C++ network multi application protocols - c++

I am programming a Client/Server application for my project in C++. The whole application protocol was given or discussed by the working group. The main idea is that we have 3 protocols.
Text-protocol: send and receive some information in string format between client and server.
Binary-protocol: client sends continiously some status data to server.
Binary-protocol: client sends continiously some data like sound/video/images/text
All Protocols should run on different ports.
I implemented a Socket-Class, which is responsible to create and listen socket, accept the connection from the client. Also there is a function to receive/send string-based data and receive/send binary-based data.
In the next step I wanted to define 3 Classes. Each of them should be responsible for creating one socket in new Thread and responsible for the protocol, which was defined for that port (s. 1-3). So at the end I will get 3 Sockets (1 Socket for one Port).
My question is, if I think in right direction? Maybe you can recommend my some design patterns for using different application protocols. It would be great if you can recommend me some projects or code, which can be similar with my project.
Thank you.

You should decouple your socket class from the 3 protocol handlers - don't have methods for both text and binary data handling on the Socket or you unintentionally encourage people to mix and match data types over the same socket, which is clearly not what you want.
Your socket should provide simple connect/disconnect, data transmission and receipt functionality, and the decoding and encoding of sent/received data is then done in a different object, likely picked from 3 new classes (one per protocol).
On a general note, I question the use of text data. It's inefficient compared to virtually any serialization library you could name. You could be trading a little extra debuggability for a lot of hard-written data parsing and error checking code, and concomitant CPU cycle wastage. If the text data is fairly simple (not actually structured like XML, say) then this is less of a concern.
Protocol 2. might be implementable using UDP rather than TCP, if the status info is not mission-critical. That's one less connection you'd have to manage.

You might consider using enet. It does reliable and unreliable UDP communications and will do most of the heavy lifting of the communications for you.


How to send and receive data up to SO_SNDTIMEO and SO_RCVTIMEO without corrupting connection?

I am currently planning how to develop a man in the middle network application for TCP server that would transfer data between server and client. It would behave as regular client for server and server for remote client without modifying any data. It will be optionally used to detect and measure how long server or client is not able to receive data that is ready to be received in situation when connection is inactive.
I am planning to use blocking send and recv functions. Before any data transfer I would call a setsockopt function to set SO_SNDTIMEO and SO_RCVTIMEO to about 10 - 20 miliseconds assuming it will force blocking send and recv functions to return early in order to let another active connection data to be routed. Running thread per connection looks too expensive. I would not use async sockets here because I can not find guarantee that they will get complete in a parts of second especially when large data amount is being sent or received. High data delays does not look good. I would use very small buffers here but calling function for each received byte looks overkill.
My next assumption would be that is safe to call send or recv later if it has previously terminated by timeout and data was received less than requested.
But I am confused by contradicting information available at msdn.
send function
If no error occurs, send returns the total number of bytes sent, which
can be less than the number requested to be sent in the len parameter.
SOL_SOCKET Socket Options
SO_SNDTIMEO - The timeout, in milliseconds, for blocking send calls.
The default for this option is zero, which indicates that a send
operation will not time out. If a blocking send call times out, the
connection is in an indeterminate state and should be closed.
Are my assumptions correct that I can use these functions like this? Maybe there is more effective way to do this?
Thanks for answers
While you MIGHT implement something along the ideas you have given in your question, there are preferable alternatives on all major systems.
kqueue on FreeBSD and family. And on MAC OSX.
epoll on linux and related types of operating systems.
IO completion ports on Windows.
Using those technologies allows you to process traffic on multiple sockets without timeout logics and polling in an efficient, reactive manner. They all can be considered successors of the ancient select() function in socket API.
As for the quoted documentation for send() in your question, it is not really confusing or contradicting. Useful network protocols implement a mechanism to create "backpressure" for situations where a sender tries to send more data than a receiver (and/or the transport channel) can accomodate for. So, an application can only provide more data to send() if the network stack has buffer space ready for it.
If, for example an application tries to send 3Kb worth of data and the tcp/ip stack has only room for 800 bytes, send() might succeed and return that it used 800 bytes of the 3k offered bytes.
The basic approach to forwarding the data on a connection is: Do not read from the incoming socket until you know you can send that data to the outgoing socket. If you read greedily (and buffer on application layer), you deprive the communication channel of its backpressure mechanism.
So basically, the "send capability" should drive the receive actions.
As for using timeouts for this "middle man", there are 2 major scenarios:
You know the sending behavior of the sender application. I.e. if it has some intent on sending any data within your chosen receive timeout at any time. Some applications only send sporadically and any chosen value for a receive timeout could be wrong. Even if it is supposed to send at a specific time interval, your timeouts will cause trouble once someone debugs the sending application.
You want the "middle man" to work for unknown applications (which must not use some encryption for middle man to have a chance, of course). There, you cannot pick any "adequate" timeout value because you know nothing about the sending behavior of the involved application(s).
As a previous poster has suggested, I strongly urge you to reconsider the design of your server so that it employs an asynchronous I/O strategy. This may very well require that you spend significant time learning about each operating systems' preferred approach. It will be time well-spent.
For anything other than a toy application, using blocking I/O in the manner that you suggest will not perform well. Even with short timeouts, it sounds to me as though you won't be able to service new connections until you have completed the work for the current connection. You may also find (with short timeouts) that you're burning more CPU time spinning waiting for work to do than actually doing work.
A previous poster wisely suggested taking a look at Windows I/O completion ports. Take a look at this article I wrote in 2007 for Dr. Dobbs. It's not perfect, but I try to do a decent job of explaining how you can design a simple server that uses a small thread pool to handle potentially large numbers of connections:
Windows I/O Completion Ports
If you're on Linux/FreeBSD/MacOSX, take a look at libevent:
Finally, a good, practical book on writing TCP/IP servers and clients is "Practical TCP/IP Sockets in C" by Michael Donahoe and Kenneth Calvert. You could also check out the W. Richard Stevens texts (which cover the topic completely for UNIX.)
In summary, I think you should take some time to learn more about asynchronous socket I/O and the established, best-of-breed approaches for developing servers.
Feel free to private message me if you have questions down the road.

Qt, tcp/ip communication checksum

I am writing a data display program where I receive the data through a serial port. The listener is written by others and it is quite complex. Now I need to transfer the received data to another program/pc. So I am thinking of the standard tcp communication from Qt.
Is there any class that come along with the tcp classes that does job like checksum?
If I am transmitting an array of 10 doubles each time but at high frequency. How could I write a client that received all the data correctly without writing those complex algorithms to check the validity of received data bytes?
TCP/IP includes these checks as part of the protocol itself. This includes guarantees for data integrity, as well as the correct re-assembly of data (i.e it will definitely be in the same order). You mentioned that TCP chops the datastream into packets; this is true, but it will re-assemble the packets in the correct order on the receiving end, or request a re-transmission if it needs to do so. All of this is taken care of by the Qt networking classes.

Why does not go.net/websocket'api use channels for sending and receiving messages?

go.net/websocket package has Read() and Write() functions for sending and receiving messages through the web socket. Why does not it instead return a channel for sending and receiving messages? I feel like packages such as websocket, net are perfect places to use go's channels. What is the reasoning behind this design decision?
I don't know the exact semantics of WebSockets, but in general, I don't think network sockets map well into channels. There was actually a netchan package that tried to did this with channels in general, but it was discontinued.
I think there many problems to try and support a whole lot of protocols with one channel implementation. Where does the message begin and end? Should the channel buffer a large message, or give it chunk by chunk, etc.? The semantics of each protocol differ too much, so Go gives you the lower-level Read/Write for sockets, just like you'd find in other languages and leaves it for you to decide how to handle the data.
Note that I'm talking about socket-channels in general. WebSocket is a well-defined protocol and an implementation using channels might work well for it. As for why channels weren't chosen, it would be best to ask the authors of go.net/websocket (try golang-nuts Google group). I think it makes sense in a way, as its API as it is now is similar to the regular Go socket API.
Note that not using channels does not make the API non-concurrent. As long as connections are being handled on separate goroutines (which they are, with Go's HTTP server), they'll be handled concurrently. Using a channel or not is just a matter of convenience here.

C++ how to accept server-push data?

My situation: I would like to create a hobby project for improving my C++ involving real-time/latency programming.
I have decided I will write a small Java program which will send lots of random stock prices to a client, where the client will be written in C++ and accept all the prices.
I do not want the C++ client to have to poll/have a while loop which continuously checks for data even if there is none.
What options do I have for this? If it's easier to accomplish having a C++ server then that is not a problem.
I presume for starters I will have to use the boost ASIO package for networking?
I will be doing this on windows 7.
Why not just have the Java server accept connections and then wait for some duration of time. e.g. 10 seconds. Within that time if data becomes available, send it and close the connection.
Then the C++ client can have a thread which opens a connection whenever the previous one has completed.
That should give quite low latency without creating connections very often when there is no new data.
This is basically the Comet web programming model, which is used for many applications.
Think about how a web server receives data. When a URL is accessed the data is pushed to the server. The server need not poll the client (or indeed know anything about the client other than its a service pushing bytes towards it).
You could use a Java servlet to accept the data over HTTP and write the code in this fashion. Similarly, boost::asio has a server example that should get you started. Under the hood, you could enable persistent HTTP so that the connections aren't opened / closed frequently. This'll make the coding model much simpler.
I do not want the C++ client to have to poll/have a while loop which
continuously checks for data
Someone HAS to.
Need not be you. I've never used boost ASIO, but it might provide a callback registration. If yes, then just register a callback function of yours with boost, boost would do the waiting and give you a call back when it gets some data.
Other option is of course that you use some functions which are synchronous. Like (not a real function) Socket.read() which blocks the thread until there is data in the socket or it's closed. But in this case you're dedicating a thread of your own.
Abt the communication itself. Just pick any IPC mechanism (sockets/pipes/files/...), someone already described one I think. Once you send the data, the data itself is "encoded" and "decoded" by you, so you can create your own protocol. E.g. "%%<STOCK_NAME>=<STOCK_PRICE>##" where "%%", = and ## (markers to mark start, mid and end) that you add on sender side and remove on receiver side to get stock name and price.
You can develop the protocol further based on your needs. Like you can also send buy/sell recommendation or, text alert msgs with major stock exchange news. As long as your client and server understand how the data is "encoded" you're good.
Finally, if you want to secure teh communication (and say you're not using some secure layer (SSL)) then you can encrypt the data. But that's a different chapter. :)

Custom IP/UDP/RTP header in windows xp (and above) + general network questions

Lots of questions, I am sorry!
I am doing a voice-chat (VoIP) application and I was thinking of doing a custom implementation of the IP&UDP headers, along with small, extra information mainly seq number. Sounds alot like RTP yes, but I'm mainly just interested in the seq number or timestamp, and trying to implement my own whole RTP sounds like a nightmare with all the complexity involved and data im not likely to use.
Target OS for the application is windows xp and above. I have read http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms740548%28v=vs.85%29.aspx on the topic of Raw sockets in windows, and now I just want some confirmation.
I also have some general networking questions.
Here's the following questions;
1) According to MSDN, you cannot send custom IP packets with a source that is not on the network list. I understand it from a security PoV, but is there any way around this? My idea was to have for example two clients open UDP communication to a non-NAT protected server, and then have the clients spoof the source-header to make it look like packets come from the server instead of each other, thereby eliminating the need for a server as a relay of data to get through NAT, which would improve latency.
I have heard of winpcap but I don't want each client to have to install any 3rd party apps. Considering the number of DoS attacks surely there must be some way around this, like spoofing the network table the OS uses to check if source-header is legit? Will this trigger anti-virus systems?
I feel it would be really fun to actually toy with IP headers and above instead of just using predefined headers.
2) I've been having issues with free RTP libraries like JRTPLIB(which probably is very good anyway it just dosn't want to work for me) to make them work, more than I could almost tolerate, and am thinking of just writing my own interpretation ontop of UDP. Does application-level protcols like RTP simply build their header directly inside the UDP payload with the actual data afterwards? I suspect this considering the encapsulation process but just want to make sure.
If so, one does not need to create a RAW socket to implement application-level protocol, just an ordinary UDP socket and then your own payload interpretation above?
3) RTP does not give any performance boost compared to UDP since it adds more headers, all it does is making sure packets arrive in a sort-of correct manner based on timestamps and sequence numbers, right?
Is it -really- that usefull to use an RTP implementation for your basic VoIP project needs instead of adding basic sequencing yourself? I realise for video conferencing perhaps you reaally don't want frames to play out of order, but in audio conversations, would you really notice it?
4) If my solution in #1 is not applicable and I would have to use a server as a data relay between clients, would multicast be a good solution to reduce server loads? Is multicast supported enough in routing hardware?
5) It is related to question 1). Why do routers/firewalls allow things like UDP hole punching? For example, two clients first conenct to the server, then the server gives a client port / ip on to other clients, so the clients can talk to each other on those ports.
Why would firewalls allow data to be received from another IP than the one used in making the connection on that very port? Sounds like a big security hole that should easly be filtered? I understand that source IP spoofing would trick it, but this?
6) To set up a UDP session between two parties (the client which is behind NAT, server whic his non-NAT) does the client simply have to send a packet to the server and then the session is allowed through the firewall? Meaning the client can receive too from the server.
Based on article at wiki, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UDP_hole_punching
7) Is SIP dependant on RTP? For some reason I got this impression but I cant find data to back it up. I may plan to add softphone functionality to my VoIP client in the future and want to make sure I have a good foundation (RTP if I really must, otherwise my own UDP interpretation)
Thanks in advance!
1, Raw sockets seems unnecessary for this application
2, Yes
3, RTP runs on top of UDP, of course it adds overhead. In many ways RTP (ignoring RTCP) is pretty much the bare minimum already and if you implemented a half-way decent alternative it would save you a few bytes at best and you wouldn't be able to use any of the many RTP test tools.
7, SIP is completely independent of RTP. SIP is used to Initiate Sessions. SDP is the protocol commonly transported by SIP, and it is SDP that negotiates and controls RTP video/voice voice.