GML and JPEG2000 library - c++

have you ever worked with JPEG2000 and/or GML?.
I'm reading documentation about GMLJP2 but I don't find any libraries that implement this. I mean, as far as I know it should be possible to have a GML file within a jp2 file (that is, a single file with both of the thigs).
Also, it's difficult to get a viewer that integrates GML and JPEG2000.
Any information regarding how to work with GML or JPEG200 is wellcome ;-)
Many thanks!
PD: I want to work with C or C++ but it doesn't matter the language yet

"Also, it's difficult to get a viewer that integrates GML and JPEG2000."
As I understand GML is just a block of metadata in XML inserted into JPEG2000 file. Any decent decoder should be able to extract it.

I wrote a JP2 metadata editor and included basic GML support.
You can download it here:
See the "gml.jp2" file for an example.
Hope it will be helpful.


is there a document specification for HWP (Hancom Word's file format)?

It would be of great help to know if there a document specification available for HWP (Hancom Word Format) which could help me to implement a HWP file Reader !
The data inside the file is encrypted, and so I am unable to make-out anything by just extracting a .HWP sample file.
I used "Compound File Explorer" as well as "Structured Storage Explorer" but couldn't make out any useful information from it.
Can anyone help please ? (Any piece of information would be useful for me) !
The sample file can be downloaded from here
Great Thanks !
Following link is the official website for HWP format.
Unfortunately, I could not find any document written in English. Even though I tried switching language from Korean to English which is in the bottom-right of the page.

How to read and write doc, pdf files using files in c++

I m writing a c++ program using files and i need to take the input from existing files such as doc files and pdf files. how to program it in c++? And after getting the inputs, how can i write those details into a new doc or pdf files? Can anyone explain me with an example?
C++ as a language doesn't equip you with such features as "write to DOC file" or "read from PDF file". The only staff available to you a a programmer is raw byte-by-byte reading or writing. To make your new brand file as PDF/DOC/etc compatible you have to conform the chosen file format. The same about reading - you should understand which portions of raw byte array are responsible for what.
In common, this task named as "parsing" or "serialization". And it's a good idea to use one of existing parsers for particular file format instead of reinventing the wheel. Moreover, some file formats can be patent-pending so you may be not allowed to deal with it without license purchase.
Some clues so far:
PDF parsing in C++ (PoDoFo)
Microsoft word Text Parser in "C"
There are some libraries available on the web now(the question is from 2013, maybe that time there weren't many).
Apart from the links in selected answer, you can try PDFTron. It also supports new features, eg. Linearization.
Here is one of their samples is ->
(That program itself contains 4 if blocks, with slightly different features of the library/SDK, to try)
There should be more, search on the web for PDF parsing libraries.

Edit Metadata of PDF File with C/C++?

Could anyone please provide me a sample C/C++ code to read and edit PDF Metadata?
If it is XMP, what else to do?
If it's XMP, I think there's an SDK available from Adobe. But beware, PDF metadata has a long history and isn't only stored in XMP.
You might best be off using a library that allows PDF manipulation. There are several commercial ones available. I have no idea whether there's something usable available for free. -- C-library to read and write XMP.
The XMP SDK from adobe does not read/write metadata of PDF files. PDF reading/writing is a complicated task. Your best bet is to use a third party PDF library, or commands like pdfleo.
If you haven't tried XMPToolkit yet, give it a shot and see if it meets your needs.

Load Excel data into Linux / wxWidgets C++ application?

I'm using wxWidgets to write cross-plafrom applications. In one of applications I need to be able to load data from Microsoft Excel (.xls) files, but I need this to work on Linux as well, so I assume I cannot use OLE or whatever technology is available on Windows.
I see that there are many open source programs that can read excel files (OpenOffice, KOffice, etc.), so I wonder if there is some library that I could use?
Excel files it needs to support are very simple, straight tabular data. I don't need to extract any formatting except column/row position and the data itself.
Suggestedd reference: What is a simple and reliable C library for working with Excel files?
I came across other libraries (chicago on, xlsLib) but they seem to be outdated.
I can say that I know of a wxWidgets application that reads Excel .xls and .xlsx files on any platform. For the .xlsx files we used an XML parser and zip stream reader and grab the data we need, pretty easy to get going. For the .xls files we used: ExcelFormat, which works well and we found the author to be very generous with his support.
Maybe just some encouragement to give it a go? It was a couple of days work to get working.
Maybe can help ?
I think that it is not something easy to do. xls files are quite complex and it is a proprietary format.
Maybe this is a stupid idea but why don't you upload and access your doc with Google docs. There are some apis to access your doc.
2 potential problems:
- Your app needs internet access
- Currently there is no C++ api.
But there are api for several languages including python see

Absolute beginners guide to working with audio in C/C++?

I've always been curious about audio conversion software, but I have never seen a proper explanation from a beginners point of view as to how to write a simple program that converts for example, a mp3 file to a wav. I'm not asking about any of the complex algorithms involved, just a small example using a simple library. Searching on SO, I came up with several names including:
The Synthesis Toolkit
But I'm unable to find a straightforward example of any of these libraries. Usually I don't mind wading through tons of code, but here I have absolutely no knowledge about the subject and so I always feel like I'm shooting in the dark.
Anyone here have a simple example / tutorial on converting a sound file using any of these libraries? My question is specifically directed towards C/C++ because those are the two languages I'm currently learning and so I'd like to continue to focus on them.
Edit: One thing I forgot to mention: I'm on a *NIX system.
Thanks everyone for the responses! I sort of cobbled them together to successfully make a small utility that converts a AIFF/WAV/etc file to an mp3 file. There seems to be some interest in this question, so here it what I did, step by step:
Step 1:
Download and install the libsndfile library as suggested by James Morris. This library is very easy to use – its only shortcoming is it won't work with mp3 files.
Step 2:
Look inside the 'examples' folder that comes with libsndfile and find generate.c. This gives a nice working example of converting any non-mp3 file to various file formats. It also gives a glimpse of the power behind libsndfile.
Step 3:
Borrowing code from generate.c, I created a c file that just converts an audio file to a .wav file. Here is my code:
Step 4:
Download and install the LAME encoder. This will install both the libmp3lame library and the lame command-line utility.
Step 5:
Now you can peruse LAME's API or just fork & exec a process to lame to convert your wav file to an mp3 file.
Step 6: Bring out the champagne and caviar!
If there is a better way (I'm sure there is) to do this, please let me know. I personally have never seen a step-by-step roadmap like this so I thought I'd put it out there.
For converting between various formats (except MP3) check libsndfile
Libsndfile is a library designed to
allow the reading and writing of many
different sampled sound file formats
(such as MS Windows WAV and the
Apple/SGI AIFF format) through one
standard library interface.
During read and write operations,
formats are seamlessly converted
between the format the application
program has requested or supplied and
the file's data format. The
application programmer can remain
blissfully unaware of issues such as
file endian-ness and data format
It is also simple to use, with the API following the style of the Standard C library function names:
And examples are included in the source distribution.
For actual audio output, another library will be needed, SDL as already mentioned might be a good place to start. While SDL can also read/write audio files, libsndfile is far superior.
If your curious about DSP and computers, take a look at the Synthesis Toolkit. It's sweet. It's designed for learning. The examples and tutorials they have on their website are straightforward and thorough. Keep in mind, the guys who wrote it, wrote it so they could create acoustic models of real instruments. As a result, they've included some instruments that are just plain wacky, but fun. It will give you a core understanding of processing PCM sound. And you'll probably be able to hack together some fun little noisemakers while your at it.
Check libmad " "M"peg "A"udio "D"ecoder library", should provide a good example.
Also for an easy cross-platform audio handling, check SDL
Hope that helps.