Most secure way to secure Jersey REST Services - web-services

I'm looking really for just advice. I have a system up and running on my amazon cloud instance that is basically a bunch of REST services running on JBoss. My next step is to secure these services as there will be credit card information flowing through them. I also need to authentication as well so my question is, what is the most secure methods that one can use for REST services?
SSL CA Certs of course so encrypt the data using a CA is probably where i'll start of course.
Is go daddy reputable for this? or do i have to shell out alot of money for verisign?
For authentication, would it be sufficient to simply do basic auth or maybe just having caller sign the request somehow? Any other methods?
OH i forgot to mention, the client application is an iPad application. Thanks for the advice.

You want to be able to protect yourself from man in the middle attacks and prevent replaying of requests.
Any time there is payment related information being relayed I would opt for signing the request using a nonce and timestamp.
This involves signing the request using a shared secret between the client and server. The secret can be passed one time on login.
Use a timestamp and client generated unique nonce value as part of the signed bytes.
These values are also passed back as headers in the request so the server can reassemble the request.
A typical request executed from curl might look like this:
curl -v -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: ff7b93ad-27d0-49f6-90bd-9937951e5fcc:ncYoA5n5s2nFSm7qyvf5hDgL4pmmPOUP3zo/UYfaQKg=" -H "x-date:2013-03-28T19:34:00+00:00" -H "nonce:2d1321d32a" -X GET 'http://localhost/orders/123'
The Authorization header contains an id to identify the requester and then the hash of the signed request.
The date header should be within a certain offset of the server time (15 mins is a reasonable limit).
I have a full code example here

Using certs is a great start to security. I found Thawte a good balance between value and supported clients. When I looked (a while back) GoDaddy wasn't supported by enough of the clients I might have expected (Java, Objective-C/iPad, browsers) but that may have changed by now. You definitely want to make sure the certificate you get is supported by the clients you care about (Objective-C in your case for the iPad).
Basic auth is ok over https, just make sure you don't expose anything in URLs such as ids or tokens since the URL itself is visible. If you POST all your data over https you will be off to a good start.


Moodle - is password secure when send with a POST request via REST?

I guess that when someone sends data with HTTP POST, it is possible that data to get accessed by someone unauthorized (via a sniffer maybe?).
I want to use REST server in moodle lms.
I have created everything and in my tests I use curl (as stated in Moodle documentation) to POST the data from the client. Now there is no place in the code where the password is encrypted so I guess it is sent unencrypted.
Or am I wrong?
Does Moodle encrypt the password behind the scenes and then hashes it to the db?
Am I missing something about the whole web services concept?
If you are looking to encrypt the data during transmission from your client to the Moodle server use https instead of http. HTTP alone leaves you vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks or sniffers. When calling the Moodle web services, always use https! This applies even to ones where you aren't sending passwords. You want your web service token to remain secure too so always use https. Check out From that page: "We highly recommend to do it securely with HTTPS"

How can I implement user authentication for ColdFusion Web Services called from a mobile application?

I am developing several Web Services that will be accessed by a mobile application. I have several requirements:
Each user will need to sign in with their own User ID and Password (the same User ID and Password they use to sign into the website).
Every Web Service request will need to be authenticated to ensure that the request is coming from the mobile app(s).
Every Web Service request will need to authenticate the user, since there is user-specific fucntionality built in, and access will need to be blocked if the user's account is disabled.
Let's assume that OAuth is not an option.
In order to ensure that Web Service requests are coming only from the mobile app(s), I am planning to use HTTP Basic Authentication in IIS (the mobile app(s) will need to have a User Account setup in Windows Server and the mobile app will need to store the User Name & Password and pass these in the header).
Next is the User Authentication for each Web Service request. Would it be suitable to encrypt the User ID, Password, and some shared secret key (a "pepper", of sort) with AES-256, pass that encrypted string as a parameter with each request (over HTTPS, of course), and then decrypt and parse it on the server to authenticate? This is the existing plan, but something just doesnt seem right about it - like it's not "secure enough".
What else can I do to properly authenticate users for Web Service requests?
I recently went through this problem and asked opinions from a group of senior people about how they solve the problem. Opinions were varied, but one consistent feeling is that your level of security depends on the use case of your application. Are you doing online banking or storing medical records? Then your security needs may be quite high. Social networking? Maybe not so much.
Basic Authentication is generally fine when encrypted over SSL, ColdFusion works well with it. If you use Basic Auth, make sure to encrypt your traffic with 1024-bit keys or better. Don't authenticate every request with username/password - that's unnecessary. Authenticate the first request, set a session token, and rely on the session token for your identification of users.
Set a polling mechanism from the client to the server to keep the session alive - set the session timeout to 30 minutes and the polling frequency at 25 minutes, for example. Otherwise you may need to re-authenticate expired sessions. Again, how you approach this part of the solution depends on your paranoia level, which depends on what kind of data/app you are dealing with.
Cookies, and therefore sessions, should work fine in iOS apps. If you use sessions to verify identity after authentication, make sure your session cookies are memory-only (set at the server level).
Check the SSL implementation of your server against the Qualysis SSL Test:
The report will give you a surprising amount of detail about the strength of your SSL implementation.
Lastly, consider implementing two-factor authentication to combat password theft.
If you ignore the SSL advice and plan on encrypting your password and communicating over an insecure channel, look at the Kerberos protocol for a well-known example of how to authenticate securely:
Yes, you can use Basic Authentication but that means the client will need to store the username/password in plain text, and also send them over in plain text. Sending part is sort of fine if it's under HTTPS, but storing username/password in plain text may not be a good idea, unless you're using some secure key store.
Let's assume you have decided that Basic Authentication is the way to go, and you want to make use of the official CF way of supporting that, then you can use & CFLOGIN.password. You may also check out Ask Ben: Manually Enforcing Basic HTTP Authorization In ColdFusion. In the remote cfc side, always validate the username/password, or return some sort of token and asks the client to use that token going forward. The token can be cfid+cftoken if you like, or even roll your own that never expires. If you use cfid+cftoken, and send them over as cookie or in body along with your web service call, I believe you can resume the session if you so choose.

Do we need a security signature for the web service response?

I have created a web service API and it's architecture is such that the server requires a client to sign the request along with a secret key assigned to it (signature is always different between multiple requests).
Server matches the client's signature with its own computed signature. If they are a match then the server returns the response.
I am wondering if a client should check the response coming back from the server to see if it's from the same application to which the request was made.
Is any kind of attack possible between HTTP request and HTTP response?
Do we need a security signature for the web service response?
It depends. There are a few types of web service APIs out there. Some need strict security other might not. You could have a few types of APIs:
(1) completely opened API. Say you have a blog where you post about writing RESTful services and clients. You host a complete working REST service based on one of your posts so that people give it a spin. You don't care who calls your service, the service returns some dummy data etc. It's just a demo, a toy, no security here, no request signing, nada. It's just plain HTTP calls.
(2) service with an API key. Say you have a web service and you want to know who calls it. This kind of service needs a pre-registration and each client who wants to call your service needs to register and obtain a key first. Do note that the registration is not about authentication or authorization, you just want to know who's using your API (e.g. what business sector they operate in, how many clients they have, why are they using your API for etc) so that you later make some analysis of your own and take some (marketing maybe) decisions of some sort later on based on the data you get back.
There is nothing secret about this API key. It's just an UUID of some sort, the most basic way of differentiating between calls. This again involves only plain HTTP calls with the key as an additional request parameter.
(3) service with an API key and a secret key. This is similar to number (2) but you need to absolutely make sure that the calls are coming from the client that presents some API key. You need this because you probably want to bill the client for how much they have used your service. You want to make sure the calls actually come from that client and not someone ill intentioned that maybe wants to overcharge the client's bill.
So the client uses it's key for identification and a signature of the request with the secret key to actually vouch for it's identity. This again can be plain HTTP calls with the key and signature as additional request parameters.
(4) data "tampered-safe" web services. For numbers (1), (2) and (3) above I haven't considered any message security issues because most APIs don't need it. What's exchanged isn't confidential and not all that important to protect. But sometimes although the data isn't confidential you need to make sure it wasn't tampered with during transit.
Say you are the owner of a shop that builds some product and you want to advertise your product on some partner web sites. You expose a service with the product details and your partners just use this data to display your product details on their sites. Everybody knows what products you are building so you don't need to hide that, but you are paranoid about your competition trying to ruin you so you want to avoid them intercepting the
request and multiplying by 10 all your prices in the responses of your result just to scare potential buyers away.
Number (3) above, although uses the signing part as a way to prove the identity of the caller, also assures the request was not tampered with (server will reject the request if the signature does not match). So if you need to assure an original response you can also sign the response.
For this, the service can provide the client with an API key and two secret keys. One secret key is used by the client to sign their requests while the second secret key is used by the client to verify the signature of the response (using an unique secret key for the server isn't all that safe so the server emits a server secret key specific to each client).
But this has a weak point: you would need to trust your partners that they will indeed validate the response signature before displaying the information on the site and not just bluntly display it. Paranoid as you are you want to protect against this and for this you need HTTPS.
As #SilverlightFox mentioned this proves the validity of the response. The data was not tempered with because it's encrypted. The client does not need to have an extra step to verify the response signature because that verification is already done at a lower (transport) level.
(5) secure services. And now we reach the last type of service where the data is actually confidential. HTTPS is a must for these services. HTTPS ensures the data remains confidential, that it isn't tempered in transit, identifies the server and can also identity the client if client side certificates are used.
So, in conclusion, it depends on what type of service you have.
Make the request over HTTPS to ensure the validity of the response.
This will ensure your data is not vulnerable to a MITM attack. Rolling your own untested encryption/hashing methods is a sure way to open up your application to attack, so you should use TLS/SSL which means that you should connect to your web service API over HTTPS. TLS is the proven and secure way to ensure the response is coming from the application that the request was made to.

Secure centralized HMAC-based authentication service

I need to centralize authentication to my rest web services and make this authentication the same for all of our webservices. So I started writing an external web service to take care about the authentication.
To keep compatibility, since the authentication was performed using a HMAC signature (signed using a private key) alongside the single request (so there is no token of any sort) I thought to make all web services to send the HMAC included inside the incoming request and the StringToSign (a representation of data used to generate the HMAC).
So the Authorization service can (knowing the private key) try to compose the same signature, if it matches then answers with 200 OK and with a JSON object saying "authorized".
All this communication happens over HTTPS, but I'm trying to figure out what could happen if someone would intercept or modify this answer, making a 403 Forbidden to become 200 OK...
Should I use some sort of way to recognize this is the original answer? If so, what could I do?
I do agree that ssl certificates released by CA's are secure, but how could I make sure my HTTPS layer has not been compromised allowing an attacker to modify authorization responses?
P.S. please provide some standard solution if any, I don't want it to be related to the technology I'm using right now, since each service may use its own stack and I don't really want it to be .NET or something else because there's a proprietary implementation for the authentication mechanism.
All this communication happens over HTTPS, but I'm trying to figure
out what could happen if someone would intercept or modify this answer
This is what the S in HTTPS is for: SSL guarantees integrity of the message. If the attacker forges the request, the client will notice it.
You can ask the experts at #security.

Sessions in REST services

I'm developing small REST service which should support client session persistence. As you know because of REST we can't store any client data on the server, data must be stored on client side and client's request must be self-sufficient. we can store client sessions? Searching over the internet I've found some methods how to realize this. For example: we send to the client encrypted token which contains client's id(nick...etc), like token = AES(id, secretKey); and then we're authorize user every request decrypting token on the server with secret key. Can anyone advise anything? Maybe there is another good ways to do same functionality. Which crypto algorithm will be preferable for this? Thanks.
You mentioned:
As you know because of REST we can't store any client data on the
server, data must be stored on client side and client's request must
be self-sufficient.
REST doesn't say you can't store client data on the server; it just says you shouldn't store application state there, which you can think of as "what this client is in the middle of trying to do".
If you are primarily trying to just have a concept of authenticated users, then a standard login cookie will work just fine and is not "unRESTful".
It all comes down to your answer to this question: why do you need a "session" concept in the first place?
If you need to ensure that the client passes a cookie representing a set of credentials, consider instead having the client pass them as HTTPS authentication headers with each request instead.
If you need some sticky routing rules to be followed (to make sure that the client's request gets sent to a particular server), consider using this opportunity to get rid of that architectural straightjacket as it is the quickest way to kill your chances of future scalability. Instead, make your server choice arbitrary.
If you absolutely must route to a specific node, try requiring that the client pass enough identification data that you can use it to hash or shard the client down a particular "swim lane". You could split things up based on their username, for example.