CORBA : how does client poll from server? - c++

I am a total newbie in CORBA. I have written a simple c++ CORBA CLIENT and a CORBA SERVER. I would like the client to ask a status from time to time from the server. However, I have no idea how to do that and my google searches give me no luck. Can anybody tell me how to perform polling of client to server? or perhaps how to catch notifications from server

The ability for a CORBA client to call/poll a method on a server is about as simple as CORBA development gets, and it's usually covered by the "Getting Started" section of an ORB's documentation. Here's a C++ Hello World example online for both a client and a server.
If you want the client to call the same method periodically, it's up to you as the client programmer to make that happen. You can put the client calling thread to sleep for some time between calls, set the client process to be launched on a regular basis by cron, whatever you prefer. CORBA won't initiate remote calls automatically for you. You have to instruct the CORBA layer to call the server on your behalf.

In addition to the answers above, you could also use the CORBA event or notification services to receive asynchronous notifications from a remote server to avoid polling.

And aside from polling, much more often client would provide object reference to one of its objects, and server would invoke a call on that object when something happens. That way polling could be completely avoided.


NodeJS server send data to C++ process

I have a nodeJS server which receives user POST/Streaming requests from a web-UI.
I have a C++ back-end engine process which does some calculations and sends API calls to other 3rd party services. The API call requires certain info provided by the web users.
My question is what is the best solution to pass the request data received on NodeJS and send over to the C++ process?
WebUI -> NodeJS ->???->> C++ engine
Make your C++ application listen on a TCP or Unix socket.
Make your NodeJs application connect to that socket and exchange messages. For messages you can use Google Protocol Buffers, JSON, etc..
If the information what you have is still at JavaScript layer, then you have to implement C/C++ Addons implementation. If you already have some type of native module, then you may follow the same design based on that (very likely existing module could be based on NAN). If you are plan to introduce a brand new native module then it is a good time to consider N-API. You can get more information about it from.

Does WSDL have the concept of an asynchronous web method?

I'm writing an API in WCF 4.6.1. The client(s) will not be written by me, and will not necessarily be in .NET (they could be in any language/platform).
There is a web method which does something that can take a long time, so I want to encourage the client to call it asynchronously. I know that the client can be written to treat the web method as async (threading, etc), but is there a way of "enforcing" the actual web service as an async operation? i.e. Does WSDL have a way to saying "this is an async method"?
Does WSDL have a way to saying "this is an async method"?
No it doesn't. The communication between the client and the service is synchronous even if the client thread does not block while that call is taking place. This is to say the invocation is asynchronous not that the web service method is asynchronous.
If you provide good documentation to say that for a particular operation it's advisable to use a separate thread because the response is slow to be generated you should be OK. Clients need to be built and the integration with the web service tested. The developers will notice the slow response and they will decide if they need to make the call in a non blocking way. Even blocking might be a solution for them, you never know, what you consider slow other might have no issue with.
If you want to "force" clients to not block for the response you could use for example WS-Addressing (I'm assuming here that you are using WCF for a SOAP web service) where your client provides a callback endpoint that you can invoke when the response is ready. This complicates a bit the client since it needs to have a receiving endpoint now. But a client developer might prefer to chose how she invokes the service (in a blocking/non blocking way) as opposed to having to implement the WS-Addressing spec.

websocket++ using fastcgi++'s session example

I'm brand new to c++ and know next to nothing about web protocols or websockets, so this may seem ridiculous.
I make websites that are 100% ajax and want to incorporate websockets. Fastcgi++ is everything I could hope for for the ajax demands, but it doesn't have websockets, and I chose websocket++ over libwebsockets since websocket++ is more or less a simple #include, so I assumed that I could incorporate it into fastcgi++.
I think I've figured out fastcgi++, and it looks like most of the action happens in Fastcgipp::Request then Fastcgipp::Http::Sessions for session data; however, I think I have to do the same thing with websocket++'s server::handler for handling the websocket, and now I'm lost at sea.
Enter my complete inexperience with c++: I think I have to use virtual inheritance, but I have no idea. Also, if I could even properly "subclass" both, how do I make sure that they don't run over each other?
Please show me a basic example of how websocket++ can use fastcgi++'s session management.
A WebSocket connection cannot be processed by an HTTP request/response workflow. In order to use something like fastcgi++ with both regular HTTP requests and with WebSocket requests it would need to have some way of recognizing a WebSocket handshake and piping that off to another handler instead of processing it as HTTP. I don't see an obvious pass through mode of that sort in its documentation, but I could be missing something.
If such a feature exists, WebSocket++ can be used in stream mode where it disables all of its network elements and just processes streams of bytes piped in from another networking library.
Some alternatives:
WebSocket++ supports HTTP pass through. This is essentially the opposite of what is described above. WebSocket++ would be used as the networking layer. It would process incoming WebSocket connections and would pass off HTTP requests to some other subsystem.
WebSocket++ and fastcgi++ could be run on different ports or different hostnames. This could be done in the same program or separate programs. With client side requests directed to the appropriate host/port.
Disclaimer: I am the author of WebSocket++

Integrating C++ code with any web technology on Linux

i am writing an program in c++ and i need an web interface to control the program and which will be efficient and best programming language ...
Your application will just have to listen to messages from the network that your web application would send to it.
Any web application (whatever the language) implementation could use sockets so don't worry about the details, just make sure your application manage messages that you made a protocol for.
Now, if you want to keep it all C++, you could use CPPCMS for your web application.
If it were Windows, I could advice you to register some COM component for your program. At least from ASP.NET it is easily accessible.
You could try some in-memory exchange techniques like reading/writing over a localhost socket connection. It however requires you to design some exchange protocol first.
Or data exchange via a database. You program writes/reads data from the database, the web front-end reads/writes data to the database.
You could use a framework like Thrift to communicate between a PHP/Python/Ruby/whatever webapp and a C++ daemon, or you could even go the extra mile (probably harder than just using something like Thrift) and write language bindings for the scripting language of your choice.
Either of the two options gives you the ability to write web-facing code in a language more suitable for the task while keeping the "heavy lifting" in C++.
Did you take a look at Wt? It's a widget-centric C++ framework for web applications, has a solid MVC system, an ORM, ...
The Win32 API method.
MSDN - Getting Started with Winsock:
(Since you didn't specify an OS, we're assuming Windows)
This is not as simple as it seems!
There is a mis-match between your C++ program (which presumibly is long running otherwise why would it need controlling) and a typical web program which starts up when it receives the http request and dies once the reply is sent.
You could possibly use one of the Java based web servers where it is possible to have a long running task.
Alternatively you could use a database or other storage as the communication medium:-
You program periodically writes it current status to a well know table, when a user invokes the control application it reads the current status and gives an appropriate set of options to the user which can then be stored in the DB, and actioned by your program the next time it polls for a request.
This works better if you have a queuing mechanism avaiable, as it can then be event driven rather than polled.
Go PHP :) Look at this Program execution Functions

online game best-practice

I'm developing a django-based MMO, and I'm wondering what would be the best way for server-client communication. The solutions I found are:
periodical AJAX calls
keeping a connection alive and sending data through it
Later edit:
This would consist in "you have a message", "user x attacked you", "your transport to x has arrived" and stuff like this. They could grow in number (something like 1/second), but for a typical user they shouldn't reach 1/minute
Not sure if it's applicable to what you're looking for, but there's a pretty good live example of lightweight server-client communication using node.js for a simple chat service:
You might want to take a look at crossbar is an open-source server software that allows developers
to create distributed systems, composed of application components
which are loosely coupled, communicate in (soft) real-time and can be
implemented in different languages
There's also a third technique involving "hanging" queries:
Client requests an updated page (or whatever)
Server doesn't answer right away
Sometime before the request times out, there's a state update in the server, and the server finally answers the client, which can then update.
If there really is nothing new to tell the client within the update period, then the server responds before the timeout with a "no news" message, and the client starts up another "hanging" request.
Client doesn't have to do Ajax. You could even make regular HTML pages "interactive" like this.
Probably not quite as much senseless polling traffic.
Server needs to keep more active connections open, and service them at least once per timeout period. Also,
depending on how well the server code supports multi-threading (does PHP provide any help there?), it may be more difficult to code than AJAX response handling.