c++ GUI Events/Messaging Design - c++

So, I'm making a simple game using DirectX 9 and C++. I looked at the SDK's GUI, but I think I can implement something simpler.
All I want are windows, labels, buttons, textboxes, and checkboxes.
I've created a base class GUIObject, that all inherit from. It includes basics like size and focus and whatnot. Then the derived classes, GUILabel for example, all define render(), update() and whatnot.
My question is how to handle events, like clicks? I had it working with GUILabel::Click() defining every possibility based on the current instance's text member value. It felt wrong and I realized that every single label that needed to be clicked would have to be defined in the GUILabel class. I'd like to move that to each game state's code.
So, I briefly tried making the GUILabel::Click() take a function pointer as an argument. But then I realized I needed to have the state's class member method as static (not really possible, unless everything in it is static as well, right?) or also pass it a GUIObject class as well. Is that the way to go?
Could I define a derivation of GUILabel (or button, or whatnot) within a game state and just override whichever actions I needed? And then do that for whatever controls I need in that state?
What is the proper way to implement event handling?

You might want to look into using a signaling library such as boost::signals to allow you the flexibility of defining the interface between your GUI objects and the underlying events that each callback will trigger. It can also come in handy for the reverse relationship where you need GUI elements such as status indicators, etc. to respond to underlying events.

For callbacks/click events i would go with boost::function/boost::bind.
In my GUI framework I used to have two different abstract classes InputHandler and Renderable for handling touches and rendering. This leads to a design where components which don't need to be clickable (like UILabel) wont need to implement useless methods.


Creating a "Publisher->Dispatcher->Subscriber" pattern event system?

Edit: TL;DR
I guess my main problem is I don't know how to store a list of functions that all take one argument, where the argument type is different between each function, but always extends from EventBase, for calling later.
i.e: EventChild extends from EventBase. A function with the signature
<void (EventChild&)>
will not fit into a variable of type
How do I store functions like this, knowing that a user shouldn't have to modify the class where they are stored each time they create a new event extending from our EventBase class?
Note: I had previously been told I could use a dynamic_cast to accomplish this. I have been trying to do exactly that, but it hasn't been working. I imagine for that to work I would have to use pointers somehow, but I am new enough to C++ that I'm not sure how to do it. Maybe that should be the starting point?
One of the problems with dynamic casting pointers I have been having is 'I can convert a pointer of type:
to type:
or something along those lines. (not at my computer right now to try it)
This is obviously a problem limited to member functions, I assume.
I recently posted a question on here with the intention of solving an issue for a C++ Event system based on a "Publisher->Dispatcher->Subscriber" pattern. I don't know the exact name of this pattern, but I hear that it is a variant on the Observer pattern with an added "middle-man."
I have been trying to get this system to work for a while now and I am completely stuck. It was suggested in the comments of the previous question that for what I was trying to accomplish, my program layout is incorrect. This is very likely the case since I had been researching other event systems that were close to what I am after trying to modify them for use they were unintended for. So I figured I would describe what I am after, and ask the more general question of "How would you go about structuring and creating this?"
So here is my general idea of how the system should be laid out and how it should operate in a basic example:
Starting with the idea of 5 different files (plus headers and maybe some subclasses):
publishers and subscribers could be anything, and they only serve as an example here.
The first order of business would be to create an instance of our Dispatcher class.
Following that, we create instances of our publisher/subscriber classes. These 2 classes could be a part of the same file, different files, multiples of each, or not event be classes at all but simply free functions. For the sake of simplicity and testing, they are 2 separate classes that know nothing about each other.
When these 2 classes are created, they should be passed a reference or pointer to our dispatcher instance.
This is easy enough. Now let's get to how you should use the system.
A user of the system should be able to create a class that inherits from our EventBase class. Ideally, there should be no requirement on variables or functions to override from the base class.
Let's say we have created a new event class called EventDemo, with a public const char* demoString = "I am a Demo Event";.
From our subscriber class, we should be able to tell our dispatcher that we want to listen for and receive some events. The syntax for doing so should be as simple as possible.
Lets create a member function in our subscriber that looks like this:
void Subscriber::getDemoEvent(const EventDemo &ev) {
std::cout << ev.demoString;
Now we need a way to bind that member function to our dispatcher. We should probably do that in our constructor. Let's say that the reference to our dispatcher that we passed to our subscriber when we created it is just called 'dispatcher'.
The syntax for subscribing to an event should look something like this:
dispatcher->subscribe("EventToSubTo", &getDemoEvent);
Now since we are in a class trying to pass a member function, this probably isn't possible, but it would work for free functions.
For member functions we will probably need and override that looks like this:
dispatcher->subscribe("EventToSubTo", &Subscriber::getDemoEvent, this);
We use 'this' since we are inside the subscribers constructor. Otherwise, we could use a reference to our subscriber.
Notice that I am simply using a string (or const char* in c++ terms) as my "Event Key". This is on purpose, so that you could use the same event "type" for multiple events. I.E: EventDemo() can be sent to keys "Event1" and "Event2".
Now we need to send an event. This can be done anywhere we have a reference to our dispatcher. In this case, somewhere in our publisher class.
The syntax should look something like this to send our EventDemo:
dispatcher->emit("EventToSubTo", EventDemo());
Super simple. It's worth noting that we should be able to assign data to our event through it's constructor, or even template the event. Both of these cases are only valid if the event created by the user supports it.
In this case, the above code would look something like this:
dispatcher->emit("EventToSubTo", EventDemo(42));
dispatcher->emit("EventToSubTo", EventDemo<float>(3.14159f));
It would be up to the user to create a member function to retrieve the data.
OK, so, all of that should seem pretty simple, and in fact, it is, except for one small gotcha. There are already systems out there that store functions in a map with a type of .
And therein lies the problem...
We can store our listener functions, as long as they accept a type of EventBase as their argument. We would then have to type cast that argument to the type of event we are after. That's not overly difficult to do, but that's not really the point. The point is can it be better.
Another solution that was brought up before was the idea of having a separate map, or vector, for each type of event. That's not bad either, but would require the user to either modify the dispatcher class (which would be hard to do when this is a library), or somehow tell the dispatcher to "create this set of maps" at compile time. That would also make event templating a nightmare.
So, the overly generalized question: How do we do that?
That was probably a very long winded explanation for something seemingly simple, but maybe someone will come along not not know about it.
I am very interested to hear thoughts on this. The core idea is that I don't want the 2 communicators (publisher and subscriber) to have to know anything about each other (no pointers or references), but still be able to pass arbitrary data from one to the other. Most implementations I have seen (signals and slots) require that there be some reference to each other. Creating a "middle-man" interface feels much more flexible.
Thank you for your time.
For reference to my last question with code examples of what I have so far:
Store a function with arbitrary arguments and placeholders in a class and call it later
I have more samples I could post, but I think it's highly likely that the structure of the system will have to change. Waiting to hear thoughts!

Use different subclass functions from base class

Say now I have a base class, let's call it GameEngine. The GameEngine class inherited several functions from another class. Now I have several game states and I need to apply sub-class polymorphism to this problem: several game states all need to draw background of the game window. The point is, I must have only ONE class to initialise my game window. My problem is, when I need to change my game states from one to another, how can I do it? Essentially, how can I use different version of subclass function(say DrawBackground) from my superclass?
The code:
BaseEngine *gameEngine;
gameEngine = new MenuState(this);
iResult = gameEngine->Initialise(...); // To initialise the window
// I need to find a way to transfer my state from Menu to Play after the window is initialised
iResult = gameEngine->MainLoop(); // To refresh the window (in case of background changed)
So in the above code, I have a BaseEngine which can do several functions (draw something to the window). And I now have two game states, MenuState and PlayState. There is one virtual function in my BaseEngine called DrawBackground() and I need to redefine it(different behaviour) in my Menu and Play states. Now the point is only one state(whether Base, Menu or Play) can initialise the window. However I need it to use different version of my derived class (Menu and Play) to draw different background when state is changed.
It is not really clear what you are asking but it feels like what you want is strategy pattern (that is, in simple words, changing some internal object/algorithm that does the job).
When dealing with inheritance, you should follow the so-called is-a relationship (Wikipedia on Inheritance). In your question, GameEngine is not a state (specifically MenuState).
What you should actually do is to implement the states as a strategy for GameEngine (See Strategy Pattern on Wikipedia, some, including me, call it Policy Pattern which is more self explanatory I think). You could have several classes inheriting from, say BaseState, and you should set these states on GameEngine via something like GameEngine::setState(std::unique_ptr<BaseState> state). The GameEngine will act differently according to the strategy set on it. So in a simple case, we can say that GameEngine::MainLoop() will call the virtual BaseState::draw() function. So the data that gets drawn is simply controlled by the policy set on the GameEngine using GameEngine::setState().
To put it simply, move the behavior to the BaseState strategy and change the strategy to change the behavior.
Optionally you could use some event mechanism to change the strategy (state). There is Boost.Signal, Qt has its own and there are others but it is straightforward to implement one for simple needs, easier thanks to C++11.

Is it sane to use the Factory Pattern to instantiate all widgets?

I was looking into using the to implement the style and rendering in a little GUI toolkit of mine using the Factory Pattern, and then this crazy Idea struck me. Why not use the Factory Pattern for all widgets?
Right now I'm thinking something in style of:
Widget label = Widget::create("label", "Hello, World");
Widget byebtn = Widget::create("button", "Good Bye!");
byebtn.onEvent("click", &goodByeHandler);
New widget types would be registered with a function like Widget::register(std::string ref, factfunc(*fact))
What would you say is the pros and cons of this method?
I would bet on that there is almost no performance issues using a std::map<std::string> as it is only used when setting things up.
And yes, forgive me for being damaged by JavaScript and any possible syntax errors in my C++ as it was quite a while since I used that language.
Summary of pros and cons
It would be easy to load new widgets dynamically from a file
Widgets could easily be replaced on run-time (it could also assist with unit testing)
Appeal to Dynamic People
Cons (and possible solutions)
Not compile-time checked (Could write own build-time check. JS/Python/name it, is not compile-time checked either; and I believe that the developers do quite fine without it)
Perhaps less performant (Do not need to create Widgets all the time. String Maps would not be used all the time but rather when creating the widget and registering event handlers)
Up/Downcasting hell (Provide usual class instantiation where needed)
Possible of making it harder to configure widgets (Make widgets have the same options)
My GUI Toolkit is in its early stages, it lacks quite much on the planning side. And as I'm not used to make GUI frameworks there is probably a lot of questions/design decisions that I have not even though of yet.
Right now I can't see that widgets would be too different in their set of methods, but that might rather just be because I've not gone trough the more advanced widgets in my mind yet.
Thank you all for your input!
It would be easy to read widgets from file or some other external source and create them by their names.
It would be easy to pass incorrect type name into Widget::create and you'll get error in run-time only.
You will have no access to widget-specific API without downcasting - i.e. one more source of run-time errors.
It might be not that easy to find all places where you create a widget of particular type.
Why not get best of both worlds by allowing widget creation both with regular constructors and with a factory?
I think this is not very intuitive. I would rather allow direct accesss to the classes. The question here is, why you want to have it this way. Is there any technical reason? Do you have a higher abstraction layer above the "real classes" that contain the widgets?
For example, you have pure virtual classes for the outside API and then an implementation-class?
But it is difficult to say if this is any good without knowing how your library is set up, but I am not a big fan of factories myself, unless you really need them.
If you have this higher abstraction layer and want that factory, take a look at irrlicht. It uses pure virtual classes for the API and then "implementation classes". The factory chooses the correct implementation depending on the chosen renderer (directx, opengl, software).
But they don't identify the wanted class by a string. That's something I really wouldn't do in C++.
Just my 2 cents.
I would advise against using a string as a key, and promote a real method for each subtype.
class Factory
std::unique_ptr<Label> createLabel(std::string const& v);
std::unique_ptr<Button> createButton(std::string const& v, Action const* a);
This has several advantages:
Compiler-checked, you could mispell the string, but you cannot get a running program with a mispelled method
More precise return type, and thus, no need for up-casting (and all its woes)
More precise parameters, for not all elements require the same set of parameters
Generally, this is done to allow customization. If Factory is an abstract interface, then you can have several implementations (Windows, GTK, Mac) that create them differently under the hood.
Then, instead of setting up one creator function per type, you would switch the whole factory at once.
Note: performance-wise, virtual functions are much faster than map-lookup by string key

C++: Designing a component-based entity system - advanced problems

In my game engine, that is written in C++, I've moved away from the classical hierarchical entity system and build up a component-based one. It works roughly in this way:
An entity is merely a container for components. Some example components are: Point, Sprite, Physics, Emitter.
Each entity can hold at most one component of each type. Some component depend on another, like Physics and Sprite depend on Point, because they need a position and angle delivered by it.
So everything works fine with the component system, but now I have trouble implementing more specialized entities, like:
A camera, which needs additional functions to handle movement and zoom
A player, which needs support to receive input from the user and move
Now, I could easily solve this with inheritance. Just derive the camera from the entity and add the additional zoom functions and members. But this simply feels wrong.
My question:
How can I solve the problem of specialized entities with a component system in C++?
You seem to be doubting the IS-A relationship here. So why not make it a HAS-A relationship? Instead of being an entity, the camera and the player could be objects that have an entity (or a reference to the entity), but exist outside of your component-system. That way, you can easily keep the uniformity and orthogonality of your component system.
This also fits nicely with the meaning of those two examples (camera/player) as 'glue' objects. The player glues the entity system to the input system and acts as a controller. The camera glues the entity system to the renderer and acts as a kind of observer.
What about just creating components that enable that behavior? For example, an InputComponent could handle input from the player. Then your design remains the same, and a player is just an entity which allows input from a keyboard, rather than input from an AI controller.
Components based system usually have a general method allowing to send "messages" to entities, like a function send(string message_type, void* data). The entity then pass it to all its components and only some of them will react to it. For example, your component Point could react to send("move", &direction). Or you could introduce a moveable component to have more control. Same thing for your camera, add a component view and make it handle "zoom" message.
This modular design already allow to define different types of cameras (like a fixed one not having the moveable component), reuse some component for other stuff (another type of entity may use a "view") and you can also gain flexibility by having various components handling each message differently.
Of course, some optimization tricks could be needed, especially for frequently used messages.
How about giving each entity some restrictions to what kind of components it may hold (and maybe also what it should hold), and loosening those restrictictions when you derive from that entity. For example by adding a virtual function that verifies whether a certain component can be added to the entity.
A common solution is to use the visitor pattern. Basically, you'll have your entity being "visited" by a Visitor class. Inside your entity, you'd have :
void onVisitTime(Visitor* v)
// for each myComponent...
// end for each
And then, you'd have, in the Visitor class :
void visit(PointComponent* p);
void visit(CameraComponent* c);
Be aware that it's a bit of violation of OOP (data-manipulation being handled outside the object, since the visitor will handle it). And visitors tend to become over-complicated, so it's a not-so-great solution.

C++ Callbacks? Should I use Member Func Pointers/Delegates/Events?

I am entering a realm that is new to me, but basically I need to implement callbacks in C++. I am designing a toolkit for myself to use to simplify my life. Basically it is a .dll plugin that will be exposing a lot of functions to my other .dll plugins.
One of these functions is HookEvent(const char *event_name, void *callback) which will allow me to hook different events that get fired. Here would be an example...
Example_Plugin1.dll does HookEvent("player_spawn", &Plugin1::Event_PlayerSpawn);
Example_Plugin2.dll does HookEvent("player_spawn", &Plugin2::Event_PlayerSpawn);
I need to figure out the best (and preferably easiest) method of setting up a callbacks system that will work well for this. I have been reading up on C++ callbacks for a few hours now, and found quite a few different approaches.
I assume the easiest thing to do would be make a template, and use typedef bool (ClassName::*EventHookCallback)(IGameEvent, bool); After that, I am a bit foggy.
I also read that Delegates or a .NET style events system are other possible approaches. I am already somewhat confused, so I don't want to confuse myself more, but figured it was worth asking.
Here is a link to the C++ .NET style events system I was reading about.
So what do you guys suggest? Any tips as far as implementing it would be most appreciated.
If you want generalized event firing Boost.Signals2 might be applicable.
The Boost.Signals2 library is an
implementation of a managed signals
and slots system. Signals represent
callbacks with multiple targets, and
are also called publishers or events
in similar systems. Signals are
connected to some set of slots, which
are callback receivers (also called
event targets or subscribers), which
are called when the signal is
Even if you don't need this level of flexibility you should be able to simplify the function binding in your code using Boost.Bind, or the C++0x equivalents.
There's an excellent discussion from Herb Sutter of the issues you could face here. You could use this for guidance if you decide you don't need the full Boost feature set, and so roll your own.
How about using Qt Signal and Slot? It does what callbacks do but without the messiness of making anything not part of your callback parameters global.
Boost.Signals would be my choice, combined with things like boost::bind and Boost.Function.
I would use an abstract base class as a plugin interface. (And in fact, I have used a pattern like the one below before.)
Library, PluginIfc.h:
class PluginIfc {
virtual ~PluginIfc() = 0;
virtual bool EventCallback(const char* event_name, IGameEvent, bool) = 0;
// For Windows, add dllexport/dllimport magic to this declaration.
// This is the only symbol you will look up from the plugin and invoke.
extern "C" PluginIfc* GetPlugin();
#include <PluginIfc.h>
class Plugin1 : public PluginIfc {
virtual bool EventCallback(const char* event_name, IGameEvent, bool);
Plugin1& get() { return the_plugin_obj; }
bool Event_PlayerSpawn(IGameEvent, bool);
// ...
std::vector<std::string> _some_member;
static Plugin1 the_plugin_obj; // constructed when plugin loaded
Plugin1 Plugin1::the_plugin_obj;
PluginIfc* GetPlugin() { return &Plugin1::get(); }
This way, your plugin classes can easily have members, and C++'s virtual call mechanism takes care of giving you a good this pointer in EventCallback.
It may be tempting to make a virtual method per event type, say just make Event_PlayerSpawn and similar methods virtual. But then whenever you want to add an event type, if this means changing class PluginIfc, your old compiled plugins are no longer compatible. So it's safer to use a string event identifier (for extensibility) and have the main callback sort events off to more specific methods.
The major drawback here (as compared to a signal-slot type implementation) is that all callbacks must take the same set of arguments. But your question sounded like that would be adequate. And it's often possible to work within that limitation by making sure the set of arguments is very flexible, using strings to be parsed or Any-style objects.
Sounds like you might be interested in how to build your own plugin framework. The problems you'll encounter are likely the same. Have a look at this nice Dr Dobbs article Building Your Own Plugin Framework.
Hope this helps!
Implementing your own callback system is non-trivial.
My understanding is that your aim is to map event types to specific callback functions.
E.g. if "player_spawn" event is risen the &Plugin1::Event_PlayerSpawn will be called.
So what you should do is the following:
1) Define all the events of interest. Make them as generic as possible. They can
encapsulate any information you need
2) Create a Registrar. I.e. a class that all modules register their interest for specific
methods. E.g. Registrar.register(player_spawn,this,Event_PlayerSpawn);
3) Registrar has a queue of all subscribers.
4) You can also have a uniform interface for the modules. I.e. all module implement a specific function but based on event's data can do different things
5) When an event occurs, all the subscribers interested for the specific event get notified by calling the appropriate function
6)Subscriber can de-register when ever is need
Hope this helps.