Cross platform Gui library with liberal license [closed] - c++

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I am looking for a cross platform gui library that can be used to create dialog boxes, that must fit the following requirements:
Be written in C or C++.
Be compatible with at least Windows, Mac and Linux.
Be relatively mature.
Be under a license that does not require Copyright text in the documentation of derivative works distributed in compiled form. Examples of good licenses would be the Zlib/libpng license, the Boost software license and of course public domain. Unusable licenses include LGPL, BSD, MIT etc.
Does anyone have any tips?
Kind regards,
Philip Bennefall

I'd go with wxwidgets. According to the license it it essentially LGPL with the following exception that applies to your question:
The exception is that you may use, copy, link, modify and distribute
under your own terms, binary object code versions of works based on the

How about the Fast Light Toolkit (FLTK)?


Is there any cross-platform GUI library for C++ (with platform dependent UI and scripting based layout)? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Generally I seak for ASL analogs for not only Windows and Mac OS X but once that would work on Linux. Qt GUI is not an option for me. Some simple scripting language that does not require precompilation for GUI to work (like in ASL Adam and Eve even XML would do=)
What I need from such a library - possibility to position some subset of OS default UI controls, somehow make the C++ functions I want avaliable to UI. I need that library to be open source, and have same API for all platforms.
You could try wxWidgets, but to be honest, if Qt doesn't do it for you, I don't know why wxWidgets would be any better. You can do layout for the GUI with text files, and they aren't precompiled into C++ code (though I don't know why that's a plus).

cross platform keyboard/mouse input recommendation [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Does anyone have any suggestions for a good cross platform input library?
I'd like to get:
* at least keyboard and mouse input
* on at least the big three operating systems
* Small/fast
* C or C++
* permissive licensing gpl2/mit/free/etc.
So far I've seen:
* OIS (used in Ogre)
* SDL (used everywhere it seems, might be a clue)
* Allegro
Has any one used any of these, or know of something else that might be good?
I've used SDL for long time, but it still doesn't support multiple windows, and version 2.0 officially supports multiple windows.
So, beyond those you cited, I add these 2:
SDL it is quite popular in game development (at least small games)
I ended up using the Qt framework for this.
It's very complete, well supported, has a lot of features, and has better licensing now. It was possible to use it with the Ogre3d library so it worked out well for me. I also found that it's being used by the City of Heroes MMO for their user interface.

looking for free c++ cross platform GUI framework [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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im looking for cross platform GUI for free for commercial project
( that means i can't give the code ) no GPL and i guess no LGPL
what else its leaving me ? wxWidgets ?
If you want to avoid LGPL, wxWidgets is probably the most feature-complete option. It uses a derivitive of LGPL which is more flexible on the distribution.
However, LGPL is fine for use with commercial works. The only restriction is that you need to link dynamically with the UI library, which is typically not an issue at all.
Using LGPL, you have many other options, including GTK, QT (as of 4.5), FLTK, etc. Of these, QT is probably my personal favorite.
You can ship a closed-source application that links to LGPL licensed libraries.

Non-GPL JSON-RPC library for C++ [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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What non-GPL libraries are available for writing JSON-RPC servers and clients in native C++?
According to, there seems to only exist one implementation of JSON-RPC for C++, namely JsonRpc-Cpp, but that only available under GPL. Unfortunately we cannot use GPL code in our software.
The JSON RPC C Library from, could be an alternative. They call it "a free lightweight implementation C library to handle JSON-RPC requests easier", but they do not mention the licensing.
Anyone who knows of other options?
JsonRpc-Cpp is available as LGPLv3 since version 0.3 release 2011-05-06.
I honestly know nothing about this, but came across it whilst searching for other serialization tools:

Open Source C++ Data Visualization Library [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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We want to include data visualization in our desktop GUI (mostly timelines and graphs; clickable, draggable). We want to restrict to open-source, non-copyleft C++ libraries that allow commercial use and are portable across many platforms. Which library can I use? Our GUI is based on WxWidgets.
there is VTK.
And if data visualization is your thing, have a look at opendx too.
I think this question would be easier to answer if you also stated which other GUI components you use. Perhaps that limits the choice of available libraries. Since you're C++ and cross-platform, maybe wxWindows? Would be good not to have to guess.