Ray tracing tutorial on GLSL? [closed] - glsl

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I haven't found a good ray tracing tutorial on GLSL, I found one on CUDA that's great, but I really want a GLSL one too. I read the Stanford Graphics paper on GPU ray tracing and I want to see a GLSL implementation.

Shading languages really aren't meant for raytracing. The structure of a rasterizer just doesn't make them a good fit for most raytracing tasks. Yes, raytracers can use rasterizers to do parallel ray computations, and that's good. But the bulk of the algorithm doesn't fit the needs of a rasterizer.
Indeed, now that there are GP-GPU specific languages like OpenCL and CUDA, most of the research time and money is invested in them, not in shoehorning GP-GPU functionality into a rasterizer. It just isn't worth the effort to work around the limitations of a rasterizing pipeline to do raytracing; you'll get better performance with a real GP-GPU language.
And isn't performance the whole reason to do GP-GPU to begin with?


C++ or MATLAB Library for 3D Graphics for use in Physics Simulation [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm looking for a library I can use for C++ or MATLAB so that I can do some rigid-body and particle simulations which I can then render and view.
I'd like to be able to use a library to draw particles or rigid bodies and then programmatically specify rotation, translation, etc.
Additionally, I'd like for the library to have the smallest learning curve possible.
Thanks in advance for your help!
Use Open Scene Graph in c++:
That library wraps openGL and allows great rendering and has some really good tutorials.
You will be able to define objects positions by their transform from the 0,0,0 frame allowing to to move objects easily in a physics emulation style.
Hope this helps.

Is there a raycasting library in C++ that is simple and open source? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I'm looking for a library that will let me cast a ray into a scene model (it happens to be a terrain model in our case) and return the point of intersection in the scene. It does not have to be super-efficient (although I'd rather it not be super-inefficient). Ideally it would not have dependencies on other libraries (like OpenGL). I'm really looking for something that has just the functionality I need and no more.
Does anyone have any suggestions?
Unless there are other requirements you haven't revealed, use CGAL's AABB tree's support for ray intersections (example).
(Please, don't even think about using this if you're actually trying to do terrain rendering though... there are far more efficient algorithms for ray-casting height fields for the purpose of producing images e.g so-called voxel algorithms).

Does anyone have good resources on 3D procedural generation of terrain or fractal terrain generation? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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See title. Any help is appreciated!
Search for Perlin Noise and you should get some hints for Terrain Generation.
Libnoise has a very nice terrain example.
The book Texturing & Modeling: A Procedural Approach by Ebert, Musgrave, Peachey, Perlin, Worley has a couple of chapters about fractals and terrain creation. The book comes with sample code for fBm terrain creation written by Musgrave, using the Perlin noise function. I've used it for teaching as a reasonably simple program that's easy to play with.
Check Iñigo Quilez (expert in this specific field) tutorials here (terrain ray-marching) :
He also has an awesome WebGL shader editor (shadertoy) and this specific example may also be of interest :

3D modeling using camera [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I'm looking for a sample code.
It's 3D modeling using camera.
like this: http://mi.eng.cam.ac.uk/~qp202/my_papers/BMVC09/
Hopefully, I want to use c or c++.
openCv is probably the easiest place to start.
There are a few chapters about creatign scenes from stereo pairs (which is a bit easier) in the opencv book otherwise 3d models from image understanding is still possible - but a lot harder mathematically.
You may want to check out OpenCV for computer vision functionality and OpenGL for 3D graphics. Both are widely used APIs with plenty of online documentation and examples, both official and third-party.
You could try contacting the author of the paper to see if he's willing to release his source code to you. It looks like he used CGAL (for the Delauny Tetrahedralisation) so if you go that route, you'll need to get a copy of that.

What's a good convex optimization library? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am looking for a C++ library, and I am dealing with convex objective and constraint functions.
I am guessing your problem is non-linear. Where i work, we use SNOPT, Ipopt and another proprietary solver (not for sale). We have also tried and heard good things about Knitro.
As long as your problem is convex, all these solvers work well.
They all have their own API, but they all ask for the same information : values, first and second derivatives.
Assuming your problems are nonlinear, you can use free and open-sourced OPT++, available from Sandia Lab. I have used it in one project in C++ and it was easy to use and worked well.
From what I know, the CPLEX solver is the best convex optimization solver. Its the state of the art in LP solvers. Does convex optimization really well. While looking for it, I see that its IBM's software now. You can find it here : http://www-01.ibm.com/software/integration/optimization/cplex/