAQ (one that's more "practical" than "pedantic"):
Is the first statement still true in modern C++, was it ever?
As David explained, there's the inline keyword as well. It can be ignored, as Paul stated.
Is there a way to force inlining for functions that are declared,
preferably in another file altogether?
Probably by configuring your compiler. It might be doing some inling behind your back anyway. Eg. gcc has -finline-functions etc. that will be switched on for certain optimisation levels
Is it generally better to keep short member functions inside class declaration block, or no?
Up to you. Be aware though that if you have an inline method used lots of times, then you can be increasing the size of your object files, and so potentially bloat the size of what you're building and maybe slow it down.
FWIW I only tend to put implementations in header files out of laziness :)