How to download a file with MSYS? - msys

I would like to download a script from a vanilla MSYS environment.
On Linux, I would do
wget <url>
On Mac OS X, I would do
curl -O <url>
Unfortunately, neither of these alternatives appear to be available in a default installation of MSYS. I have also tried using the LPW::Simple module in Perl, but that also seems to not come installed by default.
Are there any tools that come with a default MSYS environment that can be used to accomplish this?
I could always tell the end-user to download the file themselves, but that defeats the goal of having everything "just work" with a minimal need for installing additional software.

There is an MSYS wget package, but it doesn't seem to be installed by default. If you are willing to modify the MSYS environment, your script can do:
mingw-get install msys-wget-bin


C++ on Jupyter Notebook for Windows

Has anyone successfully installed and used C++ on Jupyter Notebook on a windows machine? The installation instruction here never worked for me.
conda install -c conda-forge xeus-cling
gives me
"PackagesNotFoundError: The following packages are not available from current channels:"
If anyone has succeeded in installing on Windows, could you please share your instructions? Thanks.
The "issue" is that conda-forge/xeus-cling isn't available for Windows (yet?) (as indicated on this page of conda-forge/xeus-cling on You can instead use gouarin/xeus-cling (you still have to have the compatible environment, though). Of course, the online C++ Jupyter Notebook is available too.

Drupal 8 - Commerce Module - BC math PHP extension not found

I'm trying to install the commerce module in Drupal 8 however I get the error 'BC math PHP extension not found'.
I've searched for this problem and tried different things such as editing the PHP.ini by adding 'bcmath.scale=2' however I still get the error message.
Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
Just install bcmath plugin for your php version with no need to (re)build php as mentioned on accepted answer
# get php version
php -v
# install bcmath based on your version lets assume php 7.1
# for ubuntu
sudo apt install php7.1-bcmath
# for centos
yum install bcmath
# restart apache
sudo systemctl restart apache2
Above problem appears when installing commerce or commerce kickstart using composer
Update 2020
Please refer to #GiorgosK's answer for installing bcmath via a package manager if you are using a distribution that provides a bcmath package for PHP. I will ask the OP in comments to update the recommended answer, since that solution is probably what most people need.
Three years ago when I answered this question, I suggested that you have to rebuild PHP to get bcmath. That was incorrect. I was using an older distribution of Debian/Ubuntu that provided bcmath as a statically linked extension in the core php package. I determined at the time (incorrectly) that bcmath was a core extension that had to be enabled at build-time (like SPL and PCRE).
For those trying to troubleshoot a missing bcmath extension (such as those building/installing PHP themselves or nevertheless encountering issues), I've corrected and updated my original answer below. It explains in detail how to troubleshoot a missing PHP extension.
Original Answer (Corrected)
The error message indicates that PHP wasn't built with bcmath support or can't find the installed extension. PHP extensions are either built into PHP directly or they are loaded from an external dynamic library file at runtime.
Since PHP obviously doesn't have the extension built-in, it can't find the external library file that provides bcmath. This file on POSIX platforms will be called and php_bcmath.dll on Windows.
Extension files are installed under a directory indicated by the extension_dir property in php.ini. To determine the value of this property, run the following command:
php -r 'echo ini_get("extension_dir").PHP_EOL;'
The default value for this property is configured when PHP is built and may vary from distribution-to-distribution.
Once you verify the extension file is installed in this location, you can then check to see if the extension is enabled in php.ini. You should see a line that enables the extension like so:
# POSIX platforms
# Windows
For Linux distributions like Ubuntu/Debian that install extensions via the package manager, the format is somewhat different since Debian employs a distributed configuration. Typically the package manager installs everything correctly, but you can check to see if an ini file exists for bcmath under the corresponding conf.d directory. These small ini files are snippets imported into the larger php.ini file, and they are typically symlinked to /etc/phpX/mods-available, allowing modules to be initially enabled for all PHP SAPIs such as CLI, CGI, Apache Mod PHP, ETC. Make sure a symlink exists for the PHP SAPI you need to use.
To ensure your PHP is loading the extension, run phpinfo(); in a test page and search for bcmath. You can also more easily do this with the CLI using a command like:
$ php -i | grep -i bcmath
# Success output: BCMath support => enabled
# (Another command that works well for checking extensions)
$ php -m | grep -i bcmath
# Success output: bcmath
In order for the CLI to show accurate results, it must target the same php.ini file. If it doesn't, then use the -c option to temporarily point the CLI at the correct php.ini (i.e. the one being used by your Drupal site).
Add BC MATH extension for PHP 7.2
If you are getting this ( error then, run below command using vagrant ssh
Run these command in root of vagrant ssh
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php
sudo apt update
sudo apt install php7.2-bcmath
service apache2 restart
Then open php.ini and search for bcmath
If bcmath scale is 0, Change it to 2
Restart php
Restart Apache
Hard Reload website
Install required modules
Similarly for any version of PHP, you only need to change PHP version in 3rd command.

Automating Software installation in Amazon Windows Instance

I would like to use Amazon Windows Instance to test the compatibility of the code which is developed on Mac. I may use the instance once a month for few hours for testing purposes that's it. I don't want my instance running the whole month and costing me.
Hence I am planning to create an instance whenever I want. To test the code I have to install g++, openGL, boost libraries etc. How can do this using scripts?
I am looking for some scripts which install packages on a freshly installed Windows instance, clone the files from git, build and test the software.
For example for AWS Ubuntu instance I can do the following,
./> ssh -i KeyPairForUbuntu.pem
./> sudo apt install <packages>
./> git clone pathToTheGit
./> run scons scripts to build and run the project
Is there any similar way to do this for Windows?
Please give any suggestions,
try using
its a package management like apt-get for windows

Foundation 5 SCSS installation and Prepros

I installed ruby, Git and Node.js. Then instruction says "Bash", what exactly is Bash? I am using windows and I am newbie for thoese 3 apps they listed.
Is it windows default cmd.exe? ruby.exe or git?
If I manage it to work and created foundation project folder. How to make the foundation5 work with Prepros?
Bash is a Unix Shell, which basically allows you to type commands on your computer to execute tasks.
When you install Git on Windows, you also get a version of Git Bash, which you can use for Git commands.
Your best bet is to use something like Cygwin which replicates unix functionality on a Windows machine. Once you have installed Cygwin, you may need to set up your PATH environment variable so that when you execute git or ruby commands, they know where to look.
There is some help here on setting up environment variables.

How does one start programming with Clojure in Windows?

I know it is possible to use CounterClockwise inside Eclipse, but I have been trying to get Leiningen to work so that I could use ClojureScript.
I downloaded leiningen using git clone. It then says run the script. I have tried lein self-install from inside PowerShell and inside the git bash environment.
In each I get an error about failing to download leiningen (which I thought I had with the git clone? hmm). It is interesting because one reads instructions that include things that don't make sense to Windows.
For example, inside Powershell, Windows doesn't understand export HTTP_CLIENT. It was only inside the git bash that I got a message that it is possible my HTTP client's certificate store does not have the correct certificate authority.
It then suggests this command, which runs ok, export HTTP_CLIENT="curl --insecure -f -L -o"
but it doesn't fix the problem.
The most recommended method AFAIK is to download the script lein.bat and putting it on the PATH environment variable. I've tested this method on several systems (XP, Windows 7). There is no need to build leiningen from a git checkout yourself. If you have a Windows with Powershell installed lein self-install should download the core .jar file inside a directory .lein in your user directory. Else, make sure you install either wget.exe or curl.exe and put it on the PATH.
There is an installer for Leiningen on Windows. You just need to install Java SE 7 JDK and Leiningen for Windows. This page has detailed instructions with screen shots:
Leiningen for Windows creates a PATH variable and Clojure REPL shortcut among other things. From the REPL you can create, build, and automate your Clojure project.