My application stealing focus - c++

Im developing an application and use FlashWindowEx to flash the update window however it always manages to steal focus from full screen applications like games and such.
This is not what i want and is very annoying. Is there any way to work out whats causing it to steal focus (tried commenting out FlashWindowEx but it still did) or a way to tell it not to steal focus.
This happens on all versions of windows (including 7) and the game is launched seperatly to the application.

Check out the WS_EX_NOACTIVATE window style perhaps?


Dialog forms flash quickly but aren't drawn properly after that

I have some legacy code made with Borland C++ Builder 6 that I have to port from Windows XP embedded to Windows 10 IoT.
It all seems to run properly, except dialog forms which aren't drawn properly. When I call ShowModal on the forms to show them, they flash quickly and then seems to disappear. However they are not gone, instead they are just not drawn and the form behind the dialog is seen. The dialog form buttons can still be pressed (if we know where they are).
I have tried all possible redrawing, refresh, repaint and update functions I could find, but nothing seems to work.
To make matters worse, dialogs containing actual control elements (like one containing a set of TSpeedButton elements) the controls are redrawn when moving the mouse over them, but anything else are not redrawn.
I have tried to search for similar issues but can't find anything for this.
Could this be solved? Or do we have to update to a newer Embarcadero version of the IDE to be able to solve it (which is a lot or work and not really something we can do at the moment)?
The problem was the use of a Billenium Software (now defunct) package for "fancy" transitions.
The transition in question "zooms" a dialog open, and it just doesn't seem to work. Disabling this transition will solve the problem of the disappearing dialogs.
I still don't know if it's a problem with the components Windows 10 compatibility, or with its 64-bit system compatibility.

Prevent a Windows app from stealing the focus

I have created a windows application in C++ and I want to make so whenever I run it, it doesn't steal focus from whichever window is currently focused(or maybe steal the focus and give it back right away). I'm not creating any window so i'm not sure how to change the window style, my program runs in the background.
I couldn't find any answer that worked for C++, is there any way I can do this?
When you start your application by clicking on the EXE or shortcut, Windows Explorer takes focus, not your app. The only way to start your app and not let Windows Explorer take focus is to start your program when Windows starts, via registry key.
Make sure you use the extended style WS_EX_NOACTIVATE when using CreateWindowEx().
See the Microsoft Docs for CreateWindowEx.

What would be the equivalent to SetForegroundWindow with X11?

I'm part of the SFML Team and we're currently looking into a feature to "request" window focus. The goal is to get very similar behavior across Windows, OS X and Linux.
For Windows one gets the rather simple SetForegroundWindow function via the WinAPI, which has a few condition as to how the window actually gets focus. The most important part to notice here is, that it only gets focus if it's from the same foreground process.
On OS X it's possible to get the focus for the active app only and otherwise let the icon bounce, i.e. notification.
Here comes the problem now, we'd like to get the same behavior on Linux as well, meaning the window should get focus if the window belongs to the active/foreground process and otherwise it should generate a notification. What would be the closest thing to that with X11?
There are already a few suggestions on the issue tracker of SFML, but none of them are actually implementing this behavior.
"User Story"
I guess developers can think of different things when being confronted with different technical names, as such here's the issue from a user perspective.
There are mainly two situations in which requesting focus is needed:
Sometimes when starting an application that uses a console window in the background, it can happen that the console window gets the focus instead of the actual GUI window. When this happens it's rather annoying for the user having to click on the window first. Since the console window and the GUI window are from the same application there's no harm done in switching the focus to the GUI window.
When one is writing an application that supports multiple windows, there might be situations where the application should decide which window gets the focus and again since the window belong to the same application there's no harm done in switching the focus from one GUI window to the other GUI window.
Further more if a different application has the focus/is being used then it's not okay to steal the focus and as such we just want to get the user's attention. For Windows that might be a blinking taskbar or for OS X that might be a jumping icon.
The current implementation seems to work fine on OS X and Windows, butwe're unsure about the X11 implementation. Thus the question is: How would one go about switching the window focus if the currently focussed window has been created by the same application that makes the focus request and otherwise create some kind of notification. For the notification we're/I'm not even sure if there's some generic way of doing it with X11.
In X11, "focus" means "the keyboard focus", that is, the window that gets the keyboard input. The window that has the focus is not necessarily in the foreground. This depends on your window manager focus policy. Most can be configured to have "click-to-focus" or "point-to-focus" policy. If you are interested in the keyboard focus, use XSetInputFocus. If you want to bring your window to the foreground, use XRaiseWindow.
It is OK to call RaiseWindow and XSetInputFocus once, when the application starts. It is also OK to bring a window to the foreground/set focus as a response to a user interaction with that or some other window of the same application. But it's not OK to do so as a response to some background event (time passed, file downloaded etc).
The standard X11 method of drawing attention to a window is setting the urgency hint. This will normally flash or bounce the icon, depending on your window manager. Do not forget to unset the hint when the user finally interacts with the window.
I think all of this has been discussed in the thread you have linked. I'm not quite sure which concerns are still left unanswered. Nothing can implement the exact same behaviour as with the other windowing systems, simply because X11 is not those windowing systems, and it's totally OK. X11, Mac OS X and Windows all behave differently and the users know and expect that. It would annoy me to no end if some application on X11 decided to behave exactly like it does on Windows, instead of toeing the X11 party line.

Stealing focus (for a good reason)

I'm working on a clone of Yakuake and, if you have used it, you'd know that one of it's features is stealing the focus for easiness.
Basically, you hit the "show" hotkey, the app appears and you can write on it.
You could be doing whatever thing with whatever app, (being Yakuake hidden), but as soon as you hit the hotkey, Yakuake appears and steals the focus. I want to do the same with my app.
I know there are some window manager rules that prevent applications from doing this, but Yakuake is doing it, why I'm not able to do it?
Also, this application is meant to be compatible with Windows, Linux and Mac, so no KDE or Gnome or < insert_your_favourite_window_manager_here > hacks; I won't go the detect-WM-and-do-hack way.
PS: I'm doing that app in C++ and Qt4.
Just to make it clear, I'm not asking for any code (but if you actually have some example, I appreaciate it). I'm asking for a way for doing it. What should I do to make the WM assign the focus to my app. Is there any standard way for doing so?
There is the Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint....
The solution is simpler than I thought. I did an animation with a duration of 0s and at the end of the animation I just did a focus. This did the work.
If you want to do it with a "show" hotkey or shortcut you'll have to create and use a hook on the keybord.
Qt don't provide such things so you'll have to do it by yourself.
you can have a look at this post : QT background process
I don't know for other OS.
When you'll get the right keyboard event from your hook, you can create a window with the "allwas on top hint" and that should by ok.

Which On-Screen Keyboard for Touch Screen Application?

I'm developing an application in C++ that's partially driven by touch-screen on Windows XP Embedded. Some text entry will be necessary for the user. So far we've been using the standard Windows On-Screen Keyboard (osk.exe), but there are two main problems:
It's rather small on a higher resolution screen which will probably make it hard for users to hit the right keys
It's too "ugly" for the customer, who'd like a slicker on-screen keyboard that integrates better with the custom look-and-feel of the application so far.
Therefore I'm looking for alternatives for the Windows On-Screen Keyboard (osk.exe) that allow a larger size of buttons and can be skinned. Ideally it would have a BSD-like license for unburdened integration into a commercial app, but a royalty-free commercial solution could work.
Do you know of any such applications, or have you had a similar project where you solved the issue in another way?
We are using Click-N-Type for our systems. It is completely resizable. It has some customization possibilities, but I never tried them. We use it on "normal" Windows XP, but it should work on Windows XP embedded also.
I know this question is tagged 'c++', but here's an option for .Net that I found and integrated with less than 5 minutes work. (I've looked, and there isn't a .Net flavour of this question, and I guess it could be ported to C++ with very little effort too).
It uses the standard Windows On-Screen Keyboard (osk.exe), resizes it, docks it to the bottom of the screen and removes the title and menu bars, all from one call in your application.
The Code Project - Manage Windows XP On Screen Keyboard
The download is a single VB.Net class.
please check WPF Component( that is fully customizable by inbuilt editor. So programmer can fill it with own language and define layout!
Check johngnazzo code:
Why not write your own keyboard UI? This would (should) be relatively trivial and give you complete control over its look and feel.
I programmed a On Screen Keyboard in Java.
This is working very fine when you want to tip into Java components and Java frames.
When you want to tip in every open window you have to send the key event by implementing Robot sender. The problem i have is that the focus owner get the sended key and when you open the keyboard the keyboard has the focus.
You can not realy implement a global Java keyboard, as far as i know.
When you only want to use the Keyboard for Java, use Java.
Otherwise you should use another language.
You should use a native language where you can handle the OS focus owner or a language where you can completly disable the keyboard focus but also can bring the keyboard to the front of the screen
Take a look at chessware virtual keyboard.